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In a message dated 12/13/99 1:51:28 PM Pacific Standard Time,

slowens@... writes:

<< Blanks has announced that he is going to retire Who do you

think should

> take his place in the Tae Bo tapes? >>

Well I'm gonna go go out on a limb and choose the person I would REALLY want

to take 's Place... that being Will . Ha ha (I know, I know)....

you don't know, maybe he does taebo! :)

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> Blanks has announced that he is going to retire Who do you

think should

> take his place in the Tae Bo tapes?

Well, I'd have to go with Shellie because like someone else

mentioned...she deserves it. Although, I do like Barb's idea of having

all the regulars each lead a different tape. It would be neat to have

different tapes with different teaching styles and it would be really

fun to see taking the class!! I'm sure each individual

instructor has a different style and that would make for some definite

variety between tapes. Actually, that would be really cool!

who knows that nobody could top , but who would be interested in

taking some of the other instructors classes if I'm ever out in the

area again and have a chance to go to the Center (Actually, I heard

Irene's classes are killer, which doesn't surprise me )

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 12/26/99 3:47:55 PM Pacific Standard Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:

<< Which Tae Bo tapes do you have?

Studio Instructional, Basic, Advanced and 8 minutes, Advanced Live 4 and

Sneak Peek 20 minute workout.

Which is your favorite tape? 8 minute (Ha ha) but I feel that Studio

Advanced is the most intense workout and I'm also beginning to love Advanced

Live 4.

What do you like most about it? I love the way he goes from the doubletime

speedbag right into the uppercuts without pausing and then right to the

otherside without pausing. I just love that combination!! (8min)

Which is your least favorite? Studio Basic.

Why? I just think there's too much stretching... I know it's good for me but

I hate doing it!

What would you like to see in future videos? More men... I just like a

diverse group.

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Which Tae Bo tapes do you have? Which is your favorite tape? What do you like most about it? Which is your least favorite? Why? What would you like to see in future videos?

So far I only have the studio tapes and AL1. I would like to see a warm-up/cool down tape with some of those Tai-Chi moves.

Luci (Mornigshy)

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