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It is my understanding that if you are affected by Tethered Cord in some way...........you are welcome on this List.

Take Care,



a question however, Is list mainly for adults with TCS? I have a four year daughter that had her untethering at 1.5 years old.

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hello, juan i dont know if it is maionly for adualts but my daughter will be 3 on jab 29 and just had her cord released in 2 places, she had a spinal lipoma that involved her filum and conus, she also had a dermal sinus. unfortanatually they could not free her sacral nerve that ws in her lipoma but it as of right know is not causing her any problems (knock on wood) if it does they can not treat it just the problems, if i may ask what type of tether did your little girl have? also we are in oklahoma ever heard of a little place called lawton ft.sill. at any rate welcome:)

joanna hanna

katelynn 2yrs 11mo(tcs,dermal sinus, tangled nerve root, cong scoliosis,partail sacr agenesis, 13 ribs dev delayed mild, hypotonia, syrnix, seizure, bilateral renal reflux, right kidney damage)

[tetheredspinalcord] (no subject)

Hello, group! My name is Zamora from Texas......yyyyeeehhhaaaawwww!!!! I am just a lurker, and thought I would say hello. I do have a question however, Is list mainly for adults with TCS? I have a four year daughter that had her untethering at 1.5 years old. Just just out trying to get information when I ran across this site. So don't mind me if you see me in the rafters lurking around. Thanks

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I think I speak for all three of us moderators when I

say you are very welcome on this list. Hopefully, as

more parents become aware of the implications that

this condition may hold for their children, we might

be able to find ways of preventing some of the stuff

that is happening to some of the adults on this list!

You are welcome to gather information, to ask

questions. No need to be lurking about. Join in!

You probably have plenty to say!


--- jzweco@... wrote:

> Hello, group!

> My name is Zamora from

> Texas......yyyyeeehhhaaaawwww!!!!

> I am just a lurker, and thought I would say hello.

> I do have a question

> however, Is list mainly for adults with TCS? I have

> a four year daughter

> that had her untethering at 1.5 years old. Just

> just out trying to get

> information when I ran across this site. So don't

> mind me if you see me in

> the rafters lurking around.


> Thanks




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