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RE: Chem Trails

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I never heard of these before, but I just found this site that appears

to have a lot of info, FAQs, etc.


~ Carma ~

To be perpetually talking sense runs out the mind, as perpetually

ploughing and taking crops runs out the land. The mind must be manured,

and nonsense is very good for the purpose. ~ Boswell

Carma's Corner: http://www.users.qwest.net/~carmapaden/

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  • 8 years later...
Guest guest

Hi LynnThey are hitting hard here too with the chemtrails (ez, Ca--Contra Costa County). This went on all summer long last year also. As soon as there is a nice blue sky, the chemtrail spraying starts. I only started to be aware of it two and a half years ago when my Morgellons started and now when it starts I'm a little afraid to go out for long periods of time. I sure can understand your frustration about it as I have been so angry about it myself. So few people out there seem willing to be aware of it or care about it. There are a few brave souls who have created websites talking about it, and thank goodness for them. Of course, they are all viewed as kooks, weirdos or radicals, which in my opinion they are NOT. So many times in my life these brave individuals who come forward early on are proven to be correct all along. I'm not a baby here--in my 60's.I don't have to fight hubby on any of this as he concurs.ogroups.comSent: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 14:51:36 +0000 (UTC)Subject: Chem Trails

Hi allDid not really know what to think of Chemtrails for a long time. Was a little skeptical. Even when I first saw them a month or less ago over my the orchard right beside my house and over my garage which is seperate from our house about 100 feet away. Well yesterday we had rain clouds comming in and I looked our a bathroom window and saw a short distance away a Chemtrail. I went outside to get a better look. Next thing I see is a low lying Chem trail right above my house. Fallowing the length of the house. I was mad. I started wishing the government and persons in charge would get Morgellons. They all probably make sure they do not live in a sprayed area. I went shopping 3 miles away and looked over in the direction of my house and 3 new chemtrails in the oppisite direction over the house area. When I got closer they were over the orchard and over the road. Well took those groucerys in and went back out. Went to the neigboring city to get the rest of my groucerys. Got that and stayed in doors half the day. Went outside in the even a couple of times. Well as the day had progressed I started having issues. My sense of reality started shorting out. It was like my brain would white out for a secound and than some foggy thinking before comming back half way. Fought that off all day. Also my aim was off. Every thing I tried to pour or place on a counter or table I would end up with a spill no matter how slow or careful I was. I still at that point did not put two and two together. By evening I was buggy. Not in a huge way, but did have some bugs on every body part. A few on my arms, a few on my legs, a few on my feet, a few on my back and butt and face. None going for any orafaces. I had a bad headache and even though I did not feel paniced my heart want to go faster. I had to work at it to keep that calmed down. Now I was starting to wonder if the Chem trails had made me off balance with the bugs, foggy thinking, and headache. Even started having body parts go numb. Like feet and finger tips. The brain flashing out in a white out almost scared me. Was also seeing sparks out of my side vision. So my eyesight was effected. Like it was trying to short out. They are also spraying the next set of orchards all around our orchard that we live in. Even while I type they are at it again spraying the orchards across the street. The clouds are sappose to be comming and going for 2 more days and I have not looked yet today to see if there are more Chem trails over my house. They might be making me sick and there is nothing I can do about it. I do not know if Chem trails make certain type people come down with Morgellons, but I know they add to the problem. Maybe speed things along because of the difficulty they cause a body. I bet non Morgellons bodies have a hard time with the stinkin stuff. I wish I knew more earlier in life. We make mud puddles in the summer for the Grand kids to play in. I will try to not let that ever happen again. Of course I will have to fight hubby on that one. Slept real good last night but still have a hand full of bugs with me this morn. Well I forgot a few supplies and need to jump into the shower before braving the not so clean outdoors.In Light Lynn

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That's a heck of a story...What crops do you live near?...Many morg cases in

Calif. and much food growing and prob.spraying...I lived near pear trees and so

was the darn nursing home that was so afflicted..pears and walnuts...now in

Sonoma county..grapes across the street...I't s for profit You know...Live near

Napa wine country...vineyards everywhere...the police in Calistoga told a friend

of mine.. " We do everything to protect the wine growers " ......Huge

economy...California grows a ton of produce etc..I am sorry to hear this esp.

about the kids...Hope Your body stabilizes asap..Love,Rose

--- torpedolynn@... wrote:

From: " Lynn " <torpedolynn@...>

bird mites

Subject: Chem Trails

Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 14:51:36 -0000

Hi all

Did not really know what to think of Chemtrails for a long time. Was a little

skeptical. Even when I first saw them a month or less ago over my the orchard

right beside my house and over my garage which is seperate from our house about

100 feet away.

Well yesterday we had rain clouds comming in and I looked our a bathroom window

and saw a short distance away a Chemtrail. I went outside to get a better look.

Next thing I see is a low lying Chem trail right above my house. Fallowing the

length of the house. I was mad. I started wishing the government and persons in

charge would get Morgellons. They all probably make sure they do not live in a

sprayed area.

I went shopping 3 miles away and looked over in the direction of my house and 3

new chemtrails in the oppisite direction over the house area. When I got closer

they were over the orchard and over the road. Well took those groucerys in and

went back out. Went to the neigboring city to get the rest of my groucerys. Got

that and stayed in doors half the day. Went outside in the even a couple of

times. Well as the day had progressed I started having issues. My sense of

reality started shorting out. It was like my brain would white out for a secound

and than some foggy thinking before comming back half way. Fought that off all

day. Also my aim was off. Every thing I tried to pour or place on a counter or

table I would end up with a spill no matter how slow or careful I was. I still

at that point did not put two and two together. By evening I was buggy. Not in a

huge way, but did have some bugs on every body part. A few on my arms, a few on

my legs, a few on my feet, a few on my back and butt and face. None going for

any orafaces. I had a bad headache and even though I did not feel paniced my

heart want to go faster. I had to work at it to keep that calmed down. Now I was

starting to wonder if the Chem trails had made me off balance with the bugs,

foggy thinking, and headache. Even started having body parts go numb. Like feet

and finger tips. The brain flashing out in a white out almost scared me. Was

also seeing sparks out of my side vision. So my eyesight was effected. Like it

was trying to short out.

They are also spraying the next set of orchards all around our orchard that we

live in. Even while I type they are at it again spraying the orchards across the

street. The clouds are sappose to be comming and going for 2 more days and I

have not looked yet today to see if there are more Chem trails over my house.

They might be making me sick and there is nothing I can do about it. I do not

know if Chem trails make certain type people come down with Morgellons, but I

know they add to the problem. Maybe speed things along because of the difficulty

they cause a body. I bet non Morgellons bodies have a hard time with the stinkin


I wish I knew more earlier in life. We make mud puddles in the summer for the

Grand kids to play in. I will try to not let that ever happen again. Of course I

will have to fight hubby on that one. Slept real good last night but still have

a hand full of bugs with me this morn. Well I forgot a few supplies and need to

jump into the shower before braving the not so clean outdoors.

In Light Lynn


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Please explain if this chemtrail is real why hundreds of thousands are not

infected with morgellons. For me insects are still the vector of this

infliction. I cannot validate any scientific data.




Scientists and federal agencies have consistently denied that chemtrails exist,

insisting the sky tracks are simply persistent contrails.[6] As the chemtrail

conspiracy theory spread, federal officials were flooded with angry calls and

letters.[6] A multi-agency response to dispel the rumors was published in a

2000 fact sheet by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Federal

Aviation Administration (FAA), the National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

(NOAA), a step many chemtrail believers have interpreted as further evidence of

the existence of a government cover-up.[6]


> Hi Lynn


> They are hitting hard here too with the chemtrails (ez, Ca--Contra Costa

County). This went on all summer long last year also. As soon as there is a

nice blue sky, the chemtrail spraying starts. I only started to be aware of it

two and a half years ago when my Morgellons started and now when it starts I'm a

little afraid to go out for long periods of time. I sure can understand your

frustration about it as I have been so angry about it myself. So few people out

there seem willing to be aware of it or care about it. There are a few brave

souls who have created websites talking about it, and thank goodness for them.

Of course, they are all viewed as kooks, weirdos or radicals, which in my

opinion they are NOT. So many times in my life these brave individuals who come

forward early on are proven to be correct all along. I'm not a baby here--in my



> I don't have to fight hubby on any of this as he concurs.








> ogroups.com

> Sent: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 14:51:36 +0000 (UTC)

> Subject: Chem Trails














> Hi all




> Did not really know what to think of Chemtrails for a long time. Was a little

skeptical. Even when I first saw them a month or less ago over my the orchard

right beside my house and over my garage which is seperate from our house about

100 feet away.




> Well yesterday we had rain clouds comming in and I looked our a bathroom

window and saw a short distance away a Chemtrail. I went outside to get a better

look. Next thing I see is a low lying Chem trail right above my house. Fallowing

the length of the house. I was mad. I started wishing the government and persons

in charge would get Morgellons. They all probably make sure they do not live in

a sprayed area.




> I went shopping 3 miles away and looked over in the direction of my house and

3 new chemtrails in the oppisite direction over the house area. When I got

closer they were over the orchard and over the road. Well took those groucerys

in and went back out. Went to the neigboring city to get the rest of my

groucerys. Got that and stayed in doors half the day. Went outside in the even a

couple of times. Well as the day had progressed I started having issues. My

sense of reality started shorting out. It was like my brain would white out for

a secound and than some foggy thinking before comming back half way. Fought that

off all day. Also my aim was off. Every thing I tried to pour or place on a

counter or table I would end up with a spill no matter how slow or careful I

was. I still at that point did not put two and two together. By evening I was

buggy. Not in a huge way, but did have some bugs on every body part. A few on my

arms, a few on my legs, a few on my feet, a few on my back and butt and face.

None going for any orafaces. I had a bad headache and even though I did not feel

paniced my heart want to go faster. I had to work at it to keep that calmed

down. Now I was starting to wonder if the Chem trails had made me off balance

with the bugs, foggy thinking, and headache. Even started having body parts go

numb. Like feet and finger tips. The brain flashing out in a white out almost

scared me. Was also seeing sparks out of my side vision. So my eyesight was

effected. Like it was trying to short out.




> They are also spraying the next set of orchards all around our orchard that we

live in. Even while I type they are at it again spraying the orchards across the

street. The clouds are sappose to be comming and going for 2 more days and I

have not looked yet today to see if there are more Chem trails over my house.

They might be making me sick and there is nothing I can do about it. I do not

know if Chem trails make certain type people come down with Morgellons, but I

know they add to the problem. Maybe speed things along because of the difficulty

they cause a body. I bet non Morgellons bodies have a hard time with the stinkin





> I wish I knew more earlier in life. We make mud puddles in the summer for the

Grand kids to play in. I will try to not let that ever happen again. Of course I

will have to fight hubby on that one. Slept real good last night but still have

a hand full of bugs with me this morn. Well I forgot a few supplies and need to

jump into the shower before braving the not so clean outdoors.




> In Light Lynn


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Morgellons Research Info

News FeedsTypes

of ParasitesMorgellons



Work On FiberHome

Morgellons - Insect Vectors, Chemtrails, Paranoia Smearing

By Spencer

Yesterday, I went to UC to inquire about electron microscopy Today, I visited Ginger Savely, Nurse Practioner, in SF. Ms. Savely treats a large number of Morgellons patients and is extremely knowledgeable.

The fibers are extremely tough and difficult to pull out. They appear

in several colors, red, blue, black and clear Radionucleotide brain scans reveal patchy decreased blood flow consistent with feeling of fatigue and confusion. Pulling on a fiber produces a feeling that a network under the skin is being pulled. One can use a hand-held, lighted, 30 power microscope from Radio Shack to examine the skin.

Treatment, consisting of antibiotics and anti-fungal medication, helps rapidly but the disorder is not eliminated. Some patients have disfiguring raw lesions. I saw a striking photo of a pretty young woman,

before and after.

One should keep in mind the fact that the Center For Disease Control has stonedwalled the patients, including MDs and nurses, and a disinformation site, Morgellons Watch, has been created to discredit sufferers of this disorder. The itching is extreme and thoughts of suicide are common.

The use of the word "paranoid" in disinformation is common. It is a common ploy to say that anyone who says that something very strange is going on, is crazy. This applies to Morgellons...and to political situations. The Dark Forest of Paranoia and Conspiracy has been created in the public mind to dissuade inquiring souls from looking under the rocks, for fear of being labeled kooks.

Anecdotal data indicates that prior to getting Morgellons, people and

entire families experience attacks from fleas, lice, ticks, massive mosquito swarms, bed bugs and other things usually missing from middle class life. Parasites not usually seen on humans may infest the skin.

What is the relation of Chemtrail aerosol sprays to Morgellons? I don't know of any proof, but the Air Force, FAA, government agencies, etc. have denied the existence of Chemtrails from the beginning. There are unconfirmed reports that Lyme can be spread from chemtrails.

With the possibility of Morgellons being spread by a host of insect vectors - lice, fleas, etc. - one wonders if this disorder which probably represents several similar pathogens, is a man-created disease designed to reduce the population.

If aerosol sprays infect insect vectors, which then infect humans, the entire surface of the earth might have been made, or is in the process of being made, uninhabitable for human beings unless those human

beings are protected by specific unknown (to us) agents or vaccines. If

Bush started sprouting how would she be treated?




Work On FiberMorgellons


Insect VectorsTypes

of ParasitesNews Feeds


> >> > Hi Lynn> > > > They are hitting hard here too with the chemtrails (ez, Ca--Contra Costa County). This went on all summer long last year also. As soon as there is a nice blue sky, the chemtrail spraying starts. I only started to be aware of it two and a half years ago when my Morgellons started and now when it starts I'm a little afraid to go out for long periods of time. I sure can understand your frustration about it as I have been so angry about it myself. So few people out there seem willing to be aware of it or care about it. There are a few brave souls who have created websites talking about it, and thank goodness for them. Of course, they are all viewed as kooks, weirdos or radicals, which in my opinion they are NOT. So many times in my life these brave individuals who come forward early on are proven to be correct all along. I'm not a baby here--in my 60's.> > > > I don't have to fight hubby on any of this as he concurs.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ogroups.com> > Sent: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 14:51:36 +0000 (UTC)> > Subject: Chem Trails> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Hi all> > > > > > > > Did not really know what to think of Chemtrails for a long time. Was a little skeptical. Even when I first saw them a month or less ago over my the orchard right beside my house and over my garage which is seperate from our house about 100 feet away. > > > > > > > > Well yesterday we had rain clouds comming in and I looked our a bathroom window and saw a short distance away a Chemtrail. I went outside to get a better look. Next thing I see is a low lying Chem trail right above my house. Fallowing the length of the house. I was mad. I started wishing the government and persons in charge would get Morgellons. They all probably make sure they do not live in a sprayed area. > > > > > > > > I went shopping 3 miles away and looked over in the direction of my house and 3 new chemtrails in the oppisite direction over the house area. When I got closer they were over the orchard and over the road. Well took those groucerys in and went back out. Went to the neigboring city to get the rest of my groucerys. Got that and stayed in doors half the day. Went outside in the even a couple of times. Well as the day had progressed I started having issues. My sense of reality started shorting out. It was like my brain would white out for a secound and than some foggy thinking before comming back half way. Fought that off all day. Also my aim was off. Every thing I tried to pour or place on a counter or table I would end up with a spill no matter how slow or careful I was. I still at that point did not put two and two together. By evening I was buggy. Not in a huge way, but did have some bugs on every body part. A few on my arms, a few on my legs, a few on my feet, a few on my back and butt and face. None going for any orafaces. I had a bad headache and even though I did not feel paniced my heart want to go faster. I had to work at it to keep that calmed down. Now I was starting to wonder if the Chem trails had made me off balance with the bugs, foggy thinking, and headache. Even started having body parts go numb. Like feet and finger tips. The brain flashing out in a white out almost scared me. Was also seeing sparks out of my side vision. So my eyesight was effected. Like it was trying to short out. > > > > > > > > They are also spraying the next set of orchards all around our orchard that we live in. Even while I type they are at it again spraying the orchards across the street. The clouds are sappose to be comming and going for 2 more days and I have not looked yet today to see if there are more Chem trails over my house. They might be making me sick and there is nothing I can do about it. I do not know if Chem trails make certain type people come down with Morgellons, but I know they add to the problem. Maybe speed things along because of the difficulty they cause a body. I bet non Morgellons bodies have a hard time with the stinkin stuff. > > > > > > > > I wish I knew more earlier in life. We make mud puddles in the summer for the Grand kids to play in. I will try to not let that ever happen again. Of course I will have to fight hubby on that one. Slept real good last night but still have a hand full of bugs with me this morn. Well I forgot a few supplies and need to jump into the shower before braving the not so clean outdoors.> > > > > > > > In Light Lynn> >>

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Hi Hope, You know, I do believe that insects are most likely vectors too and I don't understand how the two issues work together (chemtrails/bioengineered pesticides, etc. and insect vectors). I don't think the chemtrails are the total issue for sure, but our environments are being contaminated with lots of products to control insects, which may be part of what is being put into the atmosphere. There is cloud seeding going on too and that has been going on for years. But I don't think it was nano technology back then. I could be wrong about that. I think it is possible that certain exposures coincide with one another or perhaps the vector (mites or scabies in my case) were the main vector bringing Lyme and co-infections, but the internal materials may have already been in place from chemtrail exposure. Perhaps people can appear healthy and feel healthy with chemtrail exposure or present with some health problems that may appear to be ordinary asthma, or ordinary viruses, or ordinary anything. From what Dr. Staninger said the nano technology passes under the radar of the body's immune system. Don't remember why, maybe because of its size?. But I do think it is possible to have a condition already in place and when the vector appears, it forms something very deadly and to top it all off, I think the vectors have been genetically altered as well. They may not be 100% scabies, but some of the dna is there. Just a thought. I'm definitely interested in learning more and understanding this better myself. I'm with you on this one tho. Don't under stand it at all. Chem Trails> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Hi all> > > > Did not really know what to think of Chemtrails for a long time. Was a little skeptical. Even when I first saw them a month or less ago over my the orchard right beside my house and over my garage which is seperate from our house about 100 feet away. > > > > Well yesterday we had rain clouds comming in and I looked our a bathroom window and saw a short distance away a Chemtrail. I went outside to get a better look. Next thing I see is a low lying Chem trail right above my house. Fallowing the length of the house. I was mad. I started wishing the government and persons in charge would get Morgellons. They all probably make sure they do not live in a sprayed area. > > > > I went shopping 3 miles away and looked over in the direction of my house and 3 new chemtrails in the oppisite direction over the house area. When I got closer they were over the orchard and over the road. Well took those groucerys in and went back out. Went to the neigboring city to get the rest of my groucerys. Got that and stayed in doors half the day. Went outside in the even a couple of times. Well as the day had progressed I started having issues. My sense of reality started shorting out. It was like my brain would white out for a secound and than some foggy thinking before comming back half way. Fought that off all day. Also my aim was off. Every thing I tried to pour or place on a counter or table I would end up with a spill no matter how slow or careful I was. I still at that point did not put two and two together. By evening I was buggy. Not in a huge way, but did have some bugs on every body part. A few on my arms, a few on my legs, a few on my feet, a few on my back and butt and face. None going for any orafaces. I had a bad headache and even though I did not feel paniced my heart want to go faster. I had to work at it to keep that calmed down. Now I was starting to wonder if the Chem trails had made me off balance with the bugs, foggy thinking, and headache. Even started having body parts go numb. Like feet and finger tips. The brain flashing out in a white out almost scared me. Was also seeing sparks out of my side vision. So my eyesight was effected. Like it was trying to short out. > > > > They are also spraying the next set of orchards all around our orchard that we live in. Even while I type they are at it again spraying the orchards across the street. The clouds are sappose to be comming and going for 2 more days and I have not looked yet today to see if there are more Chem trails over my house. They might be making me sick and there is nothing I can do about it. I do not know if Chem trails make certain type people come down with Morgellons, but I know they add to the problem. Maybe speed things along because of the difficulty they cause a body. I bet non Morgellons bodies have a hard time with the stinkin stuff. > > > > I wish I knew more earlier in life. We make mud puddles in the summer for the Grand kids to play in. I will try to not let that ever happen again. Of course I will have to fight hubby on that one. Slept real good last night but still have a hand full of bugs with me this morn. Well I forgot a few supplies and need to jump into the shower before braving the not so clean outdoors.> > > > In Light Lynn>

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With this strange infliction the jury remains out, it is the unknown.

Still it is curious how many first have a type of insect vector. I must read,

understand and weigh truth from fiction. Even that in this day and age is

difficult most scientist now sound like sci-fi. Perhaps someday we will know the

answers. Even considering myself healed I will continue to read and search for

the truth. Hope



> >



> > Hi Lynn



> >



> > They are hitting hard here too with the chemtrails (ez, Ca--Contra

Costa County). This went on all summer long last year also. As soon as there

is a nice blue sky, the chemtrail spraying starts. I only started to be aware

of it two and a half years ago when my Morgellons started and now when it starts

I'm a little afraid to go out for long periods of time. I sure can understand

your frustration about it as I have been so angry about it myself. So few

people out there seem willing to be aware of it or care about it. There are a

few brave souls who have created websites talking about it, and thank goodness

for them. Of course, they are all viewed as kooks, weirdos or radicals, which

in my opinion they are NOT. So many times in my life these brave individuals

who come forward early on are proven to be correct all along. I'm not a baby

here--in my 60's.



> >



> > I don't have to fight hubby on any of this as he concurs.



> >



> >



> >



> >



> >



> >



> >



> > ogroups.com



> > Sent: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 14:51:36 +0000 (UTC)



> > Subject: Chem Trails



> >



> >



> >



> >



> >



> >



> >



> >



> >



> >



> >



> >



> >



> > Hi all



> >



> >



> >



> > Did not really know what to think of Chemtrails for a long time. Was a

little skeptical. Even when I first saw them a month or less ago over my the

orchard right beside my house and over my garage which is seperate from our

house about 100 feet away.



> >



> >



> >



> > Well yesterday we had rain clouds comming in and I looked our a bathroom

window and saw a short distance away a Chemtrail. I went outside to get a better

look. Next thing I see is a low lying Chem trail right above my house. Fallowing

the length of the house. I was mad. I started wishing the government and persons

in charge would get Morgellons. They all probably make sure they do not live in

a sprayed area.



> >



> >



> >



> > I went shopping 3 miles away and looked over in the direction of my house

and 3 new chemtrails in the oppisite direction over the house area. When I got

closer they were over the orchard and over the road. Well took those groucerys

in and went back out. Went to the neigboring city to get the rest of my

groucerys. Got that and stayed in doors half the day. Went outside in the even a

couple of times. Well as the day had progressed I started having issues. My

sense of reality started shorting out. It was like my brain would white out for

a secound and than some foggy thinking before comming back half way. Fought that

off all day. Also my aim was off. Every thing I tried to pour or place on a

counter or table I would end up with a spill no matter how slow or careful I

was. I still at that point did not put two and two together. By evening I was

buggy. Not in a huge way, but did have some bugs on every body part. A few on my

arms, a few on my legs, a few on my feet, a few on my back and butt and face.

None going for any orafaces. I had a bad headache and even though I did not feel

paniced my heart want to go faster. I had to work at it to keep that calmed

down. Now I was starting to wonder if the Chem trails had made me off balance

with the bugs, foggy thinking, and headache. Even started having body parts go

numb. Like feet and finger tips. The brain flashing out in a white out almost

scared me. Was also seeing sparks out of my side vision. So my eyesight was

effected. Like it was trying to short out.



> >



> >



> >



> > They are also spraying the next set of orchards all around our orchard that

we live in. Even while I type they are at it again spraying the orchards across

the street. The clouds are sappose to be comming and going for 2 more days and I

have not looked yet today to see if there are more Chem trails over my house.

They might be making me sick and there is nothing I can do about it. I do not

know if Chem trails make certain type people come down with Morgellons, but I

know they add to the problem. Maybe speed things along because of the difficulty

they cause a body. I bet non Morgellons bodies have a hard time with the stinkin




> >



> >



> >



> > I wish I knew more earlier in life. We make mud puddles in the summer for

the Grand kids to play in. I will try to not let that ever happen again. Of

course I will have to fight hubby on that one. Slept real good last night but

still have a hand full of bugs with me this morn. Well I forgot a few supplies

and need to jump into the shower before braving the not so clean outdoors.



> >



> >



> >



> > In Light Lynn



> >


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Sorry to hear your story.

I posted something like that a few weeks ago on Sunday the 14th (first day of

daylight savings time).

I had a hard time believing the reality of chemtrails until I saw them, above

my head, where I live. It's easy to not believe this, because it really blows

your mind (and breaks your heart).

But then, so does the GMO/Monsanto thing, right?

Odd that our federal government isn't doing anything about this. I read the

other day that Monsanto was awarded the honor of company of the year by Forbes.





No, this isn't a dream, it's actually happening.



> Hi all


> Did not really know what to think of Chemtrails for a long time. Was a little

skeptical. Even when I first saw them a month or less ago over my the orchard

right beside my house and over my garage which is seperate from our house about

100 feet away.


> Well yesterday we had rain clouds comming in and I looked our a bathroom

window and saw a short distance away a Chemtrail. I went outside to get a better

look. Next thing I see is a low lying Chem trail right above my house. Fallowing

the length of the house. I was mad. I started wishing the government and persons

in charge would get Morgellons. They all probably make sure they do not live in

a sprayed area.


> I went shopping 3 miles away and looked over in the direction of my house and

3 new chemtrails in the oppisite direction over the house area. When I got

closer they were over the orchard and over the road. Well took those groucerys

in and went back out. Went to the neigboring city to get the rest of my

groucerys. Got that and stayed in doors half the day. Went outside in the even a

couple of times. Well as the day had progressed I started having issues. My

sense of reality started shorting out. It was like my brain would white out for

a secound and than some foggy thinking before comming back half way. Fought that

off all day. Also my aim was off. Every thing I tried to pour or place on a

counter or table I would end up with a spill no matter how slow or careful I

was. I still at that point did not put two and two together. By evening I was

buggy. Not in a huge way, but did have some bugs on every body part. A few on my

arms, a few on my legs, a few on my feet, a few on my back and butt and face.

None going for any orafaces. I had a bad headache and even though I did not feel

paniced my heart want to go faster. I had to work at it to keep that calmed

down. Now I was starting to wonder if the Chem trails had made me off balance

with the bugs, foggy thinking, and headache. Even started having body parts go

numb. Like feet and finger tips. The brain flashing out in a white out almost

scared me. Was also seeing sparks out of my side vision. So my eyesight was

effected. Like it was trying to short out.


> They are also spraying the next set of orchards all around our orchard that we

live in. Even while I type they are at it again spraying the orchards across the

street. The clouds are sappose to be comming and going for 2 more days and I

have not looked yet today to see if there are more Chem trails over my house.

They might be making me sick and there is nothing I can do about it. I do not

know if Chem trails make certain type people come down with Morgellons, but I

know they add to the problem. Maybe speed things along because of the difficulty

they cause a body. I bet non Morgellons bodies have a hard time with the stinkin



> I wish I knew more earlier in life. We make mud puddles in the summer for the

Grand kids to play in. I will try to not let that ever happen again. Of course I

will have to fight hubby on that one. Slept real good last night but still have

a hand full of bugs with me this morn. Well I forgot a few supplies and need to

jump into the shower before braving the not so clean outdoors.


> In Light Lynn


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Guest guest

Hi Lynn Can't post long have to work. My lack of posting has been long hours and

shifts. This is the unknown we all must share with each other, especially with

the CDC dragging its feet.

> > >

> > > Hi Lynn

> > >

> > > They are hitting hard here too with the chemtrails (ez, Ca--Contra

Costa County). This went on all summer long last year also. As soon as there

is a nice blue sky, the chemtrail spraying starts. I only started to be aware

of it two and a half years ago when my Morgellons started and now when it starts

I'm a little afraid to go out for long periods of time. I sure can understand

your frustration about it as I have been so angry about it myself. So few

people out there seem willing to be aware of it or care about it. There are a

few brave souls who have created websites talking about it, and thank goodness

for them. Of course, they are all viewed as kooks, weirdos or radicals, which

in my opinion they are NOT. So many times in my life these brave individuals

who come forward early on are proven to be correct all along. I'm not a baby

here--in my 60's.

> > >

> > > I don't have to fight hubby on any of this as he concurs.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ogroups.com

> > > Sent: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 14:51:36 +0000 (UTC)

> > > Subject: Chem Trails

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi all

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Did not really know what to think of Chemtrails for a long time. Was a

little skeptical. Even when I first saw them a month or less ago over my the

orchard right beside my house and over my garage which is seperate from our

house about 100 feet away.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Well yesterday we had rain clouds comming in and I looked our a bathroom

window and saw a short distance away a Chemtrail. I went outside to get a better

look. Next thing I see is a low lying Chem trail right above my house. Fallowing

the length of the house. I was mad. I started wishing the government and persons

in charge would get Morgellons. They all probably make sure they do not live in

a sprayed area.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I went shopping 3 miles away and looked over in the direction of my house

and 3 new chemtrails in the oppisite direction over the house area. When I got

closer they were over the orchard and over the road. Well took those groucerys

in and went back out. Went to the neigboring city to get the rest of my

groucerys. Got that and stayed in doors half the day. Went outside in the even a

couple of times. Well as the day had progressed I started having issues. My

sense of reality started shorting out. It was like my brain would white out for

a secound and than some foggy thinking before comming back half way. Fought that

off all day. Also my aim was off. Every thing I tried to pour or place on a

counter or table I would end up with a spill no matter how slow or careful I

was. I still at that point did not put two and two together. By evening I was

buggy. Not in a huge way, but did have some bugs on every body part. A few on my

arms, a few on my legs, a few on my feet, a few on my back and butt and face.

None going for any orafaces. I had a bad headache and even though I did not feel

paniced my heart want to go faster. I had to work at it to keep that calmed

down. Now I was starting to wonder if the Chem trails had made me off balance

with the bugs, foggy thinking, and headache. Even started having body parts go

numb. Like feet and finger tips. The brain flashing out in a white out almost

scared me. Was also seeing sparks out of my side vision. So my eyesight was

effected. Like it was trying to short out.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > They are also spraying the next set of orchards all around our orchard

that we live in. Even while I type they are at it again spraying the orchards

across the street. The clouds are sappose to be comming and going for 2 more

days and I have not looked yet today to see if there are more Chem trails over

my house. They might be making me sick and there is nothing I can do about it. I

do not know if Chem trails make certain type people come down with Morgellons,

but I know they add to the problem. Maybe speed things along because of the

difficulty they cause a body. I bet non Morgellons bodies have a hard time with

the stinkin stuff.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I wish I knew more earlier in life. We make mud puddles in the summer for

the Grand kids to play in. I will try to not let that ever happen again. Of

course I will have to fight hubby on that one. Slept real good last night but

still have a hand full of bugs with me this morn. Well I forgot a few supplies

and need to jump into the shower before braving the not so clean outdoors.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > In Light Lynn

> > >

> >


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Guest guest

D Monsanto is a long ago documented and proven evil company, I still feel

chem-trails are unfounded scientifically. Just my opinion, and you know what

they say about opinions everybody's got one.:)

> >

> > Hi all

> >

> > Did not really know what to think of Chemtrails for a long time. Was a

little skeptical. Even when I first saw them a month or less ago over my the

orchard right beside my house and over my garage which is seperate from our

house about 100 feet away.

> >

> > Well yesterday we had rain clouds comming in and I looked our a bathroom

window and saw a short distance away a Chemtrail. I went outside to get a better

look. Next thing I see is a low lying Chem trail right above my house. Fallowing

the length of the house. I was mad. I started wishing the government and persons

in charge would get Morgellons. They all probably make sure they do not live in

a sprayed area.

> >

> > I went shopping 3 miles away and looked over in the direction of my house

and 3 new chemtrails in the oppisite direction over the house area. When I got

closer they were over the orchard and over the road. Well took those groucerys

in and went back out. Went to the neigboring city to get the rest of my

groucerys. Got that and stayed in doors half the day. Went outside in the even a

couple of times. Well as the day had progressed I started having issues. My

sense of reality started shorting out. It was like my brain would white out for

a secound and than some foggy thinking before comming back half way. Fought that

off all day. Also my aim was off. Every thing I tried to pour or place on a

counter or table I would end up with a spill no matter how slow or careful I

was. I still at that point did not put two and two together. By evening I was

buggy. Not in a huge way, but did have some bugs on every body part. A few on my

arms, a few on my legs, a few on my feet, a few on my back and butt and face.

None going for any orafaces. I had a bad headache and even though I did not feel

paniced my heart want to go faster. I had to work at it to keep that calmed

down. Now I was starting to wonder if the Chem trails had made me off balance

with the bugs, foggy thinking, and headache. Even started having body parts go

numb. Like feet and finger tips. The brain flashing out in a white out almost

scared me. Was also seeing sparks out of my side vision. So my eyesight was

effected. Like it was trying to short out.

> >

> > They are also spraying the next set of orchards all around our orchard that

we live in. Even while I type they are at it again spraying the orchards across

the street. The clouds are sappose to be comming and going for 2 more days and I

have not looked yet today to see if there are more Chem trails over my house.

They might be making me sick and there is nothing I can do about it. I do not

know if Chem trails make certain type people come down with Morgellons, but I

know they add to the problem. Maybe speed things along because of the difficulty

they cause a body. I bet non Morgellons bodies have a hard time with the stinkin


> >

> > I wish I knew more earlier in life. We make mud puddles in the summer for

the Grand kids to play in. I will try to not let that ever happen again. Of

course I will have to fight hubby on that one. Slept real good last night but

still have a hand full of bugs with me this morn. Well I forgot a few supplies

and need to jump into the shower before braving the not so clean outdoors.

> >

> > In Light Lynn

> >


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Lynn Besides long hours it is spring and I have to get ready for the new calf's

and clean the stalls from winter, get ready for the garden. Plus I had a big

tree split by the ice storm this winter I have had to clean up and have taken

down. Been busy busy, but very healthy.:)


> From: " Lynn " <torpedolynn@...>

> bird mites

> Subject: Chem Trails

> Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 14:51:36 -0000


> Hi all


> Did not really know what to think of Chemtrails for a long time. Was a little

skeptical. Even when I first saw them a month or less ago over my the orchard

right beside my house and over my garage which is seperate from our house about

100 feet away.


> Well yesterday we had rain clouds comming in and I looked our a bathroom

window and saw a short distance away a Chemtrail. I went outside to get a better

look. Next thing I see is a low lying Chem trail right above my house. Fallowing

the length of the house. I was mad. I started wishing the government and persons

in charge would get Morgellons. They all probably make sure they do not live in

a sprayed area.


> I went shopping 3 miles away and looked over in the direction of my house and

3 new chemtrails in the oppisite direction over the house area. When I got

closer they were over the orchard and over the road. Well took those groucerys

in and went back out. Went to the neigboring city to get the rest of my

groucerys. Got that and stayed in doors half the day. Went outside in the even a

couple of times. Well as the day had progressed I started having issues. My

sense of reality started shorting out. It was like my brain would white out for

a secound and than some foggy thinking before comming back half way. Fought that

off all day. Also my aim was off. Every thing I tried to pour or place on a

counter or table I would end up with a spill no matter how slow or careful I

was. I still at that point did not put two and two together. By evening I was

buggy. Not in a huge way, but did have some bugs on every body part. A few on my

arms, a few on my legs, a few on my feet, a few on my back and butt and face.

None going for any orafaces. I had a bad headache and even though I did not feel

paniced my heart want to go faster. I had to work at it to keep that calmed

down. Now I was starting to wonder if the Chem trails had made me off balance

with the bugs, foggy thinking, and headache. Even started having body parts go

numb. Like feet and finger tips. The brain flashing out in a white out almost

scared me. Was also seeing sparks out of my side vision. So my eyesight was

effected. Like it was trying to short out.


> They are also spraying the next set of orchards all around our orchard that we

live in. Even while I type they are at it again spraying the orchards across the

street. The clouds are sappose to be comming and going for 2 more days and I

have not looked yet today to see if there are more Chem trails over my house.

They might be making me sick and there is nothing I can do about it. I do not

know if Chem trails make certain type people come down with Morgellons, but I

know they add to the problem. Maybe speed things along because of the difficulty

they cause a body. I bet non Morgellons bodies have a hard time with the stinkin



> I wish I knew more earlier in life. We make mud puddles in the summer for the

Grand kids to play in. I will try to not let that ever happen again. Of course I

will have to fight hubby on that one. Slept real good last night but still have

a hand full of bugs with me this morn. Well I forgot a few supplies and need to

jump into the shower before braving the not so clean outdoors.


> In Light Lynn




> ------------------------------------



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Hi Lynn I have shoveled enough manure today to last another winter. Not that bad

but its done. The tree I had to hire someone to have it taken down it was split

from a ice storm this winter and very close to the house but a cherry picker or

bucket truck could not make it down that side of the house. I also have a

neighbor boy that I hire for help around the farm. So life is good and not to

rough. You missed a day of post yourself, yesterday, glad to see you back too

always enjoy your post to.

> > >

> > > From: " Lynn " <torpedolynn@>

> > > bird mites

> > > Subject: Chem Trails

> > > Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 14:51:36 -0000

> > >

> > > Hi all

> > >

> > > Did not really know what to think of Chemtrails for a long time. Was a

little skeptical. Even when I first saw them a month or less ago over my the

orchard right beside my house and over my garage which is seperate from our

house about 100 feet away.

> > >

> > > Well yesterday we had rain clouds comming in and I looked our a bathroom

window and saw a short distance away a Chemtrail. I went outside to get a better

look. Next thing I see is a low lying Chem trail right above my house. Fallowing

the length of the house. I was mad. I started wishing the government and persons

in charge would get Morgellons. They all probably make sure they do not live in

a sprayed area.

> > >

> > > I went shopping 3 miles away and looked over in the direction of my house

and 3 new chemtrails in the oppisite direction over the house area. When I got

closer they were over the orchard and over the road. Well took those groucerys

in and went back out. Went to the neigboring city to get the rest of my

groucerys. Got that and stayed in doors half the day. Went outside in the even a

couple of times. Well as the day had progressed I started having issues. My

sense of reality started shorting out. It was like my brain would white out for

a secound and than some foggy thinking before comming back half way. Fought that

off all day. Also my aim was off. Every thing I tried to pour or place on a

counter or table I would end up with a spill no matter how slow or careful I

was. I still at that point did not put two and two together. By evening I was

buggy. Not in a huge way, but did have some bugs on every body part. A few on my

arms, a few on my legs, a few on my feet, a few on my back and butt and face.

None going for any orafaces. I had a bad headache and even though I did not feel

paniced my heart want to go faster. I had to work at it to keep that calmed

down. Now I was starting to wonder if the Chem trails had made me off balance

with the bugs, foggy thinking, and headache. Even started having body parts go

numb. Like feet and finger tips. The brain flashing out in a white out almost

scared me. Was also seeing sparks out of my side vision. So my eyesight was

effected. Like it was trying to short out.

> > >

> > > They are also spraying the next set of orchards all around our orchard

that we live in. Even while I type they are at it again spraying the orchards

across the street. The clouds are sappose to be comming and going for 2 more

days and I have not looked yet today to see if there are more Chem trails over

my house. They might be making me sick and there is nothing I can do about it. I

do not know if Chem trails make certain type people come down with Morgellons,

but I know they add to the problem. Maybe speed things along because of the

difficulty they cause a body. I bet non Morgellons bodies have a hard time with

the stinkin stuff.

> > >

> > > I wish I knew more earlier in life. We make mud puddles in the summer for

the Grand kids to play in. I will try to not let that ever happen again. Of

course I will have to fight hubby on that one. Slept real good last night but

still have a hand full of bugs with me this morn. Well I forgot a few supplies

and need to jump into the shower before braving the not so clean outdoors.

> > >

> > > In Light Lynn

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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