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Fw: Importance of early evaluation in Chronic Pain Patients

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Here is another article on Chronic Pain I lifted from another list I

belong to. Ray in Virginia

Subject: [RISG-INFO/SUPP] Importance of early evaluation in Chronic Pain


>RISG-L http://www.risg.org " WE ARE SURVIVORS "



>The Necessity for Early Evaluation of the Chronic Pain Patient


>(A consensus statement from the American Academy of Pain Medicine.)


>Millions of people suffer from chronic or intractable pain. Persistent

pain varies in etiology and

>presentation. In some cases, symptoms and signs may be evident within a

few weeks to a few months

>after the occurrence of an injury or the onset of disease.The cause of

pain is not always known or

>apparent. For many patients, initial medical evaluation and treatments

effectively relieve pain that

>might otherwise become chronic. Like many illnesses that at one time

were not well understood, pain

>and its many manifestations may be poorly treated and seriously


>pediatric and adult population, and often leads to mood disorders,

including depression and in rare

>cases, suicide.


>This consensus statement applies to patients who have chronic or

intractable pain. In some cases,

>the underlying cause of the pain may remain unclear, or misdiagnosis

may occur. Both situations can

>cause patients even greater despair and lead to possible overuse of

healthcare resources. Each

>physician bears the responsibility to evaluate and treat persistent

pain as a serious medical

>condition. Principal treatment physicians must approach each patient

with respect and urgency and

>provide appropriate and timely referrals to a Pain Medicine specialist

when primary medical care has

>not been effective. Such referrals are appropriate because Pain

Medicine specialists can provide a

>more advanced level of treatment to patients suffering from chronic or

intractable pain. The

>diagnosis and management of chronic pain is a complex process requiring

intensive, comprehensive,

>and interdisciplinary services for optimum treatment outcomes. Thorough

and effective pain

>evaluation and control must be the primary goals. These goals must be

met within a few weeks to a

>few months of onset or initial occurrence in order to prevent

progressive pain, associated

>morbidity, and increased costs. As physicians, we are trained to

preserve patients' quality of life

>and relieve their pain and suffering. We must use all available

resources to achieve these goals for

>our patients.


>This statement was prepared by the following AAPM Clinical Practice

Committee members: Dana Simon,

>MD (Chair); Miroslav Backonja, MD; Harold Mersky, MD (Consultant);

Seymour , MD; Saper,

>MD (Consultant); Philipp Lippe, MD; J. Haddox, DDS MD; Gerald

Aronoff, MD; Brose, MD;

>Rollin Gallagher, MD MPH; Elliot Krames, MD; Norman Marcus, MD;

Mauskop, MD;

>North, MD; Payne, MD; Portenoy, MD; Rachlin, MD;

L. Ready, MD; C.

>Rowlingson, MD; Rucker, MD; Stanton-Hicks, MBBS DrMed;

Carol A. Warfield, MD; and

> , MBSS PhD.




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