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In a message dated 11/29/1999 5:55:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,

cindy.m@... writes:

<< LV, who has no idea why, but is just bursting with enthusiasm

today (and feeling very rambly - is that a word?) >>

so glad you're oozing enthusiasm so some can flow towards

LOOK out , here comes some more!!!!


who could have written alot of what wrote like she was reading my mind

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In a message dated 11/29/99 5:55:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,

cindy.m@... writes:

<< I started playing flute again after 25 years >>


I had no idea you played flute!!!!!! Thats my instrument too. LEt me know if

you need help or music suggestions or have any pouinters. I really need to

star practicing again. I have been out of college a year and a half and only

play occassionally now. (Luckily I have Alumni Band once a year)

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How active was I in school? Not very! This might sound very weird,

but my parents were " vague. " I grew up in the 60s and 70s and both

parents were pretty well tranquilized throughout my childhood. My mom

had 5 kids in 6 years and didn't really take care of us, so Grandma

moved in. We were pretty lucky to have her, but she didn't really do

much with school. What does this have to do with the question you

ask? Well, I never knew how to get involved in any of the sports. By

the time school started, the teams had been practicing for weeks and

the selections had already been made. I always wondered how other

kids figured it all out, where they got their information from, etc.

Anyway, this was long before it was acceptable for girls to play

sports. We never had girls teams for basketball, volleyball,

baseball, etc. During the summer, I ran around with my three younger

brothers, but I was pretty klutzy.

I discovered band in 4th grade (my teacher handed us a flyer during

class, so I KNEW about this one!). That kept me pretty busy

throughout school. In high school, I was pretty much a loner, except

for band and drill team. I thought I was horrendously fat (5' 9 " and

145 lbs - what I wouldn't give to be " that fat " again!) and kept to

myself. I joined the army after high school and was pretty active

then, still clumsy but more active. A bad marriage to a sarcastic

husband destroyed what little self esteem I had left and then I

started gaining more weight. It's ironic, but after I married my

wonderful husband (the really wonderful one I have now) I gained more

weight. I'd gain - lose - gain, but nothing really worked for me

before Tae-bo. I felt like I lived in my head and the purpose of my

body was just to carry my head around. I felt NO SPIRIT whatsoever.

I was never able to " make the connection " between mind-body-spirit

before. Now I am getting into shape, feeling the incredible energy

rush after working out and starting to put myself together. When I

look in the mirror, I look at the positive changes and see that I am

changing shape. I've lost between 30 and 40 lbs since April and a

whole bunch of inches. I'm still over 200 lbs, but boy do I look

great! When I start to fret over the lack of scale progress, I focus

on the positive -- wearing clothes that didn't fit a few months ago,

not getting tired when run-walking my dogs, not falling asleep the

instant I get home from work, not seeing a huge double chin, etc. I

think about my workout during the day, which tape I want to do and

then mentally prepare for it. When I get home, I change into my

workout clothes and get a big drink of water. By the time the intro

music starts, I'm more than ready to begin. After my workout, when

I'm in the shower, I really, really look at my muscles.

I love to see the changes I've made in such a short time. I'm much

happier (just ask my husband) and I look forward to doing so many

things I'd never dreamed of before, things unrelated to exercise or

fitness. I started playing flute again after 25 years, I'm learning

how to sew, I joined the bike club and camera club and actually GO to

meetings. I introduce myself to people instead of hiding in the

background. I ask questions in meetings instead of holding my breath

and wishing I knew the answers. In short--I'm happy, healthy and

loving life!

LV, who has no idea why, but is just bursting with enthusiasm

today (and feeling very rambly - is that a word?)

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In a message dated 12/4/99 10:29:04 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:

<< And don't forget that

it i brag day!!! >>

OOps! I meant to say it is brag day! Typo!!

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In a message dated 12/4/99 10:29:02 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:


What is your most embarrassing Tae Bo moment?


Well......there was nobody there to see it (fortunately), but when I first

got the tapes, I was perplexed trying to decide whether I should mimic

's mirror image, or actually work the right side when he said " And move

it to the right. " I found that following his exact directions left me

confused a lot (I am uncoordinated.), and so I finally decided to mirror him.

This is funny, because I have a weight loss pen pal, whom I talked into

doing Taebo, and when she tried to do the instructional, she wrote and

complained of the same thing. She said, Sharon, I hope I don't sound stupid,

but.......And so of course, I was ROFLWTIME! I would also add that on the

basic tape, before the double time round house kicks at the end, does a

few sets of back kicks. They start slow, and then go fast. I feel like " his

dog Elroy, " from the Jetson's! I almost fell flat on my face the first time

I tried that. And then those roundhouse kicks that go left, right, left,

right, etc.........., that is the part of the workout that I am embarrassed

to have anyone see me do, because I look ridiculous! And it never

fails.....that is the time that everyone in my house decides to walk past me!

Thanks for letting me share. ;o) Sharon

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In a message dated 12/04/1999 10:29:15 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:

<< What is your most embarrassing Tae Bo moment? >>

gosh cannot think of any while working out

I mean I know I have felt awkward alot but since home alone wasn't exactly


What was embarassing to me although not directly related to Tae Bo was that

email that made me stop posting on the " Questions to TBQ " part of the message

board cuz it made me too self-conscious.


who has even felt confident when doing other exercise programs in public

places (Catskills resorts) since Tae Bo & even impressed a step instructor

who couldn't believe it was my first ( & last) step class .... BORING!!!!

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In a message dated 12/4/99 9:29:17 AM Central Standard Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:

<< am sure everyone remembers my post about punching myself in the face


the speed bag rolls >>

I did that too!...Couldn't help laughing at myself...lol

I forgot to mention earlier that I'm 45 and am originally from new york city.

I moved to new orleans 17 years ago.

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<< << What is your most embarrassing Tae Bo moment? >> >>

I really don't get embarrassed when I do something stupid and I'm the only

one who knows about it. I just sorta laugh at myself and think " girl you are

SO silly " . I should say that I'm VERY self conscious about other people

seeing my body so I guess the most embarrassing was when my 29 yr old nephew

(yes, 29) walked in in the middle of my workout when I was wearing something

I would never let someone else see me in on purpose. I don't know why I was

worried, he doesn't pay much attention to anything anyway. :)


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In a message dated 12/4/99 11:10:21 AM Eastern Standard Time,

SRFerron@... writes:

<< I forgot to mention earlier that I'm 45 and am originally from New York


I moved to new Orleans 17 years ago.


, Wow--New Orleans? New York City is interesting in itself, but I have

always wanted to visit New Orleans. It seems like such a fascinating place.

This is Cajun country--right? ;o) Sharon

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ONE of my most embarrasing Tae Bo moments.

Sometimes when no one is around I do speed bags to get rid of excess energy

and relax. I was doing speedbags the other day at my office in the Texas

Capitol. I had my back turned to the door and didnt see 4 lobbysists walk

in. I told em I was trying to workout a cramped shoulder muscle. It's a

little hard to explain the Taebo fever to some of those hard nose political

types I hang out with.

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In a message dated 12/4/99 1:26:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, GalofGOP@...


<< Sometimes when no one is around I do speed bags to get rid of excess


and relax. I was doing speedbags the other day at my office in the Texas

Capitol. I had my back turned to the door and didnt see 4 lobbysists walk

in. I told em I was trying to workout a cramped shoulder muscle. It's a

little hard to explain the Taebo fever to some of those hard nose political

types I hang out with.


Now this is funny. I think I split my side laughing! " Squash " ;o) ;O) :o)

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In a message dated 12/4/99 10:26:07 AM Pacific Standard Time,

GalofGOP@... writes:

<< ONE of my most embarrasing Tae Bo moments.

Sometimes when no one is around I do speed bags to get rid of excess energy

and relax. I was doing speedbags the other day at my office in the Texas

Capitol. I had my back turned to the door and didnt see 4 lobbysists walk

in. I told em I was trying to workout a cramped shoulder muscle. It's a

little hard to explain the Taebo fever to some of those hard nose political

types I hang out with.


Ha Ha... that is just SO funny to me.

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well i got one i think but its not really a good one i

guess. On the advanced tape i went to in L.A.,,, the

only thing i had to eat was my breakfast and fruits

and chips.. at the studio... i started to feel dizy

right in the middle of the workout and had to get off

to the side and make i was allright.. i finished the

tape with no problems... thank god

--- Agaw12577@... a écrit:

> Ok guys, here is a fun one!


> What is your most embarrassing Tae Bo moment?


> I am sure everyone remembers my post about punching

> myself in the face during

> the speed bag rolls, so there is mine! Everyone

> answer! And don't forget that

> it i brag day!!!

> :)





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In a message dated 12/4/99 12:09:36 PM Central Standard Time,

Squashblosm@... writes:

<< This is Cajun country--right? >>

No....It's historically Creole (a mix of African, Carribean, Spanish, French,

and Native American). The Cajuns are settled in other areas throughout the

state, though there are some who live in town as well. New Orleans is,

indeed, a fascinating city.

I'll be willing to play tour guide to any taebo-ers.

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In a message dated 12/4/99 5:00:47 PM Pacific Standard Time,

etcarroll@... writes:

<< My second choice would be my

attempts at dancing when I work out with AL4. Thank God, no one sees me

in the basement because it is not pretty watching me try to do the

" Twist " . >>

Hehe, I'm sure you look good! That tape sounds like fun, I think that's

the one I'm going to go for... is there any fun dance steps on any of the

other tapes?

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Squashblosm@... wrote:



> What is your most embarrassing Tae Bo moment?

> >>

> Well......there was nobody there to see it (fortunately), but when I first

> got the tapes, I was perplexed trying to decide whether I should mimic

> 's mirror image, or actually work the right side when he said " And move

> it to the right. " I found that following his exact directions left me

> confused a lot (I am uncoordinated.), and so I finally decided to mirror him.

> This is funny, because I have a weight loss pen pal, whom I talked into

> doing Taebo, and when she tried to do the instructional, she wrote and

> complained of the same thing. She said, Sharon, I hope I don't sound stupid,

> but.......And so of course, I was ROFLWTIME!

My worst times have been like Sharon's -- uncoordinated attempts to

mimic 's moves. The best example is my " grapevine. " It took me 7

1/2 months to realize that I was raising the wrong knee! I had to

replace one studio advance tape because I replayed the " grapevine " so

many times trying to get it right. My second choice would be my

attempts at dancing when I work out with AL4. Thank God, no one sees me

in the basement because it is not pretty watching me try to do the

" Twist " .

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In a message dated 12/05/1999 10:32:07 AM Eastern Standard Time,

mattndew@... writes:

<< Well, I did

a roundhouse to each side and realized that all @35 people there had

their eyes on me, and it wasn't at all the best kicks I've ever done! >>

trust me,

to the untrained eye they looked marvelous


whose husband may never kick with any form whatsoever so is just doing it his

own way for now

AKA:POMBarb, Mad-Dame Yenta

" Cats and Teens will do what they want and

Dogs and Parents just better get used to it "

<A HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/horsemom2/myhomepage/index.html " >Barb's

Places on the web</A>

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I actually love politics. Just not politicians.I work in a government office

(for a senator) and I get so disgruntled at how much money we spend. I mean

really...who needs gold foil on their stationary anyways. Cutting little things

like that could save so much money. I might just actually run some day ....who

knows. I could appoint my secretay of fitness :-)

In a message dated Mon, 6 Dec 1999 12:34:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, "

Mueller " writes:

> It's a

> > little hard to explain the Taebo fever to some of those hard nose

> political

> > types I hang out with.

> >

> > >>



> LV, who wonders why anyone as smart and beautiful and talented as

> would waste precious Tae-bo time hanging out with hard-nosed

> political types!





> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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It's a

> little hard to explain the Taebo fever to some of those hard nose


> types I hang out with.


> >>


LV, who wonders why anyone as smart and beautiful and talented as

would waste precious Tae-bo time hanging out with hard-nosed

political types!

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In a message dated 12/07/1999 6:43:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,

cindy.m@... writes:

<< cindylv, who is still very surprised at herself >>

LOL !!!


who did a similar surprise to my son when he did a karate stance in front of

me and surprised both of us

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.... remind me if we ever meet never to fight

with you LOL....


Angel_Dove (a.k.a. Energizer Bunny Rabbit, Lucie)


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Mueller wrote:


> okay, i now have an embarrassing tae-bo moment to share.


> this afternoon i was walking down to my boss' office to let him know i

> was leaving for lunch. one of the office guys was hanging out in the

> doorway and when he saw me coming toward him, he dropped down into a

> guard stance and pretended to be ready to thwart an attack. (he does

> kickboxing and has tried Tae-bo a few times) i don't know what came

> over me, but when i got kind of close to him, i quickly tossed my

> purse toward him and snapped out a side kick to his stomach (lightly).

> unfortunately, my aim was perfect. the purse hit the side of his head

> (lightly) and i grazed his chest with my kick knocking him to the

> floor. i don't know who was the most surprised: him, my boss or me.


Cindi, your story cracked me up. You really rose to the occasion! We

just may have another Taebo convert in the wings. I like the part where

you threw your purse at him, too, throwing him off guard. This may work

on the streets.


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In a message dated Mon, 13 Dec 1999 11:46:32 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:

I would say Irene Cuz her facial expressions crack me up. Plus the girl has

some moves to the music.

I like to (dont get me wrong) But Irene is taller and has a larger yet

defined body and I think more women will say...hey look at her...thats a real


We all know better....I'm just trying to look from the outside in.

> Here's this weeks question.


> Blanks has announced that he is going to retire Who do you think should

> take his place in the Tae Bo tapes?


> Sorry this one is late!! Everyone answer!!!


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Blanks has announced that he is going to retire Who do you think should

take his place in the Tae Bo tapes?

Sorry this one is late!! Everyone answer!!!

Shellie (is this for real or a joke? Tae-bo will not be the same without


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Agaw12577@... wrote:


> Here's this weeks question.


> Blanks has announced that he is going to retire Who do you think should

> take his place in the Tae Bo tapes?


> , because she has EARNED it!


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