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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Debbie

It has been a long time maybe we

should give Bob an email to see

if Tony is ok. Let me know what

you think. I think that I still have

his email addy.


tdcc2000 <tdcc2000@...> wrote:

Has anyone heard from Tony? I am very very worried. I wrote him, but hehas not responded.Debby

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, I don’t have Bob’s email addy…would you be so kind as

to write him?


Re: [ ] Tony

Hi Debbie

It has been a long time maybe we

should give Bob an email to see

if Tony is ok. Let me know what

you think. I think that I still have

his email addy.



<tdcc2000@...> wrote:

Has anyone heard from Tony? I am very very

worried. I wrote him, but he

has not responded.


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will dotdcc2000 <tdcc2000@...> wrote:

, I don’t have Bob’s email addy…would you be so kind as to write him?


-----Original Message-----From: nancy godin [mailto:nancygodin19562003@...] Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 5:54 AM Subject: Re: [ ] Tony

Hi Debbie

It has been a long time maybe we

should give Bob an email to see

if Tony is ok. Let me know what

you think. I think that I still have

his email addy.


tdcc2000 <tdcc2000@...> wrote:

Has anyone heard from Tony? I am very very worried. I wrote him, but hehas not responded.Debby

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Bob Meeks <rlm1949@...> wrote:

HI, Tony is still kickin!

He has his good and bad days, I would say more than anything he sometimes gets depressed and lately has just been watching TV continuously. I will however, let him you know you inquired. He always became excited chatting in your group.

Bob Meeks


Hi Bob

How are you hope that you are ok

We the gang at

were worring about Tony as it has been a while since

we heard from him and he was so ill the last time that

he wrote to us. Could you please send a little note to

the group to let us know how he is doing.

Hope that things are going well for all of you


in Montreal

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My Dear !

Thank you for your e-mail and once again thank you for the beautiful flowers that you sent me while my mom was here;

I hold those memories very dear in my heart.

I know as human upon hearing of such act of violence; anger and revenge are sometimes our first impulse but no matter how ugly and wrong my friend behaved I must pray for him.

Not that I'm trying to make excuses for his behavior at all because I'm not but he had just found out of his AIDS diagnosis and perhaps took out the anger on me. You must think that I'm crazy for thinking that way but God tells us to be angry at the sin and not the sinner. I know is extremely hard specially for victims of abuse but that is what separate us from others of this world. If there is something I desire from this is to rise from it wiser and closer to God.

When I was 21 I had just purchased a new sports vehicle so me and my dad went to Chattanooga for the weekend to try out the new car. I went to the convenience store closest to our hotel and there was someone that asked for a ride and off course tony gave him a ride. Well to make my story short; I became his hostage, was beaten badly and thrown out of the car. I walk in into a Burger King that was there with blood just dripping all over and the police came. They found him and arrested him. Well when it came time for his trial; it was horrible; right there in front of the judge and all the expectators this person tried to testify that I was trying to assault him and I told the judge to take a good look at me and then look at him; him been full of muscle; how in heavens could I force him to do anything. He was charged and given a jail sentence but I told myself that I would never expose myself to another police inquiry since often victims of abuse become the violators in court so that is why I didn't contacted the authorities. I pray that God will open his eyes and let him see what areas he needs to change.

Thanks again for all your love and support....



[ ] Tony

My Dear Tony

I can hardly believe that there are horrible beast in this world

that would take advantage and abuse you this way. My first

instinct is to call the police and get him arrested or worse shot.

but only you can decide that. How are you physically I know

emotionally you will be scared but both can be healed with time

and a lot of love and know that this group love you so very much

and as always sending prayers for you and that tonight will be

very special ones to help you heal you battered body and heart.

Please know that you can share anything with me that I will

always be there for you and that nothing you say will shock

or scare me. It is just that people like that make me have very

bad thoughts but I will leave it up to God to fix that all in good

time. Please protect yourself from this person he seems very

dangerous to me, if he could do this to you what else is he

capable of.

God bless and keep you safe


in Montreal

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I do understand how you feel and like I said first instincts

are very primal. I wish you to feel my arms around you as

I am giving you a great big cyber hug. Keep safe and keep

in touch we worry so when we don't hear from you but I

know that we don't want to talk all the time so maybe just

a little I'm OK once in a while when you don't feel like talking.

Love as always

Nunez <nunez_866@...> wrote:

My Dear !

Thank you for your e-mail and once again thank you for the beautiful flowers that you sent me while my mom was here;

I hold those memories very dear in my heart.

I know as human upon hearing of such act of violence; anger and revenge are sometimes our first impulse but no matter how ugly and wrong my friend behaved I must pray for him.

Not that I'm trying to make excuses for his behavior at all because I'm not but he had just found out of his AIDS diagnosis and perhaps took out the anger on me. You must think that I'm crazy for thinking that way but God tells us to be angry at the sin and not the sinner. I know is extremely hard specially for victims of abuse but that is what separate us from others of this world. If there is something I desire from this is to rise from it wiser and closer to God.

When I was 21 I had just purchased a new sports vehicle so me and my dad went to Chattanooga for the weekend to try out the new car. I went to the convenience store closest to our hotel and there was someone that asked for a ride and off course tony gave him a ride. Well to make my story short; I became his hostage, was beaten badly and thrown out of the car. I walk in into a Burger King that was there with blood just dripping all over and the police came. They found him and arrested him. Well when it came time for his trial; it was horrible; right there in front of the judge and all the expectators this person tried to testify that I was trying to assault him and I told the judge to take a good look at me and then look at him; him been full of muscle; how in heavens could I force him to do anything. He was charged and given a jail sentence but I told myself that I would never expose myself to another police inquiry since often victims of abuse become the

violators in court so that is why I didn't contacted the authorities. I pray that God will open his eyes and let him see what areas he needs to change.

Thanks again for all your love and support....



[ ] Tony

My Dear Tony

I can hardly believe that there are horrible beast in this world

that would take advantage and abuse you this way. My first

instinct is to call the police and get him arrested or worse shot.

but only you can decide that. How are you physically I know

emotionally you will be scared but both can be healed with time

and a lot of love and know that this group love you so very much

and as always sending prayers for you and that tonight will be

very special ones to help you heal you battered body and heart.

Please know that you can share anything with me that I will

always be there for you and that nothing you say will shock

or scare me. It is just that people like that make me have very

bad thoughts but I will leave it up to God to fix that all in good

time. Please protect yourself from this person he seems very

dangerous to me, if he could do this to you what else is he

capable of.

God bless and keep you safe


in Montreal

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Oj Tony I am so sorry. Mere words can not express my horror that someone would treat you in this way. Of course i will pray for you and for this other person.

I will pray for your spiritual and physical healing and peace through this.

We are all your friends here and always care and love you.''

tne WV hillbilly

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  • 3 weeks later...

/Harper and everyone...

Thank you for your e-mails. A friend found two labs lost wandering on the street and though of me knowing I wouldn't have the heart to turn down my home to them.

They are precious. Panther is black and Elmo is ivory. They gotten so big and strong so soon I have to use caution when I go out to play with them since they get so exited and one morning nearly knocked me down but thankfully there was a tree close by for me to hold on to.

Also thanks for keeping our precious in your prayers.

Well I need to start getting ready for church so I will speak with you all a bit later.


Tony Nuñez

[ ] Tony

Hi Tony


So glad to hear about your results it does the heart good to know that you are having some surceases and yes you are absolutely right we must

concur the small before we can climb Everest.

Sorry to hear about I will keep her in my prayers and you as


When did you get a lab tell us about him or her what colour name age

etc. I was so sad when I could no longer take care of my buddies

but they are in very good homes with people who have the strength

to take them out everyday and I get pictures and updates on them.


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If you have and get a chance can you post

a picture of them. I just love animals.


Nunez <nunez_866@...> wrote:

/Harper and everyone...

Thank you for your e-mails. A friend found two labs lost wandering on the street and though of me knowing I wouldn't have the heart to turn down my home to them.

They are precious. Panther is black and Elmo is ivory. They gotten so big and strong so soon I have to use caution when I go out to play with them since they get so exited and one morning nearly knocked me down but thankfully there was a tree close by for me to hold on to.

Also thanks for keeping our precious in your prayers.

Well I need to start getting ready for church so I will speak with you all a bit later.


Tony Nuñez

[ ] Tony

Hi Tony


So glad to hear about your results it does the heart good to know that you are having some surceases and yes you are absolutely right we must

concur the small before we can climb Everest.

Sorry to hear about I will keep her in my prayers and you as


When did you get a lab tell us about him or her what colour name age

etc. I was so sad when I could no longer take care of my buddies

but they are in very good homes with people who have the strength

to take them out everyday and I get pictures and updates on them.


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  • 1 month later...


If you have not already left for the airport - safe travel.

I used to work for the airlines. If a passenger does not make it on the plane, his or her luggage has to be removed. This was even before 9-11. After Pan Am Flight in Lockerbe (sp) Scotland. So I guess Home Land Security is not doing their job.

Jo Lynne

[ ] Holiday Travel

Good Morning !

All my luggage is already in Orlando; they just left me behind.

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Dear Jo Lynne !

That is what I was thinking but not this time. It was just a holy mess at the airport yesterday. I'm counting on a better day today but we will see. I know one thing; they better not leave me this time. Angry will not be the proper adjective but I got up early this morning and went to the convenience store by my house and bought me a herbal pack that claimed to help with stress and give you energy. I figured that I needed help with those issues today. Well I'm going out it again in about an hour so I better start getting ready. Have a blessed holiday....


[ ] Holiday Travel

Good Morning !

All my luggage is already in Orlando; they just left me behind.

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By the way, Tony, did

you get the last newsletter? My computer

is fixed and I sent it out to you…now if only I could figure out how to

lower the firewall, etc so I could get to the websites that I usually go to! ARRRGGGGHHHH


Re: [ ] Tony

Dear Jo Lynne !

That is what I was thinking but not

this time. It was just a holy mess at the airport yesterday. I'm counting on a

better day today but we will see. I know one thing; they better not leave me

this time. Angry will not be the proper adjective but I got up early this

morning and went to the convenience store by my house and bought me a herbal

pack that claimed to help with stress and give you energy. I figured that I

needed help with those issues today. Well I'm going out it again in about an

hour so I better start getting ready. Have a blessed holiday....


[ ] Holiday Travel

Good Morning !

All my luggage is already in

Orlando; they just left me behind.



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Debby !

I had a bit of trouble open it but did get it open. THANKS

Also the picture that you sent me is just precious as well as the photo of your son on the newsletter. You know that you and Tex have been in my constant prayers as we go through this holiday season. Well I best start getting ready for round two of my travel odyssey; there will be no telling what Airtran may have up their sleeve to wreck my nerves today but I spoke to them on the phone (not that they care to listen what I have to say) but kindly asked her to have their act together because if something was to go wrong again they will have to call the us army :))



[ ] Holiday Travel

Good Morning !

All my luggage is already in Orlando; they just left me behind.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Thanks for letting us know about Tony

Tell him next time you speak with him

that he is in our prayers and thoughts


JJ <JJCATHCART@...> wrote:

I spoke with Tony the other evening. He just got out of the hospital again. He had passed out, fallen and hit his head. Luckily his "Dad" was there and called the ambulance. He spent two weeks in the hospital. Sent him home the other day. Nothing can be done to extend his time here, but they are helping with pain relief etc. Prayers for Tony to have quality time for whatever time he has. He is getting thing organized. It is hard. Tony is not on computer mauch if at all. Too ill now. Sorry for this news. Joanne

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Oh Joanne…thank you for the news…although

it is not at all what I had hoped to ever hear.

I will pray


[ ] Tony

I spoke with Tony the other evening. He just

got out of the hospital

again. He had passed out, fallen and

hit his head. Luckily

his " Dad " was there and called the

ambulance. He spent two weeks in

the hospital. Sent him home the other

day. Nothing can be done to

extend his time here, but they are helping with

pain relief etc.

Prayers for Tony to have quality time for whatever

time he has. He

is getting thing organized. It is

hard. Tony is not on computer

mauch if at all. Too ill now. Sorry

for this news. Joanne

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Can you please send me his home address I did have it but I missed

placed it. I would like to send him a card or something because he

has truly shown to me and all of us what it is to love thy neighbor

as you love thyself.




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It made my heart very glad to see your name in my inbox. You are such an inspiration Tony. Your FAITH is your strength as it is many of us. I sent you a snail mail card. The lighthouse you choose a few years ago for me to make note cards for.

Know you are in my prayers and many others.

GOD BLESS - It was mentioned that you were not sleeping well. I hope and pray this has improved. It has been a privilege to pray for you and to call you my friend.

In HIS Love,

Jo Lynne

[ ] Hello !

My Dear Friends:

I hope this a-mail finds you surrounded by God's Love & Protection.

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Jo Lynne:

I'm so glad for this e-mail. I received the card in the mail and thank you so much for it and the words that you wrote.


Tony Nunez

[ ] Hello !

My Dear Friends:

I hope this a-mail finds you surrounded by God's Love & Protection.

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Again you make my heart glad. I was so afraid you would not get the card or be able to read it. You have no idea how much you mean to many of your Internet Family. You Inspire Us. Your Faith is Golden. I know I am a better person for knowing you.

Take Care & Please Keep Us Posted. If you cannot write, call someone to give us a report. I for one like to know how my prayers are being answered.

Sleep Well. You know HE is watching over you. Sorry if this offends some of you religiously but for Tony, myself and many others -- Our Faith is what keeps us going.

I believe we all have the right to worship or not worship whom we please and I respect everyone's opinion. I am sure not one to judge.

In HIS Love,

Jo Lynne

Light House Photos By Me: For You Tony -- Beacon of Light

Cape Hatteras NC Bodie Island NC Pacific Northwest

Re: [ ] Tony

Jo Lynne:

I'm so glad for this e-mail. I received the card in the mail and thank you so much for it and the words that you wrote.


Tony Nunez

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I haven't had the pleasure of knowing Tony on a personal level, but I can tell by the expression of love coming from so many of you that he is a very special person.

Are any of you familiar with Angels for Hope? It's a wonderful organization of women that crochet these beautiful angels and send them (free of charge) to people who are ill, have lost someone close, or need a special lift. To request an angel you just go to their web site and fill out a form.

I think Tony would enjoy getting an angel from us but I don't have the personal info to request it (address, etc.). Would someone with the info be interested in doing that for us? If so go to: http://www.angelsforhope.org/ and click on Angel Request. Where it asks for your name you will need to put your name in but under Reason for Request you can ask that it be sent from the Liver Support Group.

What do you all think?



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Great idea!


Re: [ ] Tony

I haven't had the pleasure of knowing Tony on a personal level, but I can tell by the expression of love coming from so many of you that he is a very special person.

Are any of you familiar with Angels for Hope? It's a wonderful organization of women that crochet these beautiful angels and send them (free of charge) to people who are ill, have lost someone close, or need a special lift. To request an angel you just go to their web site and fill out a form.

I think Tony would enjoy getting an angel from us but I don't have the personal info to request it (address, etc.). Would someone with the info be interested in doing that for us? If so go to: http://www.angelsforhope.org/ and click on Angel Request. Where it asks for your name you will need to put your name in but under Reason for Request you can ask that it be sent from the Liver Support Group.

What do you all think?



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In a message dated 1/28/2005 4:19:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, patkiland@... writes:

I love the idea.Pat from MN

Now all we need is a volunteer to go to the web site and request it. Or, if someone wants to give me his full name and mailing address I'd be happy to.


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