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High Life Formulas

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I've had an enquiry from a doctor regarding one of her patients who is

taking a herbal mix she bought through her hairdresser which is called High

Life Formulas New Life Design and is sold as a metabolic accelerator.

It contains something called Gnetacea major, which I haven't heard of,

Atractaloides, Uva ursi, cascara, cornsilk, polygonum and hawthorn. I don't

know much about Atractaloides, except that kerry Bone says it is an


Does anyone know anything about this product adn about the Gnetacea?

Apparently the patient says it makes her feel speedy.

love, Sara

Sara Hamer, MNIMH and Mark Grimshaw, HMD, FBIH

sara & mark@...


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Hi Sara,

Gnetacea major is not a correct binomial. Gnetaceae is a family name, like

Ephedraceae, and the two are related in being part of a small group of

Gymnosperms that also bear some resemblance to flowering plants

(Angiosperms). Ephedra used to be in the Gnetaceae family. The latter now

only has one genus (Gnetum). Couldn't find a G. major, but Ephedra major is

a well know member of its genus.

The formula you describe (stimulant + diuretic + laxative + hawthorn for

supposed heart boost. All that seems to be missing is caffeine) is a

typical weight loss OTC product that would be euphemistically called a

" metabolic accelerator, " finds it way into various authorities' herbal

ADRs, and generally gives herbal medicine a bad name.

All the best,


At 10:53 26/09/02, you wrote:

>I've had an enquiry from a doctor regarding one of her patients who is

>taking a herbal mix she bought through her hairdresser which is called High

>Life Formulas New Life Design and is sold as a metabolic accelerator.

>It contains something called Gnetacea major, which I haven't heard of,

>Atractaloides, Uva ursi, cascara, cornsilk, polygonum and hawthorn. I don't

>know much about Atractaloides, except that kerry Bone says it is an


>Does anyone know anything about this product adn about the Gnetacea?

>Apparently the patient says it makes her feel speedy.

>love, Sara

>Sara Hamer, MNIMH and Mark Grimshaw, HMD, FBIH

>sara & mark@...






>List Owner




>Graham White, MNIMH



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