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Re: Brag!!

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In a message dated 11/20/99 9:12:32 AM Central Standard Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:


Barb, it must be contagious! I lost 3 pounds this week also! Yay! The


plateau is finally over!!! >>

Congrats, ! :-)

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Dear ,

Thank you for your pat on the back yesterday after I bragged. You are

such an inspiration with your 3 pound loss. What kind of diet are you on. I

also want to congratulate you on losing 60 pounds. That is no small feat!

You must look like a different person. You are an inspiration to everyone in

this group! ;o) Sharon

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In a message dated 11/20/99 11:19:56 AM Eastern Standard Time,

diamonique@... writes:

<< Do you have any

magic words for food?

-- Sandy >>

My advice Sandy is to lighten up on yourself. You are caught in this nasty

cycle of eating and then feeling guilty. If you allow yourself reasonable

sized portions of anything you want to eat, you really wont crave the bad

stuff as much because it is no longer off limits. This doesn't mean pig out

or give into every craving. Use your own good judgment. I have found that I

need to remove the emotion from food. I am not quite sure how to do this,

except that when I feel guilty about eating candy I stop those feelings right

away. When I am sad and want a cookie, I say to myself out loud, " I am not

hungry, I am upset " . Becoming more aware of why you eat really helps.

Changing your eating habits is a very slow process. You have to allow

yourself " bad " days and move on. Don't beat yourself up! You are doing great

with the Tae Bo. The food thing will just fall into place. It may take

awhile, but it will happen. Have faith in yourself.


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In a message dated 11/20/99 3:11:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Squashblosm@... writes:

<< What kind of diet are you on. >>

Thanks Sharon! I explained in an email to Sandy that I really am not on a

diet. I really believe that diets don't work. Some of that 60 pounds did come

off through calorie counting and all of that torture. I have recently decided

that I am just not going to do that any more. I have started to measure

portion sizes, which has been a big help. I don't label anything " off

limits " , but I do watch what I eat. The other day, I had Mcs, but I

skipped the fries. I just had a little burger and a side salad. It is little

things like that which have helped me. I owe a lot of it to the Tae Bo also.

After a killer work out in the morning, I think twice about eating something

high fat or not very healthy. I think it is impossible to follow perfect

eating habits every day of your life. My motto is, " If you mess up, move on "

Start over the next day. Don't beat yourself up because with the guilt comes

binge eating. I know this all seems very simplistic. It has taken me a VERY

long time to get to this point. Letting go of the guilt of eating was very

hard to do. But you have to allow yourself to make mistakes. I'll bet even

eats cheesecake every once in a while! You are doing so great Sharon!!

Don't give up!!


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Dear Sandy,

First of all, let me say that the benefits to maintaining a healthy

lifestyle are endless. I truly believe that many afflictions in our lives

could be alleviated by just exercising, eating right, drinking plenty of

water, meditating, and taking time to smell the flowers and see the colors in

our own back yard.

I am in agreement with Sandy that you have to determine what it is

inside of yourself that causes you to overeat or eat the wrong foods.

I have a couple of suggestions for you. There is a web site that offers

free diet plans customized to fit your needs. Here is the address.

http://www.cyberdiet.com. This is a great site to visit.

Secondly, have you ever read the book, " Sugarbusters? " It is a very

good eating plan that restricts fat and carbs in what I consider to be a

healthy way. Check it out. There is a web site for that too

http://www.sugarbusters.com. Or you can most likely find it at any bookstore.

Every time you want to eat something you know you shouldn't have, ask

yourself if you will enjoy it so much that you are willing to wear it on your

hips. Also, ask yourself if your body would say thank you for it, if it

could talk. Drink lots of water, distract yourself, get a weight loss buddy,

read message boards concerning the diet you are on, and every now and then,

reward yourself for your efforts by having something that taste really good.

I am also in agreement with on that point.

I consider myself to be working toward developing habits I can live with

after the weight is gone. I restrict my fat and sugar, but I also allow

myself to have things that are outside the realm of healthy too. For

example, when I go to the movies, I have popcorn. On my son's birthday, I

had cake. On Thanksgiving, I plan to indulge myself. Moderation is the key.

And the day before and the day after, I eat more salads and do more Taebo to


When the day comes that you are just maintaining, this is probably what

will work for you then. You are on the right track with Taebo, but a calorie

deficit will effect weight loss. If you restrict your fat and carbs to only

include the kinds on the Sugarbuster's plan (for example), you will end up

with a calorie deficit, and probably more of a weight loss.

Also, don't lose sight of the fact that muscle weighs 3x more than fat,

and also grabs fluid. Hormones, salt, stress, and exercise can all cause

fluid retention. And remember, diet without exercises causes 25% muscle

loss, thus depressing metabolism even more. But diet with exercise only

waste 5% muscle mass, so in the end you will be able to eat 20% more

calories, because muscle burns fat. So what you are doing right now, even

though you may not like what your scales say, is in the end going to effect

good change for you. I hope I have helped. ;o) Sharon

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Dear ,

You are eating a lot like me. I try not to have anything within 2-4

hours of bedtime. Before I eat something, I make myself pause and question

whether I am really hungry. I don't wallow in guilt when I " cheat, " I just

move on. Finding a lifestyle that you can live with is what it's really all

about. That, and loving yourself enough to practice healthy living. I think

that healthy living includes eating things you love sometimes too, even if

they are bad for you. Something that works for me is limiting my binges to

an hour or two, and then getting back to healthy again.

There is so much email from the egroup sometimes that I don't remember

who wrote what, so please forgive me for not catching the letter about your

" non-diet. " ;o) Sharon

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In a message dated 11/20/1999 10:12:31 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:

<< Barb, it must be contagious! I lost 3 pounds this week also! Yay! The


plateau is finally over!!! Anyone facing a plateau right now, please don't

give up! The weight loss will start again!! Keep the faith!!!

:) >>


did you do anything different or just wait it out patiently?


who wore a jogging suit today that had a split seam two winters ago after it

shrunk when washed and didn't even attempt to wear it last winter

AKA:POMBarb, Mad-Dame Yenta

" To the world you might be one person, but to one

person you might be the world "

<A HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/horsemom2/myhomepage/index.html " >Barb's

Places on the web</A>

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In a message dated 11/20/1999 11:19:57 AM Eastern Standard Time,

diamonique@... writes:

<< This week I decided I'd start slow and take one thing at a time. I was

gonna concentrate this week on my fat intake, and then next week work on

sugar intake. Each week I was going to add a different focus to my healthy

eating plan. So far I haven't done squat.

You guys are great at motivating me with the exercise? Do you have any

magic words for food? >>


how about eating whatever you want but reducing the portions?

even try more frequent smaller meals with a glass of water prior to eating


who twice has over-eaten in the past week and has had a really weird almost

painful feeling of my inner stomach pushing against my abdominal muscles &

wonders if anyone else has experienced this discomfort?

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At 10:10 AM 11/20/1999 EST, wrote:

>Barb, it must be contagious! I lost 3 pounds this week also! Yay! The


>plateau is finally over!!!

Congrats to both of you! Reading stuff like this is what keeps me motivated.

>Anyone facing a plateau right now, please don't

>give up! The weight loss will start again!! Keep the faith!!!


I'm facing a plateau of a different kind. I've been doing TaeBo since the

end of September and haven't lost a single pound. I know it's because of

my eating habits, but I can't seem to flip that inner switch that makes me

eat right. Every morning I tell myself I'm going to do it, and then

somewhere during the day I mess up.

This week I decided I'd start slow and take one thing at a time. I was

gonna concentrate this week on my fat intake, and then next week work on

sugar intake. Each week I was going to add a different focus to my healthy

eating plan. So far I haven't done squat.

You guys are great at motivating me with the exercise? Do you have any

magic words for food?

-- Sandy

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In a message dated 11/22/99 1:20:24 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Horsemom2@... writes:



On AOL, we highlight the text we want quoted by dragging the mouse with the

left button depressed over the text before clicking reply.

Maybe that will work?


who wonders if Sharon has tried the 250 free hours from AOL yet and can have

a kit from AOL snail mailed to her if she sends me the snail mail addy

privately to <A HREF= " mailto:horsemom2@... " >Barb</A> >>

Dear Barb,

Thank you very much for the info and the offer. AOL was actually the

first service that I used, and they sent me another CD to download to get

another 250 hours, so I will be going AOL again soon. I like them the best

so far. There are some free services out there, such as Alta Vista, but they

don't have a local access number for me yet. There is a service also called

FreeWeb, where you pay $129.00, and then you get Internet service for free

for life. They have been in business for about 5 years. They have a local

access number for me. I will have to decide between AOL and FreeWeb

ultimately I think, but in the meantime, I have several more free trials to

play with. The world is my oyster! LOL ;o) Sharon

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In a message dated 11/22/99 1:37:22 PM Eastern Standard Time,

etcarroll@... writes:

<< There are 5-6 lower back

stretches that I credit with speeding my recovery from the pinched

nerve. After stretching with the tape for a few days, I memorized my

favorites and do them several time a day, at work, and before and after

Taebo. You can get the book from the library. Also, I think he has his

own web site called " Stretching. " You can get the videotape from

Collage Video at 1- or www.collagevideo.com.

Elena. >>

Dear Elena,

Thank you very much for the information. I would like to add stretches

to my workout. I have been doing the Taebo basic workout for about 2 months.

Before that I was a couch potato. Now I feel like Xenia--Warrior Princess!

After the New Year, I am going to add the floor exercises from the advanced

workout to my basic. I would like to add Yoga too, but there are just so

many hours in the day. I am an exercising fool now!

I am glad to hear that your pinched nerve is better, and that the

stretches helped. I have heard that the stretches help to elongate the

muscles and enhance the physique when combined with Taebo.

I am expecting that if I keep this up, I will be wearing a bikini this

summer. This will be a huge embarrassment to my kids, since I am 40. I live

for this. Not to wear the bikini, but to be an embarrassment to my children.

I have been able to accomplish this in the past by wearing a bright yellow

Looney Tunes shirt and green stirrup stretch pants, and showing up at the


Barb, you crack me up! I loved your take on the Yoga instructor not

giving everyone permission to breathe again. ;o) Sharon

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Squashblosm@... wrote:


> Dear etcarroll,

> I am sorry, but I am unsure of your first name.

Sorry, everyone, my first name is " Elena. "

You mentioned

> a stretching tape. Is this one that was recommended by someone who does

> Taebo? And do you like it? If so, can you tell me how I might get a copy?

Sharon (yes, I like using first names, too), the tape is called

" Stretching " by Bob . I heard about his book by the same title

from several people on the " Questions for TBQ " board who praised it.

When I saw it the catalog for exercise videos from Collage Video, I had

to order it. It is just wonderful. The instructor goes very slowly and

takes you through numerous easy-to-do stretches, ending with a 15-minute

stretching routine that you can do every day. There are 5-6 lower back

stretches that I credit with speeding my recovery from the pinched

nerve. After stretching with the tape for a few days, I memorized my

favorites and do them several time a day, at work, and before and after

Taebo. You can get the book from the library. Also, I think he has his

own web site called " Stretching. " You can get the videotape from

Collage Video at 1- or www.collagevideo.com.



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In a message dated 11/22/99 1:43:10 PM Central Standard Time,

Horsemom2@... writes:

<< Barb

whose goal is to be able to wear a bikini at 50 (or even 51) after

embarassing my son wearing just sweats for 10 years and have him eat his

words or borrow those shoes discussed earlier


Go Barb...go Barb...go Barb....

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