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Poll results for Soundsensitivity

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The following Soundsensitivity poll is now closed. Here are the

final results:

POLL QUESTION: Are you affected by visual irritants too?


- yes (completely seperate from sound), 94 votes, 36.15%

- yes (related to sound), 128 votes, 49.23%

- no, 38 votes, 14.62%


- yes (completely seperate from sound)

- J26@...

- MadEyeMoodee@...

- redreedwalker@...

- biker4Christ@...

- laura4988@...

- Angellic_Debbie@...

- minkaz@...

- janiesjunkmail@...

- suzannep_exc@...

- hbitboc@...

- moosefaced@...

- xl_cheese24@...

- fionamarieos@...

- michael.anderson@...

- mcnab.christine@...

- adddxat48@...

- paje54@...

- KenKao4eva@...

- benjamtomkat@...

- pup_magoo@...

- alne471@...

- lsap@...

- cschultz@...

- dmichelleh@...

- mysoundhell@...

- jlbower@...

- judytk@...

- comfybrowncouch@...

- ms2mare@...

- kyleigh_cooyar@...

- dkr7h3@...

- bldu8042@...

- festivusyaddayadda@...

- spacemanhardy@...

- Liteworks@...

- ericpattonevans@...

- aimeemca@...

- tammyhoganson@...

- altered_inspiration@...

- kimreid1968@...

- fran.saperstein@...

- smharde@...

- breeze2902@...

- imoksept07@...

- jjeggs@...

- jauncourt@...

- donniealways@...

- osr2000@...

- Ailsaabraham@...

- milj74@...

- kmergy@...

- bugfuzz2001@...

- acsutherland@...

- lee@...

- lindsay_kay@...

- katecatania9389@...

- mmmmmungo@...

- tallgirl10538@...

- pialevensteins@...

- susan@...

- betty.belmonte@...

- logotique@...

- elizabethacardinal@...

- intdesigner2000@...

- incalion7@...

- mail@...

- tmpendleton@...

- thebradybunch6145@...

- wornways@...

- kimbercow@...

- kristine.fisher@...

- webbedwonders@...

- rush3670@...

- tnorstrom@...

- k2_fan_forever@...

- suzpyoung@...

- edubnansky1977@...

- eadie_d@...

- kristincroninbarrow@...

- ncrock22@...

- shonkennedy@...

- coderand@...

- kimberlea_reid@...

- jr7764@...

- edubnansky@...

- ddieter@...

- kat_john_74@...

- groopo@...

- rebekahsmith@...

- kbainbridge@...

- thelaidlyworm@...

- bonniegough@...

- madamee@...

- rodriguezwaleska@...

- yes (related to sound)

- goldenfeelings@...

- iclaled@...

- laurel.white@...

- katmat@...

- molly1173@...

- turinabird22@...

- dancingrl660@...

- trr333tx@...

- maryjanefrombuffalo@...

- jmcade@...

- alixspeirs@...

- 88@...

- psyting@...

- dwa1227@...

- Angellic_Debbie@...

- koencidence@...

- loridenise1@...

- trini5501@...

- kathyc_94536@...

- hardly_hearing@...

- vickie427@...

- love_52195@...

- azps26@...

- beckybean35@...

- xl_cheese24@...

- dennis.nicolette@...

- jonashellman@...

- dlh527@...

- markbeas@...


- mrr6370@...

- yviebee@...

- mcreamer@...

- adddxat48@...

- amynfred@...

- celestemelody@...

- elainenamanworth@...

- KenKao4eva@...

- peterabraham@...

- achap.46063@...

- dianne.keetch@...

- meganbagan@...

- lsap@...

- abxbas@...

- todd.maddern@...

- jen.miano@...

- mysoundhell@...

- jlbower@...

- pvplayabum@...

- mr@...

- mbdad123@...

- ms2mare@...

- agrude@...

- todd@...

- rnuffer@...

- steelerfan15717@...

- wtraylor@...

- tross227@...

- hausofdesire@...

- sk8grrrl@...

- easyed_23@...

- amea_gari@...

- edandsue@...

- ericpattonevans@...

- tammyhoganson@...

- jennifer.coate@...

- altered_inspiration@...

- heinoman@...

- breeze2902@...

- melissaberman@...

- semajws@...

- jauncourt@...

- poppynchomp@...

- Ailsaabraham@...

- milj74@...

- yahoo@...

- deanna_olbinski@...

- lee@...

- lindsay_kay@...

- dreamlore@...

- lasfamily@...

- lalilly2@...

- aaronzfox@...

- sweetwolf_63@...

- bethanypolen@...

- ben_larose@...

- timspan@...

- susan@...

- foramejoy@...

- singfamilytree@...

- bramblethorn@...

- phoenix@...

- amccarthyb@...

- tonyh@...

- betty.belmonte@...

- kennyellis28@...

- frlynn3@...

- brazendynamic@...

- rachel1026@...

- mail@...

- daogress@...

- dumitrascuae@...

- wornways@...

- kimbercow@...

- kristine.fisher@...

- neilholmes@...

- k.howe@...

- livnlayla@...

- halectx@...

- asiganoff@...

- rds1113@...

- eniarnna@...

- toomuch4thomas@...

- tnorstrom@...

- k2_fan_forever@...

- inaya_3@...

- ncrock22@...

- coderand@...

- orinlouis@...

- jamesn09@...

- kat_john_74@...

- thelaidlyworm@...

- jlm12@...

- bonniegough@...

- rodriguezwaleska@...

- lorhenn35@...

- Clangfield@...

- dcarson87354@...

- no

- tgranard@...

- imhmmm@...

- andrew_symns@...

- witchsnowy@...

- lise@...

- @...

- david_l_ward@...

- y6_7ujmnh@...

- darrinljohnson2darrinl@...

- campbell-susan@...

- pillarbox99@...

- greendaydoogie@...

- xiandell@...

- d_vislocky@...

- jlh922@...

- agrindex@...

- cattrees@...

- augiefrog@...

- jhguitarmann@...

- haikgrig@...

- kikino@...

- marya626@...

- jdkc1982@...

- heidi4s@...

- design@...

- cderrington@...

- lorry_jayne@...

- Beinsync@...

- babsinthecountry@...

- amyphlls@...

- r@...

- Oregon7@...

- maggiesyorkie@...

- cwimmerc@...

- kimigee33@...

- solgood@...

- pahowe@...

- sam.brain@...

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