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Good Morning Luanne!

Thanks for your e-mail. I'm working myself up the list on the e-mails so I haven't got to yours about Ty but been praying! God Bless You !


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Good Morning Carol!

Thanks for you e-mail. Are you glad those awful storms are over? I do remember the tornados that you mentioned. It was so

devastating. I'm so proud of your husband for wanting to keep you safe. Take Care and I will stay in touch! God Bless !


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Good Morning Debby!

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. Hope everything is going well with you. Take Care and God Bless!


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Good Morning Amy!

I do miss her a whole lot. I was in the room when she passed and

one of her last wishes was for me not to see her anytime soon. All I could do at the moment was shake me head to acknowledge her request. She was the symbol of grace in our family and her advise was always cherished by me. I still feel her love ! God Bless You !


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  • 4 weeks later...
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You are truly an inspiration to all of us and have certainly given us something to think about...we have so much to be grateful for no matter how bad things may seem.

My prayers and best wishes to you in your clinical trial. You have a winning attitude and personality! I'm so glad that you enjoyed your trip and have wonderful memories on which to reflect.

Bonnie P.

AIH and post tx (5/21/95)

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Although I have never written in response to your emails, I have always

enjoyed them. Wanted you to know that I am here to add to the good wishes of

others. You have tremendous strength, I will be praying for and thinking of



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Hey Tony...

Just saw your last email...sorry that you have gotten some bad news with your labs...but you are right....keep your focus and keep your faith...we are all here watching you going on this journey....and of course wishing you all the success in the world.....

Even when you don't hear from me know that I always am thinking of you and wishing for the best...

take care and talk soon

Luanne Ty's mom

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How do unsubscribe to this group!!!Ts

--- MFaulk3@... wrote:

> Tony,

> Although I have never written in response to your

> emails, I have always

> enjoyed them. Wanted you to know that I am here to

> add to the good wishes of

> others. You have tremendous strength, I will be

> praying for and thinking of

> you.


> Molly



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear Tony,

I haven't written because sometimes the words just don't come together

but I want to try and let you know how I've been thinking of you lately.

When you went to New York you mentioned looking at the sky. So each evening

I look to the night sky and marvel in it's magnificance and think of you. I

see the moon and I also hear Glen's amazing words, " One small step for

man, one giant step for mankind. " Well Tony, you are Glen, you are our

moon walker. Thank-you for sharing your life and illness to help others

understand. And tonight, under the stars I will think of you and send

stories of your gift for others to the far ends of the universe.

I wish you well,


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Hello Amy !

What beautiful words ! Thank You !!!

Last august when I walked into my md's office and was given the news that

my liver showed severe damage and that since my immune system was

already detiorating there was a chance that I might not respond to treatment

my world came to a halt. A dark cloud immediately came over my horizon, I

didn't know what I was going to do and how I was going to do it. When I got

home I just got on my knees and told God " I'm all yours" ; every since I've

been able to see, notice and admire things that I used to let pass on by and

then when the bombshell was dropped on me around last christmas that most of my cells had vanished He sent you all into my life. It is those signs

of unconditional love that I have received from God that has let me know that

everything is going to be okay. I'm able to breath fresh air in the mist of all

the congestion and most important even though my illness has not improved

yet and I'm preparing myself for the biggest challenge of my life I feel very

blessed. My heart has remain pure and that love that I feel inside of me is what gives me the willpower and strenght to continue. Love is a very powerful feeling that's why I always try to send you a piece of my heart.

God Bless You,


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tony... i read your letter and i am also taking a part of your heart... your words are helping me get some hold on my life ... thank you for sharing and take care ....karen

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Hi Tony...

sorry about the empty email....crazy fingers when I try to go tooooo fast....

First I again want to wish you lots of luck with all that you are doing.....I think you said you would be going back to NYC about on the 20th.....we will have already left for Chicago and will not be back until the following week...so I will miss the emails....I hope that when I get back I will see some info from you ...and hope that you are able to meet up with Joan....I call her my little sister...and she and Mike have kind of adopted Tyler...as their nephew.....they are great people and they have absolutely beautiful daughters....get her to show you pictures....

I will be seeing her and the girls in a couple of weeks....can't wait....

all the best to you ....show them what you are made of....go and get them...

take care and talk soon

Luanne Ty's mom

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Hi !

Hope that everything is going well for you ! It looks like I might be needing a

part of your heart as well so we just share both :o) Take care and remember

that I'm always here for you !


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Hello Luanne !

Thank you so much for your support and I hope that you have a lovely vacation. I will contact Joan once I get back to New York. I only been to

Chicago once in the winter and went downtown with some friends; since it

was raining I took an umbrella with me and the wind was so strong that it

pulled the umbrella back and it almost took me with it. I ran for cover !!

God Bless You !


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Dear Tony if there is anything of mine that you want apart from a brain as that seeme to be missing since my stroke, but justsay the word and its yours Lots of love and hugs Jeanette UK

rmeeks3230@... wrote: Hi !Hope that everything is going well for you ! It looks like I might be needing apart of your heart as well so we just share both :o) Take care and rememberthat I'm always here for you !Tony

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The love of my life was a bald man. He was 7 years younger than I and is the

only person I have ever dated that I should have married. He's a great

person like you. So there's a lot to be said for a bald man. Keeping you in

my thoughts and prayers.

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Dear Tony,

One way or another someone will keep us updated - it's amazing what

strength and faith can do to overcome what others feel are huge obstacles.

Heroes have that and you certainly are one :) However things go, you are

always a part of our hearts.

With warm star wishes,


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Hi Rhonda,

I see you are still up to, no I haven't heard from Tony, I am very

worried about him. I guess all we can do is keep praying. How are

you doing tonight? I have researching in the PSC group about PSC to

check out answers to some of my lingering questions. What's Moocher

doing? I probably better get some sleep. My computer is very slow,

acts like it is going to freeze, sticky keys. I know what it was, my

dial-up time must've expired, just disconnected.



> Has anyone heard from or about Tony and how he is doing?

> Rhonda/TN

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I haven’t heard, I

am worried too. But perhaps he is

resting now. He did say he may not get to a computer every day.

[ ] Tony

Has anyone heard from or about Tony and how he is



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest


If you're looking for the one indicating the 327% increase, I found it at

Dr. Mercola's site. From there I think you might be able to track it down

even further to the original publication:


US Drug Usage Explodes

Physicians are prescribing medications at a far faster clip than they did

two decades ago, a trend that is likely to result in a doubling of drug

spending in the next 5 years.

Between 1985 and 1999, the prescribing rate rose 34%, from 109 to 146

prescriptions per 100 visits, the study found. All major therapeutic

classes, except for microbial agents such as penicillin and tetracycline

(which fell 12%) experienced increases during the study period.

About two thirds of the increase can be accounted for by an aging patient

population and more complicated medical conditions, the research found. But

other factors, such as the availability of new drug formulations to treat

chronic conditions, wider health insurance and drug coverage, and growth of

direct-to-consumer advertising are also believed to contribute to the

increased prescribing rate.

The trend is likely to continue as baby boomers grow older and scientific

discoveries lead to better treatment of acute and chronic conditions,

concludes study author Catharine Burt, chief of the ambulatory care

statistics branch of the National Center for Health Statistics at the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The analysis is based on data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care

Survey, a survey of office-based physicians conducted by the National Center

for Health Statistics. The survey captures all " drug mentions, " meaning

prescriptions, over-the-counter preparations and immunizations ordered,

supplied or administered during a visit.

Psychiatrists had the largest increase in drug mentions, jumping to 178

drugs per 100 visits in 1999, from 82 per 100 visits in 1985.

Just six therapeutic classes accounted for 80% of the increase in the

overall drug mention rate. Those classes include central nervous system

drugs, hormones, respiratory medications, pain relief agents,

metabolics/nutrients and cardiovascular-kidney drugs.

Antidepressants accounted for 13.5% of the increase in overall ambulatory

drug prescribing. Cholesterol-lowering drugs and heart medications called

ACE inhibitors were also top contributors.

For seniors, the largest increase was for drugs affecting the blood and

blood-forming tissues, which jumped 187% during the study period. For adults

45 to 64, metabolic drugs, including cholesterol-lowering medications, had

the largest increase in drug mentions, up 109%.

Central nervous system drugs had the highest increase for children, up a

startling 327%. The study finds that the attention-deficit/hyperactivity

disorder drug Ritalin was among the most frequently mentioned drugs in this

class during children's visits in 1999.

----Original Message Follows----

From: tony zizza <tz777@...>

Reply-SSRI medications

SSRI medications

Subject: Re: Re: 327% Increase in CNS Drugs Prescribed For


Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 06:51:56 -0700 (PDT)


MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:


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If you're looking for the one indicating the 327% increase, I found it at

Dr. Mercola's site. From there I think you might be able to track it down

even further to the original publication:


US Drug Usage Explodes

Physicians are prescribing medications at a far faster clip than they did

two decades ago, a trend that is likely to result in a doubling of drug

spending in the next 5 years.

Between 1985 and 1999, the prescribing rate rose 34%, from 109 to 146

prescriptions per 100 visits, the study found. All major therapeutic

classes, except for microbial agents such as penicillin and tetracycline

(which fell 12%) experienced increases during the study period.

About two thirds of the increase can be accounted for by an aging patient

population and more complicated medical conditions, the research found. But

other factors, such as the availability of new drug formulations to treat

chronic conditions, wider health insurance and drug coverage, and growth of

direct-to-consumer advertising are also believed to contribute to the

increased prescribing rate.

The trend is likely to continue as baby boomers grow older and scientific

discoveries lead to better treatment of acute and chronic conditions,

concludes study author Catharine Burt, chief of the ambulatory care

statistics branch of the National Center for Health Statistics at the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The analysis is based on data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care

Survey, a survey of office-based physicians conducted by the National Center

for Health Statistics. The survey captures all " drug mentions, " meaning

prescriptions, over-the-counter preparations and immunizations ordered,

supplied or administered during a visit.

Psychiatrists had the largest increase in drug mentions, jumping to 178

drugs per 100 visits in 1999, from 82 per 100 visits in 1985.

Just six therapeutic classes accounted for 80% of the increase in the

overall drug mention rate. Those classes include central nervous system

drugs, hormones, respiratory medications, pain relief agents,

metabolics/nutrients and cardiovascular-kidney drugs.

Antidepressants accounted for 13.5% of the increase in overall ambulatory

drug prescribing. Cholesterol-lowering drugs and heart medications called

ACE inhibitors were also top contributors.

For seniors, the largest increase was for drugs affecting the blood and

blood-forming tissues, which jumped 187% during the study period. For adults

45 to 64, metabolic drugs, including cholesterol-lowering medications, had

the largest increase in drug mentions, up 109%.

Central nervous system drugs had the highest increase for children, up a

startling 327%. The study finds that the attention-deficit/hyperactivity

disorder drug Ritalin was among the most frequently mentioned drugs in this

class during children's visits in 1999.

----Original Message Follows----

From: tony zizza <tz777@...>

Reply-SSRI medications

SSRI medications

Subject: Re: Re: 327% Increase in CNS Drugs Prescribed For


Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 06:51:56 -0700 (PDT)


MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:


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