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Re: Question

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Alice's and Bo's and Merry's voices have some familiarity to me.

I often like to talk in metaphors, but I am asking this question directly in


Is there anyone on this list serve other than I who appreciates the brooding

darkness and blood and guts of existence as much as the sugar, spice,

pigtails and glory-of-God part?

Since reading Jung, I bought into the idea that it is the " nice-lady " or

church-group mentality that ultimately leads to wars and 'evil', if you

will, by not accepting and being familiar enough with blood and guts to deal

with it evenly, causing it to erupt. Most of the material on this list serve

feels like church group talk to me.

I have no problem with killing or wars going on, as I have stated, yet I

will personally paddle a canoe to shore to let a spider off on land so as to

shelter it from being inadvertently stepped on or something. I believe my

peaceful mode of life in part stems from the fact that I not only accept

killing and wars as part of life, but appreciate them - even love them, I

think. I would feel like I was in the Twilight Zone if the killing stopped.

It would scare me a lot! I do not see the fact that I choose not to

participate in physical killing and wars as a contradiction, since I don't

owe anything to principle, a very cerebral and callow concept in my opinion.

Let's talk about this stuff. If I have to go back and re-read Jung to

properly understand what he said, I will. Thanks.


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Hi Cov ,

I think we have a darker side to us that needs feeding heh?? gwynne

> Alice's and Bo's and Merry's voices have some familiarity to me.


> I often like to talk in metaphors, but I am asking this question directly


> seriousness.


> Is there anyone on this list serve other than I who appreciates the


> darkness and blood and guts of existence as much as the sugar, spice,

> pigtails and glory-of-God part?


> Since reading Jung, I bought into the idea that it is the " nice-lady " or

> church-group mentality that ultimately leads to wars and 'evil', if you

> will, by not accepting and being familiar enough with blood and guts to


> with it evenly, causing it to erupt. Most of the material on this list


> feels like church group talk to me.


> I have no problem with killing or wars going on, as I have stated, yet I

> will personally paddle a canoe to shore to let a spider off on land so as


> shelter it from being inadvertently stepped on or something. I believe my

> peaceful mode of life in part stems from the fact that I not only accept

> killing and wars as part of life, but appreciate them - even love them, I

> think. I would feel like I was in the Twilight Zone if the killing


> It would scare me a lot! I do not see the fact that I choose not to

> participate in physical killing and wars as a contradiction, since I don't

> owe anything to principle, a very cerebral and callow concept in my



> Let's talk about this stuff. If I have to go back and re-read Jung to

> properly understand what he said, I will. Thanks.


> Cov








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  • 2 years later...

I did have spotting with my daughter in the early weeks too... but from what I

read many, many people have spotting so I am not sure of the link... ,

Mom to , 5 MDSFrom: Jim and Tanner [mailto:

twojets@...]To: MosaicDS@...: Thu, 19 Dec 2002

12:07:22 -0600Subject: QuestionI have been looking back over my pregnancy

with ph, now 4 months. I experienced spotting during the first 8 or so weeks

of my pregnancy. It was very scary at the time. I was having an ultrasound every

week in those early days to make sure everything was okay. The doctor was never

able to give any reason for the spotting. After reading back over the materials

on the website, Joe's MDS probably occurred very early in the 4 cell stage

because 3/4 of his cells have 47 chromosomes and 1/4 have 46. I was wondering if

this spotting could have been occurring at the same time this " copying error "

was occurring in the pregnancy. I'm not a medical person, but my husband and I

were just discussing it last night. I thought I'd ask if any of the other MDS

mothers experienced any spotting during the early months of their pregnancy.

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Hi ,

I went for an ultrasound at 10 wks. and everything looked fine, at 12

wks. I started bleeding, then hemorrhaging, I was literally gushing blood

when I stood to walk. I went to the ER where they did a probing

ultrasound(the wand they insert) vs. the abdominal ultrasound. They found a

hemorrhagic cyst on my left ovary that had ruptured and was bleeding. After

a couple days the bleeding stopped and I was put on bed rest for two weeks.

Medical journals say that any sign of spotting before the 28th week

of pregnancy indicates that there is a chance of miscarriage, although I

have heard of spotting in people with otherwise completely normal


Take care.


(Mom to , 2 yrs.on Sat. w/MDS)

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Yes, I did. If my memory serves me correctly, I was around 10 weeks.

has 65% affected cells. Interesting thought.


Jim and Tanner wrote:

>I have been looking back over my pregnancy with ph, now 4 months. I

experienced spotting during the first 8 or so weeks of my pregnancy. It was

very scary at the time. I was having an ultrasound every week in those early

days to make sure everything was okay. The doctor was never able to give any

reason for the spotting. After reading back over the materials on the website,

Joe's MDS probably occurred very early in the 4 cell stage because 3/4 of his

cells have 47 chromosomes and 1/4 have 46. I was wondering if this spotting

could have been occurring at the same time this " copying error " was occurring in

the pregnancy. I'm not a medical person, but my husband and I were just

discussing it last night. I thought I'd ask if any of the other MDS mothers

experienced any spotting during the early months of their pregnancy.




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> >I have been looking back over my pregnancy with ph, now 4

months. I experienced spotting during the first 8 or so weeks of my

pregnancy. It was very scary at the time. I was having an

ultrasound every week in those early days to make sure everything was

okay. The doctor was never able to give any reason for the spotting.

After reading back over the materials on the website, Joe's MDS

probably occurred very early in the 4 cell stage because 3/4 of his

cells have 47 chromosomes and 1/4 have 46. I was wondering if this

spotting could have been occurring at the same time this " copying

error " was occurring in the pregnancy. I'm not a medical person, but

my husband and I were just discussing it last night. I thought I'd

ask if any of the other MDS mothers experienced any spotting during

the early months of their pregnancy.

> >

> >

> >

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I never had a prob at all, yet a couple of friends have had spotting

every pregnancy, with no complications either

> I have been looking back over my pregnancy with ph, now 4

months. I experienced spotting during the first 8 or so weeks of my

pregnancy. It was very scary at the time. I was having an

ultrasound every week in those early days to make sure everything was

okay. The doctor was never able to give any reason for the spotting.

After reading back over the materials on the website, Joe's MDS

probably occurred very early in the 4 cell stage because 3/4 of his

cells have 47 chromosomes and 1/4 have 46. I was wondering if this

spotting could have been occurring at the same time this " copying

error " was occurring in the pregnancy. I'm not a medical person, but

my husband and I were just discussing it last night. I thought I'd

ask if any of the other MDS mothers experienced any spotting during

the early months of their pregnancy.




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I never had any spotting in my pregnancy with Ariel but I have always had two

theories in mind when I let myself....First is that possibly I got pregnant

too soon after my first pregnancy (Ariels brothers-Jonathen and were

born in march of 93' and I had Ariel January of 94'-Unfortunitely they came

too early and are back in heaven) The other theory is that Ariel was a twin

and the other twin never developed. (I allow myself this one because my

other 2 pregnancies were both spontaneous sets of twins-both identical) I

brought this one up because in some cases of spotting women sometimes find

out it was a lost twin.....

Mom to Ariel 8 soon to be 9

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Hi, I also had some spotting but it was quite late at 16-17 weeks. It

was enough that I went into the hospital and had a scan and

rhesus injection (I am O-). Dan is only 17% affected by mds but if I

remember my biology right his development was probably too far

on at this stage for the division to be happening then (I could be

wrong on this). In my previous two pregnancies I didn't have any


Dr Maguire

Course Director(Environmental Sciences)

Teaching and Learning Development Unit

School of Biological and Environmental Science

University of Ulster


Northern Ireland

BT52 1SA


Tel: 02870-324413

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  • 3 years later...
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First off, welcome to the board. Lots of good ideas here. Has your son ever had a rectal prolapse/bowel prolapse from any of his blockages? Three prolapses is what started us on the CF and Miralax journeys. Thankfully, my son had a sweat test and it came back negative. I am a carrier and my late husband tested negative for all of the then-identifiable variations. However, as we both know, there are many more that are undetectable than detectable. That being said, I've found success with benefiber and cutting out all "raw" dairy - no straight milk, no ice creams, no soft cheeses (i.e., mozzarella, cream cheese, etc.). We found that my son is allergic to the protein, but seems to be okay with cooked or aged milk products, as well as most yogurts. I ran it by his immunologist/allergist who seems to believe it is related to the heating/culturing process

and that it may cause a change in the protein strand, thus changing the reaction. Is you son on any specific diets? Does he tend to "crave" certain foods? We found that, for both myself and my son, the foods we are allergic to are the ones we seem to crave the most (literally - my son knows that if he eats ice cream he will have an ear infection, guaranteed, 2 to 3 days later yet he still busts for that ice cream). Do food allergies tend to run in your family? That may be a starting point. Stomach pain is associated with dairy protein allergy... Carolyn Arceneaux wrote: Hi All, I am new to this list and heard about it on Cystic-L or cfparent (I can't remember which). I have a son with CF that was born with a blockage in his small intestine and had to have surgery when he was a day old. We got out of the hospital and everything has been great with his health and he has been able to be in the 80% for weight and height. About two years ago he got blocked up again and we went into the hospital and they got the blockage moving without surgery. They did put him on 1 cap full of miralax a day and protonix. He did not have any problems for two years then this year in Feb he got blocked up again and we were in the hospital. They did once again get it moving without surgery but they upped the miralax to 2 cap full a day. Since then he still has had stomach pain. It is always a different times of the day so there is not one thing setting him off. When his stomach hurts it doesn't last too long but I just hate that he is having pain at

all. I have talk to the Dr and they say when his stomach hurts give him more miralax. They also say he just will probably have stomach pain his whole life due to the cf and he had the blockage at birth. Does anyone have any suggestions? I know his is a bit more difficult because he gets blocked up in his small intestine rather than his large.I cannot accept that this is just the way it is. The other day his stomach was hurting and he had a soccer game. At the game he didn't want to sit out but he was running around holding his stomach. I just hate when he is hurting and trying his hardest to keep going. Has anyone had this same situation and also has cf? Well thanks in advance for all the help and responses!! Carolyn mom to r 7 and Branson 4 both wcf from this group, send an email to: miralax-unsubscribe

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just venting....seems they don't even try to think out of the box and to condemn a parent to believe that that's the way it is going to be forever just makes one ill. It is so sad that they don't get more nutritional/biochem in the med studies. Meanwhile, we feel your pain...hopefully others can help...I'm still trying to figure my guy out :-(


>I have talk to the Dr and they say when his stomach hurts give him more miralax. They also say he just will probably have stomach pain his whole life due to the cf and he had the blockage at birth.

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I usually use the brat diet when he's just plain sick, but I remember my ped telling my mother to use it when I had a stomach bug. Thankfully, Sammy's only had a tummy bug two or three times - more than enough considering how sick they made him. I know chocolate is a no-no...one of the reasons I always laughed at ex-lax chocolates (talk about a conflict of interest!).Robbi Mac wrote: Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast all binding. Fried foods binding. Dairy is binding for many children. Chocolates as well. Chocolates take out the water from the body which is needed in the colon to make soft stools. FYI. Reply-To: miralax Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:53:32 -0700

(PDT)To: miralax Subject: Re: question I don't think grilled chicken is a problem (my son's crave is fried chicken anything...nuggets, breat strips, etc...and french fries). Fried food tends to muck things up, so I've cut back to the bone on those. Rice, though, is another story. I'm thinking the "brat" diet, and albeit rice is usually bland, it's probably binding as well (W, please jump in here to confirm or rebut). Benefiber is available in any drug or larger food market (i.e., Pathmark, Stop n Shop, A & P). I know that Target and Walmart both carry it as well. Not to expensive given how far a small amount goes. I give Sammy (5-1/2 yo, about 44 lbs) two tablespoons in his juice, which more or less is stretched out over the day at school. I would run it by your sons ped GI or nutritionist, if you

have one, to make sure you don't need to increase his fluid intake, which may mess with the salt ratio.' FYI, rectal prolapse is where the very end of the colon "mushrooms" out of the anus after hard pushing. Not pleasant for sufferer or parent, since you usually need to manipulate it back into place (sorry guys, but I think we're all used to the gross stuff, and the info may be of help to someone else). It tends to happen more to kids with CF, and since I'm a carrier that was the next natural direction for the GI to take. Let me know how all goes.

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You can get benefiber at any supermarket pharmacy, or walmart/target

type of store, it is sold next to other fiber types of products like

metamucil, etc. It comes in a green lidded bottle. Get the powdered

form and not the pills as the pills have other ingredients in them,

i.e. I'm pretty sure it has some polyethylene glycol in it, in a

lower molecular weight, probably something like 400, so that it helps

to dissolve the pill. Anyway, the powder is just hydrolyzed guar gum

(derived from a bean, not a corn product). Give it a try. Look up

Benefiber at


if you have questions or want to see a picture of it before you head

to the supermarket. (I don't think GNC has it)

Rice is a starch and for some can make constipation worse, but again,

getting the fiber and liquid in, in addition to some type of

magnesium, can help... i.e. I know from the cystic fibrosis list,

that Kim Payne talks a lot about the importance of magnesium and

cystic fibrosis, so if you don't do any magnesium now, talk to

her/look up her old posts on that cf parents board. They're really




>I will try the benifiber. Where do you get it? Can you get it at

GNC? Do you know if grilled chicken and rice could have any affect on

this? Thanks for all your help!!


> -Carolyn


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That reminds me of how my husband's ex would give my younger stepson the things he is most allergic to, then complain about his behavior (this was especially the case with dairy - he would get beligerent and violent). Even after we spent over $5k out of pocket to treat the allergies. And she would stop the sublingual drops whenever he was there (at this point he was living with us; he eventually moved back in with her). Then years later all of a sudden we got a call from the allergist's office confirming an appointment SHE made. Sometimes we (meaning "they") wake up too damn late. I hope yours wake up sooner. Robbi Mac wrote: I'll try your advice. I believe in always trying, one never knows! LOL!However sadly as

our pediatrician stated, doesn't matter what I state is in the best interests of our child, even if it's orders from a doctor. They will do what they want to do with our child and sadly there really isn't anything I am able to do legally. Awful. Reply-To: miralax Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 22:43:20 -0000To: miralax Subject: Re: question Give the carob a try Robbi--my guess is that it probably isn't constipating but I don't know for sure, and may be a decent way to substitute some "treat" with the ex/mother in law... i.e. buy them the treats and say "here, give THIS instead of chocolate please, it's per our GI doc instructions that he NOT have chocolate, and this tastes similar so please do this to help him".W

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  • 1 year later...


Thank you for the response. I work for the federal government and

although I have seen really innapropiate behavior in others, for

some reason I think my situation will affect me, I talk about with

my supervisor. This is just painful. In general most people in the

office think that I am the nicest person around (actually they are

trying to make me different) and I wouldn't do anything that would

either jeopardize my career or cause problems due to my condition.

However for some reason I think that if say something (just explain

the situation) I will loose my job. This may be irrational, but I

do know how people in this world could be cruel, and definitelly

know that little things under the wrong circumstances may cause

bigger things. It may not be fair but is life.

I have not done anything wrong and will never do anything

innapropiate (I know how to behave professionally), but I feel

trobled by just thinking in taking the risk of talking to my

supervisor about this issue. Will I be placed on some type of

leave, asked to resign? I do not think this is a solution and will

not be fair. I highly regard my job and enjoy it, and the idea of

being jeopardized scares me beyond understanding, it is not fair.

But I may be way ahead in my thinking. This may not even happen, it

may be irrational.

I have arranged a meeting with my supervisor this Tuesday and I am

thinking of rescheduling it, because I am not ready. I have my

first meeting with a psychologist next week and was thinking of

rescheduling the meeting with my supervisor for after I talk with

the therapist.

I appreciate the feedback and advice,


> >

> > Marsha/Group,

> >

> > May be this has been discussed before in this group, but do you


> > think that is a good idea to talk to your supervisor/boss about


> > sensitivity.


> ***** I think this is a good idea, especially if it is causing

> problems in the workplace. I think a quiet composed conversation


> best, without a lot of emotional content, think of presenting the


> you have, say, serious diabetes or a retinal condition, and think


> the various work-related issues that might come up, i.e., need a

> special diet at the parties to need better lighting or visual


> is a medical condition with symptoms and you can create a short

list of

> your concerns, i.e., in quiet situations, difficulty with gum


> I would print out and take in some of the pages from my websites,


> 1 or 2, and summarize what you are in need of, or what you need to


> to be comfortable. Also emphasize confidentiality with the boss


> encrouage questions.




> I am concerned that somehow she will not understand and

> > that will affect my job, although my performance has not

declined and

> > I don't have serious diffuclties I cannot handle. But I am


> > concerned. I waited and worked hard to obtain my current job,

that I

> > am afraid that this may affect me.


> ***I would emphasize that part. This meeting is about 'FYI' kind


> thing only, not a whining or complaining sessions, just an aside


> say, look, I would like you to know.......however, my work has

been and

> will be up to my usual excellent standards.

> >

> > What do you think?

> >

> > Waleska

> >


> **You are protected under the American Disabilities Act of 1999


> as we all know, you can be fired for other things. So take it in


> steps and just keep it short and sweet, an FYI thing so she knows


> you get up and move at a meeting, there is a reason, not just


> weird.


> Marsha JOhnson


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  • 1 year later...
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You may have some problems with regression.

Maybe you can get with the Arc of Texas, so an advocate or parental network they

can help u with your rights, they have a book you can download online with all

the forms letters and all the info about your rights also, they even have links

to vaccinations forms to not put all of them at once and allowed you to wait,

and if that doesn't work then, you can get a lawyer.

In my district the school pay's the fee's.

If you need the more info, just let me know

Mother to 3 boy's with autism.


> Subject: Question

> To: Texas-Autism-Advocacy

> Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 10:18 AM


































> I have a question

> regarding ARD process. 

> What rights do I have as a parent if I don’t agree

> with placement for my son?





> My son is 16 and in the

> 9th

> grade.  The school wants to send him to another high

> school with 8 weeks left in

> the school year.  He has issues with behavior and the

> transition to another

> school site I feel will do more harm then

> good.





> Thanks so

> much





> Tammy










































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I suggest calling Family to Family Network at .


> I have a question regarding ARD process. What rights do I have as a parent

> if I don't agree with placement for my son?




> My son is 16 and in the 9th grade. The school wants to send him to another

> high school with 8 weeks left in the school year. He has issues with

> behavior and the transition to another school site I feel will do more harm

> then good.




> Thanks so much




> Tammy


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