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Re: Digest Mode and Other Topics

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SO proud of you and excited, congrats Mayuri al the way around. And guess what, I start TRT probably in March. I will be visiting a place back East who is particularly set up for my particularly case. So that makes two of us at least!


Reply-To: Soundsensitivity

Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2006 09:30:56 -0800 (PST)

To: Soundsensitivity

Subject: Digest Mode and Other Topics

Hi, everyone . . . just thought I'd mention that I've switched to the daily digest format for the group's e-mails, and it's working well. I have a fairly slow computer connection, and with the growing number of messages in our growing group, navigating through all the individual e-mails was starting to take forever. Now with one click I can read everything that was posted the previous day. Those of you with little time and/or slow computers might want to try that if you're not already.

I haven't had much to contribute lately, either, so I've been silent, but reading (or at least skimming) everything you've all written. On the subject of imipramine, I would certainly be willing to try it if it would bring me some relief, but I'd want to do some research into it first. On the one hand, I want to feel better sooner, so part of me wants to rush in and try everything that might possibly help all at once . . . but on the other hand, I think it would be smart to know which form of therapy is doing what. Because (yes, Marsha! really!) I fully intend to re-start the TRT sound device therapy in a week.

Why? After over four months of searching, I've finally been offered a job! The pay is good, the people seem nice . . . and the entire office suite is carpeted, with my cubicle near the back and far away from the hard floor out near the elevator bank. So as long as there are no awful throat-clearers in the vicinity (something you always have to wait to find out for sure, but I heard none during the extensive interview process), I should be set to " restabilize " on many levels. The relief of a steady paycheck of a known amount, the relief of an amicable work situation where I'm not being treated horrifically by the president of the company (this is what necessitated my departure from my last job), and the relief of a sound environment where I know what to expect every day (doing temp work over the past four months has often been sheer hell, and in one place I only survived a handful of days before I had to quit the job PURELY because of my SSSS -- something that's never happened to me before).

So I start the job a week from tomorrow (Monday the 27th), and plan to pop those little babies right back in my ears and pick up where Marsha and I left off last . . . oh, my, was it really August or September?

Since I appear to be the only one in the group who is doing the TRT therapy (maybe some others are, but just not posting about it), I'd be happy to fill everyone in on how that's going. On the one hand, I don't want to be seen as " advertising " for Marsha, but on the other, if it's a form of therapy that might provide some relief for us, I'd be wrong not to share what happens. I'll be honest, at any rate, however it goes. And maybe if anyone tries the imipramine they can report back to us all on how *that* is going.

And yes, I think it's important to air all views about things that have the potential of bringing us relief, as long as we continue to discuss things maturely and politely, showing each other respect. We're already in a vastly misunderstood micro-minority . . . let's not add to our sense of isolation by creating schisms within our own ranks.


test'; " >

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