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Re: Litigation-Generated Science: Why Should we Care?

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Science and litigation have never had any links and never will.

Remember the following examples.

No link has ever been found between silicone implants and any medical

disorders, yet an entire industry was put out of business as a result

of the lawsuits.

No link has ever been found between mold exposure and any medical

condition. While it may rot your house, it won't hurt you. Yet

millions of dollars is going to lawyers and parents are afraid to send

their children to schools because of " Black Mold. "

Until we get tort reform, this problem will never be resolved.


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In the reference you cited, the author makes the following quote.“Our analysis does not prove that dampness and mold cause these health effects,†says Fisk.If the author freely admits to not finding proof, I believe it is hard for readers to interpret it as such.Danny

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Oh Danny Boy!

Seems you cited what you wanted to hear and disregarded the rest....like the sentences directly following your myopic quote:

“Our analysis does not prove that dampness and mold cause these health effects,†says Fisk. “However, the consistent and relatively strong associations of dampness with adverse health effects strongly suggest causation by dampness-related [pollutant] exposures.â€

The second paper, by Mudarri of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Fisk uses results of the first paper plus additional data on dampness prevalence to estimate that 21 percent of current asthma cases in the U.S. are attributable to dampness and mold exposure.

“Of the 21.8 million people reported to have asthma in the U.S., approximately 4.6 million cases are estimated to be attributable to dampness and mold exposure in the home,†says the study. In addition, this paper estimates that “the national annual cost of asthma that is attributable to dampness and mold exposure in the home is $3.5 billion.†The paper also summarizes the considerable evidence of adverse health effects from dampness and mold in offices and schools, and suggests that exposure to dampness and mold in those venues appear to have similar health impacts on those exposed.

Mudarri and Fisk suggest that “a significant community response†is warranted given the size of the population affected and the large economic costs. Preventative and corrective actions include:

better moisture control during the building’s design; moisture control practices during construction; improved preventive maintenance of existing buildings to include a comprehensive moisture control program including control of water intrusions from outside, plumbing leaks, condensation and humidity control, and other causes of moisture accumulation or mold growth.


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Early on in the research into any area there is plenty of evidence but not yet adequate proof; are you asking for a miracle to change this reality or what?

In any area where health of people or animals or even other life forms that support our healthy existence is at risk we use an approach that we will move on in that area while we are simultaneously getting "the proof" as you seem to want or need.

Please reply to my prior questions as to your education, source of funding, etc. This may help us interpret your questions.

Jim H. White SSC

Re: Litigation-Generated Science: Why Should we Care?

In the reference you cited, the author makes the following quote.“Our analysis does not prove that dampness and mold cause these health effects,†says Fisk.If the author freely admits to not finding proof, I believe it is hard for readers to interpret it as such.Danny

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