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Question-I don't know what I should do....

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I don't know if I can post this here or not but I thought that maybe

someone here could answer this for me.

My son has just been diagnosed (he's 2) and we've had him on the

biomedical diet for about 4 months now since running the IgE and IgG

blood tests on him. The tests showed that he cannot tolerate gluten,

casein, and most esspecially soy. We've also put him on supplements

and the MB-12 shots. Since starting all of this, we've seen real

progress with his eye contact and behavior. The black bags underneath

his eyes have almost completely diminished and his gut isn't distented


My son's biological father took him overnight last month and

immediately we saw regression when he returned. Even the specialist

and the speech therapist with ECI noticed the difference. I sent him

with his dad with a whole bunch of premade meals and drinks and a copy

of all the doctor's (the DAN and the pediatrician) orders on what he

could and could not have. But I am unsure if there was something that

he was given that could have caused the regression. He also was

throwing up what appeared to be a bile like substance. I took him to

his pedi and was told that it was the dreaded virus that has been

making the rounds. Since my son's father has other kids in his home I

thought it would be in his best interest to call and let him know that

our son was sick and that the other kids in his home may start getting

sick and for him to keep a lookout for what symptoms that they may

come down with. He then proceeds to tell me that our son may be sick

due to a change in the weather. I then repeated that I just saw a

doctor who told me that it was a virus. So then he tells me that his

girlfriend's son has been sick for the past month and maybe that's

where our son got ill from. Had I known this information-I would have

tried to make other arrangements for him to have his visitations with

our son. So now, my son's father is coming to get him for Christmas

break (10 days) tomorrow and I am quite frankly scared that all the

progress that we've seen with my son will be set back-again-due to his

father not sticking to the diet and everything else. I tried to insist

that I pre-make the meals again, but he says that he can handle it and

he knows what not to feed our son. I am sorry if I sound skeptical of

his parenting skilsl, but my gut is still telling me that this is not

going to turn out ok. My question is is there anything that I can

really do about this whole situation or is there anyone here that has

any words of wisdom for me?

Thanks in advance!!!


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Have the visitation order ammended and include the medical treatments as part of the order.

Subject: Question-I don't know what I should do....To: Texas-Autism-Advocacy Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 11:16 PM

I don't know if I can post this here or not but I thought that maybesomeone here could answer this for me.My son has just been diagnosed (he's 2) and we've had him on thebiomedical diet for about 4 months now since running the IgE and IgGblood tests on him. The tests showed that he cannot tolerate gluten,casein, and most esspecially soy. We've also put him on supplementsand the MB-12 shots. Since starting all of this, we've seen realprogress with his eye contact and behavior. The black bags underneathhis eyes have almost completely diminished and his gut isn't distentedanymore. My son's biological father took him overnight last month andimmediately we saw regression when he returned. Even the specialistand the speech therapist with ECI noticed the difference. I sent himwith his dad with a whole bunch of premade meals and drinks and a copyof all the doctor's (the DAN and the

pediatrician) orders on what hecould and could not have. But I am unsure if there was something thathe was given that could have caused the regression. He also wasthrowing up what appeared to be a bile like substance. I took him tohis pedi and was told that it was the dreaded virus that has beenmaking the rounds. Since my son's father has other kids in his home Ithought it would be in his best interest to call and let him know thatour son was sick and that the other kids in his home may start gettingsick and for him to keep a lookout for what symptoms that they maycome down with. He then proceeds to tell me that our son may be sickdue to a change in the weather. I then repeated that I just saw adoctor who told me that it was a virus. So then he tells me that hisgirlfriend's son has been sick for the past month and maybe that'swhere our son got ill from. Had I known this information- I would

havetried to make other arrangements for him to have his visitations withour son. So now, my son's father is coming to get him for Christmasbreak (10 days) tomorrow and I am quite frankly scared that all theprogress that we've seen with my son will be set back-again-due to hisfather not sticking to the diet and everything else. I tried to insistthat I pre-make the meals again, but he says that he can handle it andhe knows what not to feed our son. I am sorry if I sound skeptical ofhis parenting skilsl, but my gut is still telling me that this is notgoing to turn out ok. My question is is there anything that I canreally do about this whole situation or is there anyone here that hasany words of wisdom for me? Thanks in advance!!!-

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