Guest guest Posted January 28, 2005 Report Share Posted January 28, 2005 I love the idea. Pat from MN >From: " Clara Shelton " <cshelton33@...> >Reply- >< > >Subject: Re: [ ] Tony >Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 15:07:12 -0800 > >Great idea! >Clara > Re: [ ] Tony > > > I haven't had the pleasure of knowing Tony on a personal level, but I >can tell by the expression of love coming from so many of you that he is a >very special person. > > Are any of you familiar with Angels for Hope? It's a wonderful >organization of women that crochet these beautiful angels and send them >(free of charge) to people who are ill, have lost someone close, or need a >special lift. To request an angel you just go to their web site and fill >out a form. > > I think Tony would enjoy getting an angel from us but I don't have the >personal info to request it (address, etc.). Would someone with the info be >interested in doing that for us? If so go to: >and click on Angel Request. Where it asks for your name you will need to >put your name in but under Reason for Request you can ask that it be sent >from the Liver Support Group. > > What do you all think? > > Regards > Elaine > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 9, 2005 Report Share Posted February 9, 2005 Tony, I'm so glad to hear of your good news. You asked about ginger tea. There are commercial brands of tea bags in most supermarkets. I prefer tea made from fresh ginger. Fresh ginger is in the vegetable section of almost any supermarket. If you prefer coffee and can tolerate it, people in Yemen spike their coffee with a lot of ginger. Amounts and times in making fresh ginger tea are very flexible, but I'll give you a starting point. To make a cup of tea from fresh ginger, wash and slice enough ginger root to make about two teaspoons. Don't bother peeling it. If you don't feel able to slice the ginger, just smash the piece. Remember, amounts are approximate. Pour about a cup of boiling water over the ginger and let it steep for three minutes, more or less. Take out the ginger. Add honey or sugar to taste. Some people enjoy milk in the tea. Some prefer lemon. Don't use both lemon and milk or the drink will curdle. In Lebanon, people boil cinnamon, cloves, anise, and even ground almonds with the ginger. It's just a matter of what tastes good to you. You can drink the ginger tea hot or cold. You can make up a quart at a time, using about two inches of ginger in four cups of boiling water. Then, if you like, you can drink it cold through the day, perhaps adding sparkling water if that helps your stomach. Or, you can reheat the tea if you like it hot. I remember about a year ago someone suggesting a kind of lollipop for nausea; it is called PreggiPop. I think pregnant women find them useful for morning sickness. I don't recall if you used them. If you like, I can order the lollipops for you. Best wishes and much love. Harper Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 9, 2005 Report Share Posted February 9, 2005 Beautiful. Just what I needed. Thank You "My Friend" - [[[[[[[TONY]]]]]]]]] Blessings, Jo Lynne [ ] Just for you... MY WISHES FOR YOU: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 10, 2005 Report Share Posted February 10, 2005 My Dear Cheryl & Randy: Thank you so much for your e-mail. You & Randy also overcame great challenges; I still have the brochure and Family Circle Magazine that you sent to me with your story so that played a part as an inspiration as well as the amazing story of how she not only once but twice successfully had a transplant. So basically the message that I'm trying to send to you and all the members of this group is that each of you have played a part in your own way whether by an special e-mail, a card in the mail, flowers etc,etc in my sudden road to recovery and this is just the tip of the iceberg there is more to come so please continue to love me, support me and most important pray for me as you all have because by myself I can't but with you all in my life and with God I WILL MOVE ALL THIS MOUNTAINS OUT OF MY WAY ! with much love, Tony Nuñez [ ] Tony Dear Tony, What wonderful news about your MRI and labs. It is so amazing how much you have been through and still hang in there. I know you must have a group of guardian angels watching over you. We are thinking of you! Love and prayers, Cheryl & Randy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 2, 2005 Report Share Posted April 2, 2005 Beckie, I did call him today, and oh my gosh…my heart broke. He is so very very weak. My connection was very poor and it was difficult to hear him. I am going to call him again tomorrow. I just continue to pray for him. He has been such a good testimony to life! The thought of not having him here to talk to us…well…it just breaks my heart! Debby [ ] Tony Debby, THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting us know about Tony. He is in my prayers and I know he is in a lot of the others here in this group also, as he has touched many of our lives! Tony has been such a strong dedicated man; and I admire him for that. He will be greatly missed here on Earth, but I know God has great plans for him also. Beckie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 9, 2005 Report Share Posted May 9, 2005 HI TONY GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU. I HOPE THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER AND THAT YOUR STRENGHT RETURNS. I MISS YOU. BRENDA Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 2, 2005 Report Share Posted July 2, 2005 Becky…I have been wondering about him too…I do hope he is OK Debby [ ] Tony Has anyone heard how Tony is doing? I was thinking about him and wondering. Prayers going out for him. Everyone have a HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!1 Beckie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 1, 2005 Report Share Posted August 1, 2005 Chondra Wheaton <cdoll26@...> wrote: Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 09:19:07 -0700 (PDT)From: Chondra Wheaton <cdoll26@...>Subject: Tonyautoimmune_chronic_hepatitisegroups Hey Tony Just wanted to let you know that you are loved and that I can say in the past year of knowing you that you have been a true inspiration. You give meaning to the word a good and brave soldier. You are a man after God's own heart. I wanted to encourage you to take one more step that is to talk to your mother let her know that you have held on this long and that you feel that your work is almost at the close of the day remember God said the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few just know that you have worked, reached, and touched a lot of souls by the way of the wide world of the web from near and far you have always shown your strength in God and your ability to stand firm on that with all you were facing drew others closer to Christ. Tony hold your head high and let it be known that when you open your eyes to see your Father He will say Welcome Home My Good and Faithful Servant you have fought a good fight chose your seat and sit down . I know God is pleased. I know I sent this to you a couple of days ago but I want you to have it again and again because it so true Psalms 23 The Lord is my Shepherd--That's a Personal Relationship I shall not want---That's Supply He maketh me lie down in green pastures---That's Rest He leadeth me beside the still waters--That's Refreshment He restoreth my soul--That's Healing He leadeth me in the path of righteousness--That's Guidance For His name sake--That's Purpose Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death--That's Testing I will fear no evil---That's Protection For Thou are with me--That's Faithfulness Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me--That's Discipline Thou preparest table before me in the presence of mine enemies--That's Hope My cup runneth over--That's Abundance Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life---That's a Blessing And I will dwell in the house of the Lord--That's Security Forever--That's Eternity The things that matters in life are what you treasure closest and dearest at heart. Having a personal relationship with God like you do Tony is a treasure there is peace in knowing someone in this world does exist and have all the qualities it takes to be Christ like. I am praying for you to be added the strength you so richly deserve to tell your mom just what you are facing. Peace and love be yours. Just so you will know your real dad just don't know what he has been missing and I pray that before it is too late he will open his eyes to see just how brave his son is. You and yours are always in my prayers. I love you Tony be encouraged. Your friend Chondra Start your day with - make it your home page Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 8, 2005 Report Share Posted August 8, 2005 Good Morning Jo Lynne ! I hope this e-mail finds you and everyone on the group doing well. My precious mom is arriving this thursday at 5:30pm and I'm counting the minutes. I've been taking all that devastating medicine so I can perhaps feel a bit stronger but even weakness will not keep me from enjoying her visit. I'm half way done in cleaning the house so I should (If the Lord is willing) have it finished by her arrival. I was able to attend church yesterday and after service my dad surprised me with tickets to go see the broadway musical evita that is playing in Atlanta then after back to church for a concert that our new music director had planned so by God's Grace I was able to not only attend all those activities but to enjoy them as well. Thank you for checking on me. I will stay in touch as I'm able. Many, Many Blessings, Tony Nuñez >From: " Jo Lynne " <jolynne4@...> >Reply- >< > >Subject: [ ] Tony >Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 18:27:17 -0500 > >Tony, >I believe today is the day your mother was to come for a visit. If she is >there, I am pretty sure you will not be checking your email but just >incase. I am praying you are having a wonderful visit and know that your >friends from Liver Support L are thinking about you and praying for you and >your mom. >Enjoy. If anyone deserves it, YOU DO. >GOD BLESS >Jo Lynne Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 8, 2005 Report Share Posted August 8, 2005 So nice to hear that you are at least able to enjoy some outings. And Evita is a great one. I cry regularly just hearing some of the songs. Have a nice visit with your mom. Maybe the awful meds will keep you feeling better. I hope. Clara from OR [ ] Tony >>Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 18:27:17 -0500 >> >>Tony, >>I believe today is the day your mother was to come for a visit. If she is >>there, I am pretty sure you will not be checking your email but just >>incase. I am praying you are having a wonderful visit and know that your >>friends from Liver Support L are thinking about you and praying for you >>and >>your mom. >>Enjoy. If anyone deserves it, YOU DO. >>GOD BLESS >>Jo Lynne > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 4, 2005 Report Share Posted October 4, 2005 Precious Joanne: Thank you for thinking so much of me and I'm truly sorry for my prolonged absence from the group site. I did come closer that I would like in departing this world but it wasn't my time yet. Actually I'm leaving my valley and for the time I'm climbing my mountain one step at a time. Much has happened since my last e-mail but if it's okay I much rather concentrate on the positive things rather than dwell on the negative. I truly hope that everyone is doing well. My internist feels that I should take advantage on this phase and get out more but I have gotten so used to been at home and the peace that brings me that I hesitate often in leaving the house plus I don't want to have a setback so I prefer to use wisdom so I can continue to get better. The world is always going to be at there so is not like I'm going to miss a whole lot. My mother's visit went very well. I was spoiled rotten with lots of home cooking to the point that I so very much wanted to lock her in my room and never let her go but that would have been selfish on my part since everyone else is in Puerto Rico so I very gracefully took her to the airport and held my tears back since I didn't want her to leave worring about me. I go for now but first I want to send you all my love and if any of you is facing a stage in your illness when things are not looking very promising; please don't give up. your road to recovery could be moments away from getting started and I present myself as a living testimony of that fact. My t-cells went all the way down to 3 and everyone around me even though they would not tell me in words but I know they were getting ready for my funeral but sorry no can do. Not yet :-) blessings, Tony Nuñez >From: " Jj Cathcart " <JJCATHCART@...> >Reply- > " " < > >Subject: [ ] Tony >Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 15:01:51 -0400 > >I am very I haven't heard a word from Tony nor from his caretaker > " Dad " . Bob Meeks.I am sure Tony is in the hospital and that he is slowly >slipping away from this place and ready to go on to his new home with the >Lord and Father he loves so much.he shall be happy and at peace. Bless >Tony for all he has given to us these past years.we shall never forget our >Tony. He was a close friend of mine for years, and I miss him. The last >few times he called me he was so weak he could barely talk.......... >Joanne > > >Jj Cathcart >jjcathcart@... >EarthLink Revolves Around You. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2005 Report Share Posted October 5, 2005 TONY!!!!! WHOOHOO! Oh praise God that you are back from the brink of eternity! Ohhhhh your letter simply brightened up my day! Ohhhhh how grateful I am that you are back on the boards! You are amazing...simply amazing! You give hope! It is wonderful to have you back! Take care not to get too cold now that the weather is getting cooler, but DO enjoy and take in all of the beautiful air that is outside. I love getting outside in the garden...just to feel the earth in my hands...but to be able to pick the vegetables and roses...well...that makes any work worth it all. Now for your precious Mother. is good to be have Mother's home cooked meals. You are truly blessed to have your Mom for a short amount of time...and I am certain that you were ready to lock her away so as to not have to send her home. is refreshing to hear of a man who truly adores and blesses his Mom! How wonderful that her visit went so well and that you had such a great time with her. Thanks again for your encouragement to all of us! Debby [ ] Tony >>Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 15:01:51 -0400 >> >>I am very I haven't heard a word from Tony nor from his caretaker >> " Dad " . Bob Meeks.I am sure Tony is in the hospital and that he is slowly >>slipping away from this place and ready to go on to his new home with the >>Lord and Father he loves so much.he shall be happy and at peace. Bless >>Tony for all he has given to us these past years.we shall never forget our >>Tony. He was a close friend of mine for years, and I miss him. The last >>few times he called me he was so weak he could barely talk.......... >>Joanne >> >> >>Jj Cathcart >>jjcathcart@... >>EarthLink Revolves Around You. > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2005 Report Share Posted October 5, 2005 Oh the joy that flooded my soul this morning to be a witness to this once more and again. I was so glad to open my e-mail account and see a message from Tony. Tony just so you will know I am always having you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep the faith because God's eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches YOU. You are my inspiration in knowing that if He can do it for you He can do it for us all. Keep hanging in there and hold on to your peace. Chondra Nunez <nunez_866@...> wrote: Precious Joanne:Thank you for thinking so much of me and I'm truly sorry for my prolonged absence from the group site. I did come closer that I would like in departing this world but it wasn't my time yet. Actually I'm leaving my valley and for the time I'm climbing my mountain one step at a time. Much has happened since my last e-mail but if it's okay I much rather concentrate on the positive things rather than dwell on the negative. I truly hope that everyone is doing well. My internist feels that I should take advantage on this phase and get out more but I have gotten so used to been at home and the peace that brings me that I hesitate often in leaving the house plus I don't want to have a setback so I prefer to use wisdom so I can continue to get better. The world is always going to be at there so is not like I'm going to miss a whole lot. My mother's visit went very well. I was spoiled rotten with lots of home cooking to the point that I so very much wanted to lock her in my room and never let her go but that would have been selfish on my part since everyone else is in Puerto Rico so I very gracefully took her to the airport and held my tears back since I didn't want her to leave worring about me. I go for now but first I want to send you all my love and if any of you is facing a stage in your illness when things are not looking very promising; please don't give up. your road to recovery could be moments away from getting started and I present myself as a living testimony of that fact. My t-cells went all the way down to 3 and everyone around me even thoughthey would not tell me in words but I know they were getting ready for my funeral but sorry no can do. Not yet :-)blessings,Tony Nuñez>From: "Jj Cathcart" >Reply- >" " >Subject: [ ] Tony>Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 15:01:51 -0400>>I am very I haven't heard a word from Tony nor from his caretaker >"Dad". Bob Meeks.I am sure Tony is in the hospital and that he is slowly >slipping away from this place and ready to go on to his new home with the >Lord and Father he loves so much.he shall be happy and at peace. Bless >Tony for all he has given to us these past years.we shall never forget our >Tony. He was a close friend of mine for years, and I miss him. The last >few times he called me he was so weak he could barely talk.......... >Joanne>>>Jj Cathcart>jjcathcart@...>EarthLink Revolves Around You. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2005 Report Share Posted October 5, 2005 Tony, Praise God! You have once again proven that mantruly has no idea what God may have in store for each of us. You are an incredibly special person who touched my heart in so many ways right from the beginning. I'm so glad your mother was able to be here and spoil you rotten. As a mother, I know beyond a shadow of doubt that there is no greater joy than to be there for our children and shower them with our love. I received glorious news about 1 1/2 weeks ago. My daughter, Nikki, is pregnant! She and her husband have been trying for almost a year so it is joyous news indeed. We had a scare with some bleeding only hours after she found out she was pregnant. However, it seems that may have just been another of God's many blessings. It ends up that one of her hormones (progesterone) is low so they immediately started her on supplements. The bleeding may have been a warning sign since a low progesterone level will absolutely result in miscarriage. However, in Nikki's case, it was caught VERY early - at only 28 days pregnant and now all seems to be just fine! She has her first official prenatal dr. appt on Thursday. She'll be exactly six weeks pregnant Thursday, so the pregnancy is still very early. Her pregnancy is high risk because she has the autoimmune clotting disorder (antiphospholipid syndrome) and rheumatoid arthritis. It is all in God's hands and I feel very optimistic that we will have a healthy baby and mommy around the end of May (due June 2nd). Sorry to go on and on with this. Nikki has an appt. with our rheumatologist next week. She's been having problems with several of her toes staying numb and the OB wants the rheumy to check things out. Anyway, Nikki asked me if I would mind going with her to the dr. appt. She said, "I feel kind of silly asking my mommy to go with me to the doctor since I'm a grown woman, married and expecting a baby, but I'd just feel better if you were with me because I always forget to ask Dr. Altz- (the rheumy) things and you can help me remember." I told her that I was honored that she wanted me to go with her and that she will always be my baby girl no matter how many babies she has of her own! I told her that being needed by my baby girl always makes me feel special and that she should never hesitate to let me know when she needs me nor should she ever hesitate to let me know if I am being too intrusive in her life. My whole point to that is that when you let your mom spoil you, you are giving her blessings so wonderful that you can never imagine. Being there when you needed her will provide your mother with memories that she will cherish always! God bless you and your mother always, W Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 6, 2005 Report Share Posted October 6, 2005 Hi there, I'm new to this support group and would like to be able to communicate with the group. Can someone pls. explain to me how I can access the board or how I can get messages posted???? I try to reply to a message and it asks me for a password and I can't get in. Do I first have to set up a new password or do I use the same password for my email address. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!!!! SUE MOORE <smushy_2000@...> wrote: TONY, THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE BACK WITH US ,WE ALL ENJOY YOUR WORDS OF WISDOM,WHAT LIFE HANDS YOU ,YOU'RE ALWAYS SO FULL OF LIFE!!!!THE GROUP AND ME AS WELL LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR EMAILS.TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF ...SUE IN GEORGIAtdcc2000 <tdcc2000@...> wrote: TONY!!!!! WHOOHOO! Oh praise God that you are back from the brink of eternity! Ohhhhh your letter simply brightened up my day! Ohhhhh how grateful I am that you are back on the boards!You are amazing...simply amazing! You give hope! It is wonderful to have you back! Take care not to get too cold now that the weather is getting cooler, but DO enjoy and take in all of the beautiful air that is outside. I love getting outside in the garden...just to feel the earth in my hands...but to be able to pick the vegetables and roses...well...that makes any work worth it all.Now for your precious Mother. is good to be have Mother's home cooked meals. You are truly blessed to have your Mom for a short amount of time...and I am certain that you were ready to lock her away so as to not have to send her home. is refreshing to hear of a man who truly adores and blesses his Mom! How wonderful that her visit went so well and that you had such a great time with her.Thanks again for your encouragement to all of us!Debby [ ] Tony>>Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 15:01:51 -0400>>>>I am very I haven't heard a word from Tony nor from his caretaker>>"Dad". Bob Meeks.I am sure Tony is in the hospital and that he is slowly>>slipping away from this place and ready to go on to his new home with the>>Lord and Father he loves so much.he shall be happy and at peace. Bless>>Tony for all he has given to us these past years.we shall never forget our>>Tony. He was a close friend of mine for years, and I miss him. The last>>few times he called me he was so weak he could barely talk..........>>Joanne>>>>>>Jj Cathcart>>jjcathcart@...>>EarthLink Revolves Around You.>>>>>> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 23, 2005 Report Share Posted October 23, 2005 OHHHHH I am so happy that it went through! Hopefully, I have an OLD email! Oh thank you for writing with the other email address!!!!!! DebbyJo Lynne <jolynne4@...> wrote: I sent this to Joanne and she told me to forward it to the group. I do as I am told. LOL. I just sent Tony something else and it did not come back. So send him your thoughts and prayers. If he is still alive I am sure he would love to hear from you. Hugs, Jo Lynne I emailed Tony after someone posted that their post came back, mine did not. This is the address I sent it to: nunez_866@... I am back to my normal Yuck - that medicine just about did me in. Still have fever but guess no one really cares/my docs... Hugs, Jo Lynne Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 23, 2005 Report Share Posted October 23, 2005 I also sent an email to Tony at that addy and it didn't come back I just hope that he is peacefull and not in pain. Good to see you back JoLynn Jo Lynne <jolynne4@...> wrote: I sent this to Joanne and she told me to forward it to the group. I do as I am told. LOL. I just sent Tony something else and it did not come back. So send him your thoughts and prayers. If he is still alive I am sure he would love to hear from you. Hugs, Jo Lynne I emailed Tony after someone posted that their post came back, mine did not. This is the address I sent it to: nunez_866@... I am back to my normal Yuck - that medicine just about did me in. Still have fever but guess no one really cares/my docs... Hugs, Jo Lynne Find your next car at Canada Autos Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 26, 2006 Report Share Posted June 26, 2006 Removing the source of the infection is good. But thinking that's all there is to it is not. Infections spread. Especially if they've previously been walled off but now are opened up by surgery. The spreading infection has to be dealt with. Nico docs don't do that. Removing bone with no follow up does not do that. If an orthopedic surgeon treated your hip the way a nico (or any) dentist treats your jaw, he'd lose his license. No question. The disease should be called what it is. Chronic osteomyelitis and osteonecrosis (of the jaw or sinus). If you get the proper dx, then you can get proper treatment and insurance coverage. Otherwise you're paying out of your own pocket and treatment is very expensive. The expense is one reason the NICO docs don't want to talk about propert treatment, not to mention, they can't provide it anyway. They can convince patients to pay thousands out of pocket for the Cavitat imaging and the surgery, but follow up care? That's pricey and ongoing and would affect their bottom line. Besides, it would scare away too many patients if they knew the expense involved. I'm not a fan of the dental industry as a whole, but this Nico mess has caused patients all kinds of additional problems. Oral surgeons think NICO docs are a bunch of quacks and won't deal with you if you use the word NICO. We used to have a well respected pathologist & researcher, Dr. Bouequot, who'd dx the bone after extraction to determine if it's necrotic. Unfortunately, he got named as a co-defendant in the big Aetna lawsuit against Bob , the creator of the Cavitat, as well as a bunch of other Nico Docs, and now his reputation is damaged and he may have been lost to us as a reliable resource. He even moved to another state. He was an innocent bystander, just trying to help people get dx'd, not get rich. People should research their disease carefully before putting their lives into the hands of "doctors" who've only got part of the puzzle put together. In the case of Nico docs, they're correct in understanding that an infected jaw can cause disease. Some put on a show of understanding the coagulation issues. But after that, they pretty much don't have anything right. penny Wallace Kingston <wpswallace@...> wrote: Weston Price argued that rather than removing the affected organ,(kidney etc) by removing the infected teeth the problem could be practically cured.No one likes surgery but dental surgery seems to me the best surgical option.I agree with Klinghardt that I dont think that endless rounds of abx is the answerer to our problems.Wallace Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 26, 2006 Report Share Posted June 26, 2006 Wallace You can't believe in anything that doesn't have some sound medical practise behind it. As I said earlier my brother in law and his hip replacement was a very sound and very professional approach to solving a necrotic bone/ joint.You've missed the boat when you said that throwing antibiotics at it is not the answrr in klinhards opinion.You really need to understand the way organisms manifest themselves- egs. some cause fasciitis, some cause boils, some have other party tricks which obviously go on and destroy your organs. How can you guiarantee that removal and debridement works - WHEN YOU HAVEN'T GOT TO THE STAGE OF UNDERSTANDING THE ENEMY,ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW IF THE ENEMY DISSEMINATES TO THE KNEE FOR EGS. THE REMOVAL OF THE TOOTH HAS TO BE FOLLOWED BY REMOVING THE KNEE IMO .THAT IS IF YOU WANT TO PLAY RUSSIAN ROULETTE- WHICH IS WHAT MOST NICO SAVVY DENTISTS PRACTISE. Just do yourself a favour and establish what EXACTLY needs doing before jumping the gun and establishing something which may make you a lot worse than where you are todauy. > > Weston Price argued that rather than removing the affected organ, > (kidney etc) by removing the infected teeth the problem could be > practically cured. > > No one likes surgery but dental surgery seems to me the best surgical > option. > > I agree with Klinghardt that I dont think that endless rounds of abx > is the answerer to our problems. > > Wallace > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 28, 2006 Report Share Posted June 28, 2006 call me your soccer budy san diego Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 28, 2006 Report Share Posted June 28, 2006 Ive been too busy crying since the italians cheated us with another of there academy award falls. > > call me your soccer budy san diego > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2006 Report Share Posted September 2, 2006 > My opinion is with these ilnesses you need dialysis to clean up the > blood and a litre of red cells infused to allow the body to truck > around oxygen and nutrients to get the body healed, also most red > cells are not great- as it's also partly a red cell disease. You may > also have to realise that your body is actually burn''t out and > needs to have therapy that addresses adhesions/pleuresy and the > like.When flaring, something that feels like acid, is allowed to flow > thru your veins.. great minds think a like, as in passing I mentioned to my GP about having dialysis a few months before he left the surgery, and I was serious! he would have if he could! such a loss to me now but even those that produce too much RBC cant even get the draw as the NHS again, just don't appreciate the seriousness of many illnesses let alone bacteria and how it can manifest luckily, I did meet a fantastic gynea last year on the NHS who has worked in the States and Germany and her hubby just happens to be a leading Professor of surgery, anyhow her approach is very much holistic and boy did we hit if off, she even identified to why too much Oestrogen was being produced, why I don't keep the ferritn levels, and that I cannot tolerate many of the dumb recommendations to date due to the intercellular bacteria and my sensitivities and a crap autoimmune system ..........she was mind blowing! but sent me onto to menstrual disorder clinic as no one would take her seriously, she's based in between a GP and Consultant level and offers to un burden the lists of my local Gynea consultation clinics, the fact is she knew what was behind it all, again she couldn't help as it was not her remit to step out of the gynea area, even though she knew more than all the consultants and physicians put together so once you have been referred on you are then discharged from the previous so I no longer see her this was a bad move as I am now with a physician that will only address the gynea, back to square one thankfully there are those in the other fiends of medicine not (infectious diseases) that are knowledgeable and receptive, yet as soon as you talk to a local GP or Cons they rubbish their findings and observations and you end up having a blood transfusion just to feed the babs again and not addressing the cause! many are seeking help from other areas of medicine like Penny suggested, like a Rheumy just to get in somehow what a mess if you have any pointers or medical references re endo and lyme this would be great, I have read more and more each month oh yeah I was not dx with endo for 18 years, 8 of that was with a un dx TBD! bye for now e Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2007 Report Share Posted August 22, 2007 Sorry to hear it sir, and best wishes to you... > Dear Tony, > > I just heard, and wanted to extend my tremendous sympathy for your recent loss. I know how close you and your family are, and I'm so sorry that you've suffered this blow. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2007 Report Share Posted August 22, 2007 Tony: I lost my Dad last year- and my husband just lost in 2 months ago. It's very hard- no matter what age you are when you lose a parent. I understand how deeply this loss is felt. My sincere condolences. Barb > > Dear Tony, > > I just heard, and wanted to extend my tremendous sympathy for your recent loss. I know how close you and your family are, and I'm so sorry that you've suffered this blow. > > I know without a doubt, from my own personal experience, that you've been a tremendous comfort to your family during this time. If you hadn't been there in my corner, I don't know what I would have done at times dealing with my own illness, so I can only imagine how supportive you've been for your father and the rest of your family during such a difficult time. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 23, 2007 Report Share Posted August 23, 2007 Thanks guys.. > > > > Dear Tony, > > > > I just heard, and wanted to extend my tremendous sympathy for > your recent loss. I know how close you and your family are, and I'm > so sorry that you've suffered this blow. > > > > I know without a doubt, from my own personal experience, that > you've been a tremendous comfort to your family during this time. If > you hadn't been there in my corner, I don't know what I would have > done at times dealing with my own illness, so I can only imagine how > supportive you've been for your father and the rest of your family > during such a difficult time. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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