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Fw: end stage of cirrhosis

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----- Forwarded Message ----

To: livercirrhosissupport

Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2008 2:55:43 PM

Subject: Re: end stage of cirrhosis

Hi, Maureen.My name is Bobby, and I have cirrhosis.I am so sorry to hear about

your husband. You didn't mention how old he is. Cirrhosis is the end stage of

liver disease. There is no known cure. The only treatment that can save the life

of someone who has decompensated cirrhosis is a liver transplant. Decompensation

is when certain major complications have developed. These are usually the signs

that the diseased liver is beginning to fail. A person can not live without a

liver. Even a small amount of function can keep a person alive for a while, but

a failing liver is a bad sign. A swollen belly, swollen feet,legs,bleeding from

the esophagus, (a medical emergency that results in a 50% mortality rate from

the first bleed) Yellow

eyes, profound mental changes.(Subtle changes can be a sign of liver

encephalopathy too, but if the changes are severe, then it is almost certain

toxins are crossing from the blood into the brain. The effect is a lot like

alcohol. Slurred speech, flapping hands, anger,memory loss, talking complete

nonsense, a foul fruity smelling breath, these are some signs of more advanced

encephalopathy. A lot of us in this group are being treated for this condition,

with a medication that is an osmotic laxitive. For a person with end stage liver

disease, the colon is rife with toxins that can travel from the portal vein in

the bloodstream to the brain. The liver is full of scar tissue, and cannot

circulate blood in a normal fashion. So, blood finds ways around the liver.

Certain vessels swell up. In the esophagus, rectum, belly,lungs. Nitric oxide

builds up in the body,causes the spleen to enlarge. This can cause back pain.

Here are some links for you. This

link is very scientific sounding, because it isn't for us, it's for doctors,

but I allways go here to refresh my mind. If you have any questions about

certain words, just post them. There are many folks here who know a hell of a

lot more than a lot of doctors. They can answer your questions for sure, and if

they can't they will look it up for you.


This one has signs and symptoms in table 2. It is the best I have ever found to

answer some of these questions


Good luck to you, Maureen.

end stage of cirrhosis

what are the signs of end stage of cirrhosis. My husband has

cirrhosis and stubborn won't go to the doctor. Pain in back losing

weight and tired alot. please info will be helpful




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