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Biometics Product Testimonials

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Biometics Product Testimonials

" I have lost 55 lbs since using the BIOMETICS products. I don't

crave sweets and I sleep throughout the night for the first time in

years. " - R.N., Norfolk, VA

" I have been working out for years and never thought that I needed

any nutritional supplements. After I started on BIOMETICS, my

stamina increased, my recovery time was shorter and I noticed that I

wasn't as tired after my workout. " - J.S., Seattle, WA

" I could never take any nutritional supplements because they tasted

so awful. When I tasted the BIOMETICS products I was amazed at the

wonderful flavor. They are not only good for you, but also taste

great! " - A.T., San , CA

" These products have changed my life. I have more energy, and the

aches and pains throughout my body have gone away. " - B.K., Atlanta,


" My children are doing better in school since I put them on the

BIOMETICS products. They have more energy and are more alert in

school. Even their teachers have noticed a difference. I like the

fact that my kids enjoy taking their vitamins now. " - S.N., Bend, OR

" My husband and I sit back now and look at them (our three children)

and say, have you noticed their eyes shine, their hair shines and

their faces glow! BIOMETICS just makes them healthy, makes them

better all the time. We'll use the products for life. " - Marchelle

M. Denver CO

" I thought I would shrink in the mire of depression until Biometics

came into my life! I was living in Maui, Hawaii in what most would

call " Paradise on Earth " working at Whaler's Village--a very popular

shopping center. When along came this happy couple full of energy

and smiles. One of them said, " You need some Get-Go-N. " I

replied: " If we could just hook up an IV of coffee, I might be able

to finish my shift. " What really impressed me is Shary asked

to go get some water and he mixed me up some energy. I had almost

immediate results and " Wow! " my life changed! Paradise is where ever

I am now and the nutritional energy I was lacking has changed my

life. Thank you Shary & B. " Jolene S., Commerce City, CO

" My wife had various types of headaches going back to early

childhood including migraine, tension, sinus, etc. Within the first

three days of taking the products her headaches stopped. She has had

very few since then. She feels much better than before, has more

energy, and a total sense of well-being is the way she describes it.

As for me, I have lost 15 lbs. and my cholesterol dropped from 223

to 175. I too have more energy, drink more water and drink less soft

drinks and coffee. " Mike H., Oregon City, OR

" I can't have fatty foods such as cheese, pork, skin on chicken or

deep fried things [due to] a spastic colon. Thank God for Bio 3. It

breaks down fat. Every once in awhile I can indulge in a piece of

cheesecake or have some bacon...not gaining a pound the next day.

When my husband wants pizza, that's okay. So now I have this under

control too. I can feel the sparkle in my eyes and feel good now. My

husband said to me recently, 'It is good to have you back, dear.' I

said, 'Thank the vitamins.' " S., Bandon, OR

" For many years, I had fibroids. In the past twenty years, I have

had two biopsies done. To my amazement, my last mammogram showed my

breasts to be clean...I did not have one fibroid tumor. I requested

the report on the mammogram I had last year and that one was clean

also. The only thing I have done different was start the Biometics

products four years ago. Now, ask me if I will ever stop taking

these products. Of course, the answer is absolutely NO! Just to let

all of you know how I feel about these products: BIOMETICS


Medford, OR

" I was born with severe club feet. I have undergone three surgeries

and have had nearly fifty sets of casts as an infant. I began taking

Biometics over two years ago. I have had very little pain and have

probably taken aspirin only three or four times since starting the

products. After only a couple of months on the product...I feel so

much better than ever before. I am still faced with more corrective

foot surgeries. I am confident that I will endure and recover quite

nicely with the help of Biometics. " L., of San , CA

" I am 27-years-old and a mother of two boys. For the past seven

years, I have been diagnosed with many health problems including

Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Epilepsy, ADD, Depression, and

Anxiety. Along comes my Biometics 2-day sampler in the mail. I felt

changes in my body...I had so much energy--energy I haven't had in

three years. I feel great!!! My Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid

arthritis have hardly bothered me. I can't believe I had been living

with all that pain for so long. Thank you Biometics for giving me my

life back...pain free and no medication. I have found it to be quite

nice not having to fight with different medical problems. Now I can

concentrate on " kicking " these seizures. Between Biometics, myself

and my doctor, I WILL BEAT THIS. " Deana P., sville, TN

" I had a sinus headache and thanks to the Bio Fuel and Power Melt. I

only get them on really bad pollen days and then extra scoops of Get-

Go-N Plus and Bio Fuel just does the trick! I have been using all of

the products for two years now. I love them and my family will never

go without them. " Ann D., North Bend, OR

" I've had both of my knees replaced, arthritis in my back and I

never had any energy. When I got up in the morning, I had to use a

wheelchair or walker just to get out of bed. My family was worried

about my health. I was skeptical at first. You don't get to be 73

years old by believing everything you hear. My daughters did have

more energy, though. They both lost weight and generally felt better

so I thought, 'What do I have to lose?' After a couple of weeks

using the Biometics products, I had more energy, I could sleep

through the night for the first time in years and the aches and

pains had gone. It was like a miracle for me to get out of bed in

the morning and not have to use my wheelchair or walker anymore. "

Lillian's wheelchair is now for sale! Lillian J., Cedar Grove, TN

" Yesterday, my 1-year-old niece was at my house and she was

sneezing, had a stuffy, runny nose and she felt warm. I gave her

some Bio Immune and Bio Fuel. Later, I gave her some Cal/Mag 100. My

niece woke up this morning perfectly clear and happy! P.,

Knightdale, NC

Multiple Sclerosis

" I'd been on the German medicine for a year and had not really

noticed anything, but did not seem to have any active lesions. I

started on the products and to my surprise I found myself doing

things I couldn't do before, like walking farther with my walker. I

feel I am more stable than I was before. If it wasn't for the

terrible heat we have here I know I would be doing even better. I

have felt that there is a synergistic effect between the German

medicine and this nutritional support. " - D., FL

" I felt a difference in energy by the second day with the Get-Go-N,

Bio Fuel and Aloe. I had much more clarity in my head. I felt so

good that I overdid. You have to listen to your body and rest when

it's required. I really like the fact these are liquid because I had

so much trouble metabolizing the pills. I found that the pills made

me feel spacey and Biometics made me more clear thinking. My walking

was better in terms of the energy I had. I was able to cut way back

on the anti-depressant medication I was on and I lost some weight as

well! I've used all the products and am happy with all of them. The

Cal/Mag 100 goes down particularly well and I know I'm getting my

daily requirements of calcium and magnesium in a form that will get

into my cells. " - Jocelyn B., Concord, Mass.

" I've had MS for 32 years. I've tried many things. The two things

where there is a noticeable difference, in a relatively short period

of time is the German medicine and the Biometics products. I have

been in a nursing home where I couldn't feed myself and have been

taking vitamins all those years. I know the vitamins I took helped

me. There was a big difference when I took the Biometics vitamins. I

no longer feel like a victim of MS or at its mercy. I don't really

want to live without these products because I feel so much better

since I've been taking them. These products seem to enhance the

German medicine and lifted me up to a higher plateau where I am

functioning at a ?normal' level. " - Claudette Z., San , CA

LeRoy was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in January, 1986. With

positive thinking, good exercise, proper nutrition and Deep Muscle

Therapy, he managed to stay active. However, his legs became quite

wobbly and short term memory loss became a big problem. LeRoy began

taking Biometics in January, 1994. His legs have become steady and

strong. He no longer weaves like he's drunk. " I am much more alert

and have greater endurance. The numbness in my face and legs is gone

and my speech is no longer slurred. " LeRoy had not heard of

Biometics when he went visiting friends. Due to a change in his

routine, his hiatal hernia became very painful during the night. One

good dose of Aloe Plus and he was asleep in ten minutes. - LeRoy L.,

Lucerne Valley, CA

" I have been dealing with MS symptoms since 1983. What has made the

most significant change in my life has been the German medicine and

these nutritional products. I have been bed-ridden and in a

wheelchair. I have been stable and exacerbation free for 6 years.

When I started on these products I started to notice a difference in

the way I felt. I felt boosted. My energy level is good all day. My

walking is stronger and I only use a cane when I have to walk long

distances. I feel there is something fundamentally different about

the transport system, because I have taken lots of different kinds

of vitamins in the past. I am calmer and better able to handle

stress. I feel the effects of these products are cumulative and it

is only getting better all the time. I have been able to count on

added stability with these products and am very grateful for what

they have done in my life. " -Johanna B., San , CA

" I have a tremendous amount of energy. I don't want to be without

the products. I'm taking the Bio Fuel and Get-Go-N Plus and find

that I have clarity of thinking, increased memory, and more focused

thoughts. I also take the Turbo Sport in the morning before I get on

the treadmill. I have found that I can go longer on the treadmill

than I could before. I have been going to school, working in a

concession stand for Little League and leading an active normal

life. " - Diane M., CA

" I have found that overall I have a lot more energy since I've been

on the Biometics products. I have also noticed that a couple of

hours after taking it I have increased mobility. I like the energy,

the positive mood I'm in and the overall sense of well being I have.

I am working full time, and have energy throughout the entire day. I

used to get very tired in the afternoon. Sometimes I find that I

push too hard. My day starts at 5:30 and I often go till 11-11:30 at

night. " -Bill H., Topeka, KS

" I am a 45 year old woman who has had MS since 1979. I was in

remission until 1990 and then had a series of attacks. I have had an

amazing amount of energy and stamina since taking the Biometics

products. It feels like it's going directly into my bloodstream. I

feel I'm getting better and better all the time. I have not had an

attack in the 6 months I have been taking these products. I have

been in Homeostasis. I think the Bio Fuel and Get-Go-N are great! I

am able to be on my feet longer. I can now walk a long ways holding

on to a cart. I do floor exercises and find that my balance is

better and my legs hold up longer. I feel I'm doing extremely. I can

stay up until 10 where I usually went to bed by 9:30 pm. An example

of what I mean is that I can stand in the kitchen, almost like a

normal person. I feel healthier than my other friends. " - Laurie, CA

" I got on the products in September 1993. I noticed a difference the

next day. The most impressive for me was the Get-Go-N. I would have

to take a nap every afternoon and I didn't have to do that anymore.

I felt like it really helped me Get-Go-N! " - S., San ,


has been involved with nutrition for nine years since the

diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. " I got involved with an Alternative

MS Group and watched others get much better on the German medicine.

I started on the Biometics products in November, 1993. I decided to

try it because I watched the other people that I trusted in the

support group. My energy level was always terrible by 9 pm. I got

ugly and crabby. I don't feel that way anymore. I have clarity in my

mind and am more directed. I am not 'cured' yet, but I feel

Biometics has helped me a lot and I can feel what it is doing for

me. The clarity of mind and energy level are very obvious changes.

Often times when I've tried other things, I thought it might be in

my mind - did I feel the difference? I was never sure. My digestive

system is working better. I am much more regular - it has never been

better. Recently, I went to the tide pools with my kids and I was

walking all over the rocks. I never could have done this before. It

seems to get better and better all the time. I t has helped me with

my stress level a great deal. I love what Biometics has done for

me! " - I., San , CA

Joe spends most of his time in a wheelchair. " I've been taking the

Biometics products since the beginning of November, 1993. I'm an

attorney and I feel much more energetic. The Get-Go-N has made it

easier for me to concentrate on things. I would mentally tire

before. I have more physical as well as mental energy. It is most

convenient for me to take it with juice in the morning. I take a

full dose in the morning and a half a dose in the afternoon. I am

lasting all day. It has made me more regular. It hasn't 'cured' the

disease but it has raised the quality of my life. Since I started

taking this 'stuff', I've added the Cal/Mag 100 and that's helped a

lot. What is most noticeable is that I noticed my energy declining

before and it is now steadied. " - Joe R., San , CA

Jan is a 41 year old registered nurse afflicted with Multiple

Sclerosis. She felt her life was over when illness forced her to

retire, totally disabled. A major article on M.S. featured her on

the cover of the Seattle Times. The doctors classified her a

hopeless case. A close friend urged her to try Biometics. It changed

her life. Skepticism vanished along with her depression and fatigue.

Her energy is up, she is feeling great, even back driving again.

Nowadays people can't believe that she was totally disabled. - Jan

B., Seattle, WA


Rene has tried many drugs, herbs, etc. with little or no relief or

it quit working starting her search over again for the next drug to

try. Her migraines were hormonal-related. The only time she didn't

have migraines was when she was pregnant. She has taken Pharinol,

Midrin, Imetrix, Feverfew, Don Quai, and anti-depressants to

stimulate seratonin. Rene has been taking Biometics over a year and

a half now. She has had a few migraines try to come on her but she

takes a couple scoops of Get-Go-N-Plus and it knocks them out within

20 minutes. No more migraines for her. She knows this works! Her

search for the " next " drug has ended.} " I'm a new person! After 15

years of migraines gradually increasing to up to 15 per month, I had

instant results. I've not had one migraine since starting the

products over a year ago. I've had increased energy, lost over 30

pounds, and the psoriasis I've had since I was 5 yrs. old is

relieved. My husband noticed my results and is now on the full

program. He drank coffee for energy and has gone from a full pot in

the morning to total reliance on the products for his energy. I

believe these products will work for everyone! " - Rene L., Woodland,


" I used to wake up with a heavy head and had to take Extra Strength

Excedrin every day. My head never cleared for 2 years. I also had

migraines every month for several days. I had a hysterectomy to help

balance out the hormone levels, which only helped a little. Then I

started taking these products. The migraines are gone. I would not

have believed that vitamins could do this if I hadn't experienced

it. " - Gladys H., San , CA

" I was tired, stressed and had suffered migraines for over thirty

years. 16 months on Biometics and I've not had even one migraine. I

have unbelievable energy and mental clarity. I feel like the

energizer bunny, I just keep going and going and going... " - Pam S.,

Willows, CA

Ralph has had a migraine every day for the past 14 years. On a scale

of 1-12 for pain, they were 12's. Since starting the products, they

have gone down on that scale to between 1-3. Some days he has none

at all. - Ralph, Oroville, CA

Before being introduced to Biometics, Diane suffered two strokes and

was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. " My speech was really bad

and I couldn't talk on the phone, I used to wake up with a headache

every morning. " Since using the products, Diane says her migraines

have disappeared, her memory and speech have improved and she has

more energy. Diane said her neighbor came over and said, " I want

whatever you're taking! " She feels the products have saved her

life. " I would love to tell everyone in the world to give it a try.

If you don't have health, you don't have anything. It affects your

entire life. " - Diane H., Corning, CA

Ann said she had resigned herself to taking medication for the

rest of her life to combat the migraines and allergies she'd been

having. Now, she has stopped taking her medication and hasn't had a

migraine or allergy problems for the past three months. - Ann

S., Livermore, CA

Dan suffered from migraines (about 2 per month) and since starting

on the Deluxe Program in April, 1997, he has better eating habits,

as well as limiting his migraines to only 4 in 15 months. - Dan C.,

Portland, OR

I started out using the Nutritional Energy Program II and have added

other products in the Biometics line as well. I've also been losing

weight. The migraines that I had been getting for weeks are gone. -

Angie C., Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

" Joe has had severe migraines since childhood due to allergies and

stress. He had instant results with these products. Joe has not had

a migraine since the day that he began taking Biometics. He used to

miss work regularly and be in bed for 2-3 days at a time. Never

again will I have to see him in so much pain due to migraines,

thanks to Biometics! " - Joe & Donna P.

Sherry suffered from migraine headaches. She couldn't move without

becoming sick, had to have the room darkened, this sometimes lasting

for days at a time. Prescription Tylenol didn't phase the pain and

misery. The Biometics nutrition program gave her the relief she was

looking for. Sherry also gave it to her favorite cat, " Missy " , who

was old and so bad off, she thought she would have to put her away.

She decided to give her some Bio Fuel. " Missy " responded immediately

to it. She perked up, had energy, and her coat became silky and

beautiful again. - Sherry P., Eugene, OR

has had various types of headaches going back to early

childhood, including migraine, tension, sinus, etc. Within the first

3 days of taking the Deluxe Nutritional Energy Program her headaches

stopped. We started taking the products around January 1, 1998. She

has had very few since then. She feels much better than before and

more energy - a total sense of well being is the way she describes

it. - H.

My wife & I started the Biometics products (Deluxe Nutritional

Energy Program) in January of this year. She has had headaches of

all sorts - sinus, allergy, stress, etc. - including migranes since

she was in her early teens. Basically, she woke up every day with

some type of headache took some type of pain relief medication -

tylenol, ibuprophen, alieve, etc. - during the day and still went to

bed at night with some degree of headache. Within 3 days of starting

with the Deluxe Nutritional Energy Program she could see some

relief. As far as she is concerned, she has no headaches anymore.

She will have an occasional " regular " headache, but she can take an

additional serving of Get-Go-N or take a tylenol or something and

the headache will go away. She has had 2 migranes since January and

they were both shorter in duration than before. When she noticed the

migrane coming on she took additional servings of Get-Go-N. Mike &

H., Knightdale, NC

Debbie suffered from Fibromyalgia, which caused much pain in her

muscles every time she moved. Her muscles had atrophied to the point

that she could no longer exercise or vacuum her house. She had been

taking antidepressants, pain pills, and muscle relaxants. She

started taking these products and lost 25 pounds. The Turbo Sport

took away all of her muscle pain. She weaned herself off all of the

drugs. She is now working full-time as a bookkeeper for her

husband's business. She teaches home school and says it feels good

to be alive again. She has more energy than ever before. - Debbie

D., Shingletown, CA

" My husband and I began taking Biometics in the fall of 1995. I have

dealt with the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue for

years with very negative results from prescription medications. Joe

has had severe migraines since childhood due to allergies and

stress. We both had instant results with these products. Joe has not

had a migraine since the day that we began taking Biometics. He used

to miss work regularly and be in bed for 2-3 days at a time. He has

gained additional allergy relief by taking Power Melt in the morning

along with the Nutritional Energy drink. It is such a blessing for

me to see him out in the garden and not have to worry any more about

the possible consequences of him being exposed to dusts and pollens.

Never again will I have to see him in so much pain due to migraines,

thanks to Biometics! I was able to achieve deep sleep the first

night after trying these products. I hadn't slept that well in

years. I attribute this to the Cal/Mag 100 that I take at night. I

believe that the Turbo Sport has helped with the intense pain that

is also a symptom of Fibromyalgia. I no longer need to take daily

naps and feel that the Get-Go-N Plus and the Bio Alert deserve the

credit for my increased ability to cope. The Aloe Concentrate has

given me freedom from severe stomach pains which were diagnosed as

a 'nervous stomach' and stomach tranquilizers were prescribed. I was

able to toss those out along with the other medications-thanks again

to Biometics! " - Joe & Donna P.

Since 1991, has taken pills to battle the extreme fatigue

and excruciating pain that wracked her entire body. The doctor

diagnosed her with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There

is no known cause for Fibromyalgia, a relatively new disease of

unknown origin characterized by chronic pain in the membranes

surrounding all the muscles and organs. Unfortunately, the doctors

told there was nothing more they could do. She would just

have to live with the pain. Soon, the pain became so great that she

was unable to concentrate on various tasks and she lost her job in

1995. " I was in constant pain, even my skin hurt. I couldn't

tolerate the slightest draft because the cold would cause me pain.

It got to the point where I couldn't read a newspaper or watch

television because my brain couldn't process the information coming

in. My life existed of pills and pain. I tried many combinations of

medications. I also tried physical therapy, aroma therapy, trigger

point injections, acupressure therapy, you name it. Some helped, but

nothing brought my life back to me. " Nothing, that is, until she

tried Biometics. After watching her husband experience great results

on Biometics products, she tried them herself. " Within two to three

weeks, I had enough energy to make dinner and clean the house some.

Within three months, I was back working full time in the corporate

accounting department of a national company. I am pain-free, almost

symptom free and feel healthier than I have in years. After being on

the products for only 2 months, my husband and I drove from Oregon

to South Dakota (3,200 miles round-trip) in three days and I had no

pain and lots of energy to enjoy our vacation. " With her doctor's

blessing, no longer takes any medication. " Biometics won't

cure Fibromyalgia, but what it does is supply my body with the

essential nutrients, amino acids and minerals in the correct amounts

and in a form that is completely and quickly absorbed. The more

research about Fibromyalgia I read, the more I am convinced that

nutrition is a BIG key, and doctors are just starting to recognize

that fact. " - B., OR

" I am 27 years old and a mother of two boys ages 7 and 2. and

I have been married for 8 years. For the past 7 years I have been

diagnosed with many health problems including among the list:

Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid arthritis, Epilepsy, ADD (along with my

older son), Depression, and Anxiety. Needless to say we have had

many challenges over the past couple of years. With my symptoms

getting worse over the past year it has not been uncommon for me to

have to sleep 12-16 hours a day. When I was out of bed my joints and

muscles were always stiff and I was always in pain. Even being on

eight different pain medications. I have felt like my life was

slipping away. I was having a good day if I could get at least a

load of laundry done and a load of dishes. I could not keep up on

any " duties " ...Being a wife, mother, housekeeper, income producer. I

found I could only do one task a day. So along comes my Biometics 2

day sampler in the mail. By 9:00 am I had felt the changes in my

body. Normally at this time I am curled up on the couch, grouchy,

and hurting. But not today!! By 9:30 am I was dressed including hair

and make-up and had folded five loads of laundry!! But it didn't

stop there. I had so much energy; energy I have not felt in years.

Continuing on into the day... dishes were done...twice, and the

house vacuumed and cleaned. I ran errands, returned home to cook

dinner and give the dog a bath. I went to bed around 12:00 am. And

did not have to take my mandatory 3 hour nap! After two weeks, I

still have not needed any of my medications. I feel great!!! I have

not had any migraines. My Fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis have

hardly bothered me. I am still having problems with my seizures but

they do not last as long as before. After I have a seizure I have

been taking the Cal/Mag 100 to help residual muscle spasms and to

help me sleep. I feel like a million again. I cant believe I had

been living with all that pain for so long. Thank you Biometics for

giving me my life back - pain free and no medication!! I have found

it to be quite nice not having to fight with different

medicalproblems. Now I can concentrate on " kicking " these seizures.

Between Biometics, myself, and my doctor, I WILL BEAT THIS. " - Deana

P., sville TN

" In January, 1996, I fell down a flight of stairs covered in ice and

snow. The injury required hospitalization with blood clots in my

left leg. I never completely recovered from the fall. Later, I was

also diagnosed with Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Chronic

Fatigue, and depression. There is no cure for either syndrome. I

continued to work for one year, but my pain, ability to mentally

function properly (memory and concentration problems), ability to

walk because my feet were so sore, and my hands hurt so bad I could

not open doors. I was out of work for one year, and in May, 1998, I

officially retired from the Treasury Department in Washington DC

with disability. I have been taking 8 different prescriptions each

day, including 2 pain pills every 3-4 hours since my accident. I

started taking Biometics June 26, 1998, and I have reduced my pain

medication to 1 pill a day instead of 8 pills (1 month later). I

have been taking many anti-depressants, narcotic pain medications,

sleeping sedatives, and walked with assistance. In one month, I can

walk anywhere I want alone. I have stopped taking the night-time

sedative that I had to have for sleep (It was a " knock-out " pill)

and instead take Bio Nite and Cal/Mag 100. My discomfort was so bad

I could not lay in bed long enough to sleep without the sedative.

The depression has improved so much I am almost free of that

medication too. I can wash my hair, open the tube of toothpaste,

open the milk, load the dishwasher without help, load the washer and

dryer with both hands instead of moving clothes one piece at a time,

and sometimes use a can opener. I hardly use my cane unless I will

be walking a long distance. I use the banister on y 3-level stairs,

without my cane, for the first time since 2½ years. My energy level

is better and I can mentally function better than I have since

January, 1996. My husband has noticed such an improvement in me, he

is telling everyone and asked if he could try the products too. He

has been taking the Nutritional Energy Program and Power Melt for

three days. He came home from work today saying that he can't

believe it, but he was in a boring meeting from 9 to 4 and did not

fall asleep. I'm fired up about my improvements. Even if I don't

improve anymore, I am satisfied with my reaction thus far. Biometics

has helped my family enough that we want to share our story with

everyone around us. I am learning everything I can. I hope and pray

we will never be without Biometics. " - Earline T., VA

Just a note one the Zoloft (It caught my eye as I was reading your

msg.) My father-in-law was taking that stuff about 2 years ago. Upon

occassion (several times a day and sometimes more) he had a raging

temper and was difficult to be around during those times. The doctor

prescribed the Zoloft and it sort of helped but not much. She also

put him on B-12 shots. When my mother-in-law started him on the

Deluxe Nutritional Energy Program he really changed. She tapered him

off of the Zoloft and he is doing great now. He is back to being the

wonderful warm grandfather type he used to be. Oh, sure when his

49ers don't win he's not to happy but that's ok with us. He is 82

and still drives from the San Francisco area to Los Angeles and

works everyday in his yard and is currently painting the outside of

his house! What a guy! (Thanks to Biometics) Diane G.

Sure I'll share, Cassie is 4 and has been on these products with my

other 2 kids since July of 97'. We use Deluxe program, with my

youngest getting 3/4 of a 1/2 tblsp. The Cal/mag she gets the same

as her sisters with a 1/2 scoop 1/2hr. before bedtime. We're a

healthy bunch around here. The most serious of illnesses so far is

runny noses, and those don't last even a week. This compared to

picking up every cold/flu bug that would hit the schools and then

here is saying alot! :) Hope this helps have a great day everyone.


I had very severe, chronic gall bladder attacks when I started

taking the products. They would keep me awake 5 to 6 night per week

if I wasn't really careful with the fats in my diet and 4 or 5

nights if I was super careful. I had sufferd with this for over a

year. (They were chronic rather than acute where it is so bad it has

to be taken care of immediately.) When I started on the products--

Bio Fuel, Get-Go-N Plus, Bio 3, Power Melt and Cal/Mag 100--I found

that I got relief; within the first month it was almost gone. The

only times I had the attacks were when I was out of town and ate

restaurant food WITHOUT BIO3! So it is obvious which of the products

produced these results for me. Needless to say, I always carry Bio 3

packets in my purse now. I have also noticed that over a period of

time I am now able to eat things that would really trigger it before

and even miss taking the Bio 3 sometimes without any symptoms

returning. Melody W., North Bend, OR

For many, many years I had fibroids. In the past twenty years I have

had two biopsies done. To my amazement, my last mammogram showed my

breasts to be clean, I did not have one fibroids tumor. I requested

the report on the mammogram I had last year and that one was clean

also. The only thing I have done different was start the Biometics

products four years ago. Now, ask me if I will ever stop taking

these products. Of course the answer is absolutely NO! Just to let

all of you know how I feel about these products - BIOMETICS


I have given the Bio Fuel and Bio Alert to my 92 year

old " grandmother " . She is very small..maybe 90 lbs. and has never

taken many medications so is very sensitive to most things. She

started with 1 teaspoon of each (1/3rd serving) and after two weeks

with no flushing she increased to 1/2 teaspooon. She has never

increased it any more than that and has done fine. She, too, has had

heart problems in the past and was concerned to not the flow be

increased. It has helped her to think more clearly and have more

strength. I recommended she add the Bio Immune this week. Melody

Here is another testimonial from a lady who lives in California. She

has a 9 year old daughter who has ADD: " Donna, I am finally a true

believer in the product. Yesterday, the teacher that my daughter had

last year came up to me to talk. She said that my daughter was the

talk of the teacher's room. She said she couldn't believe how well

my daughter was doing in school this year. Last year, my daughter

was in below grade level in math, English, spelling, and reading.

The problem wasn't intelligence, it was the ability to sit and

concentrate. This year, she is at grade level in all subjects except

for math (her weakness). I went to talk to her teacher to make sure

she was keeping up. She said it is amazing that my daughter is doing

so well considering she basically skipped 4th grade. She spent so

much time in remedial classes that 4th grade almost escaped her. Now

she is doing grade level work better then she was doing remedial

work last year. Anyway, I am interested in becoming a distributor

(or whatever it is called) so that I can continue to receive the

product at the best price. Thank You!! " - Diane, California


" I started using the Deluxe Nutritional Energy Program and added the

Turbo Sport in January, 1998. I have lost 45 pounds in 6 weeks. The

most incredible part is that I was on 6 different prescription

medicines for Rheumatoid arthritis, Type II diabetes, Obstructed

sleep apnea and a lot of pain pills for my back. I am totally off

all prescription drugs. I feel great and this is the best I have

ever felt in years. Even with all the wet weather we have had the

arthritis barely bothers me, nothing a couple Aleve won't take care

off. My back feels better and I am able to walk 2 or 3 times the

distance I could before starting the Biometics Program. " - H.,

Groton, MA

" My daughter forced me to take the Deluxe Nutritional Energy

Program. She had told me what it was doing for her, yet I was still

skeptical. I have suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis for the past 25

years. To date, I have had two complete hip replacements and had

both knees operated on as a result of my arthritis. Both of my hip

replacements were done when I was only 41 years old. I have tried

every herbal, natural, medicated everything available to mankind in

hopes of alleviating the side effects of the arthritis and nothing

has worked. I decided to give my daughter's products a try. Within

two weeks of using Biometics, I completely eliminated my 2-Vicodin

pain pills per day. At the time she introduced these products to me,

I was almost immobile. I am now able to do all of my daily

activities including grocery shopping and cleaning my house without

pain. My pain has literally decreased 90%. Needless to say, I feel

as though I owe my daughter the world. She forced me to take these

products, and now I can't stop. I love them, and will continue using

them the rest of my life! " - Connie W., Santa Ana, CA

Heard at a Biometics presentation...A forty year old gentleman was

diagnosed with ADD only one year ago. All of his life he was very

anti-social in school and felt like a complete failure, but never

understood why. He recognized that he had very poor organizational

skills and needed to be doing 4-5 things at once, although he felt

deep down that he was a good person. He just couldn't cope, so his

doctor prescribed Ritalin, which is an amphetamine. Ritalin is

supposed to calm a person with ADD, but for this individual, it had

the opposite effect and made his symptoms even worse. He then

developed Ryder's Syndrome, which is a type of arthritis caused by

inflammation of the connective tissue, which left a permanent blur

in the pupil of his eyes. His doctor said Ryder's Syndrome was

brought on by the additional stress of trying to cope with society

with ADD. In just over thirty days after taking Biometics products,

he has seen dramatic changes beginning with relief from fatigue

which forced regular napping. He has also stopped taking Ritalin and

the blurred spot in his pupils has disappeared. He now reports that

Biometics is helping his body and brain chemistry to find a healthy

balance, while symptoms of the arthritis have now subsided.

Bonnie was diagnosed with a type of arthritis that the doctor

called " reactive arthritis " . It is caused by a virus, and they don't

know how long it will last. " I was having bouts of intense pain in

my middle back that would put me in bed for the day. This would ruin

my entire day. Even after the pain would subside or go away, I would

continue to feel pretty poorly for some time afterwards. I went on

the Biometics products in mid-December, 1994. I saw three dramatic

changes: a dramatic decrease in pain. I had always been on

prescription drugs for pain, but I was still having these attacks in

my back. I also saw a dramatic increase in energy level. My hair is

no longer falling out. It had been falling out by the deficiency of

vitamins. I now assume that it is the Biometics Emusol Mycellization

process that enabled my body to properly absorb and use these

vitamins. It has made all the difference in the world. " - Bonnie

Golfers -- My son and husband are BY NO MEANS professional golfers,

but, they are avid golfers. My son, 15, would love to become a pro

golfer and has had some lessons by a professional. The three of them

(hubby, son and the almost pro) golfed in a tournament on Saturday,

and did very well. The men are impressed with the young fella, of

course, especially since they feel somewhat responsible for his

success. Prior to taking Biometics, neither my husband nor my son

could've withstood that many hours on the course for different

reasons. My son has severe allergies to grass, weeds, pollens,

trees , etc. and by taking the Bio Fuel and one power melt tablet a

day he is " almost " allergy free - enough so that he has NO problem

with an 18 hole tournament! He almost lives for it, in fact. My

husband has had 3 knee surgeries and was supposed to have knee

replacement surgeries already. Since he's been faithfully taking the

Deluxe Nutritional Energy Program, as well as several other products

(but the Deluxe Nutritional Energy Program specifically for knees),

he has not only avoided surgery, but he is also capable to walk the

18 holes and enjoy the sport several times a week when he has the

time. This is tournament season and it is not uncommon for the two

of them to be booked nearly every weekend in one kind of tournament

or another. My son had KP right up to the end of the tournament

Saturday, and the golf pro that owns the course, and was on another

team, finally beat him out. I really do believe the products have

helped them both to have a higher level of ability and enjoyment

with something they really treasure doing. Best of everything,


I am a massage therapist and esthetician, I had an accident about

six years ago and had to go to a chiropractic doctor for many

months, my back pain came back to me a few months back, I started to

take biometics, and stretching (taking my own advice!) and my pain

went away. Christian

Angie Cyr is my sponsor and new soul sister (we're sure we must be

related since we have soooooo much in common!). She and I met on the

internet a long time ago and would email back and forth on occasion.

I was telling her how tired I was all the time and had no energy to

do anything. I knew I needed to get more exercise but was too tired

to do so plus I was overweight. I'm sure some of you are very

familiar with that vicious cycle! She told me she had something I

just had to try but I had to promise to take it just like she told

me to. I just knew it was going to be some nasty wheat germ tasting

stuff but I promised her I'd try it so I did. It actually didn't

taste too bad. I had a little trouble with the Power Melt at first

but quickly got used to them. Now I can't do without any of my

Biometics. I cannot believe the difference it's made for me. I feel

so much better. I can actually get through the day without needing

my nap. I have energy to so much more. Now if I just get the

initiative to go with that energy! I ran out of stuff a couple of

weeks ago and it took a few days but I could feel myself sinking

back down into my pit. Thank goodness for Angie for rescuing me! I

also have Adult ADD and am taking Ritalin but would like to be able

to function with just the Biometics without the Ritalin. Peggy C.

I give N-Shape to my 6 year old twice a week. We mix it with frozen

bananas, strawberries, and use milk instead of ice cubes. It's a

much higher calorie drink this way, and since he is a VERY picky

eater, I can be sure at least his *milkshakes* are good for him!


My daughter is going out for cross country and ended up

getting her toes black and blue, not to mention the aches and pains

that goes along with this training in the first week. The did two

hours in the morning and afternoon. She was in so much pain that I

gave her just 1/2 scoop of turbo in her cal/mag for only four days,

it helped to heal her bad feet, able to deal with the soreness and

continue on. She only missed one morning pratice was all. Ann

I was introduced to Biometics by my mother who wanted my 9 month old

son on these products. What a difference no more runny nose caught

at the babysitters no ear infections not even a cough in 3 months.

That's amazing. I have ordered the Weight Management Program and

will start it ASAP!!


" I've had increased energy, lost over 30 pounds, and the psoriasis

I've had since I was 5 yrs. old is relieved. " - Rene L., Modesto, CA

, has used the products for over 2 years now, and primarily

uses the Deluxe Nutritional Energy Program. She had severe problems

on her hands, between her fingers, and around her nails as well. The

problem got worse when she did dishes, or used cleaners, etc. The

products have given her complete relief. -

A young man with Multiple Sclerosis had psoriasis on his palms.

After he opened his Aloe Plus to mix his drink he pushed the cap

back on with his palm. Instead of wiping off the excess he rubbed it

in. He said he couldn't believe how fast it disappeared.


" I love this stuff! I've lost over 100 pounds since starting the

Biometics products line. I gained six pounds during the holidays and

with Bio 3 I've taken it all back off plus three more pounds! Thank

you Biometics for helping me to lose weight and the incredible

health, energy and self-confidence that I now have. " - Donna M.,

Corning, CA

" I've only been taking my vitamins for five days. Like most people,

I didn't believe a lot of what I had heard about vitamins. But since

starting Biometics, I have already seen major differences in how I

feel. I had been depressed for many months, but no more! I now have

an energy level comparable to what I had at age 17. I run around

like a wild woman enjoying every second of every day. I am also

taking the weight loss products and have already begun to notice my

clothes are just a tad bit looser. My story is just beginning for

me, but I'm certainly looking forward to the wonderful life I am now

sure will come. " - Sharon M., Knightdale, NC

" I had always been a size 7-8. It's hard to believe that I went from

there to a size 26. I thought my life was over. Thank God my mother

found Biometics. We opened our first order of Biometics like it was

Christmas morning and immediately started blending ?vitamin

cocktails'. I've now lost 110 pounds in less than one year and for

the first time in my life I'm going to dance clubs, dating a couple

of times a week and actually feeling cute. Biometics saved my

life. " - O., Orange, CA

" Biometics is the first weight program we've used that doesn't make

us feel deprived. It's a miracle! " Both Gail and her daughter,

, had tried numerous other weight management programs with no

long lasting effects. As a top notch cosmetics consultant Gail

realized that from a professional stand point she had to find a

program that would truly help her manage her weight. Gail lost 17

pounds just during her very first month with Biometics. " From that

point on it was one successful day after another! I've lost 60

pounds and dropped 5 dress sizes. And I'm still losing! These

products make me feel and look great, as well as improve my work

performance. Since being introduced to Biometics I've quadrupled my

income. " - Gail O., Orange, CA

Bev has dropped 35 pounds in the last 5 months. " I've gone down six

sizes in pants. I feel like I'm in my 20's! I've experienced nothing

but positive results from using these products. " - Bev H., Eugene,


Carmelita grew up in an alcoholic environment and became a heavy

drinker for many years. The last year she was consuming 2-3 12-packs

of beer per day. She ate less and less until every time she tried to

eat, she would throw up. She began having 3-4 seizures a day and was

hospitalized. " The doctor told me I had destroyed most of my liver

and would probably die in a few days. I panicked. Clara had

Biometics UPS products to me and they came the next day. The first

few weeks I drank 1 - 1 ½ bottles of Aloe Plus a day. I have lost 70

pounds and have no desire for alcohol. I feel like a teenager

again. " - C. D., AZ

" When I began taking the Biometics Deluxe Nutritional Energy Program

in August, 1995, I simply wanted to be able to keep up with my two

small children. My results have been incredible. I have extended my

day by about two hours. Instead of crashing at 8:00 pm with my kids,

I'm now up until 10:00-10:30 pm and can actually get the laundry

done! In addition to an overall healthier feeling and the additional

hours, I have lost 45 pounds. Ten years of yo-yo dieting and 2

pregnancies really did a number on my body. I tried all the " diets "

out there and always lost weight and always put it back on - plus a

few pounds. After being on these products for a month, I lost 5

pounds and thought, WOW, this is cool! After that first month, the

pounds kept coming off and my energy kept going up. After all the

diet programs I had been on, I knew a thing or two about weight loss

and how the body works. The incredible thing is that the Biometics

products are not a diet. You do not starve yourself by eating like a

rabbit. I have NOT changed my eating habits! I still have a burger

when I want to and even a candy bar. The Biometics products balance

your body's natural metabolic processes which aids in healthy weight

loss. I have gone from a size 18/20 down to a size 10. My outlook on

life has completely changed. I am happier, healthier, my confidence

and self-esteem have gone through the roof. Very simply - I will

continue using Biometics forever. " - Christy H., Mission Viejo, CA

" In September, 1996, I had a heart attack and almost died on the

table. I've also been overweight for most of my life which caused my

legs to give out. I was condemned to live out my life in a

wheelchair. After 1 year on Biometics, I've lost over 100 pounds! I

no longer need a wheelchair and I've been more active than I have in

years. I have lots of energy and I feel fantastic! My cholesterol is

within the normal range, I no longer take any medication or insulin

for diabetes and my lupus is in remission. Thank you Biometics for

giving me back my life! " - Pearl S., Corning, CA

" Within six weeks, I lost 22 pounds and went down 3 sizes! These

products have made a 100 percent turn around in how I feel and how I

think. " - W., NV

" I was taking steroids for asthma, medication for arthritis and was

20 lbs overweight. In 30 days of taking these products, I have come

off the steroids, cut the arthritis medications in half, and dropped

10 lbs. - without dieting! I feel better than I have in years! " -

Larrel B., Santa Cruz, CA

With addition of BIO 3: " I've noticed I have more sustained energy

and I've had a real significant drop in my blood pressure. I've also

dropped five pounds in a month, and I'm just doing the same things

I've always done. " - Amy S., Billings, MT

" I started taking the Power Melt, N-Shape, Bio Fuel and Cal/Mag 100

in October, 1994. We were going to Hawaii in May and I wanted to go

thin. I had been on so many diets before lose the weight and gain it

back again. I did not want to do that again. I decided I wasn't

going to go on a " diet " because that meant there was going to be an

end to it. I had done that before and had gone back to eating things

that had gotten me heavy in the first place. I've lost 117 pounds. I

chose to make a lifestyle change. I have chosen to cut and watch the

fat content of foods and watch my consumption. I took the Power Melt

which helped curb my appetite, took Lite-N-Up and exercised. I'm

trying to eat natural things - fruits and vegetables. I try to do

exercise that burns calories. I walk and go roller-blading. I don't

watch much TV because I'm too busy doing things. I don't have time

to sit and munch in front of the TV. I feel that Biometics has

helped me in these life changes I've made. Thank you Biometics for

helping me achieve my goal. " - Kathy R., San , CA

" My husband and I started using the Biometics products because one

of our friends had great results using them. It has been two years

since my family and I have been using these wonderful products and

we still cannot believe what they have done for our family. I

started out using the Nutritional Energy II Program, added the Power

Melt for my allergies and weight loss and lost 19 pounds while

continuing to work out at the gym for three to five days a week. I

have also added the Turbo Sport to my workouts and include an extra

serving in my morning drink. Jim started out on the Deluxe

Nutritional Energy Program and has lost 32 pounds and I have lost

over 50 pounds and inches and still have twice the energy that we

once had. " - Jim, Ann, & D., North Bend, OR

" Our family has enjoyed the tremendous advantages of using Biometics

products since November of 1995. My husband and I have, without

fail, begun each day with our power packed energy drink - Bio Fuel,

Get-Go-N Plus, Aloe Plus, and, as it was released, Bio Q-10 was

added. I have had complete relief from Panic Disorder, a back

injury, periodontal disease, acid reflux, intestinal problems, pain

from varicose veins, as well as significant weight loss. We're

product lovers for life! " - Connie & L., Coos Bay, OR

" In the first 3 days I noticed an outstanding energy boost that I

didn't think I could ever feel. I have had high energy ever since. I

started out using the Nutritional Energy II Program and have added

other products in the Biometics line as well. I've also been losing

weight. I don't crave junk food anymore, I don't even want to bite

my nails anymore (and I was an avid nail biter!). The migraines that

I had been getting for weeks are gone. All this happened in my first

2 weeks on the products. " - Angie C., Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

" We started using the Biometics products in May, 1997, because we

knew that we needed to make an investment in our health. I had

battled my weight for 40 years and was having chronic gall bladder

attacks 5 to 6 times per week. I experienced the energy and sense of

well being right away. In the twelve months I have taken these

supplements I have lost 60 lbs. and gone from size 22 to 10-12 and

have no gall bladder problems. I have an abundance of energy and I

feel younger at 50 than I did at 30! I tried on a dress I wore last

year and thought, ?Another person could fit into this dress with

me!' So my friend Pat and I tried it and we could even do up the

buttons! I look and feel so much better. Steve, my husband for 29

yrs., says it's like having a new wife. He loves it! So you can see

why I am so excited to share these products with you! They have

definitely changed our lives for the better. " - The Wenbournes,

North Bend, OR

" Before I started taking Biometics I was a 162 pound couch potato. I

had a hard time waking up in the morning and making it through the

day with the vitamins I was taking. I was taking naps in the

afternoon after work that lasted up to two hours, which caused me to

stay up late at night. I started the Biometics Deluxe Nutritional

Energy Program in early April and haven't had the urge to take a nap

or even sit down to watch TV. My energy level has tripled and it's

easier to get up in the morning. Oh yeah, and I lost 12 pounds. " -

Jeffery L., Medford, OR

Debra has Crohn's Disease. Foods that were hard to digest would

cause flu-like symptoms, tiredness, foggy mind, and abdominal pain.

The only foods she was able to eat was rice and chicken soup. She

started on Biometics N-Shape 3 years ago and took it twice a day

along with Bio Fuel, Aloe Plus, and Get-Go-N Plus. Over the first 2

years she was gradually able to add foods until today she is able to

eat anything she wants. After starting the products, the first thing

she noticed was energy and clarity of mind for a few hours each day

which gradually increased to a full day's worth of both. The second

thing she noticed was a decrease in abdominal pain and ability to

eat more and more foods. She believes that over time, her colon was

healed. She says that if she only would have received 10% of the

results she had, those alone would have been well worth the cost.

Debra W., Ann Arbor, MI

" One weekend, my 19 year old son, Judson came home from Georgia

Tech. He is the reason I got involved with Biometics four years ago.

At age 10, Judson was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, an infammatory

bowel condition where the lack of absorption of nutrients is a

problem. Although his medication made him feel okay, he struggled

with energy and stamina. After several months on Biometics producs,

he was feeling and looking better. His energy and stamina improved

and he was even playing soccer and basketball on traveling teams. A

routine visit to our Pediatric Gastroenterologist revealed what I

never expected...normal blood levels! After one drink of the

addition of the Bio Alert product, Judson noticed a big difference.

He wants me to come and introduce it to his fraternity brothers

before exams! " Debbie A., Alpharetta, GA

A friend of mine has been on the prodcuts for 2 years now. She has

lost over 60 lbs. She lost it the first year she was on the products

but has kept it off. She takes the Bio Fuel, Power Melt, Bio Thin,

and the Get-Go-N Plus. She travels a lot so her eating habits are

not good, lots of fast food etc. She exercises when she can, but

that is sporadic at best. She was a size 18+ in my wedding and is

now a 10. She looks fabulous. I do have b4 and after pic. I plan on

putting it on my web site when I get one. W.

As a " lay " person I would like to repeat one of my own personal

testimonies with the hope that if someone else has a like problem,

it might encourage you. Five years ago I had very severe angina

(chest pain that went into my face and down my left arm) I was put

through $3,000.00 worth of tests and the Dr.'s found nothing. I

still had the pain. The Dr.'s put me on Dilacor (a heart medication)

and nitroglycerin and said I would have to take that medication for

the rest of my life. I began taking the Biometic products and at

first really didn't feel much of a change in my body except just a

little more energy. I continued taking the products and at the end

of 6 months had weaned myself off of all the drugs I was taking for

my condition, and also off of antacids I had been taking for 31

years. I know in my own heart that the Lord led me to Biometics to

heal me. I know Dr.'s are necessary sometimes and do some wonderful

things, but some of us are looking for alternative ways to keep our

bodies healthy, and I hope everyone continues to share their

experiences with these wonderful nutritional supplements. With fond

regards to you all,

Hi, Well with a 11 year old adhd daughter I can't say it enough, you

have to get on a Deluxe Nutritional Energy Program, and be religious

in taking it every morning!!! I can see it take effect for her in 15

minutes, faster then her dexedrine! The Deluxe Nutritional Energy

Program because Cal/Mag 100 1/2 hour before bed will actually let

you sleep a deeper sleep, so that when morning comes around you will

feel more rested. Even those who do not have this disorder in this

household love our Cal/Mag 100 because it does such a wonderful job

in the sleep dept!! I don't know who your upline is, so I'll talk to

you as if you were one of my couple adults who I have that are add

and on these products. My daughter has 3 scoops in the morning of

the Get-Go-N Plus, she also gets a scoop in the afternoon, and when

school goes on she gets another scoop at 4:00 when she gets home

from school. I highly recommend you to look at your day and when you

see yourself faltering energy wise, feeling tired, which seems

contradictory to your impulsive behavior, but quite natural for

add/adhd know that you need to add a scoop at this time of your day.

Do this consistently and you should see an improvement. It would

help if you had a mom saying have you had your juice yet? :) but

since you don't get the trial bottles, make your morning Get-Go-N

Plus, Aloe Plus, Bio Fuel like in 7 day bunches keep them in the

refrigerator drink as soon as you can. Keep the Get-Go-N Plus can

with you if you're at the office, or make a thermos with a little

juice like I do my daughter to drink before lunch. Cal/Mag 100 is

wonderful, if you haven't tried it I always recommend it taken for

the first 2 weeks at half a scoop. It can make for loose bowels

since both calcium and magnesium are relaxers, and by doing 1/2

scoop your body becomes accustomed to it, it cleans out your system

gently, and you still get the calming benefits even at 1/2. My

daughter at 10 getting her first good night sleep happened the first

night she took this product! :) I wish you luck, consistency is the

key! :-) Dona

Hi All! For the last 10 years I have been a chiropractic assistant.

This work requires me to apply ultrasound which puts quite a strain

on my right arm and hand, especially when I have one patient right

after the other with very little break. I also spend a lot of time

on the computer where the keyboard is in an awkward position. I find

my right hand and wrist " floating " in the air. My arm and wrist got

so bad that the doctor was adjusting it almost every day. It hurt to

drive my car. It hurt to even reach out and pick up a piece of

paper. It hurt to brush my teeth. I'm sure you get the picture. It

hurt to do almost anything with my right arm and hand. When I

started taking the Biometics Products (Deluxe Nutritional Energy

Program and Turbo Sport) the pain began to go away. Now I still do

everything and more of it and I have no pain. I take my Cal/Mag 100

at night just before bed. I put one cup of filtered water in the

blender along with one serving of Cal/Mag 100 and blend the

daylights out of it. Then I go and brush my teeth. When I get back

to the blender I put a serving of Turbo Sport in the mix and blend

the living daylights out of it again. (Sometimes I put a little bit

of Bio Nite in the mix too.) Then I drink it all down right away. I

read about two paragraphs in my book and I am out like a light. My

husband has the same mix and has not complained about the taste. (My

sister likes to put a little Aloe Plus in her Cal/Mag 100 and can

actually get the laundry done! In addition to an overall healthier

feeling and the additional hours, I have lost 45 pounds. Ten years

of yo-yo dieting and 2 pregnancies really did a number on my body. I

tried all the " diets " out there and always lost weight -- and always

put it back on - plus a few pounds. After being on these products

for a month, I lost 5 pounds and thought, WOW, this is cool! After

that first month, the pounds kept coming off and my energy kept

going up. After all the diet programs I had been on, I knew a thing

or two about weight loss and how the body works. The incredible

thing is that the Biometics products are not a diet. You do not

starve yourself by eating like a rabbit. I have NOT changed my

eating habits! I still have a burger when I want to and even a candy

bar. The Biometics products balance your body's natural metabolic

processes which aids in healthy weight loss. I have gone from a size

18/20 down to a size 10. My outlook on life has completely changed.

I am happier, healthier, my confidence and self-esteem have gone

through the roof. Very simply - I will continue using Biometics

forever. " - Christy H., Mission Viejo, CA

" In September, 1996, I had a heart attack and almost died on the

table. I've also been overweight for most of my life which caused my

legs to give out. I was condemned to live out my life in a

wheelchair. After 1 year on Biometics, I've lost over 100 pounds! I

no longer need a wheelchair and I've been more active than I have in

years. I have lots of energy and I feel fantastic! My cholesterol is

within the normal range, I no longer take any medication or insulin

for diabetes and my lupus is in remission. Thank you Biometics for

giving me back my life! " - Pearl S., Corning, CA

With addition of BIO 3... " I've lost five pounds in just a few weeks.

I haven't been able to get to the gym as much as I'd like to and

expected to gain a few pounds, but with BIO 3 I actually lost

weight! " - Mike W., Citrus Heights, CA

" I've been on the products for over a year now. I've lost both

weight and inches! I went from a size 24 to a size 14 in just four

months. I haven't felt this good in years! " - Vicki B., ND

" Gradually over a six month period I lost 60 pounds... Biometics

helped curb my appetite and I don't eat as much as before. I have

lots of energy and I'm still able to do everything I want. " - Roy

M., OR

" The weight management program just simply works better and easier

than anything else I've tried! I have lost 27 pounds and six inches

off my waist line, and I have lots of energy! " - R., IL

" In the first 3 days I noticed an outstanding energy boost that I

didn't think I could ever feel. I have had high energy ever since. I

started out using the Nutritional Energy II Program and have added

other products in the Biometics line as well. I've also been losing

weight. I don't crave junk food anymore, I don't even want to bite

my nails anymore (and I was an avid nail biter!). The migraines that

I had been getting for weeks are gone. All this happened in my first

2 weeks on the products. " - Angie C., Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

I take my Cal/Mag 100 at night just before bed. I put one cup of

filtered water in the blender along with one serving of Cal/Mag 100

and blend the daylights out of it. Then I go and brush my teeth.

When I get back to the blender I put a serving of Turbo Sport in the

mix and blend the living daylights out of it again. (Sometimes I put

a little bit of Bio Nite in the mix too.) Then I drink it all down

right away. I read about two paragraphs in my book and I am out like

a light. My husband has the same mix and has not complained about

the taste. (My sister likes to put a little Aloe Plus in her Cal/Mag

100 replacement, Cal/Mag 100 and Bio Nite at the close of each day.

We literally use the entire product line from Biometics.

says ?Managing to avoid colds or serious flus for over 2 years and

avoiding knee replacement surgeries has kept me convinced that

Biometics is the answer to our health concerns. I used to take 12 or

more aspirin a day for knee pain and numerous antacids. The products

help me cope with the daily stresses of management and keep going

strong every day'. I have had complete relief from Panic Disorder, a

back injury, periodontal disease, acid reflux, intestinal problems,

pain from varicose veins, as well as significant weight loss. Both

children suffer far less allergy symptoms and reactions since they

replaced their shots and medications with a single tablespoon of Bio

Fuel and one Power Melt capsule per day. We're product lovers for

life! - Connie & L., Coos Bay, OR

Thank you Biometics for giving me my life back - pain free and no

medication!! I have found it to be quite nice not having to fight

with different medical problems. Now I can concentrate on " kicking "

these seizures. Between Biometics, myself, and my doctor, I WILL

BEAT THIS. " - Deana P., sville TN

Parkinson's Disease

My step father is in the advanced stages of parkinson's disease, and

he did use the products for a while. My mother isn't too faithful

about giving them to him, as she has lost hope for him to ever live

a better life. Parkinson's is such a horrible disease. When you say

the spouse couldn't deal with seeing her in such pain that he left -

believe it or not, I can sort of understand that - although I

certainly wouldn't make that same choice. It is very difficult to

even watch my step dad - and we don't see him that often. He did

receive some benefits from the products - he took primarily the

Deluxe Nutritional Energy Program, and I believe the Cal/Mag 100 was

quite effective at helping with tremors. Unfortunately, he was on so

many different medications that it was very difficult to measure the

effectiveness of the products. If this lady you are helping is

interested in taking them for herself, and able to still tell what

is helping, etc. I highly recommend getting her started and into the

routine. I do believe the products can help. Keep me posted -

this is an issue very close to my own heart. God bless, Connie

My son, age 7, has been on many drugs (including Wellbutrin,

Ritalin, Buspar, etc) for ADHD . Now he only takes Bio Fuel and Bio

Alert. He takes half the adult serving (he weighs 77 pounds). He has

greatly improved. He does better in school. He can stay on task. He

is less impulsive. In fact, the day I first gave him Bio Alert, he

got his first PERFECT report ever! We were amazed. This stuff really

works! Leigh Ann

Please visit our website, http://www.beckinc.com, for more

information on any of the products mentioned above.

Beck's Biometics

Website: http://www.beckinc.com

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