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Re: Digest Number 386

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hi marta,


one of the neurologists gave her a " tentative " mitochondrial myopathy dx

from mri and some other test results.

we are seeing a dr. in boston. he is llmd. he said he wanted to wait until

fall because he wants to treat with tetracycline and wants to avoid the

light sensitivity.

does anyone know if llmd is likely referring to iv treatment in fall?

he also said no supplements, that they feed the enemy. now her internest

says she needs them more than ever.

CoQ10, vit. c, vit. e, magnesium, calcium, MSM, L-carnitine, flax oil,

chromium picolinate, b vitamins.

this is tearing me up. it was hard for me to comply with no supplements, now

what should i do? she was doing well with them. has anyone seen data on

supplements being bad for patients with lyme? dr. b. suggests patients take





>>>The high dosage of

amoxicillin your daughter is on, should show some results, is there any

special reason why she must wait till the Fall to start IV? I am assuming

you have finally found a Lyme literate doctor who is treating her....is that


I am curious what the doctors attributed her MRI results to, if they kept

denying Lyme disease, what diagnosis' did they throw at you?

My heart goes out to any mother who has a child with Lyme disease, it is so

devastating to watch your child suffer and not be able to help, please keep

us posted as to her progress.



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In a message dated 6/14/99 11:21:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mimianne@... writes:

<< I can only say that I was popping all sorts of supplements, for say 6

months. I finally just got tired of popping them and not feeling better.

Like magic >>

Sorry to be so green about all this. Is everyone referring to vitamins? Which


, New Bedford, MA.

<A HREF= " http://members.tripod.com/LymeDizzez/ " >Lyme Disease and Me</A>

ICQ # 26791014

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i can only say that i was popping all sorts of supplements, for say 6

months. i finally just got tired of popping them and not feeling better.

like magic, when i stopped and only drank green tea (know you all are ready

to scream for me to shut up about the green tea thing) did i feel some what

better and DEFINATELY less lyme brainy and more energy. hey, but could have

just been a drop in stress level or the WEATHER for that matter. the only

thing it did not help was my joint pain. i guess that will be with me

FOREVER. god i hate it!!!!!

PS ... i AM trying the curcumin thing as i really, really need some sort of

joint pain relief, even if it is an anti-oxid. worth a try per zbee


>From: " Kay " <b10g7@...>


>hi marta,




>one of the neurologists gave her a " tentative " mitochondrial myopathy dx

>from mri and some other test results.


>we are seeing a dr. in boston. he is llmd. he said he wanted to wait until

>fall because he wants to treat with tetracycline and wants to avoid the

>light sensitivity.


>does anyone know if llmd is likely referring to iv treatment in fall?


>he also said no supplements, that they feed the enemy. now her internest

>says she needs them more than ever.

>CoQ10, vit. c, vit. e, magnesium, calcium, MSM, L-carnitine, flax oil,

>chromium picolinate, b vitamins.


>this is tearing me up. it was hard for me to comply with no supplements, now

>what should i do? she was doing well with them. has anyone seen data on

>supplements being bad for patients with lyme? dr. b. suggests patients take








>>>>The high dosage of

>amoxicillin your daughter is on, should show some results, is there any

>special reason why she must wait till the Fall to start IV? I am assuming

>you have finally found a Lyme literate doctor who is treating her....is that


>I am curious what the doctors attributed her MRI results to, if they kept

>denying Lyme disease, what diagnosis' did they throw at you?

>My heart goes out to any mother who has a child with Lyme disease, it is so

>devastating to watch your child suffer and not be able to help, please keep

>us posted as to her progress.










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MimiAnne's Specialty Coffee

(540) 980-6464

93 W. Main Street

Pulaski, VA 24301

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i was doing all the recommended stuff, antioxident multivit, bcomplex,

borage oil, pychgenol, E, think that is all??? i have a cabinet full of

" flunkies " .

>From: LymeDizzez@...


>In a message dated 6/14/99 11:21:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

>mimianne@... writes:


><< I can only say that I was popping all sorts of supplements, for say 6

> months. I finally just got tired of popping them and not feeling better.

> Like magic >>

>Sorry to be so green about all this. Is everyone referring to vitamins? Which


>, New Bedford, MA.

><A HREF= " http://members.tripod.com/LymeDizzez/ " >Lyme Disease and Me</A>

>ICQ # 26791014



>ONElist: the best source for group communications.


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>Please send privately messages unrelated to lyme.



>Email: -subscribeonelist

>You may substitute " unsubscribe " , " digest " , or " normal " for

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MimiAnne's Specialty Coffee

(540) 980-6464

93 W. Main Street

Pulaski, VA 24301

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

{{{{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}}}} to all of us for hanging in there with our

kids. Remember to seek out supportive friends, get lots of rest and go easy

on your expectations of yourself. Thank goodness we all have each other!

Gail in N'Awlins

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

If anyone is interested in the Suzanne Sommers book, I'll sell mine cheap!!

I have both. contact me by email and we can discuss. Plus I have her videos

that came with the first book.

Or go to www.qcel.com...I think that they have some cheap!!


It is a good diet..I can not do it becuase my husband cooks and it is too ard

for me to do it with him cooking and shopping. I am on ww now..

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

I work with people who have thyroid problems. May I suggest that you ask

your doctor if you might take Armour instead . It is a natural hormone.

Before you do anything it is important to know what the thyroid is, what

it does, and why yours is malfunctioning. I suggest that you go to

about.com register and join the thyroid group of Shomon. you will

find a wealth of information.

It is your responsibility to investigate. There are herbs and

supplements that can be helpful, including life style changes. You need

to ask yourself if you want to get your immune system back in working

order and function, or if you are just looking for medicating the

problem indefinetly.

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To tjtsr:

Armour is a better option than synthetic hormones, but Armour still does not

restore thyroid function. " Doctors " use synthetics or in cases of

hyperthyroid they like to destroy the gland.

Neither approach is very scientific nor intelligent.

If you'll access www.thyrodine.com you'll learn how to restore thyroid

function fully and naturally, without any remote need for synthetics nor

pigs nor destruction.


Re: Digest Number 386

I work with people who have thyroid problems. May I suggest that you ask

your doctor if you might take Armour instead . It is a natural hormone.

Before you do anything it is important to know what the thyroid is, what

it does, and why yours is malfunctioning. I suggest that you go to

about.com register and join the thyroid group of Shomon. you will

find a wealth of information.

It is your responsibility to investigate. There are herbs and

supplements that can be helpful, including life style changes. You need

to ask yourself if you want to get your immune system back in working

order and function, or if you are just looking for medicating the

problem indefinetly.

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  • 9 months later...

In a message dated 1/14/02 7:55:31 PM,


<< What is the brand of beef at Trader Joes that you are referring to?

In the Capitola Trader Joes where I shop, Niman Ranch beef is

available, but it is produced in the bay area, not Australia. I'd

like to hear more! >>

Trader Joe seems to be selling them under their own label - It simply says

" Australian Free Range Beef -- minimally processed-range fed -no additives

(USDA inspected -- I would like to buy local but I live in LA and there

aren't any cattle farms (range fed or otherwise too available -- I've had

good success with Trader Joe's -- they also carry nonBGH milk under their own

label; have recently decided to select out and sell no GMO foods (Trader Joes

is also very reasonably priced -- they have a very narrow mark up margin) --

there are other health food stores that sell beef they claim is range fed ,

but I don't know anymore about their product (except what they claim) than I

do TJs and they are much more expensive.

Namaste, Liz

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In a message dated 1/14/02 7:55:31 PM,


<< he lack of fertlity in Australian soil.

Apparently their soil in most areas is naturally

severely deficient, hence anything grown on it would

be as well. Without knowing exactly the area the beef

came from and the methods used by the grower to enrich

the soil, even if it was truly grassfed, I would not

feel confident in the product. >>

I checked the nutrient content of the hamburger patties from Australia sold

at TJs and it is the same as the nutrient content expected of standard lean

hamburger -- so I don't think there's anything wrong with the grass they're

being fed. Perhaps I'll inquire of TJs whether they can give me any more info

on where the cattle are raised.

Namaste, Liz

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I don't think the nutrition label means anything. I don't think the

labels are based on actual testing of the product being sold. I'm

pretty sure they simply use the nutrient values in the USDA Standard

Reference nutrition database. The Standard Reference itself is the

result of multiple analyses of representative types and quantities of

the food in question.

So, I think that the label would usually read the same regardless of

where or how the food was produced.

If anybody knows for sure what the labeling regulations are that

govern this, I'd love to know what nutrition testing, if any, is



> I checked the nutrient content of the hamburger patties from

Australia sold

> at TJs and it is the same as the nutrient content expected of

standard lean

> hamburger -- so I don't think there's anything wrong with the grass


> being fed. Perhaps I'll inquire of TJs whether they can give me any

more info

> on where the cattle are raised.


> Namaste, Liz

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Hi All

I checked into labeling and was told that the most common practice is to use

a standard label. If you want to claim anything else you need to be able to

back it up.

The process of claiming something on a label other than the standard label is

alot of times cost prohibitive.

If you are uncertain about the beef from Australia check out Jo

's book

" Why Grass Fed is Best " , There are countless people in the US raising and

selling grass fed beef that would be more than willing to send it to you. I

personally know several of them and if you need help let me know I will

assist you. I know it may not be as handy or as " cheap " but I think the price

of good health is worth it. I have a grass based dairy and the state laws in

NE say that I can sell raw milk but you have to come to my place with a

container and get it. Rather frustrating but my hands are tied. However the

meat that I was speaking about is butchered in a local butcher shop Fed.

inspected and they are able to ship it any where. So please try to work with

our local producers.

All for now

skroyer wrote:

> I don't think the nutrition label means anything. I don't think the

> labels are based on actual testing of the product being sold. I'm

> pretty sure they simply use the nutrient values in the USDA Standard

> Reference nutrition database. The Standard Reference itself is the

> result of multiple analyses of representative types and quantities of

> the food in question.


> So, I think that the label would usually read the same regardless of

> where or how the food was produced.


> If anybody knows for sure what the labeling regulations are that

> govern this, I'd love to know what nutrition testing, if any, is

> required.


> Kroyer


> > I checked the nutrient content of the hamburger patties from

> Australia sold

> > at TJs and it is the same as the nutrient content expected of

> standard lean

> > hamburger -- so I don't think there's anything wrong with the grass

> they're

> > being fed. Perhaps I'll inquire of TJs whether they can give me any

> more info

> > on where the cattle are raised.

> >

> > Namaste, Liz




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Isn't Harmony Farms in LA? I think its in La Crecenta.


>From: Ecmillerreid@...



>Subject: Re: Digest Number 386

>Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 03:56:45 EST



>In a message dated 1/14/02 7:55:31 PM,



><< What is the brand of beef at Trader Joes that you are referring to?

>In the Capitola Trader Joes where I shop, Niman Ranch beef is

>available, but it is produced in the bay area, not Australia. I'd

>like to hear more! >>


>Trader Joe seems to be selling them under their own label - It simply says

> " Australian Free Range Beef -- minimally processed-range fed -no additives

>(USDA inspected -- I would like to buy local but I live in LA and there

>aren't any cattle farms (range fed or otherwise too available -- I've had

>good success with Trader Joe's -- they also carry nonBGH milk under their


>label; have recently decided to select out and sell no GMO foods (Trader


> is also very reasonably priced -- they have a very narrow mark up margin)


>there are other health food stores that sell beef they claim is range fed ,

>but I don't know anymore about their product (except what they claim) than


>do TJs and they are much more expensive.


>Namaste, Liz

All the best,

Byrnes, PhD, RNCP



Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.

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From what I've been able to tell, this is regionally variable. I've

heard that assertion before (generally from people on the West

Coast). Here in the upper midwest though, I have not been able to

find anything at either of the Whole Foods markets in my area that

indicates that they carry any pastured meat.

They DO indicate free-range on most of their products, but that's not

the same thing as pastured. In fact, the only designation that I

trust is " grass-finished. " I've encountered multiple producers that

indicate that their product is " grass-fed " only to find out that it

is still finished on a grain or mostly grain ration.

I personally think that we need to form a (non-governmental)

certifying body to identify the different types of production for use

in conjunction with the Organic certification process: Conventional

(non-certifiable), Free-range (conventional ration but non-confined),

Pasture-finished, and Pastured with minimal grain finish (also non-


I wonder how far we might be from the critical mass necessary to make

such a thing worthwhile? Any such certification should be

considerably easier and cheaper to maintain than an organic

certification. There are fewer variables to track and therefore less

of a paper-trail would be necessary.

> I believe Whole Foods sells free range beef from New Zealand.





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The Whole Foods in our area only sells natural beef, which

is grain finished. They do sell free range lamb from New Zealand.

Unfortunately, I havn't been able to acquire a taste for lamb ;-(

> I believe Whole Foods sells free range beef from New Zealand.





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  • 6 months later...

Barbara & Missy --

Hi and welcome! This is a wonderful, supportive group and I hope you like it

here. I'm Sherrie, mom of two (she's 8 and he's 4) in SC. I'm 33 and hubby

is 34. I'm slowly getting healthier and am currently at 227 and exercising

most days. Looking forward to chatting with you both.

Fav. video --

Broadway Sweat. I haven't seen any other than the Broadway series. check

Ebay for the Latin video. I've been watching out for one as well.

Sue --

Thanks for posting the transcript. So FoodMover 30 is a new version all the

way around. That's kind of a bummer for those of us trying to stop buying so

much stuff, lol. I wonder if he'll make the updated info available without

the new FoodMover. If not, I can always give the set I have now to my



Hugs! I am sorry for your losses.

Getting motivated again is hard. It's so hard. I had a few family members

die from heart disease in a short amount of time and it scared me back into

the program. My father died at a very young age from a heart attack (just

shy of 40) and I am terrified of leaving my kids when they need me most.

Besides, I don't want to go without a fight.

Start slowly if you have to: get in more water; have a bowl of mixed berries

with FF whipped topping for dessert; take a walk or two. Small steps add up.

Get a journal (on or offline) and be honest about your thoughts and feelings

about the road ahead. Everyday, without fail, complement yourself and mean

it. Love yourself.

We're all here for you and you can do this! We can do this!

Queenie --

I am so proud of you! You go girlie! WOOHOO!

I wish you all a wonderful weekend you sexy hotties you!




I'm on my way!


HREF= " http://www.fitday.com/WebFit/PublicJournals.html?Owner=sher%5Ft " >http://ww\


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  • 11 months later...

Hi All!

I am trying to save up the money to travel out of state & see a revision specialist. I am leaning toward Dr. Errico, in the NJ (closer to me than NY), and would appreciate any information anyone can give me on this guy. I do know that Kathleen had a good outcome with him. Anyone else?

Some of the questions I have are: What xrays/scans/etc. does he like for you have with you when you come for a consultation. If he decides on revision, what tests does he order preoperatively? I am interested in such things as specific labs (eg. CBC, CMP, HIV screen, type & crossmatch, bleeding time, etc.), pumonary function tests, etc. Does he order EMGs? How long does his typical revision patient stay in the hospital postop? Does he typically order PT postop? Is his office staff/hospital staff good about helping make arrangements for any needed care after you are discharged? Which NJ hospital (where he has priveledges) is the best?

And thank you, Beth, for sharing your experiences, especially regarding sex. I have been trying to find out for some time, with no avail really. It was encouraging to know that perhaps that part of my life would not be worsened by revision. I still can't fathom how everything would comfortably "work" after being fused to the sacrum, but I will take your word for it. If anyone else has info on this, or has given birth after revision, please let me know.

And thanks in advance for any info that anyone can give me. You folks are wonderful.

With Blessings & Love,

Carla Kay

~ Ps. 96:1 O come let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.

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  • 1 year later...

For those of you who produce vco and other products, I am a freelance

designer and illustrator in Boulder, CO.

If anyone is in the market for package designs for your products, I

would love to talk to you about this.

If you'd like to see some of my work, you can look at my website:


thank you, -ellie dickson

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest


I am able to give away a scooby or two. You will have to pick it up if it is

convenient for you. I live in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, close to Verrazano Bridge.


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