Guest guest Posted March 27, 2003 Report Share Posted March 27, 2003 Tony I have been away for a while, just to let you know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers. Glo _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 28, 2003 Report Share Posted March 28, 2003 Dear , Thanks so much for telling us about Tony. We all care about him and wish him only good things. Prayers and Hugs!!!! Amy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2003 Report Share Posted April 3, 2003 Thank-you for mentioning Tony's treatment today. I know that he is surrounded by his everlasting, unquestioning faith, all of his friends here, his family and his dear friends who help him at home. He is my hero. Amy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 5, 2003 Report Share Posted May 5, 2003 Tony you are so strong and make me ashamed. God has really blessed you and is holding your hand right now. As one of his humble servants I will lift up my voice in prayer for you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 3, 2003 Report Share Posted June 3, 2003 Dear Tony.....thank you for using your precious energy to send your post. Now rest up so you can recover from your latest chemotherapy. God Bless Love Jan [ ] Hello ! Hi ! I hope that when you receive this e-mail that you are surrounded by God's Love and Protection ! I'm having a pretty rough time with my post chemo side effects but manage to get to the living room to send you this message. It has been a rough day for all of us here and I hope that somehow you will not be discourage as I know that this phase will be over very soon. As for myself, I'll continue to do what I always have done which is keep you in my prayers and share all my love with you. This is for you ........ A Loving Heart ... A Gentle Smile A Warm and Tender Touch We give so many things in life But nothing means as much. A Little Inspiration When someone loses hope A Kind Word of Encouragement When They No Longer Seem To Cope. A Simple Phrase " I Love You" When No One Else Is There Taking Hold Onto A Hand In A Little Heartfelt Prayer. Love Is Never Silent It Has So Much To Say And It Is Our Greatest Blessing When We Give It Away. Love Always, Tony Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 11, 2003 Report Share Posted June 11, 2003 Dear Tony, I read all of your e-mails and am awed at all you do for others during this time. I think of you everyday still when the stars come out, knowing that the same stars send their light to you and each person in our group. Sleep well my friend if you can keep the bucket close:) Amy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 19, 2003 Report Share Posted June 19, 2003 Tony, So sorry to hear the biopsy was positive and you have more chemo in your future. I hope you were able to enjoy your trip to Puerto Rico. I think I was in the hospital at the time you came home so I missed a post telling about your trip. I was in the hospital for 4 days, home for about 36 hours and then back again for 7 days. By the time I got out of the hospital the second time, I had over 800 e-mails. Needless to say I couldn't possibly get through them all so I had to just delete many. I have been slowly improving since my second hospital stay. I am hoping that perhaps it is the new meds that are helping and that I will continue to improve. I am under the care of a new GI who is much closer to home (30 miles away vs 100 miles away). He has added actigall and pancreas enzymes to my ever growing list of meds. Dang it, just realized I didn't take the panc enzyme capsules before I ate my dinner, which I just finished. Oh, well, I took them now. I guess better late than never. I'm supposed to take two capsules before every meal and snack. They are supposed to help my food digest better and also keep my pancreas from having to work as hard to produce the enzymes. The GI doc added actigall because he thinks part of my problem may be that my bile does not flow as well as it should. Today has been a very good day as far as pain, nausea, and my energy level went. I spent about 8 hours cleaning my house from top to bottom today. I got on a roll and just kept going. I finally finished about an hour ago. That's why I was just eating dinner at 11:00 p.m. It was truly a great feeling to be able to work so hard and get my house really nice and clean. Now my back is protesting but I've got ice on it so hopefully between the ice and flexeril it will be fine tomorrow. I'm beat now, but it's more just a normal 'I worked like a dog' sort of beat, rather than that overwhelming fatigue that so often goes along with liver disease. I hope this finds you doing well. Please know that, as always, you are in my prayers. Oh, just thought I'd let you know that my brother, , is out of prison. He is living with a wonderful Christian family until he can get back on his feet. He and I talked for two hours while I was in the hospital. It was so awesome to get to talk to him. He is so totally different from the brother I used to know. He and I were never really close. He knew that I totally disapproved of his lifestyle of drugs, lots of women but never a commitment, even to the two that are mothers of his beautiful daughters. Anyway, it has been so nice getting to know him and see him grow as a Christian. He told me how much my letters meant to him while he was in prison. I believe there is a reason for everything and I think that perhaps part of the reason for my health issues may have been because I had more time to write long letters and pour out my heart and soul to my little brother at a time that he really needed me. If I had not gotten sick and spent so many days unable to do much more than write letters while resting in the recliner, I am sure I wouldn't have found the time to write my brother so often. I haven't talked to him in a few days, but as far as I know he has not found a job yet. He's had a few job offers but when they found out he had just gotten out of prison the offers were rescinded. I cannot say I blame the employers. is handling the job search better than I think I would be able to. Looking for a job is one of the most depressing things you can do, in my opinion. Please keep him in your prayers for God to guide him and help him stay strong. Take care, W Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 25, 2003 Report Share Posted June 25, 2003 Tony, I am so sorry to hear about the varices. That must have been incredibly frightening. AS always, you continue to amaze me with your strength, which I know is because you are walking with our Lord through all your trials. W Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 28, 2003 Report Share Posted June 28, 2003 Tony, I hope you are feeling better. How was your appointment on Friday with your doctor? You know now would be a good time to have your mom come and visit. I'm sure she would love to help take care of you. I hope when you get your list of foods to stay away from - I hope ice cream is not one of them! Eating ice cream can help you gain some weight and of course is good especially this time of year! -NH Take good care of yourself and rest often. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 7, 2003 Report Share Posted July 7, 2003 Dear Tony, Hang in there. Keep fighting the fight. I can only imagine how you struggle day to day. Keep your faith and know that all of here are cheering you on each and every day. Keep that seatbelt fastened tight around you and you will do fine. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2003 Report Share Posted July 21, 2003 In a message dated 7/19/2003 6:20:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: I'm going for Olympic Gold, not silver or bronce so I'm Staying On Treatment Dear Tony, You are always a winner! Amy PS I gather you haven't mentioned your trip to them yet. Is it still being planned? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2003 Report Share Posted July 22, 2003 Tony, Hang in there. I can't imagine how horrible you feel. I am sure your faith gives you much comfort. I'll be praying for you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2003 Report Share Posted July 28, 2003 Hello Jan ! Bless Your Heart ! Thank you for sharing your experience with this illness. I was still up just trying to read about it but honestly your message has brought me much more peace than the information that I was reading. THANKS AGAIN ! What a blessing is for me to hear how you have manage with your episodes. God's Love for all of is beyond words. I still have a copy of the beautiful piece of art that you sent me once which I'm able to admire it each morning as I wake. I will most definetly share this message with her. With Much Love, Tony [ ] TONY Hello Tony......Im so sorry to hear about your mother's carotid artery disease. Yes, I guess it does cause TIA's (transient ischaemic attacks) or strokes but the good news is that your mother has been diagnosed (by doppler & scan), and these days a few things can be done if the disease is really serious, like arterial reconstructive surgery or angioplasty which is a relatively simple procedure, as the last resort. As you may remember Tony Ive had/still have arterial disease particularly aorta in which an aneurysm had to be repaired. Ive had a few TIA's and one stroke, which Ive more or less fully recovered from. (stutter when Im v.tired or excited) & with AIH & drugs Im still around to tell the tale, & enjoying my dear friend its not necessarily the end. She'll be closely monitored, told to watch her diet v.carefully, exercise etc etc. but the good news is that she's been diagnosed & her specialist will have a plan for her, a lot of people have it but dont realise it till too late. Rest up Tony and dont despair just yet. Love Jan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2003 Report Share Posted July 29, 2003 Tony, I must have missed the post regarding your Mom's ill health. I'm so sorry. I gather she is having some TIA type problems. My Dad has had several and he is doing very well. It does panic you when your parents are ill. You think they will live for ever. My parents are 67 and up until my Dad's fight with cancer and been very young looking, acting people. When I stop and realize that they are 67 (still very young by my standards) and look at other people their age I realize that I have a very unreasonable expectation that they will live for ever. They look and act so young. I do hope your Mom gets the treatment she needs and try not to stress too much over it. (Easier said than done.) Hang in there and keep fighting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 31, 2003 Report Share Posted July 31, 2003 Tony, I agree with Marty. Do not beat yourself up. The only perfect person died on a cross many years ago. Hang in there. We still love you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 31, 2003 Report Share Posted July 31, 2003 Dear Tony, A few minutes ago when I read this I thought of what I would say to you. I am not good with words and expressing myself but I can tell you that even though we will never meet your e-mails to us are very special. I think you are a very strong person. A very loving person who gives with all his heart! There are many people out there who don't. Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody needs to be loved and everybody needs to reach out to someone!! If you had not made the mistakes in your life you would have never found us. I am grateful you are here! You should have peace within your heart. You deserve it! I think YOU are surrounded by God's love and protection!! You take care of yourself!! -NH Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 31, 2003 Report Share Posted July 31, 2003 Dear Tony, We all are given challenges even when we have little strength. You didn't fail, you are human and when we hurt and are scared we make mistakes. That's just life. Allow us to lift you up with our spirits, the hardest person to forgive is yourself and you know in your heart that you already have that forgiveness. We will support you no matter what, just like you have shown us to do with each other. Grab on dear Tony, you are not lost.' Amy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 3, 2003 Report Share Posted August 3, 2003 I'm so glad you are back. I hope your retreat was as peaceful and lovely as you make it sound. We all still love you and wish you well. None of us are perfect and I'm sure you would not have intentionally put yourself in the situation you found yourself in. Please know that we all make mistakes and do not always think things through as we should. I hope that you continue to be kind to yourself. Do not beat yourself up. We all are still your friends. Thinking of you and saying an extra prayer for you tonight. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2003 Report Share Posted August 11, 2003 Tony, I don't know you at all but you are always in my thoughts and prayers I feel like we have known each other for ever! Sherry Be Dead to your past, be Alive in the present and be Excited about your future! ~Sherry >From: "Tony Nunez" >Reply- > >Subject: Re: [ ] Hello ! >Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 17:46:26 -0400 > >Hello ! > >Thank you for always been one of my angels. She has suffered so much already with my illness >and the passing of my grandma that I want everything special when she arrives. I can hardly >wait to eat some more of her cooking. There is no cooking like your mom's cooking and I truly >adore her cooking. She knows just what I like and how I like it. > >We will be in touch by phone with You and Ruth when she gets here. > >Between me and you; I love Joanne dearly; I know that she means well and is also enduring some >very challenging times. She had this agency in Atlanta to give me a call which provides care for a >patient in their home for the every day activities (cooking/cleaning, etc) but for a fee and their fee >is over $500 a week which as much as I would like to have someone to do all those things for me >I honestly just can't pay that kind of rate. I don't want to hurt Joanne's feelings so I haven't said >nothing to her but the agency now wants to come by my house and I just can't have that. Those >are decisions that each of us have to make on our own and not be pushed or forced into them. I honestly >don;t know what to do; i'm afraid that she will get hurt and you know I would never hurt anyone. > >Your precious advice is desperely needed. > >Love, >Tony > Re: [ ] Hello ! > > > Tony: I understand that you want to look your best for your mother, but believe me, being a mother myself, she will love you and see you only as a mother can - with extreme love in her heart for you. > > I know that your visit will be precious, and I am sure our dear Lord will give you the strength to have a wonderful time together. > > I love you - > gina > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 Dear Tony, You are so thoughtful to paint the room lavender - a calming color. Can you stand the smell of lavender? I might be pleasant to add some lavender to the room to help with the relaxation it is supposed to provide. You mother will be overwhelmed at your thoughtfulness especially since she will really know how much it took you to do this. Joanne is right to try and get you help but you may have to look in different places. Also, some "care" can be paid for and supplied by Social Services because of your disabilities. Perhaps a friend at church could work on that for you? Meals on Wheels? I know you love to cook and take care of your house but there are, I'm sure, timess when it's just too much. Another place to ask is the hospital social worker. Take care Tony, your mother will fuss over you and your looks(too thin mostly) not your face - you are after all her sweet baby boy Enjoy your visit. Amy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2003 Report Share Posted August 22, 2003 Hope your visit goes well with your MOM. I know how much you have looked forward to this. Hang in there and enjoy the Grand Old Oprey. How sweet of you to mention us all. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 24, 2003 Report Share Posted August 24, 2003 Tony, thank you so much for taking the time to write me such kind words! I know things are really rough for you now. Please know that you are in my prayers daily. You have a very special place in my heart! I am doing better and I am so very thankful that I have the pain medicine and that I can tolerate it! I cannot imagine simply having to live with the pain. I didn't know that is unable to take pain medicine for her pain. I cannot imagine how terrible it must be to know that you have no choice but to simply live with terrible pain day in and day out! once again, I have been reminded of the many blessings in my life! Please take care and do rest as much as possible so you will be able to enjoy the time with your wonderful mother. W Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 27, 2003 Report Share Posted August 27, 2003 Hi : Yes, Tony is our thoughts and prayers, let him know we care. Hope , this treatment goes smoothly... And, we hope , he has a great time with his mother.. Thanks for letting us know. Love, Gaynel Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2003 Report Share Posted August 28, 2003 Tony, once again you have shown yourself to be a brave, generous soul. We are very fortunate to know you. I think of you every day. Harper Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 18, 2003 Report Share Posted October 18, 2003 Tony, I think of you every single day, morning and night. As I've told you before, I have the greatest admiration for your generous spirit, your bravery, your unfailing kindness. I am very, very fortunate to have you in my life. Harper Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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