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Thanks Shari,

I am trying things at a very slow rate. I like to know what each thing

does. B vitamins have been problematic for us in the past so I've put

that in the future. I'm gathering information about TD-DMPS and so far

it is looking good. Thanks for the info and glad your daughter is

doing well. Have you been doing biomedical treatments for a long time?


> Our daughter is 10 - we are seeing great results with the quintet and


> Shari

>   Re: Intro



>   Hi All,


>   Since I answered a post last night just thought I should introduce

>   myself.  I've been lurking for quite a while.  I am the mom of an

> 11 yo

>   diagnosed with autism at three.  We started out on the educational

> (ABA

>   mostly) track and made great progress but there are a few lingering

>   issues I'm trying to figure out solutions for.  Thanks for all the

> good

>   info!


>   H.




>   Many frequently asked questions and answers can be found at

> <http://forums.autism-rxguidebook.com/default.aspx>






> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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About four years. But, we've only started the MB12 injections 9 months ago.

Re: Intro



> Hi All,


> Since I answered a post last night just thought I should introduce

> myself. I've been lurking for quite a while. I am the mom of an

> 11 yo

> diagnosed with autism at three. We started out on the educational

> (ABA

> mostly) track and made great progress but there are a few lingering

> issues I'm trying to figure out solutions for. Thanks for all the

> good

> info!


> H.




> Many frequently asked questions and answers can be found at

> <http://forums.autism-rxguidebook.com/default.aspx>






> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

> -------


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Love history, Gerard, and do not know nearly enough about New Orleans, a place rich in history, so thanks for sharing.. Have you been to the WWII museum? I saw signs about it all over New Orleans last week. The historian and writer Ambrose, who was so instrumental in establishing that museum had a second home in Bay St. Louis. Before I retired, I was an intensive care nurse, and he was my patient the night he died. One of my sons loves history and was a huge Ambrose fan. So sad to lose him. W.

Re: Intro> > > In my case, when my parents were still living (I was living with > them) my mother due to her health problems was put on a salt> free dite.> > Although we live in New Orleans with quite a bit of spicy foods, > because of the salt restrictions I now rarely use salt & with> the Iodine comments earlier will check my Iodine as soon as I> can go to the store to get some.> > Gerard

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  • 2 years later...

Hello All!

I just joined the group and hope to get some answers about Cirrhosis from

real people, not by googling it. My step-father was diagnosed with Alcohol

Induced Cirrhosis. After retiring I believe he became depressed and started

drinking heavily.

For the past 4 months my mother has taken care of him 24/7. He is so weak

and sleeps approximately 20 hours out of the day. He has lost so much weigh

but has a huge belly and his arms are terribly bruised / spotted.

Could this be that his liver is failing?


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<And now everything my mom made, wore, touched etc..I can't seem to part with.>


Don't rush that.  The time will come when it will seem right to go through your

Mom's things and part with some of them.  Some you'll never want to part with. 

Grief is a process and it shouldn't be rushed.  Let it happen in it's own time. 

The Lord will give you peace about letting go of her things when the time is

right for you.  I'm praying for you cause I've been where you are now.



Re: Intro

Welcome Tina and other new members..I can't keep up today....I'm decluttering

under the house and it is a MESS!

I just wanted to check in and say hi! I'm praying for all of you and yours, lots

of time as I declutter, to ask the Lord to bless you all today.

I am Pamela, caregiver to my mom who died of cirrhosis in Feb '08. Today as I

was going through stuff, I found a box of things we used while caring for mom.

Meds, bed pads, shampoo caps, a baby monitor, thermometer etc.. All over

again..the thoughts came flooding back of when I was turning her every couple

hours, feeding her, giving her meds etc.. But no tears today, which is really

strange, but a welcomed relief from all the other days that I do cry. I miss her

something terrible!!

I know caregiving is hardwork, but hang in there! It is a huge blessing to give

the gift of caregiving! And when you think you can't go on, remember the One who

is helping you, He really will carry you during the hard times, don't be afraid

to ask, He is a great listener!!

I hope you all find help here at this wonderful group. I sure have and continue

to be blessed by the sweet fellowship!

Well, back to it! It feels good to work hard, but I am shocked at how much STUFF

has accumulated over the years. And now everything my mom made, wore, touched

etc..I can't seem to part with.

Blessings All..



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ya, well here I was tucking in the last of the stuff into the medical supplies

box and I found the pink basin they give you at the hospital. Inside it was a

single hair from my mom....that was it.....I burst into tears, to touch a part

of her....I miss her so much!

Jesus can't come soon enough to please me...but I know he is being patient so

everyone can have a chance to know Him.....and these feelings are kind of

worldly, earthly feelings, not heavenly feelings. I don't think I love the way

Jesus loves, but He's working on me.

Thanks for your kind words and prayers Diane!

Love you,


Re: Intro

<And now everything my mom made, wore, touched etc..I can't seem to part



Don't rush that. The time will come when it will seem right to go through

your Mom's things and part with some of them. Some you'll never want to part

with. Grief is a process and it shouldn't be rushed. Let it happen in it's own

time. The Lord will give you peace about letting go of her things when the time

is right for you. I'm praying for you cause I've been where you are now.





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I know you feel better now that you've had a good cry.  Sometimes that really

all we need, just to really boo-hoo for a while.  I'm praying for ya sweetie.



Re: Intro

<And now everything my mom made, wore, touched etc..I can't seem to part with.>


Don't rush that. The time will come when it will seem right to go through your

Mom's things and part with some of them. Some you'll never want to part with.

Grief is a process and it shouldn't be rushed. Let it happen in it's own time.

The Lord will give you peace about letting go of her things when the time is

right for you. I'm praying for you cause I've been where you are now.

Hugs........ .



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, what a post. God must have chosen  which box for you to open......the

one that would mean the most to you right at that time. How wonderful.  I hope

you do share the poem with us.




We don't remember days, we remember moments.

Life is not measured by the breaths we take,but by the moments that take our

breath away.

Subject: Re: Intro

To: livercirrhosissupport

Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 5:22 AM

i have a chest type table i keep memories of my son in ...i was looking

for a book this morn and thought maybe i put it in the chest to keep it away

from my grandson. i opened the chest and had to read the last mothers day card

my son gave to me after he died...he had prob 2 dozen boxes transported to my

home when he died the service people brought them to me from VA..then the

funeral director brought them to my home...they were piled up in my kitchen

every one told me to leave them alone for now ...all i wanted to do was smell

him feel him...i opened one box ...let me open one box so i did of all the boxes

i could of opened it was the one that had the belated mothers day card on

top...he told me how much he loved me all that i taught him and how i helped to

form him as a man...he talked about respect...then wrote me a poem...i will

share if you want me to...later.. .OH what a gift from my Lord...

____________ _________ _________ __

From: " robwalkingeagle@ yahoo.com " <robwalkingeagle@ yahoo.com>

To: Livercirrhosissuppo rt <livercirrhosissuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com>

Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 4:29:37 AM

Subject: Re: Intro

There is a green shirt I have on the back of my couch, and I call it my crying

shirt. She wore it on the visit to the hepatologist. She wore it again in the

ambulance to the hospice. I drink my coffee from a cup I gave her in 1997. I

gave her my stuffed frog for Christmas in 2004, and somehow had a feeling I

would be getting it back. Ardis named him " Jaques Peppin " and you see him with

me in every picture on my blog in the hospital.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Re: Intro

ya, well here I was tucking in the last of the stuff into the medical supplies

box and I found the pink basin they give you at the hospital. Inside it was a

single hair from my mom....that was it.....I burst into tears, to touch a part

of her....I miss her so much!

Jesus can't come soon enough to please me...but I know he is being patient so

everyone can have a chance to know Him.....and these feelings are kind of

worldly, earthly feelings, not heavenly feelings. I don't think I love the way

Jesus loves, but He's working on me.

Thanks for your kind words and prayers Diane!

Love you,


Re: Intro

<And now everything my mom made, wore, touched etc..I can't seem to part with.>


Don't rush that. The time will come when it will seem right to go through your

Mom's things and part with some of them.. Some you'll never want to part with.

Grief is a process and it shouldn't be rushed. Let it happen in it's own time.

The Lord will give you peace about letting go of her things when the time is

right for you. I'm praying for you cause I've been where you are now.

Hugs........ .



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Oh , how precious to have those things from your son.  Treasures you will

always have to keep near you.  From the things you have written, I know he was a

wonderful young man.  If you would like to share the poem, by all means, we

would love to read it.  However, if it is too personal, don't feel obligated to

share it with us.  You always have my prayers , and my gratitude.  Nothing

could ever repay you for the life of your child, yet he gave it willingly for

his country.  Please know we are forever in your debt.  My prayers are with you

as you face your emptiness.

Love and hugs...........


Re: Intro

<And now everything my mom made, wore, touched etc..I can't seem to part with.>


Don't rush that. The time will come when it will seem right to go through your

Mom's things and part with some of them.. Some you'll never want to part with.

Grief is a process and it shouldn't be rushed. Let it happen in it's own time.

The Lord will give you peace about letting go of her things when the time is

right for you. I'm praying for you cause I've been where you are now.

Hugs........ .



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Hi Tina,

Yes, cirrhosis causes extreme fatigue and weakness.  My husband is to the point

now that he barely has enough energy to go from his bed to his recliner.  He

hardly eats anymore because it makes him nauseous.  I could go on and on, but I

believe you understand.  I am so sorry about your step-dad's cancer and all the

other issues he is dealing with.  Please know he, your Mom and you and all

family are in my prayers.




Hello All!

I just joined the group and hope to get some answers about Cirrhosis from

real people, not by googling it. My step-father was diagnosed with Alcohol

Induced Cirrhosis. After retiring I believe he became depressed and started

drinking heavily.

For the past 4 months my mother has taken care of him 24/7. He is so weak

and sleeps approximately 20 hours out of the day. He has lost so much weigh

but has a huge belly and his arms are terribly bruised / spotted.

Could this be that his liver is failing?


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I can relate to your story.  My stepdad lives in my dad's and mom's home (where

my brothere and I were raised) and somehow the house that mom always told us

that would be ours because of daddy is now in my stepfather's name......mom

passed many years ago.  I haven't spoken to him since 2003 when my half-brother

died and don't plan on talking to him again.  I don't want anything to happen to

him but have no desire to open that communication again.  I just don't have the

energy anymore.  I stay tired and I hurt all over.



From: diane chandler <dianechandler@ att.net>

Subject: Re: Intro

To: livercirrhosissuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com

Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 10:15 PM

<And now everything my mom made, wore, touched etc..I can't seem to part with.>


Don't rush that.  The time will come when it will seem right to go through your

Mom's things and part with some of them.  Some you'll never want to part with. 

Grief is a process and it shouldn't be rushed.  Let it happen in it's own time. 

The Lord will give you peace about letting go of her things when the time is

right for you.  I'm praying for you cause I've been where you are now.

Hugs........ .


Re: Intro

Welcome Tina and other new members..I can't keep up today....I'm decluttering

under the house and it is a MESS!

I just wanted to check in and say hi! I'm praying for all of you and yours, lots

of time as I declutter, to ask the Lord to bless you all today.

I am Pamela, caregiver to my mom who died of cirrhosis in Feb '08. Today as I

was going through stuff, I found a box of things we used while caring for mom.

Meds, bed pads, shampoo caps, a baby monitor, thermometer etc.. All over

again..the thoughts came flooding back of when I was turning her every couple

hours, feeding her, giving her meds etc.. But no tears today, which is really

strange, but a welcomed relief from all the other days that I do cry. I miss her

something terrible!!

I know caregiving is hardwork, but hang in there! It is a huge blessing to give

the gift of caregiving! And when you think you can't go on, remember the One who

is helping you, He really will carry you during the hard times, don't be afraid

to ask, He is a great listener!!

I hope you all find help here at this wonderful group. I sure have and continue

to be blessed by the sweet fellowship!

Well, back to it! It feels good to work hard, but I am shocked at how much STUFF

has accumulated over the years. And now everything my mom made, wore, touched

etc..I can't seem to part with.

Blessings All..



----- Original Message -----

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Thanks Diane. How long has your husband had cirrhosis? I feel for you as I

know how exhausted my mom is.

Yesterday my dad fell and she had to have Fire Rescue come to help her get

him in bed. She says he is just getting weaker by the day and he hardly

eats a thing...but his belly gets bigger.

I think he's depressed to as my mom says he barely talks when he is awake

and he's alienated himself from everyone.



From: livercirrhosissupport

[mailto:livercirrhosissupport ] On Behalf Of diane chandler

Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 9:44 AM

To: livercirrhosissupport

Subject: Re: Intro

Hi Tina,

Yes, cirrhosis causes extreme fatigue and weakness. My husband is to the

point now that he barely has enough energy to go from his bed to his

recliner. He hardly eats anymore because it makes him nauseous. I could go

on and on, but I believe you understand. I am so sorry about your

step-dad's cancer and all the other issues he is dealing with. Please know

he, your Mom and you and all family are in my prayers.




Hello All!

I just joined the group and hope to get some answers about Cirrhosis from

real people, not by googling it. My step-father was diagnosed with Alcohol

Induced Cirrhosis. After retiring I believe he became depressed and started

drinking heavily.

For the past 4 months my mother has taken care of him 24/7. He is so weak

and sleeps approximately 20 hours out of the day. He has lost so much weigh

but has a huge belly and his arms are terribly bruised / spotted.

Could this be that his liver is failing?


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Oh Lord, Jill, I can't even imagine that.  I am so very sorry you have had to

live through that.  It is very strange to me that he would react in that manner,

especially since they were together for so many years.  Gosh, so even though

she's been gone for 4 years, you only got to go through her things one year

ago.  Your grief is still very fresh then.  Going through the possesions opens

the wounds back up and makes everything so fresh all over again.  I am just so,

so sorry.  I just don't even have words to express myself.

Love and hugs...........


Re: Intro

Welcome Tina and other new members..I can't keep up today....I'm decluttering

under the house and it is a MESS!

I just wanted to check in and say hi! I'm praying for all of you and yours, lots

of time as I declutter, to ask the Lord to bless you all today.

I am Pamela, caregiver to my mom who died of cirrhosis in Feb '08. Today as I

was going through stuff, I found a box of things we used while caring for mom.

Meds, bed pads, shampoo caps, a baby monitor, thermometer etc.. All over

again..the thoughts came flooding back of when I was turning her every couple

hours, feeding her, giving her meds etc.. But no tears today, which is really

strange, but a welcomed relief from all the other days that I do cry. I miss her

something terrible!!

I know caregiving is hardwork, but hang in there! It is a huge blessing to give

the gift of caregiving! And when you think you can't go on, remember the One who

is helping you, He really will carry you during the hard times, don't be afraid

to ask, He is a great listener!!

I hope you all find help here at this wonderful group. I sure have and continue

to be blessed by the sweet fellowship!

Well, back to it! It feels good to work hard, but I am shocked at how much STUFF

has accumulated over the years. And now everything my mom made, wore, touched

etc..I can't seem to part with.

Blessings All..



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I think maybe that's it Tina.  I know I have a sister who just ignores her

health issues and I'm like, you have kids and grandkids that need you!  Why

don't you take better care of yourself and get yourself to a doctor?!  I just

don't understand it!  Makes me want to take hold of her and just shake some

sense into her!!!  LOL!  I'm prayin for ya sweetie.




Hello All!

I just joined the group and hope to get some answers about Cirrhosis from

real people, not by googling it. My step-father was diagnosed with Alcohol

Induced Cirrhosis. After retiring I believe he became depressed and started

drinking heavily.

For the past 4 months my mother has taken care of him 24/7. He is so weak

and sleeps approximately 20 hours out of the day. He has lost so much weigh

but has a huge belly and his arms are terribly bruised / spotted.

Could this be that his liver is failing?


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