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Leighann. I am so Happy You have finally reached

the undetectable level. & lt;smile & gt; I guess I am a

little prejudice since I went 52 weeks on Scherings

Combo and went undetectable after 3 months. Just

finished the full 52 weeks and was still undetectable. I

am very aware that this doesn't necessarily mean

success. I have to pass successfully my 3 month and then 6

month tests to have a really good shot at success. I

have even been told if one is undetectable, post

treatment, for 6 months, they have a 90% chance of success.

I personnally would reduce that figure down to 75%.

I don't believe all the hype of figures that are

bounced around. I Pray and Hope for continued success for

You and ALL others. Take Good Care, Tony " Lucky " .

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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to hear you have been so ill. Praying that you will continue

to improve. God bless. Carol

rmeeks3230@... wrote:

Hey There!

I'm sorry that I've been off the computer

for a few days. When I went to the MD last

week my plaletes were extremely low

so I have to go in the hospital for a transfusion

and they kept me a few days to strenght

my inmune system. I had asthma added to

my parade of diagnosis so I guess

I better quit smoking. God help me thru it! The

prescribed some king of mouth inhauler

for the asthma but i got to go get it later on

today. Believe me when I tell you

that I missed you all. Have Bert been keeping you

laughing. My brain is not quite up

yet to remember all the names but Harper, Carol,

Gayle, Jeanette, , The lady

from Houston ,EVERYBODY hope you are doing

well. I need to say this at load "I'M

NOT GIVING UP!!!" Bless you all!


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  • 2 weeks later...


Cute joke! I grew up knowing the DeBakey family.

Dr.DeBakey's neice was one of my closest friends. I had the privilege

of having tea with Dr. & Mrs.DeBakey several times. They are lovely

people, very humble. The entire family is delightful and unpretentious.

Take care.


rmeeks3230@... wrote:


this out!


Tony Nunez wants you

to check out this page:

the Mechanic


out this hilarious joke!


here to go there now!



Nunez's Message:



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Funny how as we get older and/or have health issues that material

things do not mean as much. I think that is one of the positives

of chronic illness, in that you tend to get your priorities straight. I

love WalMart! If I had the energy, I would just go and "look" at

everything. Glad you are back.


rmeeks3230@... wrote:



That is one of the things that if I

could take back time I'll do better. But I'm thankful for what I do have.

SSI is not much but better than nothing.

It has given me the oportunity that

as a young person I never did "Learn

to manage my finances". Medicaid of

course is doing wonders for me.

So far they haven't argue too much

about paying for my treatment and

you all know how expensive some of

those meds are. In my young days

I lived a very flamboyant lifestyle

but as I look back now I was not happy.

Today I can't go to Saks Fifth Avenue

or Neiman Marcus but I'm happier

even in the mist of my illness because

I realize that the best things in life

money can't buy. So if you were to

run into me you problably see me hunting special sales in wallmart. Have

a great day!


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Have fun on your trip, Tony! Take care.


rmeeks3230@... wrote:

> Hi there!


> Well I went out today and try to get somethings that I needed for my upcoming

> trip

> and it just took all my energy. Haven't walk that much in a while but I guess

> excercise is good. I finally got my dsl line at home so the computer works a

> lot better. I'm going to church in the morning and will be lifting our group

> in prayer so we

> can continue our journey and keep a positive mind so we can all get better.

> In case that I haven't told you lately I Love Everyone Here. God Bless!


> tony



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Hi Carol!

I sure hope you get to feeling better. The last time I got sick over the weekend my md was good about seeing me as a walk-in. I take one of

my treatments on sunday nights so my side-effects are beginning to kick in. keep my posted on that. Take care


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Yes, Tony, it was good sleeping weather. We need the rain, so I won't

complain. I did not feel too well on Saturday morning but as the

day wore on, I thought I was better. Then I went to church

yesterday morning, thinking I was OK. However, by the afternoon I

was running a fever. I have had some other symptoms....my palms and

fingerpads are red and burn. I am afraid that something is going

on that will warrant medical intervention. I am waiting for the doctor's

office to open so I can call and insist on being seen today. Thought

I would take advantage of this time to check e-mail as I did not feel like

it yesterday. Good thing. There is a bunch! Today it

is just plain cold and gray. Take care.


rmeeks3230@... wrote:



I will be leaving on the

14th. How are you enjoying this cold rainy weekend in Atlanta. Good sleeping

weather! Take Care


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  • 4 weeks later...
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In a message dated 4/1/02 12:22:57 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I hope everyone had a wonderful easter. Mine was great. We not only had a wonderful service at church but the lunch afterwarth was excellent.

By the time that I got around to the meats that I had prepared it was gone; so I turned vegetarian for a day! but it was all good. Well my crucial week has arrived. I'm on my way to see my internist for my blood counts and thursday I have an appointment with my liver specialist in we

are going to look at the progress of my treatment and see if it has helped me or if is going to be helping me. I've been in constant prayer about this situation so I'm not anxious at all. I surrendered my medical care to God long ago; all I personally do is take my meds, keep a good diet and go to my appts. I'll keep you posted as things developed. It sure looks like is going to be a beautiful day here in Atlanta. Well you all take good care of yourself. God Bless You !


I'm glad you had a good Easter, Tony. Best wishes with your medical appointment. We're all cheering for you.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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How wonderful that your mother and sisters are going to meet you in

New York. Enjoy each other. So Piedmont today, for you?

I will literally be there all day Monday. I am having a repeat full

body bone scan and then have an appointment with my neurologist late in

the afternoon. The gastroenterologist told me he thought my

last scan was a false negative. Real comforting. So.. we'll

see. Take care.


rmeeks3230@... wrote:

Hello Carol!

I feel extremelly comfortable with

the trial since is conducted by

Dr Rieterich since he specialize in

cases like mine where a co-infection

exist. He has written several books

about hepatitis C and is the president of the Hepatitis Resource

Network. I spoke to my family last night and my mother and sisters are

going to meet me in New York . I'm

on my way to see Dr Rubin now to discuss

this with him. About this nice

weather that we are having here!!!

Take Care and have a great day!


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Hi Carol!

Thank You; I definetly will enjoy their company. I saw Dr Rubin today and

he immediately recognized the MD from NY; He attended a conference

on Hep C by him. He is going to see if they will allow him to assist on the trial from here so I won't have to fly back and forth so much but if not

I told him that I'm not going to let an airline ticket keep me from getting

the medical attention that I need. I think a lot of Dr Rubin and wanted to

get his support on my decision and I did. Good luck on monday; all day

at Piedmont; that should be blast. My experience repeting procedures was not cool at all; I had an MRI of the brain done at the Shepherd Center next to Piedmont when I was having fainting spells and they had

to do it twice. Let me tell you I was SO READY to come out of that tube. It seemed like an eternity while I was in there. The tech kept saying that is was going to be over soon and in my mind I kept thinking that I wish he would shut up and finish!!! oh well, eventualy I came out and ran out

the door before he decided to stick me in there again. Take Care!


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Hi Tony,

First, after reading the posts, thanks so much for sending the flowers

to . You are so thoughtful. I am sure that really

helped to lift her spirit.

Keep me posted on how things go with this trial you are joining.

It would be great if Dr.Rubin could assist from here. It would certainly

make it a great deal easier on you. Like you, I have great

confidence in the doctors in that liver clinic/gastroenterology group.

My first experience with the Shepherd Center was when I was diagnosed with

Parkinson's. I hate the parking garage there. I would to Shepherd

for CT scans and MRI's of my brain as well as EEG's . Then last summer

when I was in coronary care at Piedmont, I had a major seizure and they

wheeled me over to Shepherd through the tunnels that connect Piedmont and

Shepherd. So Next time, I am going to park at Piedmont and walk through

those tunnels that few people know about! The Neurology group I go

to is right there on the 4th floor with the liver/gastro group.

I know that you usually have your heavy meds over the weekends and

Mondays are not good for you. Otherwise, I would say we should meet

at the Piedmont Cafeteria. I will get a 3 hour break and I know I

will not sit in the Nuclear medicine waiting area all that time.

Maybe one of these days we can do that. You take care.


rmeeks3230@... wrote:

Hi Carol!

Thank You; I definetly will enjoy their

company. I saw Dr Rubin today and

he immediately recognized the MD from

NY; He attended a conference

on Hep C by him. He is going to see

if they will allow him to assist on the trial from here so I won't have

to fly back and forth so much but if not

I told him that I'm not going to let

an airline ticket keep me from getting

the medical attention that I need.

I think a lot of Dr Rubin and wanted to

get his support on my decision and

I did. Good luck on monday; all day

at Piedmont; that should be blast.

My experience repeting procedures was not cool at all; I had an MRI of

the brain done at the Shepherd Center next to Piedmont when I was having

fainting spells and they had

to do it twice. Let me tell you I

was SO READY to come out of that tube. It seemed like an eternity while

I was in there. The tech kept saying that is was going to be over soon

and in my mind I kept thinking that I wish he would shut up and finish!!!

oh well, eventualy I came out and ran out

the door before he decided to stick

me in there again. Take Care!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Tony, When I posted earlier, I hadn't read your e-mail so did not realize your grandmother had passed. I am so sorry. You are right though. She is in a better place. So you enjoy the tips on gardening ? I do also. Its nice to see that along with much needed liver information there can be just good down to earth communication about the wonderful beauties that are here for our benefit.. BTW, I don't have a Green Thumb.. The most I have in my yard was a few tulips, earlier and now my hostas.. I enjoy them though. I want to put up a bird feeder in the yard this weekend. I know the birds get plenty of worms and bugs this time of year, but I need to just have something I can watch and enjoy.. I love birds and I do have a lot of squirrels. They make the biggest mess on my front porch steps and the railing.. Also, I have had racoons here also..Not as many here lately though as we are getting more houses built around us. Well, take good care of yourself ,Tony and I have missed your posts as I am sure everyone else has

Welcome Back...

Today has been my day for rambling on to everyone.. Good therapy though.



rmeeks3230@... wrote: Hello Eveyone!I got back home last night. My grandma passed away and we had the burial wednesday. I was going to stay a little longer but Ihad to get home to handle somethings for my clinical trial. The doctor in New York received my medical records and wants to do a biopsy before I start the treatment to get a better picture as to how much damage is on my liver since my results were so critical so I'm schedule for 6/11/02 at Mount Sinai Hospital. Thetreatment also has been moved to that Hospital from Cabrini. Itwas hard for me to see my grandma the way she was but I knowshe is not suffering anymore and is surrounded by angels. I have some many e-mail's but been trying to read. I noticed that a lot of you are into gardening. Its so precious to read how you aregiving each other tips on gardening. While shopping for some flowers for my mom on-line I ran into a rose called "purple tiger"and its beauty caught my attention but unfourtanely they can'tprepare a flower arraingement with that flower because the stemis not long enough. I tried to see if I can send it to her to plant on her garden but since that will have soil they don't allow shipping to Puerto Rico from the states. Bert; blue hair , that is so wild; I would have loved to seen you. I saw a young lady not long ago with blue hair which along with that had applied her make-up quite strong and Lord forgive me for saying this but I wanted toask her is she was going to rehearse for the sequel of the movie"Hairspray" but of course I didn't. I missed you all so much!butas I always do I talked to all my family about you and how specialyou are in my life. I still have a lot to read here but those of you having procedures soon take good care and my heart will be with you. Harper a lot of us look foward to reading your posts since they are so informative so by all means continue. Carol how you like the weather this morning. I have to go out in it so that should be lots of fun. I hope that all insane drivers will stay put until I get back . Well I got to run for now but you all take good care of yourselfs and let me know how you are doing! God Bless You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tony

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Dear Tony,

So sorry to hear about your grandmother. They are such an important part

of our lives that it's hard to say good-bye even though you know it's best.

I imagine that you were all able to share many memories which you carry with

you. I'm gladd you were able to see her.


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Welcome back. I am glad that you had a safe (although a sad)

journey. My deepest sympathy. It is hard to let our loved ones go,

but be comforted that she is with her Lord.

I will be thinking of you and praying for you during your clinical

trial. I am confident that this will bring a positive result for you.

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(((((TONY)))))) So saddened to hear of the passing of your Grandmother. It is difficult, but she will be with you in spirit! And, like you say, she is not suffering any longer, just surrounded by angels! That is a special thought.

Glad you made it home safely AND that you are going to start the trial. See...you ARE a survivor!


[ ] Tony

Hello Eveyone!I got back home last night. My grandma passed away and we had the burial wednesday. I was going to stay a little longer but Ihad to get home to handle somethings for my clinical trial. The doctor in New York received my medical records and wants to do a biopsy before I start the treatment to get a better picture as to how much damage is on my liver since my results were so critical so I'm schedule for 6/11/02 at Mount Sinai Hospital. Thetreatment also has been moved to that Hospital from Cabrini. Itwas hard for me to see my grandma the way she was but I knowshe is not suffering anymore and is surrounded by angels. I have some many e-mail's but been trying to read. I noticed that a lot of you are into gardening. Its so precious to read how you aregiving each other tips on gardening. While shopping for some flowers for my mom on-line I ran into a rose called "purple tiger"and its beauty caught my attention but unfourtanely they can'tprepare a flower arraingement with that flower because the stemis not long enough. I tried to see if I can send it to her to plant on her garden but since that will have soil they don't allow shipping to Puerto Rico from the states. Bert; blue hair , that is so wild; I would have loved to seen you. I saw a young lady not long ago with blue hair which along with that had applied her make-up quite strong and Lord forgive me for saying this but I wanted toask her is she was going to rehearse for the sequel of the movie"Hairspray" but of course I didn't. I missed you all so much! butas I always do I talked to all my family about you and how specialyou are in my life. I still have a lot to read here but those of you having procedures soon take good care and my heart will be with you. Harper a lot of us look foward to reading your posts since they are so informative so by all means continue. Carol how you like the weather this morning. I have to go out in it so that should be lots of fun. I hope that all insane drivers will stay put until I get back . Well I got to run for now but you all take good care of yourselfs and let me know how you are doing! God Bless You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tony

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I am so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. You and your family are in my

thoughts and prayers.


>From: " tdcc2000 " <tdcc2000@...>


>< >

>Subject: Re: [ ] Tony

>Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 18:48:19 -0700


>(((((TONY)))))) So saddened to hear of the passing of your Grandmother.

>It is difficult, but she will be with you in spirit! And, like you say,

>she is not suffering any longer, just surrounded by angels! That is a

>special thought.


>Glad you made it home safely AND that you are going to start the trial.

>See...you ARE a survivor!


> [ ] Tony



> Hello Eveyone!


> I got back home last night. My grandma passed away and we had the burial

>wednesday. I was going to stay a little longer but I

> had to get home to handle somethings for my clinical trial. The doctor

>in New York received my medical records and wants to do a biopsy before I

>start the treatment to get a better picture as to how much damage is on my

>liver since my results were so critical so I'm schedule for 6/11/02 at

>Mount Sinai Hospital. The

> treatment also has been moved to that Hospital from Cabrini. It

> was hard for me to see my grandma the way she was but I know

> she is not suffering anymore and is surrounded by angels. I have some

>many e-mail's but been trying to read. I noticed that a lot of you are into

>gardening. Its so precious to read how you are

> giving each other tips on gardening. While shopping for some flowers for

>my mom on-line I ran into a rose called " purple tiger "

> and its beauty caught my attention but unfourtanely they can't

> prepare a flower arraingement with that flower because the stem

> is not long enough. I tried to see if I can send it to her to plant on

>her garden but since that will have soil they don't allow shipping to

>Puerto Rico from the states. Bert; blue hair , that is so wild; I would

>have loved to seen you. I saw a young lady not long ago with blue hair

>which along with that had applied her make-up quite strong and Lord forgive

>me for saying this but I wanted to

> ask her is she was going to rehearse for the sequel of the movie

> " Hairspray " but of course I didn't. I missed you all so much! but

> as I always do I talked to all my family about you and how special

> you are in my life. I still have a lot to read here but those of you

>having procedures soon take good care and my heart will be with you. Harper

>a lot of us look foward to reading your posts since they are so informative

>so by all means continue. Carol how you like the weather this morning. I

>have to go out in it so that should be lots of fun. I hope that all insane

>drivers will stay

> put until I get back . Well I got to run for now but you all take good

>care of yourselfs and let me know how you are doing! God Bless You



> Tony


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I am sorry to hear that your grandmother passed away. She must

have been waiting until you came home. It is so difficult to lose

someone because we grieve for our loss even though we know they are no

longer suffering. I am glad to know you find comfort in knowing that

she is with the angels.

The weather has been a real challenge to get out in. You missed

the really bad tornado weather a few days ago. My husband insisted

we go to the basement. He has never done that in previous tornado

warnings. Do you remember the terrible devastation from the tornado

that came through Dunwoody and Gwinnett just a few years ago? We

were in our other home then and one of the lucky ones with just slight

damage, but so much devastation just blocks from us. After the tornado

had passed we were crazy enough to get out in the middle of the night to

drive to some of my husbands projects as we had heard that the Sugarloaf

area had been hard hit. He was building and developing that area.

It took hours to get around the downed trees and powerlines. He kept

saying he was so thankful for insurance. Some of the buildings that

were being built with huge steel beams, the beams had been twisted and

pulled out of the concrete. And of course, the Dunwoody area still

does not look right, even though rebuilt, all of the beautiful trees are


Glad to have you back. Keep us posted on your clinical trial.


rmeeks3230@... wrote:



I got back

home last night. My grandma passed away and we had the burial wednesday.

I was going to stay a little longer but I

had to get

home to handle somethings for my clinical trial. The doctor in New York

received my medical records and wants to do a biopsy before I start the

treatment to get a better picture as to how much damage is on my liver

since my results were so critical so I'm schedule for 6/11/02 at Mount

Sinai Hospital. The


also has been moved to that Hospital from Cabrini. It

was hard

for me to see my grandma the way she was but I know

she is not

suffering anymore and is surrounded by angels. I have some many e-mail's

but been trying to read. I noticed that a lot of you are into gardening.

Its so precious to read how you are

giving each

other tips on gardening. While shopping for some flowers for my mom on-line

I ran into a rose called "purple tiger"

and its beauty

caught my attention but unfourtanely they can't

prepare a

flower arraingement with that flower because the stem

is not long

enough. I tried to see if I can send it to her to plant on her garden but

since that will have soil they don't allow shipping to Puerto Rico from

the states. Bert; blue hair , that is so wild; I would have loved

to seen you. I saw a young lady not long ago with blue hair which along

with that had applied her make-up quite strong and Lord forgive me for

saying this but I wanted to

ask her is

she was going to rehearse for the sequel of the movie


but of course I didn't. I missed you all

so much! but

as I always

do I talked to all my family about you and how special

you are in my

life. I still have a lot to read here but those of you having procedures

soon take good care and my heart will be with you. Harper a lot of us look

foward to reading your posts since they are so informative so by all means

continue. Carol how you like the weather this morning. I have to go out

in it so that should be lots of fun. I hope that all insane drivers will


put until I

get back . Well I got to run for now but you all take good care of yourselfs

and let me know how you are doing! God Bless You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Hi Tony...

So sorry to hear of your Grandma...but she is in the company of many great and love people now....

I hope everything for your trip to NYC goes well.....

take care and talk soon

Luanne Ty's mom

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