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pale stools , what do they mean? / update on from CA

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Hi Bob,

Thanks so much. Sorry to hear your ribs are still giving you such

pain. I was hoping they had done something for you in that regard.

I am hanging in. I caught a damn doosey of a cold that I am finally

getting over but had a really nice Christmas and New years. Glad

that it is over so we (The Dr's) can all get back to work.

The commitee met before Christmas and decided that everything was a

go to get me on the list with the exception of something with my

heart. I thought we had that all taken care of with the angio and

various scans, etc....The pulmonary team said OK, and cardio said OK

anesthesia said OK, the Surgeon said OK. (Let's not forget,

financial, social workers, pysch, dietitions, and co-ordinators) Then

the committee still wasn't happy about something.

I have appt's this week with my Head Transplant Dr and also with the

Cardiologist at the heart institute.

I think they just want everything as *perfect* as it can be.

Now that the holidays are over I want to get the ball rolling.

I almost went down over New Years to help decorate the float for the

parade but they wanted you for 8 hours in a very cold, damp building

and I was just getting over my cold and thought better of it. Next

Year, with my new Liver!

I have a new thing....Where are all the places will take her

new liver? What will we do together? What kind of adventures can

and her new liver have? Hopefully a bunch of wonderful


Here is to Penny and her new liver!


> Hi . I hope you are hanging in there, and getting on that

list. I think that a lack of bile can be a cause of stools being

pale. This is one thing that clued me in to the fact that I was sick,

besides the pain back in June 06. My stools were bright yellow to

clay colered. I looked it up, and it said many places that bile

colors stools to be brown, but a lack of it makes tham clay. Mine

were flourescent yellow to black?green. Sorry everyone. Sorry .


> pale stools , what do they mean?















> Hi all. Just a quick question. All along I have had

constipation. I


> am on lactalose. Haven't changed my diet and all of a sudden my



> are looking pale. The Dr's kept asking if they were and they



> been until now.




> I know they are a common symptom but I also read somewhere what



> the change of color on. I figured someone in this group would





> Thanks,


> Stay warm and dry!

















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When I first read this I did a doubletake. Head transplant doctor? LOL. Then I

read it with with a different view and said, oh, the head of her transplant


I hope the ball starts rolling fast for you and you get your new liver and it

works exceptionally well for decades and more.


cruzpuppies wrote:

I have appt's this week with my Head Transplant Dr and also with the

Cardiologist at the heart institute.

I think they just want everything as *perfect* as it can be.

I have a new thing....Where are all the places will take her

new liver? What will we do together? What kind of adventures can

and her new liver have? Hopefully a bunch of wonderful




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