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The Fifth International Cyperspace Conference on Ergonomics (CybErg'08) (Registration Fees Waived)

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This is a Call for Participation to the 5th International CyberspaceConference on Ergonomics (CybErg'08); a conference that is conductedentirely Online from 15 Sept. to 15 Oct 2008. There are 8 mainErgonomics/Human Factors tracks, and at present, 4 Special Tracks.Reflecting the truly international nature of the conference, we havesubmissions from: Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cuba, Indonesia, Japan,Malaysia, Portugal, South Africa, Sweden, and the United States.TABLE OF CONTENTS1. About CybErg2. Five (5) reasons why you should participate CybErg 20083. Conference Programme4. Registration Fees Waived5. Important Dates1. ABOUT CYBERG 2008

5th International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics (CybErg'08) 'LocalKnowledge, Global Applications'. It is generally acknowledged thattechnologies today not only originate from developed nations but also fromdeveloping nations. New knowledge about the different requirements ofvarious cultures, needs, and application of new and old technologies in avariety of environs are being identified; these local knowledge can then beapplied for products and services targeted for nations all over the world.All this will bring about the betterment of society, in improving theusability of technologies, personal experiences, quality of life and work.It is within this context of discovery of new local knowledge and itsglobal application that we would like to invite the global community tocontribute and participate in the 5th International Cyberspace Conferenceon Ergonomics (CybErg'08). More detailed description of the theme can beobtained from: http://www.cyberg2008.org 2. Five (5) reasons why you should attend CybErg 2008. As compared toconventional conferences, the CybErg conferences have some addedadvantages.Reason 1: Opportunity to have more in-depth and quality discussionsAs CybErg is on for a Month, participants will be able to discuss thepapers in greater detail. Unlike conventional conferences, where theQuestion and Answer sessions only allow a small number of questions to beasked, participants have ample time to think about the questions beforeposting them in CybErg. In addition, authors will more time to reflect onthe comments given before responding. All this, we believe will contributeto a more quality discourse on the papers and topics of discussion.Reason 2: Ability to attend and participate in ALL tracksA common problem in attending conventional conferences is that two paperpresentations that you would like to attend are held simultaneously. InCybErg, all registered participants can 'attend' ALL the sessions.Reason 3: Opportunities to meet and network with an internationally diverseErgonomics/Human Factors community.

With the eradication of high travel costs (transport costs, accommodationcosts, subsistence costs, etc.) to attend conferences, participants fromcountries, not normally present in international conferences, are thus ableto participate. There are opportunities for researchers to meet potentialcollaborators (e.g. those wanting to conduct cross-nation comparisonstudies) and for practitioners to meet contacts in less establishedmarkets.Reason 4: Access to experts from all over the world CybErg is able to bringtogether experts of a truly international nature.

As mentioned above, a more diverse Ergonomics/Human Factors community wouldbe attending. This provides an excellent opportunity for the sharing ofexpertise and experience, not only between those from the developed nations(usual attendees in international face-to-face conferences), but also withthose from developing nations.Reason 5: No registration fee (and proceedings delivered right to yourdoorstep).

As there are no conference costs (such as venue hire costs, no refreshmentcosts*, no guest speaker travel costs, etc.), CybErg is also able to offerno registration fee. This is particularly beneficial toparticipants from developing countries, where there is a poor rate ofcurrency exchange and where travel to foreign countries is expensive. Theproceedings of CybErg (papers and discussions conducted) will be availableon a CDROM, AND delivered to the full registered participants' designatedaddress.3. CONFERENCE PROGRAMMEFrom the submissions, we have accepted 28 papers in the following 8 tracks,with the authors coming from all over the world: Australia, Brazil,Bulgaria, Cuba, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Portugal, South Africa, Sweden,and the United States. (All extended abstracts were reviewed by 2 membersof the Technical Committee).Paper TracksChildren & ErgonomicsIssues In Cognitive ErgonomicsDesign In An Electronic WorldDesign & UsabilityWorkplace DesignTheoretical Issues In ErgonomicsErgonomics For Developing CountriesDesigning For Educational EnvironmentsSpecial TracksAt present, there are 4 special tracks (comprising 6 position papers) thathave been accepted.Special Track: HCI Education in Developing CountriesSpecial Track: Design Education in Developing CountriesSpecial Track: ICTs in Preservation Of LanguagesSpecial Tracks: Technologies for Rural DevelopmentAs this is an Online Conference, additional Special Tracks will be createdif there are sufficient requests and interest from participants.4. REGISTRATION FEE WAIVEDIn light of the sponsorship received, we have decided to Waive theRegistration Fee.For each full registration to attend the conference, you will be providedthe following privileges: login access for the whole duration of the conference.- Access to all forums and discussions- Access to post and obtain feedback on topics of interest- Discussion with internationally acknowledged experts ofergonomics/human factors and participants from all over the worldShould you wish to the CDROM proceedings which includes the discussionsconducted in each track, please complete the form onhttp://www.cyberg2008.org/e-registration

5. IMPORTANT DATES15 September 2008: Conference Open for Discussions15 Sept-15 October 2008: Conference ProperFor more information, please visit http://www.cyberg2008.org Should youhave any queries, please contact Ms. D'oria Islamiah (CybErg'08 Secretary)(secretariat@... ) or me (alvin@... ).I thank you in advance for your kind attention, and look forward to'meeting' you online on 15 September 2008.Yours sincerely,Associate Professor Dr Alvin W. YeoFaculty of Computer Science and Information TechnologyUniversiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)94300 Kota Samarahan Sarawak MALAYSIAEmail: alvin AT fit.unimas.my, awy AT acm.orgTel: + 6082-583 659/583784Fax: + 6082-583 764Consider participating in the Fifth International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics (http://www.cyberg2008.org) --This message has been scanned for viruses anddangerous content by MailScanner, and isbelieved to be clean.

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