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RE: Re: Brainwave Entertainment Session Test 2 High Beta Ent Trance Embed Recording 1 Hr

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Hi Darelene,

Thank you, but I think I may have overdone my self yesterday,

not sure if it was related to the brainwave entertainment or anything else but

it was a rough night, for multiple psyche issues.

I am curious about the side of control in regards to this

condition, I am curious how many other people here find that when they are in

control of when the sound were to start and stop they find that it either does

not effect them or does not effect them as much? There might be some type of

psychological issue here that we can tape into to make this a little easier on


I know that there was someone on this board with a psychology

degree, maybe you can shed some possible light on why the ability to control

the situation seems to dilute the symptoms almost to non existence.


From: Soundsensitivity

[mailto:Soundsensitivity ] On Behalf Of Darlene

Sent: Monday, 1 December 2008 8:05 AM

To: Soundsensitivity

Subject: Re: Brainwave Entertainment Session Test 2

High Beta Ent Trance Embed Recording 1 Hr

... you are one brave soul!! LOL. I

found it interesting how

you commented on the fact that you were " in control " of when the

sounds started and stopped so that made a bit of difference. This is

the same thing I find. If I tell someone to crunch a potato chip

really loud and obnoxious to try to upset me it really doesn't.

It's the unexpected trigger sounds that make me the most enraged!

Although if I see someone sit next to me in the theatre with a huge

tub of popcorn that is definitely an expected sound and it makes me

rage also but it too is because I can't make them stop it. Control

is a huge aspect in this condition which is weird for me because I am

not a control freak by nature. Anyhow, I think it's great that you

and others here are experimenting with different things to try and

help. Good luck with this and don't over do it!!


> Hi All,




> I am running another test on brainwave entertainment. Im not sure

if this is

> going to work but as I muck around with this I want to keep a

record so that

> if anything comes out of it then I will know what has worked and

more often

> than not, what hasn't.




> Just mucking around at this stage will get more serious with

testing around

> Christmas When I have time to do further research and can afford an

hour in

> Theta.




> Session Length - 1 Hr


> Beta track ramp from 10 Hz 65.5 over 7.82 minutes remain at high

level for

> rest of session.


> Sound Track Trance over course of session entertainment embedded

Phase 153


> Waveform Sine


> Intensity 61.75


> Recording - " I find the sounds of eating relaxing " Fades in at

roughly 17

> minutes and finishes at roughly 48 minutes looped every 20 seconds

on a 3d

> range.




> Notes Phase and Intensity likely to be too high, may come out of

this one

> irritated. To be repeated twice today and if results positive to be


> throughout the week twice daily.




> Results:




> Listened to track from roughly 30 minutes disturbed by dogs wanting

to go

> out, let out dogs and noticed slight headache, at first the sound

of running

> water was annoying but tested the sound of knives and forks on

plates no

> reaction at all, tested filling up a cup of water, no reaction,

gulped , no

> reaction, tried to make dogs drink they wouldn't couldn't test.


> listening to track again. Loaded u this website

> http://www.freesound.org/tagsViewSingle.php?id=4206

and listened to


> sound of people gulping ( i suggest that you do not listen to this

site if

> you are in a bad way) although I found the sound disgusting (its

rather a

> disgusting sound when you have headphones on) I did not feel the


> aggression or flee response.... Opened up primary trigger response


> file, Crunching ( I must be crazy)


> Killed all sound on the computer and listened to the first sound


> (DISGUSTING!!!!) listened to it for about 15 seconds before having

to switch

> it off from feelings of aggression disgust and upset. Note my

feelings were

> a gradual building up and a second note I can still hear the damn


> even though the sound have stopped.




> Notes on results, this may be due to the fact that all of these


> were self imposed therefore I was in control of when they started


> stopped, therefore giving me a better ability to cope with the

noises, but

> when I have tried this type of self imposed torture before it

usually ends

> very very quickly...




> Im very annoyed now, I will try the session out later tonight and

see the

> results, I will also use this session two times a day over the next

week and

> then modify the session to include the sounds of gulping and

crunching on a

> small level building up ( I must be insane) and hopefully build a

> tolerance... or it will get worse only one way to find out.




> Rich


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Hi ,

Fingers crossed J

Im sure there are people who can do that thanks for the advice

From: Soundsensitivity

[mailto:Soundsensitivity ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Tuesday, 2 December 2008 1:36 AM

To: Soundsensitivity

Subject: Re: Brainwave Entertainment Session Test 2

High Beta Ent Trance Embed Recording 1 Hr


Wow, your experiments sound fascinating, and, hopefully will result

in something new for all of us to try or at least more insight into

this condition. I agree about the control factor being very much a

part of the strong reaction we all have to trigger sounds. Is there

someone you can ask to play the sounds for you, and make them

understand that, under no circumstances, are they to turn off the

sounds at your command? That would really setup a more realistic

experiment for you. If you can stop it yourself or you know you can

get away at any time, it's much easier to deal with, at least for



> Hi All,




> I am running another test on brainwave entertainment. Im not sure

if this is

> going to work but as I muck around with this I want to keep a

record so that

> if anything comes out of it then I will know what has worked and

more often

> than not, what hasn't.




> Just mucking around at this stage will get more serious with

testing around

> Christmas When I have time to do further research and can afford an

hour in

> Theta.




> Session Length - 1 Hr


> Beta track ramp from 10 Hz 65.5 over 7.82 minutes remain at high

level for

> rest of session.


> Sound Track Trance over course of session entertainment embedded

Phase 153


> Waveform Sine


> Intensity 61.75


> Recording - " I find the sounds of eating relaxing " Fades in at

roughly 17

> minutes and finishes at roughly 48 minutes looped every 20 seconds

on a 3d

> range.




> Notes Phase and Intensity likely to be too high, may come out of

this one

> irritated. To be repeated twice today and if results positive to be


> throughout the week twice daily.




> Results:




> Listened to track from roughly 30 minutes disturbed by dogs wanting

to go

> out, let out dogs and noticed slight headache, at first the sound

of running

> water was annoying but tested the sound of knives and forks on

plates no

> reaction at all, tested filling up a cup of water, no reaction,

gulped , no

> reaction, tried to make dogs drink they wouldn't couldn't test.


> listening to track again. Loaded u this website

> http://www.freesound.org/tagsViewSingle.php?id=4206

and listened to


> sound of people gulping ( i suggest that you do not listen to this

site if

> you are in a bad way) although I found the sound disgusting (its

rather a

> disgusting sound when you have headphones on) I did not feel the


> aggression or flee response.... Opened up primary trigger response


> file, Crunching ( I must be crazy)


> Killed all sound on the computer and listened to the first sound


> (DISGUSTING!!!!) listened to it for about 15 seconds before having

to switch

> it off from feelings of aggression disgust and upset. Note my

feelings were

> a gradual building up and a second note I can still hear the damn


> even though the sound have stopped.




> Notes on results, this may be due to the fact that all of these


> were self imposed therefore I was in control of when they started


> stopped, therefore giving me a better ability to cope with the

noises, but

> when I have tried this type of self imposed torture before it

usually ends

> very very quickly...




> Im very annoyed now, I will try the session out later tonight and

see the

> results, I will also use this session two times a day over the next

week and

> then modify the session to include the sounds of gulping and

crunching on a

> small level building up ( I must be insane) and hopefully build a

> tolerance... or it will get worse only one way to find out.




> Rich


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Linked association? So maybe if its possible to remove the

effects from one person with practice we could transform that void reaction

onto a group??

Hmm food for thought as Im heading to bed! Not good J

As some of you know I have been doing some experiements with

high level brainwave entertainment as a muck around to start with but as I

noticed results somewhat I have been continuing, I missed my session yesterday

and today and have been worse for it. But I have copied this article from this

web site for your information on Gamma waves if your interested. http://www.mindupdate.com/?p=98

What Gamma Can Do For You


a long time neuroscientists have shown work from poor unsuspecting birds and

cats that there are specific critical periods in development important for a

functional visual system or a species-appropriate bird song. In humans there

have been a few unfortunate cases of horrific neglect of children (i.e. Genie)

that have likely been responsible for profound intellectual deficits, which

have been informative to scientists interested in the consequences of

depravation during the early years. But scientists have not been able to

conduct a formal and yet ethical scientific experiment to measure the

relationship between a critical period and its function in humans until now,

thanks to the ability to measure gamma.


Oct 21st, the Science Daily featured an article on

the exploration of the critical period for language development and other

skills in toddlers by measuring their gamma waves on the EEG. The time period

between 16 to 36 months is a time of tremendous language growth in humans,

where their vocabulary typically expands from about 100 to 1000 words. Dr.

April Benasich from Rutgers University in Newark, measured gamma activity in

the frontal cortex of toddlers (16, 24 and 36 months) while they sat on a

parent’s lap and quietly played. Gamma power (which is determined by the amount

of synchronous gamma firing) was associated with language development,

cognitive skills, behavior and impulse control. The more advanced a child’s

language or cognitive skills, the more gamma power that child showed. And as expected,

children who’s parents had a history of language impairments showed lower gamma



new finding is consistent with what is already known about gamma in adults and

from work in animals. Gamma heightens during the processing of linguistic information,

during the formation of ideas and memories and during other abilities.

Furthermore, gamma fires between 2 regions of the brain during associative

learning, when a new concept is linked to one already known.


gamma coherence within different hemispheres is associated with ADD and

learning disabilities. In fact Dr. C. Njiokiktjien from the Amsterdam,

Netherlands compared intrahemispheric coherences of various frequencies

(including gamma) of children with non-verbal vs. verbal learning disabilities(1).

Their results suggested that children with non-verbal learning disabilities had

less connectivity in the right hemisphere, which is consistent with the idea

that it’s the right hemisphere that manages spatial skills, as well as other

non-verbal tasks.


Hermann from Magdeburg University in Germany presents a model of gamma based on

its power under various psychiatric conditions(2). Too much gamma firing is

associated with ADHD, positive associations in Schizophrenia (i.e.

hallucinations) and epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease, negative symptoms of

Schizophrenia (i.e. blunt or flat affects) are associated with too little



can we benefit from using brainwave entrainment to help us enter gamma states?

Or are there risks associated with having more gamma power?


R. Olmstead, a clinical psychologist from Sunrise, FL, found benefits with

gamma training in children with non-verbal learning disabilities, ages 6-16(3).

She exposed them to 35 min brainwave entrainment sessions twice a week for 6

weeks. The sessions alternated between excitatory sessions (increasing from 14

(beta) to 40 (gamma) Hz), and inhibitory sessions (decreasing from 40 to 14

Hz). She found that her training enhanced various non-verbal cognitive

abilities such as processing speed, freedom from distractibility, arithmetic

and coding.


what about the rest of us?


think there is good reason to hypothesize that gamma training might also

benefit many with other learning disabilities as well. But I am concerned about

the fact that ADHD is associated with too much gamma firing. Thus if you have a

learning disability and ADHD, or just ADHD alone, or even if you didn’t have

any signs of ADHD, would gamma training enhance your distractibility or



there hasn’t been enough research done to answer these questions at this point.

However, there is good news. Brainwave entrainment for most of the population

is a very gentle stimulus, and it takes time for cognitive benefits to take

effect. Thus training with gamma (or any other stimulus) is done slowly. All

such training should be conducted mindfully, and if you start to develop any

unwanted symptoms, you can simply stop your training, and the effects will

likely to go away. The higher the gamma power, the more severe the symptoms, so

ignoring milder unwanted side effects could be dangerous.


study by Olmstead might also be a good example as to how to safely train gamma.

She trained students to progress into gamma with the excitatory protocol, and

to leave gamma and return to beta in the inhibitory protocol. I would imagine

that such training is good for leading our brains in and out of gamma as

needed. And thus it might be teaching our brains to self regulate.


there is an element of adventure in using gamma to potentially enhance your

cognitive skills, and if the idea makes you queasy, I’d stand back and wait for

more research to be done.


1 Njiokiktjien C, de Rijke W, Jonkman EJ. Children with non-verbal learning

disabilities (NLD): coherence values in the resting state may reflect

hypofunctional long distance connections in the right hemisphere. Fiziologiia

cheloveka. 2001; 27: 17-22.

2 Herrmann CS, Demiralp T. Human EEG gamma oscillations in neuropsychiatric

disorders. Clin Neurophysiol. 2005; 116: 2719-33.

3 Olmstead R. Use of Auditory and Visual Stimulation to Improve Cognitive

Abilities in Learning-Disabled Children. Journal of Neurotherapy. 2005; 9:



by Tina L. Huang, Ph.D. on November 18th, 2008

with 3 comments.

Read more articles on ADD / ADHD and Brainwave Entrainment

(BWE) and Neuro-Perspectives and Neurotechnology and Studies and Research.

From: Soundsensitivity

[mailto:Soundsensitivity ] On Behalf Of annareutzel

Sent: Thursday, 4 December 2008 1:39 PM

To: Soundsensitivity

Subject: Re: Brainwave Entertainment Session Test 2

High Beta Ent Trance Embed Recording 1 Hr

I did exposure therapy with a shrink and it

never bothered me when

she chewed gum during the sessions. Also, for my " homework "

assignments I had to have my husband and my friends chew gum, and

that didn't bother me either. I think it was because I was in charge

of the situation. When someone in class or on the bus started

chewing, though, it was just a brutal as ever.

> >

> > Hi All,

> >

> >

> >

> > I am running another test on brainwave entertainment. Im not sure

> if this is

> > going to work but as I muck around with this I want to keep a

> record so that

> > if anything comes out of it then I will know what has worked and

> more often

> > than not, what hasn't.

> >

> >

> >

> > Just mucking around at this stage will get more serious with

> testing around

> > Christmas When I have time to do further research and can afford


> hour in

> > Theta.

> >

> >

> >

> > Session Length - 1 Hr

> >

> > Beta track ramp from 10 Hz 65.5 over 7.82 minutes remain at high

> level for

> > rest of session.

> >

> > Sound Track Trance over course of session entertainment embedded

> Phase 153

> >

> > Waveform Sine

> >

> > Intensity 61.75

> >

> > Recording - " I find the sounds of eating relaxing " Fades

in at

> roughly 17

> > minutes and finishes at roughly 48 minutes looped every 20


> on a 3d

> > range.

> >

> >

> >

> > Notes Phase and Intensity likely to be too high, may come out of

> this one

> > irritated. To be repeated twice today and if results positive to


> repeated

> > throughout the week twice daily.

> >

> >

> >

> > Results:

> >

> >

> >

> > Listened to track from roughly 30 minutes disturbed by dogs


> to go

> > out, let out dogs and noticed slight headache, at first the sound

> of running

> > water was annoying but tested the sound of knives and forks on

> plates no

> > reaction at all, tested filling up a cup of water, no reaction,

> gulped , no

> > reaction, tried to make dogs drink they wouldn't couldn't test.

> Started

> > listening to track again. Loaded u this website

> > http://www.freesound.org/tagsViewSingle.php?id=4206

and listened


> the

> > sound of people gulping ( i suggest that you do not listen to


> site if

> > you are in a bad way) although I found the sound disgusting (its

> rather a

> > disgusting sound when you have headphones on) I did not feel the

> usual

> > aggression or flee response.... Opened up primary trigger


> sound

> > file, Crunching ( I must be crazy)

> http://www.freesound.org/searchText.php

> > Killed all sound on the computer and listened to the first sound

> file,

> > (DISGUSTING!!!!) listened to it for about 15 seconds before


> to switch

> > it off from feelings of aggression disgust and upset. Note my

> feelings were

> > a gradual building up and a second note I can still hear the damn

> sounds

> > even though the sound have stopped.

> >

> >

> >

> > Notes on results, this may be due to the fact that all of these

> triggers

> > were self imposed therefore I was in control of when they started

> and

> > stopped, therefore giving me a better ability to cope with the

> noises, but

> > when I have tried this type of self imposed torture before it

> usually ends

> > very very quickly...

> >

> >

> >

> > Im very annoyed now, I will try the session out later tonight and

> see the

> > results, I will also use this session two times a day over the


> week and

> > then modify the session to include the sounds of gulping and

> crunching on a

> > small level building up ( I must be insane) and hopefully build a

> > tolerance... or it will get worse only one way to find out.

> >

> >

> >

> > Rich

> >


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Hi , I have the same experience, when I am in control of the situation the noises seem not to bother me. I think the condition definitely has something to do with control issues. Also, what mentioned earlier...when it's innocent, like a baby or someone that's very kind and feel comfortable telling them to stop it bothers me much less. A situation where I feel less in control and less able to stop the noises would bother me the most.For a while I had been hearing what sounded like the next door neighbor using some sort of sawing machine. It would drive me crazy to the point where I would slam the window shut because I was so angry. After several weeks, to my humiliation, I found out it was actually my bathroom door that would make the noise

because of a draft. From then on it didn't bother me at all. It's interesting...andraTo: Soundsensitivity Sent: Thursday, December 4, 2008 11:39:14 AMSubject: Re: Brainwave Entertainment Session Test 2 High Beta Ent Trance Embed Recording 1 Hr

I did exposure therapy with a shrink and it never bothered me when she chewed gum during the sessions. Also, for my "homework" assignments I had to have my husband and my friends chew gum, and that didn't bother me either. I think it was because I was in charge of the situation. When someone in class or on the bus started chewing, though, it was just a brutal as ever. > >> > Hi All,> > > > > > > > I am running another test on brainwave entertainment. Im not sure

> if this is> > going to work but as I muck around with this I want to keep a > record so that> > if anything comes out of it then I will know what has worked and > more often> > than not, what hasn't.> > > > > > > > Just mucking around at this stage will get more serious with > testing around> > Christmas When I have time to do further research and can afford an > hour in> > Theta.> > > > > > > > Session Length - 1 Hr> > > > Beta track ramp from 10 Hz 65.5 over 7.82 minutes remain at high > level for> > rest of session.> > > > Sound Track Trance over course of session entertainment embedded > Phase 153> > > > Waveform Sine > > > > Intensity 61.75 > > > > Recording

- " I find the sounds of eating relaxing" Fades in at > roughly 17> > minutes and finishes at roughly 48 minutes looped every 20 seconds > on a 3d> > range.> > > > > > > > Notes Phase and Intensity likely to be too high, may come out of > this one> > irritated. To be repeated twice today and if results positive to be > repeated> > throughout the week twice daily.> > > > > > > > Results:> > > > > > > > Listened to track from roughly 30 minutes disturbed by dogs wanting > to go> > out, let out dogs and noticed slight headache, at first the sound > of running> > water was annoying but tested the sound of knives and forks on > plates no> > reaction at all, tested filling up a cup of water, no reaction, >

gulped , no> > reaction, tried to make dogs drink they wouldn't couldn't test. > Started> > listening to track again. Loaded u this website> > http://www.freesound.org/tagsViewSingle.php?id=4206 and listened to > the> > sound of people gulping ( i suggest that you do not listen to this > site if> > you are in a bad way) although I found the sound disgusting (its > rather a> > disgusting sound when you have headphones on) I did not feel the > usual> > aggression or flee response.... Opened up primary trigger response > sound> > file, Crunching ( I must be crazy) > http://www.freesound.org/searchText.php> > Killed all sound on the computer and listened to

the first sound > file,> > (DISGUSTING!!!!) listened to it for about 15 seconds before having > to switch> > it off from feelings of aggression disgust and upset. Note my > feelings were> > a gradual building up and a second note I can still hear the damn > sounds> > even though the sound have stopped.> > > > > > > > Notes on results, this may be due to the fact that all of these > triggers> > were self imposed therefore I was in control of when they started > and> > stopped, therefore giving me a better ability to cope with the > noises, but> > when I have tried this type of self imposed torture before it > usually ends> > very very quickly...> > > > > > > > Im very annoyed now, I will try the session out later tonight and > see

the> > results, I will also use this session two times a day over the next > week and> > then modify the session to include the sounds of gulping and > crunching on a> > small level building up ( I must be insane) and hopefully build a> > tolerance... or it will get worse only one way to find out.> > > > > > > > Rich> >>------------------------------------PLEASE BE AWARE THIS IS A STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL GROUP AND NO MESSAGES ARE TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OUTSIDE OF THE YAHOO GROUP MEMBERSHIP SITE OR REPRODUCED OR COPIED AND MAILED FOR ANY PURPOSE. ALSO DO NOT SHARE MEMBER EMAIL ADDRESSES OR NAMES WITH ANYONE.Thank you. MJ

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Interesting, and how many of our triggers relate to sounds emitted

by something with intelligence, ie people or animals and when it is a sound

that is emitted by an “dead” object do we still feel the same? Your response

below leads me to think not, could this is a connection? Is it we are

aggressive towards people or animals as we think they should be more

considerate? Controlled???? If so did this condition start from this point or

has it developed into this point???

From: Soundsensitivity

[mailto:Soundsensitivity ] On Behalf Of andra Ruiz

Sent: Friday, 5 December 2008 7:32 AM

To: Soundsensitivity

Subject: Re: Re: Brainwave Entertainment Session Test

2 High Beta Ent Trance Embed Recording 1 Hr


, I have the same experience, when I am in control of the situation the

noises seem not to bother me. I think the condition definitely has

something to do with control issues. Also, what mentioned

earlier...when it's innocent, like a baby or someone that's very kind and feel

comfortable telling them to stop it bothers me much less. A situation

where I feel less in control and less able to stop the noises would bother me

the most.

For a while I had been hearing what sounded like the next door neighbor using

some sort of sawing machine. It would drive me crazy to the point where I

would slam the window shut because I was so angry. After several weeks,

to my humiliation, I found out it was actually my bathroom door that would make

the noise because of a draft. From then on it didn't bother me at

all. It's interesting...


To: Soundsensitivity

Sent: Thursday, December 4, 2008 11:39:14 AM

Subject: Re: Brainwave Entertainment Session Test 2

High Beta Ent Trance Embed Recording 1 Hr

I did exposure therapy with a shrink and it never bothered me when

she chewed gum during the sessions. Also, for my " homework "

assignments I had to have my husband and my friends chew gum, and

that didn't bother me either. I think it was because I was in charge

of the situation. When someone in class or on the bus started

chewing, though, it was just a brutal as ever.

> >

> > Hi All,

> >

> >

> >

> > I am running another test on brainwave entertainment. Im not sure

> if this is

> > going to work but as I muck around with this I want to keep a

> record so that

> > if anything comes out of it then I will know what has worked and

> more often

> > than not, what hasn't.

> >

> >

> >

> > Just mucking around at this stage will get more serious with

> testing around

> > Christmas When I have time to do further research and can afford


> hour in

> > Theta.

> >

> >

> >

> > Session Length - 1 Hr

> >

> > Beta track ramp from 10 Hz 65.5 over 7.82 minutes remain at high

> level for

> > rest of session.

> >

> > Sound Track Trance over course of session entertainment embedded

> Phase 153

> >

> > Waveform Sine

> >

> > Intensity 61.75

> >

> > Recording - " I find the sounds of eating relaxing " Fades

in at

> roughly 17

> > minutes and finishes at roughly 48 minutes looped every 20


> on a 3d

> > range.

> >

> >

> >

> > Notes Phase and Intensity likely to be too high, may come out of

> this one

> > irritated. To be repeated twice today and if results positive to


> repeated

> > throughout the week twice daily.

> >

> >

> >

> > Results:

> >

> >

> >

> > Listened to track from roughly 30 minutes disturbed by dogs


> to go

> > out, let out dogs and noticed slight headache, at first the sound

> of running

> > water was annoying but tested the sound of knives and forks on

> plates no

> > reaction at all, tested filling up a cup of water, no reaction,

> gulped , no

> > reaction, tried to make dogs drink they wouldn't couldn't test.

> Started

> > listening to track again. Loaded u this website

> > http://www.freesound.org/tagsViewSingle.php?id=4206 and



> the

> > sound of people gulping ( i suggest that you do not listen to


> site if

> > you are in a bad way) although I found the sound disgusting (its

> rather a

> > disgusting sound when you have headphones on) I did not feel the

> usual

> > aggression or flee response.... Opened up primary trigger


> sound

> > file, Crunching ( I must be crazy)

> http://www.freesound.org/searchText.php

> > Killed all sound on the computer and listened to the first sound

> file,

> > (DISGUSTING!!!!) listened to it for about 15 seconds before


> to switch

> > it off from feelings of aggression disgust and upset. Note my

> feelings were

> > a gradual building up and a second note I can still hear the damn

> sounds

> > even though the sound have stopped.

> >

> >

> >

> > Notes on results, this may be due to the fact that all of these

> triggers

> > were self imposed therefore I was in control of when they started

> and

> > stopped, therefore giving me a better ability to cope with the

> noises, but

> > when I have tried this type of self imposed torture before it

> usually ends

> > very very quickly...

> >

> >

> >

> > Im very annoyed now, I will try the session out later tonight and

> see the

> > results, I will also use this session two times a day over the


> week and

> > then modify the session to include the sounds of gulping and

> crunching on a

> > small level building up ( I must be insane) and hopefully build a

> > tolerance... or it will get worse only one way to find out.

> >

> >

> >

> > Rich

> >







Thank you. MJ

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I recall varieties of 'unintelligent' triggers, particularly in my

younger life being uncomfortable and causing me serious concentration

problems and irritation.

However I agree that when there's someone to blame for the trigger this

problem takes on a new dimension because that's when we feel under attack.

Our minds are overwhelmed by this bombardment and in the stress all we

can think of is fight or flight and as these emotions are almost automatic.

Perhaps we entrench our responses when we are younger and don't know how

to properly rationalise this or develop a coping mechanism.

The problem in telling the offender(s) is that most people seem unable

to develop an awareness of their actions with respect to this condition

and are unable to relate to the pain it causes us. When they continue to

trigger the sensitivity our minds play tricks on us and the attacks can

feel deliberate and that's a tough battle we have to fight inside ourselves.

I think it developed to this point.

McKenna wrote:


> Interesting, and how many of our triggers relate to sounds emitted by

> something with intelligence, ie people or animals and when it is a

> sound that is emitted by an “dead” object do we still feel the same?

> Your response below leads me to think not, could this is a connection?

> Is it we are aggressive towards people or animals as we think they

> should be more considerate? Controlled?? ?? If so did this condition

> start from this point or has it developed into this point???


> *From:* Soundsensitivity@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:Soundsensit

> ivity@yahoogroup s.com] *On Behalf Of *andra Ruiz

> *Sent:* Friday, 5 December 2008 7:32 AM

> *To:* Soundsensitivity@ yahoogroups. com

> *Subject:* Re: Re: Brainwave Entertainment Session

> Test 2 High Beta Ent Trance Embed Recording 1 Hr


> Hi , I have the same experience, when I am in control of the

> situation the noises seem not to bother me. I think the condition

> definitely has something to do with control issues. Also, what

> mentioned earlier...when it's innocent, like a baby or someone that's

> very kind and feel comfortable telling them to stop it bothers me much

> less. A situation where I feel less in control and less able to stop

> the noises would bother me the most.


> For a while I had been hearing what sounded like the next door

> neighbor using some sort of sawing machine. It would drive me crazy to

> the point where I would slam the window shut because I was so angry.

> After several weeks, to my humiliation, I found out it was actually my

> bathroom door that would make the noise because of a draft. From then

> on it didn't bother me at all. It's interesting. ..


> andra


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> *From:* annareutzel <annareutzel@ yahoo.com>

> *To:* Soundsensitivity@ yahoogroups. com

> *Sent:* Thursday, December 4, 2008 11:39:14 AM

> *Subject:* Re: Brainwave Entertainment Session Test

> 2 High Beta Ent Trance Embed Recording 1 Hr


> I did exposure therapy with a shrink and it never bothered me when

> she chewed gum during the sessions. Also, for my " homework "

> assignments I had to have my husband and my friends chew gum, and

> that didn't bother me either. I think it was because I was in charge

> of the situation. When someone in class or on the bus started

> chewing, though, it was just a brutal as ever.



> > >

> > > Hi All,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I am running another test on brainwave entertainment. Im not sure

> > if this is

> > > going to work but as I muck around with this I want to keep a

> > record so that

> > > if anything comes out of it then I will know what has worked and

> > more often

> > > than not, what hasn't.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Just mucking around at this stage will get more serious with

> > testing around

> > > Christmas When I have time to do further research and can afford

> an

> > hour in

> > > Theta.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Session Length - 1 Hr

> > >

> > > Beta track ramp from 10 Hz 65.5 over 7.82 minutes remain at high

> > level for

> > > rest of session.

> > >

> > > Sound Track Trance over course of session entertainment embedded

> > Phase 153

> > >

> > > Waveform Sine

> > >

> > > Intensity 61.75

> > >

> > > Recording - " I find the sounds of eating relaxing " Fades in at

> > roughly 17

> > > minutes and finishes at roughly 48 minutes looped every 20

> seconds

> > on a 3d

> > > range.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Notes Phase and Intensity likely to be too high, may come out of

> > this one

> > > irritated. To be repeated twice today and if results positive to

> be

> > repeated

> > > throughout the week twice daily.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Results:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Listened to track from roughly 30 minutes disturbed by dogs

> wanting

> > to go

> > > out, let out dogs and noticed slight headache, at first the sound

> > of running

> > > water was annoying but tested the sound of knives and forks on

> > plates no

> > > reaction at all, tested filling up a cup of water, no reaction,

> > gulped , no

> > > reaction, tried to make dogs drink they wouldn't couldn't test.

> > Started

> > > listening to track again. Loaded u this website

> > > http://www.freesoun d.org/tagsViewSi ngle.php? id=4206

> <http://www.freesound.org/tagsViewSingle.php?id=4206> and listened

> to

> > the

> > > sound of people gulping ( i suggest that you do not listen to

> this

> > site if

> > > you are in a bad way) although I found the sound disgusting (its

> > rather a

> > > disgusting sound when you have headphones on) I did not feel the

> > usual

> > > aggression or flee response.... Opened up primary trigger

> response

> > sound

> > > file, Crunching ( I must be crazy)

> > http://www.freesoun d.org/searchText .php

> <http://www.freesound.org/searchText.php>

> > > Killed all sound on the computer and listened to the first sound

> > file,

> > > (DISGUSTING! !!!) listened to it for about 15 seconds before

> having

> > to switch

> > > it off from feelings of aggression disgust and upset. Note my

> > feelings were

> > > a gradual building up and a second note I can still hear the damn

> > sounds

> > > even though the sound have stopped.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Notes on results, this may be due to the fact that all of these

> > triggers

> > > were self imposed therefore I was in control of when they started

> > and

> > > stopped, therefore giving me a better ability to cope with the

> > noises, but

> > > when I have tried this type of self imposed torture before it

> > usually ends

> > > very very quickly...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Im very annoyed now, I will try the session out later tonight and

> > see the

> > > results, I will also use this session two times a day over the

> next

> > week and

> > > then modify the session to include the sounds of gulping and

> > crunching on a

> > > small level building up ( I must be insane) and hopefully build a

> > > tolerance... or it will get worse only one way to find out.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Rich

> > >

> >




> ------------ --------- --------- ------







> Thank you. MJ

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Hi ,Speaking from my own personal experience, I definitely think that it is a control issue. Like you mentioned, that people should be more considerate, polite and should know better. They should be more controlled and aware of when they're doing something that I would consider to be weak, "rude" or "gross." It probably doesn't help that I'm a bit compulsive about things and people being "perfect." I have to work on increasing my tolerance!!! I think that I have a big problem with the "human condition" and anything I deem as flawed or imperfect. Anything that reminds me of that sets it off. And it seems to have gotten worse over the years.Sounds really arrogant and self-centered when considered,

right?!?!andraTo: Soundsensitivity Sent: Saturday, December 6, 2008 3:36:56 PMSubject: RE: Re: Brainwave Entertainment Session Test 2 High Beta Ent Trance Embed Recording 1 Hr

Interesting, and how many of our triggers relate to sounds emitted

by something with intelligence, ie people or animals and when it is a sound

that is emitted by an “dead” object do we still feel the same? Your response

below leads me to think not, could this is a connection? Is it we are

aggressive towards people or animals as we think they should be more

considerate? Controlled???? If so did this condition start from this point or

has it developed into this point???

From: Soundsensitivity

[mailto:Soundsensitivity ] On Behalf Of andra Ruiz

Sent: Friday, 5 December 2008 7:32 AM

To: Soundsensitivity

Subject: Re: Re: Brainwave Entertainment Session Test

2 High Beta Ent Trance Embed Recording 1 Hr


, I have the same experience, when I am in control of the situation the

noises seem not to bother me. I think the condition definitely has

something to do with control issues. Also, what mentioned

earlier...when it's innocent, like a baby or someone that's very kind and feel

comfortable telling them to stop it bothers me much less. A situation

where I feel less in control and less able to stop the noises would bother me

the most.

For a while I had been hearing what sounded like the next door neighbor using

some sort of sawing machine. It would drive me crazy to the point where I

would slam the window shut because I was so angry. After several weeks,

to my humiliation, I found out it was actually my bathroom door that would make

the noise because of a draft. From then on it didn't bother me at

all. It's interesting...


To: Soundsensitivity

Sent: Thursday, December 4, 2008 11:39:14 AM

Subject: Re: Brainwave Entertainment Session Test 2

High Beta Ent Trance Embed Recording 1 Hr

I did exposure therapy with a shrink and it never bothered me when

she chewed gum during the sessions. Also, for my "homework"

assignments I had to have my husband and my friends chew gum, and

that didn't bother me either. I think it was because I was in charge

of the situation. When someone in class or on the bus started

chewing, though, it was just a brutal as ever.

> >

> > Hi All,

> >

> >

> >

> > I am running another test on brainwave entertainment. Im not sure

> if this is

> > going to work but as I muck around with this I want to keep a

> record so that

> > if anything comes out of it then I will know what has worked and

> more often

> > than not, what hasn't.

> >

> >

> >

> > Just mucking around at this stage will get more serious with

> testing around

> > Christmas When I have time to do further research and can afford


> hour in

> > Theta.

> >

> >

> >

> > Session Length - 1 Hr

> >

> > Beta track ramp from 10 Hz 65.5 over 7.82 minutes remain at high

> level for

> > rest of session.

> >

> > Sound Track Trance over course of session entertainment embedded

> Phase 153

> >

> > Waveform Sine

> >

> > Intensity 61.75

> >

> > Recording - " I find the sounds of eating relaxing" Fades

in at

> roughly 17

> > minutes and finishes at roughly 48 minutes looped every 20


> on a 3d

> > range.

> >

> >

> >

> > Notes Phase and Intensity likely to be too high, may come out of

> this one

> > irritated. To be repeated twice today and if results positive to


> repeated

> > throughout the week twice daily.

> >

> >

> >

> > Results:

> >

> >

> >

> > Listened to track from roughly 30 minutes disturbed by dogs


> to go

> > out, let out dogs and noticed slight headache, at first the sound

> of running

> > water was annoying but tested the sound of knives and forks on

> plates no

> > reaction at all, tested filling up a cup of water, no reaction,

> gulped , no

> > reaction, tried to make dogs drink they wouldn't couldn't test.

> Started

> > listening to track again. Loaded u this website

> > http://www.freesound.org/tagsViewSingle.php?id=4206 and



> the

> > sound of people gulping ( i suggest that you do not listen to


> site if

> > you are in a bad way) although I found the sound disgusting (its

> rather a

> > disgusting sound when you have headphones on) I did not feel the

> usual

> > aggression or flee response.... Opened up primary trigger


> sound

> > file, Crunching ( I must be crazy)

> http://www.freesound.org/searchText.php

> > Killed all sound on the computer and listened to the first sound

> file,

> > (DISGUSTING!!!!) listened to it for about 15 seconds before


> to switch

> > it off from feelings of aggression disgust and upset. Note my

> feelings were

> > a gradual building up and a second note I can still hear the damn

> sounds

> > even though the sound have stopped.

> >

> >

> >

> > Notes on results, this may be due to the fact that all of these

> triggers

> > were self imposed therefore I was in control of when they started

> and

> > stopped, therefore giving me a better ability to cope with the

> noises, but

> > when I have tried this type of self imposed torture before it

> usually ends

> > very very quickly...

> >

> >

> >

> > Im very annoyed now, I will try the session out later tonight and

> see the

> > results, I will also use this session two times a day over the


> week and

> > then modify the session to include the sounds of gulping and

> crunching on a

> > small level building up ( I must be insane) and hopefully build a

> > tolerance... or it will get worse only one way to find out.

> >

> >

> >

> > Rich

> >







Thank you. MJ

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