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Re: Just having a bad week....

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Enemas and suppositories are such an individual issue. I know many parents swear by them and my mother thinks it's practically child abuse that I don't give them to my DD. But I know she would react the same way you describe your daughter reacting. Personally, for kids who really react strongly like this, I wonder whether the good of the suppository is counteracted by the stress of taking it. The GI tract is so sensitive to stress. On the other hand, if it gets a stool out before it has a chance to get hard...sometimes that's more important. What happens if you don't give a suppository? Does it take many more days for her to go? Is the stool hard or soft when it finally comes out? If the MOM that you're giving is softening everything up (is it?) then it might not be the end of the world to let her wait a little longer to go on her own. But you know best...I don't know what motility issues you might be facing. Bonnie

She would never let me give it to her. When I give her a suppository I could barely get it in

without her hitting me , ripping my hand away and screaming... Last week when I tried to

give her the babylax she threw up she was freaking so much! UGH!

Its a nightmare!


> Have you done an enema to give her some relief?

> Kathy



> Just having a bad week....



> > My 6 year old daughter is yet to hav ea bowel movement on her own. The Gastro


> > to do an MRI to check her spinal chord and make sure there are not any damaged


> > and maybe she is not feeling the urge, but she tells me she does feel it but she holds

it in

> > and then the feeling goes away! :(

> > Ugh! Her belly looks so swollen of course since we are on day 6 with no poop and


> > as I do every week I will have to give her a suppository. I stopped Mirilax and have


> > giving her 2 Tablespoons of MOM a day. She is 32 lbs in the 3% for her age. She has

> > always been since birth. She has no other issues but this one, which is a biggie since


> > is so small.

> > I just need some support and maybe another suggestion.

> > Thank you all so much.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Well I did wind up giving her a suppository last night and she went, of course

the first part

was hard but then it was all soft.

She hasn't had a BM on her own for months, it's always with intervention, I feel

I am

damaging her!

On another note, Ilive in N J too and I cannot believed how they now made

mandatory flu

shots for preschoolers! This is insanity, they want us to pump our kids up with

all these

vaccines before they are even 4 years old. They have no idea what interactions


happen and what vaccine could be potential allergic reaction since they are all

given at the

same time!

I'm so sick of the government telling us how to raise our children!

Just a little vent!

> > > >

> > > > HI,

> > > >

> > > > I have not been with the group for some time now but I still read

> > > posts and

> > > > wanted to share my experiences with regard to bowel movements. I

> > > have read so

> > > > many posts about everyone's children being unable to move bowels,

> > > suffering

> > > > from constipation, experiencing big bloated bellies and on and

> > on.

> > > My son who

> > > > is 4, almost 5, suffered from the same thing constantly. Always

> > had

> > > belly

> > > > pain, bloating, very gassy but always had issues being able to

> > move

> > > his bowels.

> > > > As you all know you read everything, do constant research, go to

> > > message boards

> > > > and evaluate and re-evaluate your childs pains, gains, and

> > > difficulties. I

> > > > had also followed closely McCarthy's story about her son

> > and

> > > she had

> > > > mentioned a product called Threelac. I researched this product

> > and

> > > thought I'd

> > > > give it a try. I tried it for a month on myself first and fully

> > > ended up

> > > > realizing that I like many Americans have a yeast overgrowth as

> > > well. I started my

> > > > son on Threelac in mid November, in part to treat him for

> > yeast. It

> > > is very

> > > > hard removing all sugars from the diet and then dealing with a

> > child

> > > who

> > > > self-limits his foods. BUT, the unbelievable thing is that

> > within

> > > days, maybe 3

> > > > days, he began having regular bowel movements. Solid, formed

> > bowel

> > > > movements!!!!!! His bowels then became no longer peutrid

> > smelling;

> > > he has not been gassy;

> > > > he no longer has that BLOATED belly and I know he feels much

> > better.

> > > He has a

> > > > bowel movement on a daily basis, sometimes twice. Occasionally

> > it

> > > is runny,

> > > > seemingly when he has had a sugary treat. I use to have to use

> > the

> > > fleet baby

> > > > lax on him and that is a thing of the past. The only side

> > effect he

> > > may have

> > > > experienced was a little belly upset. Although he is non-

> > verbal I

> > > could

> > > > tell when he'd lay down on the couch or something but it did not

> > > seem to last for

> > > > long. I experienced this too but it was mild and was nothing

> > that

> > > lasted for

> > > > hours or anything like that. Now he seems to be fine but you

> > really

> > > have to

> > > > limit sugar intake. It is hard to do especially when you have to

> > > give him

> > > > juice to get him to take his other supplements. I still use pear

> > > juice, which is

> > > > how I get the Threelac into him.

> > > > The downside of course, like everything else is the expense.

> > But it

> > > works

> > > > for him so I am more than willing to spend the $$ on it.

> > > > I just wanted to share this with all of you and maybe you can

> > > mention it to

> > > > your child's doctor to see what they say. It has helped him so

> > > tremendously

> > > > and I plan on continuing the use of it. The next battle will be

> > > getting him to

> > > > use the potty for poo-poo. He is still not potty trained, and

> > could

> > > seem to

> > > > care less but I'm just so happy he's moving his bowels regularly

> > > that I'll deal

> > > > with everything else.

> > > >

> > > > Hope this helps someone.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > **************************************

> > > > See AOL's top rated

> > > > recipes

> > > (http://food.aol.com/top-rated-recipes?NCID=aoltop00030000000004)

> > > >

> > >

> >


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my dentist actually put a NEW MERCURY filling in my

head. I expressed GREAT concern and he said "I have been filling teeth

for thirty years with this stuff, and my dad for thirty years prior to

that and I have never heard of any problem!" I was like...but, ah,

but, ah....then he said it costs half as much and lasts twice as long

so I stupidly did it! Now i wonder ?????? I was not BF at the time,

but I am wondering about my own forgetful brain!

I think I am done even giving my girl the flu shot. This year we gave

her a flu shot without preservatives, and she was still grouchy for

weeks...actually almost a month of her feeling really bad.... and ended

up getting really sick with a "flu-like" virus anyway with a 104 fever

for 4 days, and then 100 for 3 days. So, even though we are not really

religious, I am going to claim religious exemption from now on.

(Please NO flames for this! We do not know how else to get around it!)

csab123 wrote:

Well I did wind up giving her a suppository last night and she

went, of course the first part

was hard but then it was all soft.

She hasn't had a BM on her own for months, it's always with

intervention, I feel I am

damaging her!

On another note, Ilive in N J too and I cannot believed how they now

made mandatory flu

shots for preschoolers! This is insanity, they want us to pump our kids

up with all these

vaccines before they are even 4 years old. They have no idea what

interactions could

happen and what vaccine could be potential allergic reaction since they

are all given at the

same time!

I'm so sick of the government telling us how to raise our children!

Just a little vent!

> > > >

> > > > HI,

> > > >

> > > > I have not been with the group for some time now

but I still read

> > > posts and

> > > > wanted to share my experiences with regard to bowel

movements. I

> > > have read so

> > > > many posts about everyone's children being unable

to move bowels,

> > > suffering

> > > > from constipation, experiencing big bloated bellies

and on and

> > on.

> > > My son who

> > > > is 4, almost 5, suffered from the same thing

constantly. Always

> > had

> > > belly

> > > > pain, bloating, very gassy but always had issues

being able to

> > move

> > > his bowels.

> > > > As you all know you read everything, do constant

research, go to

> > > message boards

> > > > and evaluate and re-evaluate your childs pains,

gains, and

> > > difficulties. I

> > > > had also followed closely McCarthy's story

about her son

> > and

> > > she had

> > > > mentioned a product called Threelac. I researched

this product

> > and

> > > thought I'd

> > > > give it a try. I tried it for a month on myself

first and fully

> > > ended up

> > > > realizing that I like many Americans have a yeast

overgrowth as

> > > well. I started my

> > > > son on Threelac in mid November, in part to treat

him for

> > yeast. It

> > > is very

> > > > hard removing all sugars from the diet and then

dealing with a

> > child

> > > who

> > > > self-limits his foods. BUT, the unbelievable thing

is that

> > within

> > > days, maybe 3

> > > > days, he began having regular bowel movements.

Solid, formed

> > bowel

> > > > movements!!!!!! His bowels then became no

longer peutrid

> > smelling;

> > > he has not been gassy;

> > > > he no longer has that BLOATED belly and I know he

feels much

> > better.

> > > He has a

> > > > bowel movement on a daily basis, sometimes twice.


> > it

> > > is runny,

> > > > seemingly when he has had a sugary treat. I use to

have to use

> > the

> > > fleet baby

> > > > lax on him and that is a thing of the past. The

only side

> > effect he

> > > may have

> > > > experienced was a little belly upset. Although he

is non-

> > verbal I

> > > could

> > > > tell when he'd lay down on the couch or something

but it did not

> > > seem to last for

> > > > long. I experienced this too but it was mild and

was nothing

> > that

> > > lasted for

> > > > hours or anything like that. Now he seems to be

fine but you

> > really

> > > have to

> > > > limit sugar intake. It is hard to do especially

when you have to

> > > give him

> > > > juice to get him to take his other supplements. I

still use pear

> > > juice, which is

> > > > how I get the Threelac into him.

> > > > The downside of course, like everything else is the


> > But it

> > > works

> > > > for him so I am more than willing to spend the $$

on it.

> > > > I just wanted to share this with all of you and

maybe you can

> > > mention it to

> > > > your child's doctor to see what they say. It has

helped him so

> > > tremendously

> > > > and I plan on continuing the use of it. The next

battle will be

> > > getting him to

> > > > use the potty for poo-poo. He is still not potty

trained, and

> > could

> > > seem to

> > > > care less but I'm just so happy he's moving his

bowels regularly

> > > that I'll deal

> > > > with everything else.

> > > >

> > > > Hope this helps someone.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > **************************************

> > > > See AOL's top rated

> > > > recipes

> > > (http://food.aol.com/top-rated-recipes?NCID=aoltop00030000000004)

> > > >

> > >

> >


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, What's going on with the skin? Also, if you feel your child has "had enough" you can get a simple blood test called the titer's test that tests for immunity to all the disease's and if they show immunity, you don't have to get another one, that's what I did...............littlelief wrote: LeeAnn you should write a book! I really appreciate how much you knowabout all this stuff! You've very likely pinned it for my son - yeastand probably mercury.We go back on Tues for results of

all the testing - but at our initialvisit, the doc suspected mercury as a problem because of his skin. I do have many amalgam fillings and the worst part is that I know Ihad a filling replaced when my 3 year old was only a couple monthsold. I don't know if it was one that was amalgam or the whitepolymer, but my guess is it was one of the older amalgams. I did notknow then about the mercury issue and the dentist DID know I wasbreastfeeding an infant. But, mainstream dentists don't think it is anissue and do not take the precautions during removal (dental dam,fresh air source, etc.) that those concerned about the mercury do. And certainly he didn't even think to suggest waiting until I finishedbreastfeeding. I'm still breastfeeding my 1 year old, but from some recent posts hereit's my impression that the worst harm is done in utero rather thanvia breastmilk (unless of course your idiot dentist removes an

amalgamwhile you're breastfeeding - I have to believe that sent a lot of freemercury into my system -UGH!). We did a urine test for me too, so we'll see what my status is on Tuesalso. (I have thought about trying the home test kit Bonnie used onurine to test my breastmilk if my urine test shows high results.)Neither of my guys have been diagnosed with SPD or ASD, but the gutissues are so interrelated with the neuro that I look for signs allthe time. My older son did not get HepB at birth, but get two dosesof DTaP (6 months and 9 months - against my mom-instinct, but DH (andof course our ped. at that time) felt strongly about at leastprotecting from whooping cough so I gave in). But, I refused to gofor the 3rd dose or for any other vaccine. My mom-instinct just saidNO! and I wish I would've insisted on NO instead of allowing the twoDTaP doses. Interestingly, with all the constipation issues of ourolder son

and my researching all the gut issues, DH hasn't evenapproached the vaccine topic for our 1 year old.Thanks again, LeeAnn, for so much info that you contribute here!Best,> > >> > > HI,> > > > > > I have not been with the group for some time now but I still read> > posts and > > > wanted to share my experiences with regard to bowel movements. I> > have read so > > > many posts about everyone's children being unable to move bowels,> > suffering > > > from constipation, experiencing big bloated bellies and on and > on. > > My son who > > > is 4, almost 5, suffered from the same thing constantly. Always > had> > belly > > > pain, bloating, very gassy but always had issues being able to > move> > his bowels. > > > As you all know you read

everything, do constant research, go to> > message boards > > > and evaluate and re-evaluate your childs pains, gains, and> > difficulties. I > > > had also followed closely McCarthy's story about her son > and> > she had > > > mentioned a product called Threelac. I researched this product > and> > thought I'd > > > give it a try. I tried it for a month on myself first and fully> > ended up > > > realizing that I like many Americans have a yeast overgrowth as> > well. I started my > > > son on Threelac in mid November, in part to treat him for > yeast. It> > is very > > > hard removing all sugars from the diet and then dealing with a > child> > who > > > self-limits his foods. BUT, the unbelievable thing is that > within> > days, maybe 3

> > > days, he began having regular bowel movements. Solid, formed > bowel > > > movements!!!!!! His bowels then became no longer peutrid > smelling;> > he has not been gassy; > > > he no longer has that BLOATED belly and I know he feels much > better.> > He has a > > > bowel movement on a daily basis, sometimes twice. Occasionally > it> > is runny, > > > seemingly when he has had a sugary treat. I use to have to use > the> > fleet baby > > > lax on him and that is a thing of the past. The only side > effect he> > may have > > > experienced was a little belly upset. Although he is non-> verbal I> > could > > > tell when he'd lay down on the couch or something but it did not> > seem to last for > > > long. I experienced this too but it

was mild and was nothing > that> > lasted for > > > hours or anything like that. Now he seems to be fine but you > really> > have to > > > limit sugar intake. It is hard to do especially when you have to> > give him > > > juice to get him to take his other supplements. I still use pear> > juice, which is > > > how I get the Threelac into him. > > > The downside of course, like everything else is the expense. > But it> > works > > > for him so I am more than willing to spend the $$ on it. > > > I just wanted to share this with all of you and maybe you can> > mention it to > > > your child's doctor to see what they say. It has helped him so> > tremendously > > > and I plan on continuing the use of it. The next battle will be> > getting him to > > >

use the potty for poo-poo. He is still not potty trained, and > could> > seem to > > > care less but I'm just so happy he's moving his bowels regularly> > that I'll deal > > > with everything else. > > > > > > Hope this helps someone.> > > > > > Thanks, > > > > > > > > > **************************************> > > See AOL's top rated > > > recipes> > (http://food.aol.com/top-rated-recipes?NCID=aoltop00030000000004)> > >> >>

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Im so glad she went!! Flue vac...crazy, they dont even work and the

flu vac is so toxic. I hate to say this, but they are trying to

mandate several mandatory adult vacs also! I dont see them getting

all of the new vacs mandated, but at least some eventually. All these

vacs(causing so many medical issues) is sure makeing the medical

world rich!! At this point, the religious exempt is most of our hope.

This is also being worked on and they are trying to get rid of the

relegious excempt also!!! Jennie<><

> > > > >

> > > > > HI,

> > > > >

> > > > > I have not been with the group for some time now but I

still read

> > > > posts and

> > > > > wanted to share my experiences with regard to bowel

movements. I

> > > > have read so

> > > > > many posts about everyone's children being unable to move


> > > > suffering

> > > > > from constipation, experiencing big bloated bellies and on


> > > on.

> > > > My son who

> > > > > is 4, almost 5, suffered from the same thing constantly.


> > > had

> > > > belly

> > > > > pain, bloating, very gassy but always had issues being able


> > > move

> > > > his bowels.

> > > > > As you all know you read everything, do constant research,

go to

> > > > message boards

> > > > > and evaluate and re-evaluate your childs pains, gains, and

> > > > difficulties. I

> > > > > had also followed closely McCarthy's story about her


> > > and

> > > > she had

> > > > > mentioned a product called Threelac. I researched this


> > > and

> > > > thought I'd

> > > > > give it a try. I tried it for a month on myself first and


> > > > ended up

> > > > > realizing that I like many Americans have a yeast

overgrowth as

> > > > well. I started my

> > > > > son on Threelac in mid November, in part to treat him for

> > > yeast. It

> > > > is very

> > > > > hard removing all sugars from the diet and then dealing

with a

> > > child

> > > > who

> > > > > self-limits his foods. BUT, the unbelievable thing is that

> > > within

> > > > days, maybe 3

> > > > > days, he began having regular bowel movements. Solid,


> > > bowel

> > > > > movements!!!!!! His bowels then became no longer peutrid

> > > smelling;

> > > > he has not been gassy;

> > > > > he no longer has that BLOATED belly and I know he feels


> > > better.

> > > > He has a

> > > > > bowel movement on a daily basis, sometimes twice.


> > > it

> > > > is runny,

> > > > > seemingly when he has had a sugary treat. I use to have to


> > > the

> > > > fleet baby

> > > > > lax on him and that is a thing of the past. The only side

> > > effect he

> > > > may have

> > > > > experienced was a little belly upset. Although he is non-

> > > verbal I

> > > > could

> > > > > tell when he'd lay down on the couch or something but it

did not

> > > > seem to last for

> > > > > long. I experienced this too but it was mild and was


> > > that

> > > > lasted for

> > > > > hours or anything like that. Now he seems to be fine but


> > > really

> > > > have to

> > > > > limit sugar intake. It is hard to do especially when you

have to

> > > > give him

> > > > > juice to get him to take his other supplements. I still

use pear

> > > > juice, which is

> > > > > how I get the Threelac into him.

> > > > > The downside of course, like everything else is the


> > > But it

> > > > works

> > > > > for him so I am more than willing to spend the $$ on it.

> > > > > I just wanted to share this with all of you and maybe you


> > > > mention it to

> > > > > your child's doctor to see what they say. It has helped

him so

> > > > tremendously

> > > > > and I plan on continuing the use of it. The next battle

will be

> > > > getting him to

> > > > > use the potty for poo-poo. He is still not potty trained,


> > > could

> > > > seem to

> > > > > care less but I'm just so happy he's moving his bowels


> > > > that I'll deal

> > > > > with everything else.

> > > > >

> > > > > Hope this helps someone.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks,

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > **************************************

> > > > > See AOL's top rated

> > > > > recipes

> > > > (http://food.aol.com/top-rated-recipes?


> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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