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Re: Just curious....a poll of sorts

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Some people might want to skip this one; I talk about inflicting harm on

others in here.

> When did you first notice your 4s symptoms?

Around the second grade.

> Are you sure of when they started or are you making a guess?

Pretty sure. My mom's recollections back this up.

> What sounds bother you?

Excess sibilance in the letters c, ch, sh, s, x, and lip-smacking, my dad's

chewing (I swear the man chews like a cow), and that " huuuuuuuuh " noise some

people make on the phone when they breathe. Singers gasping for air bugs me

too, but I think it's partly annoyance because I feel as singers, they

should know how to control their breathing better. Or the record companies

should edit those sounds out and they don't, just like sound artists for

movies and TV shows don't edit out revolting kissing and lip-smacking

sounds. I can barely READ about lips smacking and slurping noises sometimes.

> Does any one person or group of people bother you more than others?

No. It's a free-for-all when it comes to assaults on my ears.

> What is your " inside " reaction?

I feel panic, anger, pain. There was one man I heard and then instantly

feared hearing him ever again. I actually had to hide from him. I imagine

knocking their teeth out with a good hard punch or a two-by-four, something

invisible slapping them, or tearing their lips off.

> How do you actually react?

I flee or storm out, mentally cursing, and hide, or jack up my iPod if I

can't leave. I become very curt and tense if I have to talk to whoever's

making that noise, and I leave as soon as possible. I cringe and flinch and

back away very fast; once I even jumped. Sometimes I even start losing my

temper and I have to fight off tears. I have to surround myself with noise

to drive out the memories of their voices.

> What are some reactions you've gotten from others when you've been

> " annoyed " by their noises?

Disgust and exasperation from my parents, sympathy and anger on my behalf

from my boyfriend, confusion from others when I wince and move away. The

worst part is not being able to tell anyone why they're hurting me because I

don't think many of them would consent to speak with a lisp, or they would

become angry. Very few people understand that " trivial " things mean a lot to

me or drive me to the brink of insanity.

> How would you rate your 4S? Mild, moderate, severe, profound?

Moderate to severe. If it ever leans towards profound, I might never leave

the house again and live in silence but for the " voices " in my head.


= M-F.

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I thought I was the only one with the phone and singer triggers!!! I can't stand when people go hummm, hummm, hummm after EVERY sentence that you say on the phone. I have a friend that does this all the time and it drives me crazy. One of my favorite songs is taped in such a way where you can literally here the singer's lips part and her tongue hit the roof of her mouth when she's singing and that also drives me bonkers. I have to listen to it on low volume so that the noises aren't that noticeable.I don't know if anyone feels like this but when I am in a situation with triggers I feel paralyzed and like I can't leave or move. Like I have to sit there and be vigilant over them and can't get away. It's a really strange feeling and if I do finally

leave I feel even worse and even more angry than if it doesn't drive me away. I know...it's a bit strange and sounds a little masochistic.andraTo: Soundsensitivity Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2008 7:29:53 AMSubject: Re: Just curious....a poll of sorts

Some people might want to skip this one; I talk about inflicting harm on others in here.> When did you first notice your 4s symptoms?Around the second grade.> Are you sure of when they started or are you making a guess?Pretty sure. My mom's recollections back this up.> What sounds bother you?Excess sibilance in the letters c, ch, sh, s, x, and lip-smacking, my dad's chewing (I swear the man chews like a cow), and that "huuuuuuuuh" noise some people make on the phone when they breathe. Singers gasping for air bugs me too, but I think it's partly annoyance because I feel as singers, they should know how to control their breathing better. Or the record companies should edit those sounds out and they don't, just like sound artists for movies and TV shows don't edit out revolting kissing and lip-smacking sounds. I can barely READ about lips smacking and slurping

noises sometimes.> Does any one person or group of people bother you more than others?No. It's a free-for-all when it comes to assaults on my ears.> What is your "inside" reaction?I feel panic, anger, pain. There was one man I heard and then instantly feared hearing him ever again. I actually had to hide from him. I imagine knocking their teeth out with a good hard punch or a two-by-four, something invisible slapping them, or tearing their lips off.> How do you actually react?I flee or storm out, mentally cursing, and hide, or jack up my iPod if I can't leave. I become very curt and tense if I have to talk to whoever's making that noise, and I leave as soon as possible. I cringe and flinch and back away very fast; once I even jumped. Sometimes I even start losing my temper and I have to fight off tears. I have to surround myself with noise to drive out the memories

of their voices.> What are some reactions you've gotten from others when you've been > "annoyed" by their noises?Disgust and exasperation from my parents, sympathy and anger on my behalf from my boyfriend, confusion from others when I wince and move away. The worst part is not being able to tell anyone why they're hurting me because I don't think many of them would consent to speak with a lisp, or they would become angry. Very few people understand that "trivial" things mean a lot to me or drive me to the brink of insanity.> How would you rate your 4S? Mild, moderate, severe, profound?Moderate to severe. If it ever leans towards profound, I might never leave the house again and live in silence but for the "voices" in my head.The worst part is I'M NOT GETTING BETTER LIKE I THOUGHT I COULD.= M-F. ------------------------------------PLEASE


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> When did you first notice your 4s symptoms? Around age 11.

> Are you sure of when they started or are you making a guess?

I remember exactly when it happened--we were at the dinner table when

I noticed everyone was eating rather loudly. I asked them if they

could eat more quietly, and they looked like I grew a second head.

> What sounds bother you?

Chewing, crunching, sucking (mouth open or closed, for all three);

slurping, breathing, clicking, brushing teeth/using mouthwash,

clipping toenails, swallowing, skin rubbing against skin, gum

> Does any one person or group of people bother you more than others?

My family tends to get the worst reaction from me. I don't know why; I

just nearly jump out of my skin if they make a bad sound around me.

> What is your " inside " reaction?

I get really, irrationally angry, and I fantasize about telling them

to stop, then about making them stop, then about hurting them so

they'll stop; I get a headache, feel like I want to go deaf, feel like

I have to run to get away from the sound. When it's at its worst, I

feel like I've been punched in the gut, or--and this is a weird one--a

twinge in my crotch like I'm so angry I might pee. (Though I never do.)

> How do you actually react?

Cast deadly glares at the offenders; find earplugs or plug my ears

with my fingers; try to make noise to distract myself (I often eat in

time with other people so we make sounds at the same time and I can't

hear theirs); leave the area; grind my teeth; pound my fists or

scratch myself

> What are some reactions you've gotten from others when you've been

" annoyed " by their noises?

" Oh, I didn't notice I was making any noise! " (then they continue to

make it)

" Get over it. "

" You make me feel so uncomfortable around you. "

> How would you rate your 4S? Mild, moderate, severe, profound?

Moderate to severe.

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We have something in common. When I hear the phone ring I dread who it's for as one person in this house no matter who they are talking to or what subject, it's the same old response. Yeeeaaaahh, oh yeaaahhhh, yeeesss, yessss right, yeeeeaaah, then there a few "o.k I better go" before another round of yeeeahh's.

Also on T.V there is a sports presenter who's lips part with a puff every time he speaks and I watch alot of sport but have to turn the sound down as low as I can to still hear his words but try to muff the "Puhhh"

Subject: Re: Just curious....a poll of sortsTo: Soundsensitivity Received: Sunday, 7 December, 2008, 12:14 PM

I thought I was the only one with the phone and singer triggers!!! I can't stand when people go hummm, hummm, hummm after EVERY sentence that you say on the phone. I have a friend that does this all the time and it drives me crazy. One of my favorite songs is taped in such a way where you can literally here the er mouth when she's singing and that also drives me bonkers. I have to listen to it on low volume so that the noises aren't that noticeable.I don't know if anyone feels like this but when I am in a situation with triggers I feel paralyzed and like I can't leave or move. Like I have to sit there and be vigilant over them and can't get away. It's a really strange feeling and if I do finally leave I feel even worse and even more angry than if it doesn't drive me away. I know...it's a bit strange and sounds a little masochistic.andra

From: Multi-Facets Wolfu-chan <wolfuchan@earthlink .net>To: Soundsensitivity@ yahoogroups. comSent: Sunday, December 7, 2008 7:29:53 AMSubject: Re: Just curious....a poll of sortsSome people might want to skip this one; I talk about inflicting harm on others in here.------------ --------- --------- ------PLEASE BE AWARE THIS IS A STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL GROUP AND NO MESSAGES ARE TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OUTSIDE OF THE YAHOO GROUP MEMBERSHIP SITE OR REPRODUCED OR COPIED AND MAILED FOR ANY PURPOSE. ALSO DO NOT SHARE MEMBER EMAIL ADDRESSES OR NAMES WITH ANYONE.Thank you. MJ

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Also on T.V there is a sports presenter who's lips part with a puff

every time he speaks and I watch alot of sport but have to turn the

sound down as low as I can to still hear his words but try to muff

the " Puhhh "

I never could figure out how to explain that one. Thank you for doing

it in a way that made it clear. I could never figure out how to

explain it in words. Even mimicking it gives me the creeps.

My mother was the origin of this one. I watch cooking shows, and every

now and then someone will speak with these regualr intakes of breath. I

usually do the real low volume and or mute/caption thing on my T.V. Yuk.

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