Guest guest Posted May 2, 2006 Report Share Posted May 2, 2006 Okay, I've posted the entire article. It's really good and there's some really important info here about the causes of Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea as well as how to diagnose and test for it. This sounds way too much like so many of us, myself in particular. Headaches, clear post nasal drip (CFS?), salty taste. Can result from trauma (whiplash/FMS?), cranial defects, or fistulas caused by infection. Hello? I think we should all be getting tested for this. penny Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea Jayson Greenberg, M.D. December 3, 1998 CSF rhinorrhea results from a breakdown of the dura and supporting structures of the skull base resulting in a connection between the subarachnoid space and the nose. It may be a complication of trauma, tumor ablation, paranasal sinus disease, or surgery. Regardless of etiology, the mechanism is essentially the same. There is a disruption of the arachnoid and the dura, coupled with an osseous defect, and a CSF pressure gradient that is either continuously or intermittently greater than the healing tensile strength of the disrupted tissue. This causes separation of the dural fibers and CSF leakage. CSF rhinorrhea may occur directly through the anterior cranial fossa or indirectly from the middle or posterior fossa via the Eustachian tube. More specifically, these portals of entry may take place across the frontal sinus, cribriform plate of the ethmoid, the sphenoid sinus, the sella, or via the temporal bone from the middle ear and through the Eustachian tube. CSF rhinorrhea is not a common entity, but a very important one, because its complications can be catastrophic. Most fistulas will heal with conservative management and without complications, but pneumocephalus, meningitis, and hydrocephalus are potential fatal complications. Meningitis occurs in 25%-50% of untreated cases, in 10% of cases within the first week of trauma, and 10% of cases following spontaneous cessation of leakage. Galen first described CSF rhinorrhea in the second century AD. He postulated that CSF was released into the nose by way of the pituitary and ethmoid regions. In 1826, published the first case of CSF rhinorrhea in a hydrocephalic child with an intermittent discharge of nasal fluid. Autopsy revealed communications between the nasal and cranial cavities. In 1899, St. Clair reported the first series of patients with spontaneous CSF leaks and coined the term rhinorrhea. He also differentiated between cerebrospinal rhinorrhea and nasal rhinorrhea. He did not recommend surgical intervention. Walter Dandy performed the first successful intracranial repair in 1926. Gusta Dohlman described the first extracranial approach for repair in 1948 using flaps taken from the middle turbinate for a fistula in the cribriform region. Hirsch described the first endonasal approach in 1952 for CSF rhinorrhea in 2 acromegalic patients. Finally, in 1981, Wigand described the first transnasal endoscopic visualization and repair of a CSF leak. CSF rhinorrhea is generally classified as traumatic or atraumatic. Traumatic CSF leaks can be subdivided into those caused by head injury versus those that are iatrogenic or post surgical. Eighty percent are traumatic in origin, as a result of head injury. CSF rhinorrhea occurs in 2% of all head injuries and in up to 15% of all base of skull fractures. The majority of these occur through the anterior cranial fossa. In this area, the dura is tightly adherent to the thin bone of the cribriform plate and roof of the ethmoid. Temporal bone fractures may also lead to passage of CSF from the middle ear via the Eustachian tube manifesting as rhinorrhea. Traumatic cases are more common in males. 80% present within the first 48 hours, and 95% present within 3 months of the accident. Fortunately, most of these fistulas close spontaneously. In these instances, the dura may be torn, but there is no significant loss of dural tissue. Sixteen percent of leaks are traumatic and iatrogenic in origin. They can be further subdivided into intra-operative and delayed onset leaks. In the past, the majority of iatrogenic fistulas were the result of neurosurgical procedures. However, endoscopic sinus surgery has replaced neurosurgery as the leading cause of this problem. CSF rhinorrhea is a well-recognized complication of ESS and occurs in 0.5% of cases. The diagnosis can often times be made intra- operatively by the presence of clear fluid draining from the roof of the nasal cavity. Likewise, CSF rhinorrhea is a complication of neurootology procedures, occurring in 12% of acoustic neuroma resections. However, complications of acoustic neuroma resection has been the subject of a prior grand rounds and will not be dealt with today. The remaining 4% of cases of CSF rhinorrhea are atraumatic or spontaneous leaks. These can be further subdivided into high pressure and normal pressure leaks. High-pressure leaks include tumors and hydrocephalus. They are due to long-standing increases in intracranial pressure and account for 45% of spontaneous leaks. Increased pressure in the subarachnoid space forces CSF through a weak or potential pathway. There is no direct invasion of the skull base. Eighty-four percent are due to slow growing tumors, most commonly originating in the pituitary. However, by the time a tumor produces an increase in ICP great enough to precipitate a leak, other neurologic signs are present. The remaining 16% are due to hydrocephalus. Normal pressure leaks account for 55% of cases. They are thought to be due to slow erosion of the skull base secondary to normal fluctuations in intracranial pressure leading to point erosion and CSF rhinorrhea. Ninety percent originate from a congenital or potential pathway such as a persistent craniopharyngeal canal. The remaining 10% are due to direct erosion of the skull base by tumor or infections. Examples include osteomas of the frontoethmoids, nasopharyngeal angiofibromas, nasopharyngeal carcinomas, and osteolytic erosions secondary to sinusitis, syphilis, or mucoceles. In either case, the initial leak is frequently precipitated by coughing, sneezing or straining in 30%. The pathogenesis behind traumatic leaks is easily understood, while there have been several theories behind the pathogenesis of spontaneous leaks. Some have proposed that they are the results of normal anatomic and physiologic factors. The majority of these fistulous communications involve dehiscences in the region of the fovea ethmoidalis, cribriform plate, and sphenoid sinus. Studies have shown the fovea ethmoidalis is dehiscent in 14% of bones. Similar dehiscences have been described in the sphenoid and frontal sinus. Why these bony dehiscences occur is unknown. Excessive pneumatization of the sinuses may be one explanation. Sphenoid recesses are common, and inferolateral recesses may be seen in 25%- 36% of cases. This increased pneumatization increases sinus surface area making an association with a bony dehiscence more likely. Pneumatization of the middle fossa floor as well as the sinuses along with normal pulsatile CSF and brain pressures can cause thinning of the bone from the intracranial surface. Small pits and holes can result in elongation of the dura, arachnoid and brain through holes, creating meningoceles or meningoencephaloceles, which may rupture. It remains unproven whether those patients with spontaneous CSF rhinorrhea have a higher incidence of sphenoid pneumatization versus control populations. Ommaya's theory of focal atrophy hypothesizes that the normal contents of the cribriform plate or sella turcica areas can become reduced in bulk because of ischemia. The resulting empty space becomes a pouch filled with CSF. The normal CSF pressure pulse causes this pouch to exert a focal continually erosive effect. The persistence of the embryonic lateral craniopharyngeal canal has been another proposed route. One analysis of 138 sphenoidal bones revealed 18% had remnants of the craniopharyngeal canal, with 5% having defects connecting the sphenoid sinus and the cranial vault. It is pertinent to remember that maximum CSF pressure is attained in an adult at a pressure that is 3times greater than in an infant. This could partially explain why an underlying congenital defect would become manifest only at an adult age. The diagnosis of CSF rhinorrhea revolves around three principles: determining the fluid is from the nose, determining the fluid is CSF, and localizing the fistula. The patient's history and physical exam coupled with a high index of suspicion should prompt the search for a leak. The majority of cases present with a complaint of clear, watery nasal discharge with a recent history of head trauma or predisposing surgery. Specifically a persistent clear nasal discharge that is unilateral would suggest a diagnosis of CSF rhinorrhea. The flow may change with alterations in posture. When supine, the patient may complain of a postnasal drip. A salty taste may also be noted. Cessation of flow is frequently associated with headache, which is relieved by the onset of flow. Confirming the diagnosis is more challenging in those with spontaneous leaks. The initial onset is insidious and may occur after an episode of coughing or sneezing. It may be mistaken for vasomotor rhinitis or rhinosinusitis. A patient with repeated episodes of meningitis should also prompt further investigation of a dural tear. Physical examination is usually unremarkable, except for rhinorrhea, which may or may not be present at the time of examination. Intranasal exam may reveal an encephalocele, but is also unremarkable. Most fistulas occur high in the nose and are difficult to visualize without magnification. Jugular compression or different head positions may help stimulate flow through the fistula. Specifically, asking the patient to lean forward and strain with a closed glottis may stimulate flow. Distinguishing between CSF and serous nasal secretions may be difficult. If a sufficient sample of nasal drainage can be obtained, it can be sent to the lab and analyzed. CSF is usually clear unless associated with trauma. Blood from head injured patients may mix with CSF and mask the recognition of a leak. Most of us have read about the halo sign. CSF will separate from blood when the mixture is placed on filter paper resulting in a central area of blood with an outer ring or halo. Dula et al studied this ring sign and found that mixtures of CSF and blood will produce a clinically detectable ring with CSF:blood ratios of 30%-90%. Blood alone does not produce a ring. The best ring was obtained with a 50: 50 mix of blood and CSF. More importantly, they found that the presence of a ring was not exclusive for CSF. Blood mixed with tap water, saline, and rhinorrhea fluid also produced a ring. The halo sign does occur, but clearly does not clinch the diagnosis. CSF can also be confirmed in the laboratory. It is odorless, salty, and has a specific gravity of 1.006. The protein level is much less than nasal fluid, while the chloride level is greater. More importantly, CSF has a greater concentration of glucose than mucus or lacrimal secretions. The quantitative determination of a glucose level in nasal fluid not contaminated by blood can be diagnostic of CSF rhinorrhea if the nasal fluid contains more than 30mg/dl. Negative test results for glucose virtually eliminate the possibility of CSF. Glucose oxidase paper or dextrose sticks have historically been used to identify CSF. However, they have been shown to be unreliable because lacrimal gland secretions and nasal mucus have reducing substances that may cause a positive reaction with glucose concentrations as low as 5 mg/dl. When the leakage is profuse and clear, the diagnosis can be unmistakable. Intermittent leaks, especially when mixed with blood or nasal secretions may be overlooked. The presence of beta2 transferrin was first used to diagnose a CSF leak in 1979. What is beta2 transferrin? Transferrin is a polypeptide involved in ferrous ion transport. Beta1 transferrin is present in serum, nasal secretions, tears, and saliva. Beta2 transferrin has only been demonstrated in CSF, perilymph, and aqueous humor. Beta2 transferrin accounts for 15% of the total transferrin content in CSF. The structural differences between the 2 forms results in a slower migration of beta2 transferrin towards the cathode. The result is 2 distinct bands produced during electrophoresis. This is a non- invasive test requiring only .5cc of fluid for analysis. Beta 2 transferrin can be detected in 3 hours. How useful is this test? Skedros et al (1993) at the University of Pittsburgh studied 68 patients that had specimens submitted for beta2 transferrin to evaluate for a CSF leak. The results facilitated appropriate intervention in 7 patients, and a negative test result avoided any invasive procedures in 33 patients. Eighteen patients had test results that were unavailable at the time of intervention. In 6 patients clinical management was contrary to the test results. Five underwent invasive procedures despite a negative test. Three had operative procedures during which no leak was found. Two received lumbar drains and continued to have rhinorrhea diagnosed as post surgical vasomotor rhinitis. The sixth patient was discharged with a positive test and later brought back for repair of a post surgical leak. Overall they found no false positive tests in 23/23 patients confirmed by subsequent management, and 2 surgically confirmed false negative results (43/45). However, when the clinical impression sharply contrasts with the beta2 transferrin results, repeat testing or the use of other methods to detect CSF rhinorrhea should be used. These other methods, besides, diagnosing CSF rhinorrhea, also help to localize the leak. Now that we know the fluid is CSF, how do we localize the leak? Radiologically, CT scan alone is an insensitive method for confirming a leak. CT alone can yield indirect evidence such as a bony defect or fracture or fluid in the paranasal sinuses. CT can also show any causative intracranial lesions including tumors, bony erosions, or hydrocephalus. Thin cut CT can be particularly useful in identifying bony abnormalities within the sinuses or skull base. CT cisternography with metrizamide introduced intrathecally is more accurate, and its reliability and usefulness in localizing CSF fistulas has been documented in numerous studies. Metrizamide is a nonionic, tri-iodinated, water-soluble compound that was first used in the early seventies as a contrast agent for myelography and ventriculography. Chow et al (1989) studied 13 patients with Metrizamide CT cisternography (MCTC) to localize the site of a CSF leak. Seventeen studies were performed, and 13 identified the site of the leakage. Nine scan results were confirmed surgically and the other four were performed on patients who refused surgery. Fifteen scans were performed in patients with active leaks, and 13 were positive. Visualization of metrizamide passing through a bony defect is irrefutable evidence of a CSF leak. The combination of a bony defect with extracranial metrizamide adjacent to the bony defect can also adequately define the leakage site. Extracranial metrizamide within one sinus or in a focal area at the base of the skull may not precisely delineate the leak site, but does help to localize it. Intra nasal pledgets can also be placed in the nose and examined for the presence of contrast. Studies have shown MCTC to be successful in anywhere from 76% to 100% of cases. Side effects are minimal and include primarily headache and nausea. MCTC has been shown to be much more accurate and useful in active versus inactive leaks. Sensitivity drops to less than 60% with inactive leaks. However, repositioning and elevation of intracranial pressure by Valsalva, coughing, or infusion of saline intrathecally have been used to promote CSF leakage and demonstrate the presence of a fistula. Radionuclide cisternography is similar to CT cisternography, but it involves intrathecal administration of radioactive agents, either technetium 99 or Indium 111. Intranasal pledgets are also placed. Radioactive counts of the pledgets are compared and scintigrams of the skull are obtained. Placement of nasal pledgets by differential radiocontamination may add some localizing ability. However, the presence or absence of a leak at the time of diagnosis influences the test result. Eljamel in 1994 reviewed 325 patients from the literature with CSF rhinorrhea. He found a 70% accuracy rate for active leaks with radionuclide cisternography. Accuracy decreased to 28% with inactive leaks. Like CT cisternography, radionuclide cisternography is an invasive procedure. The radioisotope can be rapidly absorbed into the circulation and distributed in turbinate tissue making interpretation difficult or leading to false positive results. For the study to be abnormal, readings should be impressively high. Borderline or slightly elevated readings are not reliable. Care must also be taken to avoid contamination of neighboring pledgets, which can confound test results. With MCTC and radionuclide cisternography, lumbar puncture may conceal an active CSF fistula by reducing CSF pressure. Overall, radionuclide cisternography is a limited localizing technique secondary to less spatial resolution and anatomic detail. Some clinicians advocate radionuclide cisternography as more of a diagnostic rather than localization test. MRI is another useful radiological tool and demonstrates cranial anatomy in detail. The most important benefit of MRI is overestimation of the bright signal from trapped CSF or herniated arachnoid in the dural-bone defect on T2 weighted images. The signal magnifies the fistulous tract, making it more conspicuous. Studies have shown the sensitivity of MRI to be comparable to CT cisternography. In addition, there is no significant decrease with inactive leaks. Eljamel was able to localize 100% of inactive leaks in 11 patients using MRI. It may be difficult to differentiate CSF from mucosal thickening and fluid that may be observed within a sinus. If in doubt, IV gadolinium will show enhancement of inflammatory tissue. Diagnosing a CSF fistula should include the presence of a high signal that is continuous with the subarachnoid space in an extradural location on T2 weighted images. As we all know, MRI is noninvasive and does not expose the patient to ionizing radiation, but lacks the bony detail of CT. Injecting intrathecal dye is another method used to diagnose and localize the fistula site. Fluoroscein is the predominant dye used. This study can provide precise information regarding the location of the leak by direct intranasal examination or cottonoid pledget staining. It is most useful if injected immediately pre-operatively to assist in intraoperative identification of the CSF leak. Transient neurologic complications have been reported, but are minimal when the agent is used in its proper dose. Treatment can be divided into medical and surgical. Conservative medical management is advocated to allow the body's reparative processes a chance to heal. Most protocols involve head elevation and bed rest. The patient is to avoid any coughing, straining and nose blowing. Laxatives are given and fluid is restricted. Some advocate the use of steroids or diuretics. Lumbar drains can also be used to reduce CSF pressure, allowing the dura to approximate and heal. The usefulness of lumbar drains in post surgical patients has been well documented in the neurosurgical literature. Controlled continuous spinal drainage has proven to be a useful adjunct to surgical attempts to seal persistent CSF fistulas. As I stated earlier, the majority of post-traumatic CSF leaks, up to 80%, are associated with a high probability of early spontaneous closure. Prophylactic antibiotic use is controversial. The goal of antibiotics is to decrease the risk of meningitis, a potentially fatal complication. Many advocate use for cases of traumatic origin. The traumatic wound is contaminated by CSF exposure to potentially pathogenic organisms. Other researchers have found no significant difference in meningitis rates in retrospective studies. Brodie et al in 1997 performed a meta-analysis of 6 studies over the last 25 years involving post traumatic CSF leaks, including otorrhea and rhinorrhea. This included 324 patients. Two hundred thirty-seven patients received prophylactic antibiotics and 87 did not. The incidence of meningitis was significantly lower in the patients who received prophylactic antibiotics. Two and one-half percent of the patients (6/237) in the antibiotic group developed meningitis versus 9 of 87 or 10% of the no antibiotic group. The risk of meningitis depends on various factors, including duration of CSF leakage, delayed onset of CSF leakage, site of fistula, and concomitant infection. Prolonged duration of CSF leakage has been shown to be associated with meningitis in many studies. Brodie also found that patients with post traumatic leaks lasting longer than 7-10 days have and 8-10 fold increased risk of developing meningitis. The benefit of antibiotic prophylaxis in spontaneous fistulas has not been adequately studied, as the number of patients in this subset is significantly smaller. Some have advocated a 4-6 week trial of antibiotics to observe for a spontaneous closure, while others claim that antibiotic prophylaxis in this setting is ineffective and can select out resistant organisms. Surgical management is the other treatment option. In addition to surgical repair of the CSF fistula, many patients, especially those with traumatic leaks, may have additional facial fractures requiring operative fixation. A dural tear is not a contraindication to reduction of a midface fracture. Early repair is advocated. Reduction of facial fractures in traumatic fistulas provides a strong bony support for the repair and approximation of torn dural edges. Delayed reduction is more difficult and may re-open a closed fistula. Surgical repair is indicated for open wounds, intracranial hemorrhage, pneumocephalus, cases of recurrent meningitis, and those leaks not responding to conservative management. Patients with persistent post-traumatic CSF rhinorrhea despite conservative management require surgical repair because of the increasing incidence of meningitis,. This subset also includes delayed onset and spontaneous leaks that fail conservative management. Some feel that non-operative management in these cases is rarely permanent. Hubbard et al from the Mayo clinic managed 3 of 28 patients conservatively because of spontaneous remission. Within 24 months, all 3 were again symptomatic and underwent surgical repair. The main surgical approaches are intracranial and extracranial; the latter of which also includes endoscopic repair. Intracranial repair or craniotomy involves unilateral or bilateral frontal bone flaps. Advantages include direct visualization, simultaneous repair and inspection of adjacent cortex, and a better chance of tamponading a leak precipitated by increased ICP. Drawbacks include increased morbidity, extended operative time, prolonged hospitalization, poor view of communicating fistulas from the sphenoid sinus, and increased risk of anosmia. Craniotomy also has a high incidence of persistent leak. Series report anywhere from a 20%-40% failure rate. Ten percent have persistent leaks despite multiple repair attempts. Current thought is that unless there is a coexisting indication for intracranial exploration, the most appropriate initial approach is extracranial, with craniotomy reserved for those that fail or persist despite extracranial repair attempts. CSF rhinorrhea from the frontal sinus is best approached with an osteoplastic flap technique. An eyebrow or coronal incision can be used. After the sinus is entered and mucosa removed, the bony defect in the posterior table is identified. Lowering the patient's head and performing a Valsalva maneuver may help localize the leak. Direct repair of the dura can be accomplished using interrupted silk sutures. For larger defects, homograft dura or fascia lata grafts can be sewn into place medial to the bony defect. The frontal sinuses are then obliterated with fat, and the bone flap secured into place with miniplates. The ethmoid roof and cribriform plate region are most commonly involved in traumatic leaks. Repair in this region can be accomplished via an external ethmoidectomy approach. The orbital contents are dissected posteriorly in a subperiorbital plane. The ethmoid labyrinth is entered by perforating the lacrimal bone and lamina papyrecea. A complete ethmoidectomy is performed. Then the dural defect is exposed in the ethmoid or cribriform plate region. A mucoperiosteal flap is then constructed using either nasal septum, middle turbinate or lateral nasal wall as the donor site. The flap is then rotated into position and secured into place. Some recommend a free fascial graft from either the temporalis fascia or tensor fascia lata to reinforce the flap into place. Free grafts of middle turbinate mucosa can also be used. Once the graft is secured into place, it is covered with Gelfoam and buttressed with nasal packing. If the fistula is the result of a prior transphenoidal procedure or is confined to the sphenoid sinus based on pre-operative studies, a transseptosphenoid approach can be used. The surgical approach is via a sublabial or transnasal route. The sinus is stripped of mucosa. The fistula can be repaired by placing fascia directly over the defect. The graft is held in place with strips of abdominal fat. Extracranial repairs are associated with decreased morbidity, decreased incidence of anosmia, and superior exposure of the sphenoid, parasellar, and posterior ethmoid regions. Studies show success rates from 80%-90% with an extracranial approach. Limitations include an inability to examine the underlying cortex, poor visualization of frontal or sphenoid sinuses with prominent lateral extensions, and lack of success with repairing high-pressure leaks. Those patients with intracranial hypertension require CSF shunting as an adjunct to repair. Complications include facial numbness, septal perforation, and various orbital complications. Several surgeons have described endoscopic closure of CSF fistulas. Some surgeons prefer an operating microscope versus endoscopy. The microscope allows magnification, depth perception, and freedom of motion with a two handed technique. Nevertheless, increased experience with endoscopic sinus surgery has led to expansion of surgical indications. The endoscopic approach provides the most versatility for visualization and exact localization of the fistula site. Extended visualization with angled telescopes has made a variety of anterior and middle fossa defects accessible. All walls of the sphenoid sinus can be accurately visualized. The surgeon can precisely clear mucosa off the defect without increasing defect size. An endoscopic approach avoids an external incision, minimizes intranasal trauma, and decreases OR time. There have been 2 large studies that have examined the success of endoscopic repair of CSF fistulas for all etiologies. Dodson et al treated 29 cases of CSF rhinorrhea with endoscopic techniques. Seventy-five percent had resolution after their initial repair. Duration of follow-up ranged from 3 to 43 months. Lanza et al reviewed 36 patients that underwent endoscopic repair of CSF fistulas. During the first attempt, successful endoscopic repair was achieved in 94%. The mean duration of follow-up was 24.6 months, with a range of 2 to 57 months. Failure of an endoscopic approach may relate to inability to successfully localize the defect, graft displacement, insufficient graft size, incomplete apposition of the graft to the skull base defect, and patient non-compliance with post- operative instructions. The most important consideration in endoscopic repair is exposure. If the septum is deviated to such an extent that it compromises exposure, a septoplasty may be necessary. Likewise, if the middle turbinate compromises exposure, a portion may need to be removed. In this instance, the middle mucosa and bone can be stripped and used as a graft. Angled telescopes are most useful in visualizing the area of the leak. Any debris or blood clot should be removed. For cribriform or fovea ethmoidalis repairs, the dura is usually very adherent and cannot be elevated. Dural elevation is then best left alone to prevent further tearing. Surgical repair involves obtaining a watertight closure until fibrosis produces a permanent seal. To obtain a watertight seal, the dura can be directly sutured. This is often impossible due to inadequate tissue. In this instance various types of grafts have been described to obliterate the defect and obtain a seal. Types of grafts include mucoperiosteal/ mucoperichondrial free grafts, cartilage, bone, temporalis myofascial grafts, and fat. Others have described pedicled turbinate or nasal septal flaps. However, these grafts may fold, tent, or contract, resulting in an inadequate seal. For this reason, others prefer free grafts from the same sites. Some recommend free grafts from remote sites, like tensor fascia lata or temporalis fascia, to eliminate any mucosal defects and risk of synechiae formation. In either case, the size of the graft should exceed the defect size by 30% to compensate for post-operative graft shrinkage. The graft should then be bolstered into place. Gauze, gel foam, merocel sponges, Foley balloons, and nasal trumpets have all been described. As endoscopic approaches are used to repair CSF fistula, endoscopy can also be the cause of CSF rhinorrhea as a complication of sinus surgery. This is an accepted and known complication. One-third of Lanza's and Dodson's patient population were CSF fistulas after endoscopic sinus surgery. Treatment involves immediate repair of intraoperative leaks. Delayed onset leaks, if constant and unresponsive to conservative management should be repaired 1-2 weeks after diagnosis. Of course, the best treatment is prevention, the scope of which extends beyond this presentation. There have been few studies that have clearly documented success in relation to types of grafts. Sample sizes are small, and many have had success with different types of grafts. Several surgeons have used fibrin glue or an Avitene slurry to provide better adhesion of the graft and improve the initial seal during healing. Fibrin glue is made by combining topical thrombin and 10% calcium chloride and mixing this combination simultaneously with cryoprecipitate. Nishihira and McCaffrey studied the use of fibrin glue in experimentally induced CSF rhinorrhea in an animal model. CSF rhinorrhea was produced by creating a defect in the anterior cranial fossa in 36 rats. There were 4 treatment groups: 1) a no treatment control, 2) fibrin glue alone, 3) muscle packing alone, 4) fibrin glue with muscle packing. CSF leaks were evaluated at 3 weeks post- treatment. Persistent CSF leakage was noted in 89% of the control group, 55% of the second grou2, 33% of group three, and 22% with muscle and fibrin glue. Their results suggest that fibrin glue can optimally be used to stabilize tissue grafts and autologous tissue to obliterate skull base defects. Researchers also differ in their use of lumbar drains. Seventy-eight percent of Lanza'a patients underwent pre-operative lumbar drain placement. None of Dodson's patients had a lumbar drain placed. In general, a patient with a fresh fistula probably does not need a lumbar drain, because there is no hypersecretion of CSF. Patients with longstanding fistulas have increased the amount of CSF produced to compensate for what is lost. Without a drain in these patients, an overabundance of CSF will collect intranasally and put pressure on any repair, increasing the risk of failure. Lumbar drains are not without complications and need to be monitored closely. Draining off too much CSF can be fatal. Post-operative instructions, and these apply to any type of approach, include head-of-bed elevation, complete bed rest for 3-5 days, stool softeners, anti-hypertensives and analgesics, lumbar drain for 2-5 days, and no strenuous activity for 4-6 weeks. Antibiotic prophylaxis for nasal packing is also initiated. In closing, CSF rhinorrhea is not a common entity, but it is an important diagnosis to make since its complications can be catastrophic. Most are due to trauma, and most close with conservative management. Surgery is then reserved for those patients that fail conservative therapy. Case Presentation MR is a 30-year-old Hispanic female who presents with complaints of clear, watery drainage from her left nostril for several months, since she returned from Mexico for her grandmother's funeral. The drainage has not subsided since that time. She does not recall any precipitating trauma. She does not have any alterations of taste or smell. She denies any changes in vision or hearing. She does complain of occasional frontal pressure type headaches. She initially went to her primary care physician, who prescribed a nasal spray, which did not improve her symptoms after one month of treatment. She sought no further treatment for 7 months, until she saw another internist, who diagnosed CSF rhinorrhea based on elevated glucose levels in the nasal fluid. She was then referred for further evaluation. Past Medical History: positive PPD. Past surgical history was a tonsillectomy in 1982. Currently she is taking a prescribed anti- tuberculin medication. All: NKDA. On Physical Examination of the head and neck, her TM's were clear, intact bilaterally. There were no effusions present. Her nose was clear, with no drainage or lesions noted on rigid endoscopy. OC/OP - clear. No lymphadenopathy or masses were observed in the neck. Cranial Nerves II - XII are intact. Bibliography Anand VK, Murali RK, Glasgold MJ. Surgical decisions in the management of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea. Rhinology 1995;33:212- 218. Aarabi B, Leibrock LG. Neurosurgical approaches to cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea. Ear Nose Throat J 1992;71:300-305. Beckhardt RN, Setzen M, Carras R. Primary spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1991;104:425-432. Brockbank MJ, Veitch DY, HG. Cerebrospinal fluid in the rhinitis clinic. J Laryngol Otol 1989;103:281-283. Brodie HA. Prophylactic antibiotics for posttraumatic cerebrospinal fluid fistulae. A meta-analysis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1997;123:749-752. Brodie HA, TC. 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