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Re: New to Group

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Hi Cheryl and welcome to our group!Kid's with DS come in as wide an array of personality and emotional states as any typical kid. They are not all the same, they are not all 'loving and sweet'- even the ones who do lean that way!! ;-)They are kid's first, DS second, and come with all the issues any typical kid would, maybe a few more!As for health issues, they can be very involved and life threatening , to none at all!You can go the main page and start reading the archives to get a sense of life with DS. It's very diverse and many of the parents who's children are on the ASD or have more severe delays, don't post often, so that experience is not well represented here. Carol in ILMom to , 8 DS My problem is not

how I look. It's how you see me.Join our Down Syndrome information group - http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ DownSyndromeInfo Exchange/ http://downsyndromeinfoexchange.blogspot.com/Listen to oldest dd's music http://www.myspace.com/vennamusicFrom: cheriebfl To:

DownSyndromeInfoExchange Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 9:40:40 AMSubject: [DownSyndromeInfoExchange] New to Group

Hi to everyone. I am Cheryl in Florida and I am condisering adopting

a DS child from overseas. There are many from infants on up. I know

nothing about Ds children. I am considering one because I want a

loving child without the worry of all the emotional junk so many

adopted children come with. I am looking for info on what to expect in

the way of personalities, medical problems and other things that you

would know about. I have had some people tell me that these children

are extremly loving and sweet. Others tell me they can be

aggressive? I know that they can come with severe delays or

mocerate/mild delays. Please help me understand this disability.

Thanks. Cheryl/Fl

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Hi Cheryl,

I am an adoptive mom to two great kids with Ds. Like any child, birth or adoptive, there are no guarantees. Although my kids both have Ds and both are Chinese (although adopted domestically) most of the similarities stop there. They are two very different kids. Mac, for the most part, has been my easy child. Most of his medical issues were resolved or minimal by the time I got him at 15 mths., and since then he has been very healthy and a pretty easy kid overall. Kit, I got when she was 10 weeks old and her first year was pretty scary medically (she had duodenal atresia, a heart defect, open heart surgery at 17 weeks, a g-tube for 18 mths...). The first year she was also very blah...not much spunk or personality. I believe now that was due to her medical issues and recovery. Since she has been about 18 mths. old she has been a rolling ball of fire that does not quit!! I love her dearly, but she exhausts me daily!! She's smart, fun, can be quite loving and affectionate, but...she has a side that is so very defiant and uncooperative it can be very difficult.

Good luck with your adoption journey!! If you haven't been in touch with Robin Steele at the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati I would contact her. She is a GREAT resource and GREAT person. She is an adoptive parent and assists in connecting adoptive parents with children with Ds that need a forever home.


Mom to Mac (10 yrs., 5th grade, Ds) & Kit (7 yrs., 1st grade, Ds)

[DownSyndromeInfoExchange] New to Group

Hi to everyone. I am Cheryl in Florida and I am condisering adopting a DS child from overseas. There are many from infants on up. I know nothing about Ds children. I am considering one because I want a loving child without the worry of all the emotional junk so many adopted children come with. I am looking for info on what to expect in the way of personalities, medical problems and other things that you would know about. I have had some people tell me that these children are extremly loving and sweet. Others tell me they can be aggressive? I know that they can come with severe delays or mocerate/mild delays. Please help me understand this disability. Thanks. Cheryl/Fl

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Hi Cheryl,

I'm in SE FL, I have an 11 year old daughter with Ds. Kids with Ds are as varied as all other kids are. There may be less detachment problems than typical kids, but again, maybe not. That would not be good as the only reason for adopting a child with Ds.

There are physical and mental delays which vary from child to child. Also the medical problems vary, although children with Ds often have congenital heart defects that need surgery. Many children with Ds wear glasses, some need hearing aides, and there is a bit higher incidence of hypothroidism.

As for personality, that is also quite varied. We often joke about our kids getting a triplicate of the stubborn gene! I would never characterize my daughtere as "always cheerful" nor "easy-going".

Do your research and come back with questions!


-------------- Original message from "cheriebfl" : --------------

Hi to everyone. I am Cheryl in Florida and I am condisering adopting a DS child from overseas. There are many from infants on up. I know nothing about Ds children. I am considering one because I want a loving child without the worry of all the emotional junk so many adopted children come with. I am looking for info on what to expect in the way of personalities, medical problems and other things that you would know about. I have had some people tell me that these children are extremly loving and sweet. Others tell me they can be aggressive? I know that they can come with severe delays or mocerate/mild delays. Please help me understand this disability. Thanks. Cheryl/Fl

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