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Re: Anyone with a kid with delusional behavior?

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Have you thought about joining the story line, like, telling your

son, that Pokeman - lives in a box, doesn't get to speak, doesn't get

to eat or have friends and family? And to get him used to being

Pokeman - start taking away something everyday he likes!

In BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism ,

Tamiduncan@... wrote:


> I hate to ask this. It's been " one of those days " .? It seems like a

few of us have had a rough day...with the seizures Darci's child is

having, etc.?? My son is doing so well in so many ways.? I'm afraid

he is shifting.? They say that kids when they start to recover may go

more towards ADHD.? Mine is not.? But I found out today that for the

last few weeks he has been having fantasies, ones that he actually

believes will happen.? Things that there is no possible way could

every happen.??? When I tried to convince him that....no you won't

turn into an actual pokemon, for real.?? He was mad and threatened me

that if I was negative that I needed to worry about getting hurt.?

When I reacted, he quickly apologized.


> He really truly believes that on Christmas Day he will wake up and

be an actual pokemon.? He said that he didn't want to scare me that

it will happen because everything is falling into place for it.??? I

can't tell you how specific he is about this.


> We had a BIG talk about fantasy vs. reality, daydreaming, God

wanting us to be who he made us to be, etc.?? No luck.? What happened

as a result of this talk was anger and depression aimed towards me.?


> I have to mention that my son is turning 12 in a few weeks and is

in pre-puberty.


> I'm worried.?? I looked this up and it appears he is being

delusional.? When you look up delusional...schizophrenia and bipolar

comes up.? UGGGGHHHHHH.


> Any thoughts?


> Tami


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I hate to go down to this direction. But my secret fear is that if I do not normalize many of Ingvar's biochemical imbalance and dysfunction before he reaches teens, his autism might turn into the diagnosis of schizophrenia. What does schizophrenia and autism have in common: Methylation defects, vitamin B12/ B6 and folic acid deficiency, gluten intolerance, metal toxicity, mineral imbalance, acquired immune deficiency (vaccines and/or multiple infections), etc. The list of common imbalance and deficiencies between schizophrenia and autism can goes on even longer. But nothing is news to us in this group. I believe that the same treatments are helpful for both conditions. I would suggest to review the treatments you have implemented and try to identify the weak links, where a treatment has not been fully explored or realized. Keep us posted of what you find.

Best of luck,


From: Tamiduncan@...

Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 20:46

To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

Subject: Anyone with a kid with delusional behavior?

I hate to ask this. It's been "one of those days". It seems like a few of us have had a rough day...with the seizures Darci's child is having, etc. My son is doing so well in so many ways. I'm afraid he is shifting. They say that kids when they start to recover may go more towards ADHD. Mine is not. But I found out today that for the last few weeks he has been having fantasies, ones that he actually believes will happen. Things that there is no possible way could every happen. When I tried to convince him that....no you won't turn into an actual pokemon, for real. He was mad and threatened me that if I was negative that I needed to worry about getting hurt. When I reacted, he quickly apologized.He really truly believes that on Christmas Day he will wake up and be an actual pokemon. He said that he didn't want to scare me that it will happen because everything is falling into place for it. I can't tell you how specific he is about this.We had a BIG talk about fantasy vs. reality, daydreaming, God wanting us to be who he made us to be, etc. No luck. What happened as a result of this talk was anger and depression aimed towards me. I have to mention that my son is turning 12 in a few weeks and is in pre-puberty.I'm worried. I looked this up and it appears he is being delusional. When you look up delusional...schizophrenia and bipolar comes up. UGGGGHHHHHH.Any thoughts?Tami

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Delusions are when one thinks something that could be real, but isn't. Like some people say the President wants to marry them, or fixate on some famous person, as if the famous person is their spouse. Then some may say that they are going to win the lottery tomorrow, and actually quit their job because they really believe it. But, when a delusion can not possibly be real, like aliens stealing your personality or little blue men or something that can not be real, its called psychosis. Psychosis is the main feature of schizophrenia. But, I have seen many reports on this Internet that schizophrenia symptoms are not only often caused, but are highly often caused, by spirochete bacteria. Thus, I feel conquering the lyme should really help, if not eliminate, such symptoms. I have 3 that had psychosis. One had delusions in general, but when he took Zoloft, he got worse, so I took him off. That was before I knew about recovery. One had hallucinations for a few weeks during die-off. And one went into mania episodes when she ate wheat. Her's went away on removal of wheat and giving digestive enzymes. These are scarey symptoms, but I really feel hopeful with all that we learn that these symptoms can be conquered. Of course, it may take some time and research, etc. to do it. I have two that actually were diagnosed by several clinicians with Biopolar, one with psychosis. Today, those diagnoses don't scare me, but years ago, I dreaded them. We are learning so much here. All this knowledge is giving me so much faith that we can conquer these diagnoses. But, of course, it will take time, money, prayer, etc. Google "schizophrenia and lyme" and I think you will find some hopeful stories of recovery.

Love and prayers,

Heidi N

"I'm worried. I looked this up and it appears he is being delusional. When you look up delusional...schizophrenia and bipolar comes up. UGGGGHHHHHH.Any thoughts?"Tami Life should be easier. So should your homepage. Try the NEW AOL.com.

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Hi Tami,

Do you have Andy Cutler's " Amalgam Illness? " He discusses using

amino acids and a few other supplements to balance neurotransmitters

causing mental issues. Some that he discusses are histidine,

phenylalaline, tryptophan. Also, lithium. If you have this book,

you might want to dig it out.



> I hate to ask this. It's been " one of those days " .? It seems like a

few of us have had a rough day...with the seizures Darci's child is

having, etc.?? My son is doing so well in so many ways.? I'm afraid

he is shifting.? They say that kids when they start to recover may go

more towards ADHD.? Mine is not.? But I found out today that for the

last few weeks he has been having fantasies, ones that he actually

believes will happen.? Things that there is no possible way could

every happen.??? When I tried to convince him that....no you won't

turn into an actual pokemon, for real.?? He was mad and threatened me

that if I was negative that I needed to worry about getting hurt.?

When I reacted, he quickly apologized.


> He really truly believes that on Christmas Day he will wake up and

be an actual pokemon.? He said that he didn't want to scare me that

it will happen because everything is falling into place for it.??? I

can't tell you how specific he is about this.


> We had a BIG talk about fantasy vs. reality, daydreaming, God

wanting us to be who he made us to be, etc.?? No luck.? What happened

as a result of this talk was anger and depression aimed towards me.?


> I have to mention that my son is turning 12 in a few weeks and is

in pre-puberty.


> I'm worried.?? I looked this up and it appears he is being

delusional.? When you look up delusional...schizophrenia and bipolar

comes up.? UGGGGHHHHHH.


> Any thoughts?


> Tami


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I have to admit that I am freaking out over here..but thank you for sharing your stories. I am so happy we can learn from each other. I think I'll go crawl in a ball now.

: )


Anyone with a kid with delusional behavior?

I hate to ask this. It's been "one of those days". It seems like a few of us have had a rough day...with the seizures Darci's child is having, etc. My son is doing so well in so many ways. I'm afraid he is shifting. They say that kids when they start to recover may go more towards ADHD. Mine is not. But I found out today that for the last few weeks he has been having fantasies, ones that he actually believes will happen. Things that there is no possible way could every happen. When I tried to convince him that....no you won't turn into an actual pokemon, for real. He was mad and threatened me that if I was negative that I needed to worry about getting hurt. When I reacted, he quickly apologized.

He really truly believes that on Christmas Day he will wake up and be an actual pokemon. He said that he didn't want to scare me that it will happen because everything is falling into place for it. I can't tell you how specific he is about this.

We had a BIG talk about fantasy vs. reality, dayd

reaming, God wanting us to be who he made us to be, etc. No luck. What happened as a result of this talk was anger and depression aimed towards me.

I have to mention that my son is turning 12 in a few weeks and is in pre-puberty.

I'm worried. I looked this up and it appears he is being delusional. When you look up delusional...schizophrenia and bipolar comes up. UGGGGHHHHHH.

Any thoughts?


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almayiniz veya herhangi bir kismini kopyalamayiniz. Yanlislikla bu mesaj size ulasmissa lutfen, siliniz ve tüm kopyalarini yok ederek mesaji gonderene acilen haber veriniz. Bu mesaj icerisinde belirtilenler sadece gondericinin kisisel gorusleridir. Bu gorusler IMKB'nin goruslerini yansitmadigi gibi, IMKB'yi baglayici da degildir.

This email is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended addressee of this message, you should not use, open, disseminate, distribute, print or copy this e-mail. If you have received this email in error, please delete it from your system and notify the sender immediately. The Istanbul Stock Exchange does not accept any legal responsibility whatsoever for the contents of this message. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by the Istanbul Stock Exchange.


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Please have your son evaluated CAREFULLY for infections. Check him over carefully for dark circles,slight fever, changes in body posture, rashes. Has he lost weight? Has his appetite changed? My son went to bed one night complaining that his neck was a little sore, and literally turned into a different kid over night. His platelets started dropping asnd he had pneumonia that wouldn't clear. His behavior would improve on antibiotics and deteriorate off of them. It turned out to be toxoplasmosis, a pathogen that can make immune deficient people very ill. eight years after being treated, he has never had a recurrence of delusional behavior and he has never been on psych meds for it. I can't dx anyone else's child, but keep your mind open to infection as a possibility.Muge Kavaslar wrote: I'm sorry to increase your fears, but we lived same things prior the my son's bipolar disorder onset. He was only 7 years old and started to tell stories about a dinausor living in the yard of his school and a construction of airport near his school. His physicologist interpreted this

behaviours very positive, like an improvement of imaginations, because they have a prejudice about that ASD chids have impaired imagination. In about 1,5 months after that, his bipolar disorder started overnight. He doesn't have anymore delusions, halucinations or OCD, but he has sharp mood swings, deep attention deficit and self talking, stimming. He's diagnose is still only autism , because they cannot use lables like bipolar or schizophreina before 12 years

old. But autism -bipolar disorder or schizophrenia they are not completely different things. Autism is about both temporal and frontal lobes , schizophrenia and bipolar is about only frontal lobe. My son's brain SPECT scan showed an hypoperfussion at frontal lobe. And Lyme can cause all of those disorders as you knows better. Delusions kind of things are also about high dopamine levels. Maybe you can check your supplements and eliminate -if there is some - dopamine booster supplements. . Muge From: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism [mailto:BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism ] On Behalf Of TamiduncanaolSent: Friday, November 28, 2008 6:47 AMTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Anyone with a kid with delusional behavior? I hate to ask this. It's been "one of those days". It seems like

a few of us have had a rough day...with the seizures Darci's child is having, etc. My son is doing so well in so many ways. I'm afraid he is shifting. They say that kids when they start to recover may go more towards ADHD. Mine is not. But I found out today that for the last few weeks he has been having fantasies, ones that he actually believes will happen. Things that there is no possible way could every happen. When I tried to convince him that....no you won't turn into an actual pokemon, for real. He was mad and threatened me that if I was negative that I needed to worry about getting hurt. When I reacted, he quickly apologized.He really truly believes that on Christmas Day he will wake up and be an actual pokemon. He said that he didn't want to scare me that it will happen because everything is falling into place for it. I can't tell you how specific he is

about this.We had a BIG talk about fantasy vs. reality, daydreaming, God wanting us to be who he made us to be, etc. No luck. What happened as a result of this talk was anger and depression aimed towards me. I have to mention that my son is turning 12 in a few weeks and is in pre-puberty.I'm worried. I looked this up and it appears he is being delusional. When you look up delusional...schizophrenia and bipolar comes up. UGGGGHHHHHH.Any thoughts?Tami Tis the season to save your money! Get the new AOL Holiday Toolbar for money saving offers and gift ideas. *** Size gonderilen E-Posta mesajinda

BILGISAYAR SISTEMLERI VE *** ILETISIM AGLARI ACISINDAN istenmeyen ve/veya *** zararli icerik tespit edilmis ve temizlenmistir. *** Virus scanner detected a hostile content in the email *** that was sent to you and removed it. \HTML Active Content: Found invalid IMG Tag, Found Web-beacon, Object Removed: 1 'img' ------------------------------------------------------------------------Bu e-posta mesaji, mesajin alici kisminda belirtilmis olan kullanici icindir. Mesajin alicisi siz degilseniz -dogrudan veya dolayli olarak- mesaji kullanmayiniz, acmayiniz, dagitmayiniz, yazicidan dokumunu almayiniz veya herhangi bir kismini kopyalamayiniz. Yanlislikla bu mesaj size ulasmissa lutfen, siliniz ve tüm kopyalarini yok ederek mesaji gonderene acilen haber veriniz. Bu mesaj icerisinde belirtilenler sadece gondericinin kisisel gorusleridir. Bu gorusler IMKB'nin goruslerini yansitmadigi gibi,

IMKB'yi baglayici da degildir.This email is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended addressee of this message, you should not use, open, disseminate, distribute, print or copy this e-mail. If you have received this email in error, please delete it from your system and notify the sender immediately. The Istanbul Stock Exchange does not accept any legal responsibility whatsoever for the contents of this message. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by the Istanbul Stock Exchange. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Tami, both schizophrenia and bipolar have been linked to Borna virus,

including delusions!!!

borna virus is neurotropic - it infects the brain and 'sets up

residence' there (mainly in glial cells, which are completely out of

order in autism), but often does not cause obvious symptoms apart from

psych ones later on... I suspect it plays a role in many cases of

autism. There are so many parallels of what it does to cells and what is

found in autism.

look it up on wiki. I have a fab review pdf document, will forward it to



> >

> > I hate to ask this. It's been " one of those days " .? It seems like a

> few of us have had a rough day...with the seizures Darci's child is

> having, etc.?? My son is doing so well in so many ways.? I'm afraid

> he is shifting.? They say that kids when they start to recover may go

> more towards ADHD.? Mine is not.? But I found out today that for the

> last few weeks he has been having fantasies, ones that he actually

> believes will happen.? Things that there is no possible way could

> every happen.??? When I tried to convince him that....no you won't

> turn into an actual pokemon, for real.?? He was mad and threatened me

> that if I was negative that I needed to worry about getting hurt.?

> When I reacted, he quickly apologized.

> >

> > He really truly believes that on Christmas Day he will wake up and

> be an actual pokemon.? He said that he didn't want to scare me that

> it will happen because everything is falling into place for it.??? I

> can't tell you how specific he is about this.

> >

> > We had a BIG talk about fantasy vs. reality, daydreaming, God

> wanting us to be who he made us to be, etc.?? No luck.? What happened

> as a result of this talk was anger and depression aimed towards me.?

> >

> > I have to mention that my son is turning 12 in a few weeks and is

> in pre-puberty.

> >

> > I'm worried.?? I looked this up and it appears he is being

> delusional.? When you look up delusional...schizophrenia and bipolar

> comes up.? UGGGGHHHHHH.

> >

> > Any thoughts?

> >

> > Tami

> >


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Ok. According to Andy Cutler, dopamine raising supplements include

taurine, GABA, phenylalanine and tyrosine. So cut those out if you

are using. Andy recommends the Pfeiffer Center in Naperville, IL to

work out neurotransmitter imbalances.

I think that Yasko recommends using Branched Chain Amino Acids to

sort of use up other aminos that are too high. We had introduced

BCAA to bind up excitatory aminos, which was very effective, but

later had to introduce trytophan as he shifted to a little depressed.



> I'm sorry to increase your fears, but we lived same things prior


> my son's bipolar disorder onset.

> He was only 7 years old and started to tell stories about a dinausor

> living in the yard of his school and

> a construction of airport near his school. His physicologist

> interpreted this behaviours very positive, like an improvement of

> imaginations,

> because they have a prejudice about that ASD chids have impaired

> imagination.

> In about 1,5 months after that, his bipolar disorder started


> He doesn't have anymore delusions, halucinations or OCD, but he has

> sharp mood swings, deep attention deficit and self talking,


> He's diagnose is still only autism , because they cannot use


> like bipolar or schizophreina before 12 years old.

> But autism -bipolar disorder or schizophrenia they are not


> different things.

> Autism is about both temporal and frontal lobes , schizophrenia and

> bipolar is about only frontal lobe.

> My son's brain SPECT scan showed an hypoperfussion at frontal lobe.

> And Lyme can cause all of those disorders as you knows better.

> Delusions kind of things are also about high dopamine levels. Maybe


> can check your supplements and eliminate

> -if there is some - dopamine booster supplements.


> .

> Muge





> ________________________________


> From: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

> [mailto:BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism ] On


> Of Tamiduncan@...

> Sent: Friday, November 28, 2008 6:47 AM

> To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism

> Subject: Anyone with a kid


> delusional behavior?




> I hate to ask this. It's been " one of those days " . It seems like a


> of us have had a rough day...with the seizures Darci's child is


> etc. My son is doing so well in so many ways. I'm afraid he is

> shifting. They say that kids when they start to recover may go more

> towards ADHD. Mine is not. But I found out today that for the

last few

> weeks he has been having fantasies, ones that he actually believes


> happen. Things that there is no possible way could every happen.

> When I tried to convince him that....no you won't turn into an


> pokemon, for real. He was mad and threatened me that if I was


> that I needed to worry about getting hurt. When I reacted, he


> apologized.


> He really truly believes that on Christmas Day he will wake up and

be an

> actual pokemon. He said that he didn't want to scare me that it


> happen because everything is falling into place for it. I can't


> you how specific he is about this.


> We had a BIG talk about fantasy vs. reality, daydreaming, God

wanting us

> to be who he made us to be, etc. No luck. What happened as a


> of this talk was anger and depression aimed towards me.


> I have to mention that my son is turning 12 in a few weeks and is in

> pre-puberty.


> I'm worried. I looked this up and it appears he is being


> When you look up delusional...schizophrenia and bipolar comes up.



> Any thoughts?


> Tami



> ________________________________


> Tis the season to save your money! Get the new AOL Holiday Toolbar

> <http://toolbar.aol.com/holiday/download.html?


> for money saving offers and gift ideas.



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kullanici icindir. Mesajin alicisi siz degilseniz

> -dogrudan veya dolayli olarak- mesaji kullanmayiniz,

acmayiniz, dagitmayiniz, yazicidan dokumunu

> almayiniz veya herhangi bir kismini kopyalamayiniz.

Yanlislikla bu mesaj size ulasmissa lutfen, siliniz ve

> tüm kopyalarini yok ederek mesaji gonderene acilen haber

veriniz. Bu mesaj icerisinde belirtilenler

> sadece gondericinin kisisel gorusleridir. Bu gorusler

IMKB'nin goruslerini yansitmadigi gibi, IMKB'yi

> baglayici da degildir.

> This email is intended solely for the use of the individual

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> not the intended addressee of this message, you should not

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> contents of this message. Any opinions contained in this message

are those of the author and are not given

> or endorsed by the Istanbul Stock Exchange.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------



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I have a recovered child who was diagnosed as severely emotionally disturbed prior to andy cutler chelation. He was ocd but not delusional.

Our 15 year old second child is no longer living in the house, she is at an aunts for the past week where she is behaving wonderfully. At home, she was violent, she urinated in my office when she was mad at me, and she ate her food out of a bowl like a dog...so yes, if acting crazy is a symptom I sure would like the cure. This one can't do chelation because of her adrenals producing almost no cortisol. She also constantly believes that strangers on the internet who lie and say they are famous people are real when they end up not being real. She is very gullable but maybe it could be delusional about these people she meets on the internet being her soulmate when they are not. At this point I think she should never be on the internet...EVER.

I have her on revisatrol, clo and about ten things all together. Cats claw, kelp, panothenic acid, uva ursi, vitamin c, milk thistle......I sent them over with her.

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Oh that reminds me that when we recovered my son, we did zinc loading, and he took 5 times the rda of zinc for four to six months. It was amazing. I got that number from muslce testing then confirmed it by finding out there was something called zinc loading being done by the pfeiffer institute....it was so freaky and scary but he definately needed that much zinc. We zinc loaded right before his huge gains also.

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my son start to have strange fear to kids after attacking parasite, I believe parasite is like a "demons" in their body, I would look more on parasite issues.


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You are completely right, it was just like you described : dark circles ,slight fewer, sleepless, weight loss ..

But at that time we didnt know nothing about biomedicals, neurotransmetters, immune system, infections .etc..

It took 2,5 years for us to learning all ,finding right drs, right informations.

We recently learned that he has lyme and HME. Maybe he has some additional infections.

He's on antibiotic now and improving first time since 2,5 years. He only had an temporary

improvement during hyperbaric oxygen therapy 1 year ago, it was temporary because the pressure wasnt adjusted for bacterial infections.

I hope it's not too late for recover him.


From: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism [mailto:BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism ] On Behalf Of CurtinSent: Friday, November 28, 2008 7:14 PMTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: RE: Anyone with a kid with delusional behavior?

Please have your son evaluated CAREFULLY for infections. Check him over carefully for dark circles,slight fever, changes in body posture, rashes. Has he lost weight? Has his appetite changed? My son went to bed one night complaining that his neck was a little sore, and literally turned into a different kid over night. His platelets started dropping asnd he had pneumonia that wouldn't clear. His behavior would improve on antibiotics and deteriorate off of them. It turned out to be toxoplasmosis, a pathogen that can make immune deficient people very ill. eight years after being treated, he has never had a recurrence of delusional behavior and he has never been on psych meds for it. I can't dx anyone else's child, but keep your mind open to infection as a possibility.Muge Kavaslar <Muge.Kavaslarimkb (DOT) gov.tr> wrote:

I'm sorry to increase your fears, but we lived same things prior the my son's bipolar disorder onset.

He was only 7 years old and started to tell stories about a dinausor living in the yard of his school and

a construction of airport near his school. His physicologist interpreted this behaviours very positive, like an improvement of imaginations,

because they have a prejudice about that ASD chids have impaired imagination.

In about 1,5 months after that, his bipolar disorder started overnight.

He doesn't have anymore delusions, halucinations or OCD, but he has sharp mood swings, deep attention deficit and self talking, stimming.

He's diagnose is still only autism , because they cannot use lables like bipolar or schizophreina before 12 years old.

But autism -bipolar disorder or schizophrenia they are not completely different things.

Autism is about both temporal and frontal lobes , schizophrenia and bipolar is about only frontal lobe.

My son's brain SPECT scan showed an hypoperfussion at frontal lobe.

And Lyme can cause all of those disorders as you knows better.

Delusions kind of things are also about high dopamine levels. Maybe you can check your supplements and eliminate

-if there is some - dopamine booster supplements.



From: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism [mailto:BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism ] On Behalf Of TamiduncanaolSent: Friday, November 28, 2008 6:47 AMTo: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Anyone with a kid with delusional behavior?

I hate to ask this. It's been "one of those days". It seems like a few of us have had a rough day...with the seizures Darci's child is having, etc. My son is doing so well in so many ways. I'm afraid he is shifting. They say that kids when they start to recover may go more towards ADHD. Mine is not. But I found out today that for the last few weeks he has been having fantasies, ones that he actually believes will happen. Things that there is no possible way could every happen. When I tried to convince him that....no you won't turn into an actual pokemon, for real. He was mad and threatened me that if I was negative that I needed to worry about getting hurt. When I reacted, he quickly apologized.He really truly believes that on Christmas Day he will wake up and be an actual pokemon. He said that he didn't want to scare me that it will happen because everything is falling into place for it. I can't tell you how specific he is about this.We had a BIG talk about fantasy vs. reality, daydreaming, God wanting us to be who he made us to be, etc. No luck. What happened as a result of this talk was anger and depression aimed towards me. I have to mention that my son is turning 12 in a few weeks and is in pre-puberty.I'm worried. I looked this up and it appears he is being delusional. When you look up delusional...schizophrenia and bipolar comes up. UGGGGHHHHHH.Any thoughts?Tami

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BILGISAYAR SISTEMLERI VE *** ILETISIM AGLARI ACISINDAN istenmeyen ve/veya *** zararli icerik tespit edilmis ve temizlenmistir. *** Virus scanner detected a hostile content in the email *** that was sent to you and removed it. \HTML Active Content: Found invalid IMG Tag, Found Web-beacon, Object Removed: 1 'img' ------------------------------------------------------------------------Bu e-posta mesaji, mesajin alici kisminda belirtilmis olan kullanici icindir. Mesajin alicisi siz degilseniz -dogrudan veya dolayli olarak- mesaji kullanmayiniz, acmayiniz, dagitmayiniz, yazicidan dokumunu almayiniz veya herhangi bir kismini kopyalamayiniz. Yanlislikla bu mesaj size ulasmissa lutfen, siliniz ve tüm kopyalarini yok ederek mesaji gonderene acilen haber veriniz. Bu mesaj icerisinde belirtilenler sadece gondericinin kisisel gorusleridir. Bu gorusler IMKB'nin goruslerini yansitmadigi gibi, IMKB'yi baglayici da degildir.This email is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended addressee of this message, you should not use, open, disseminate, distribute, print or copy this e-mail. If you have received this email in error, please delete it from your system and notify the sender immediately. The Istanbul Stock Exchange does not accept any legal responsibility whatsoever for the contents of this message. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by the Istanbul Stock Exchange. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

*** Size gonderilen E-Posta mesajinda BILGISAYAR SISTEMLERI VE *** ILETISIM AGLARI ACISINDAN istenmeyen ve/veya

*** zararli icerik tespit edilmis ve temizlenmistir.

*** Virus scanner detected a hostile content in the email

*** that was sent to you and removed it.

\HTML Active Content: Found invalid IMG Tag, Found Web-beacon, Object Removed: 1 'img'


Bu e-posta mesaji, mesajin alici kisminda belirtilmis olan kullanici icindir. Mesajin alicisi siz degilseniz -dogrudan veya dolayli olarak- mesaji kullanmayiniz, acmayiniz, dagitmayiniz, yazicidan dokumunu almayiniz veya herhangi bir kismini kopyalamayiniz. Yanlislikla bu mesaj size ulasmissa lutfen, siliniz ve tüm kopyalarini yok ederek mesaji gonderene acilen haber veriniz. Bu mesaj icerisinde belirtilenler sadece gondericinin kisisel gorusleridir. Bu gorusler IMKB'nin goruslerini yansitmadigi gibi, IMKB'yi baglayici da degildir.

This email is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended addressee of this message, you should not use, open, disseminate, distribute, print or copy this e-mail. If you have received this email in error, please delete it from your system and notify the sender immediately. The Istanbul Stock Exchange does not accept any legal responsibility whatsoever for the contents of this message. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by the Istanbul Stock Exchange.


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