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Hi. I had my son on Diflucan for two weeks and I

didn't notice any changes in him. No die offs and no

regression or progression. I am sure others have

different experiences with Diflucan and will share.


--- Hanna <angela.hanna@...> wrote:

> Hello Group,


> My environmental doc decided to put my son on a 10

> day trial

> of diflucan for his yeast issues. He is also on two

> other (not meds)

> products for yeast.

> Have any of your kids had bad reactions to this

> med.?

> I have stayed away from meds and tried to go

> " natural "

> so this is really new for me .

> Is it effective? Do I need to watch for something?

> Any experience with this med would greatly be

> appreciated.

> .





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My son took Diflucan with very good results. It can cause liver problems if

used for extended periods and a liver function test should be performed. If

you do the test you can stop the med before any liver damage is done. A

friends son took it constantly for 2 or 3 years without ever having a

reaction. He couldn't maintain his problem with yeast on nystatin or natural

products. He was about 5 - 7 at the time her took it.


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A very big thanks to all those that posted about diflucan and their


This is his second day on 50mg/day. It is only a 10 day trial so

I am not particularly worried about liver issues.

I hope there will be some positive changes.

Thank you once more.


At 01:14 24/04/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>My son took Diflucan with very good results. It can cause liver problems if

>used for extended periods and a liver function test should be performed. If

>you do the test you can stop the med before any liver damage is done. A

>friends son took it constantly for 2 or 3 years without ever having a

>reaction. He couldn't maintain his problem with yeast on nystatin or natural

>products. He was about 5 - 7 at the time her took it.




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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I was given 4 " one dose " sample pills of Diflucan from my gyn when I

kept having recurrent vaginal yeast infections. He told me to take

one each week until I had used all the samples and I would not have

any more yeast problems. The first pill I took left me so dizzy &

diarrhea that my husband had to call into work to care for the

children while I laid in bed all day. I felt better by the next day

but was afraid I had had an allergic reaction to the med. This was

in the ignorant days of preautism and I had no idea about " die-off

reaction " . I took another one a couple of weeks later and felt fine.

I continued one per week. This was 3 yrs ago and I haven't had a

problem, with the exception of one during pregnancy when I was one

140 units of insulin per day. I also noticed my scalp, which had

itched for years regardless of treatment, stopped itching.

I do not know of side effects, but for me, it knocked out my yeast.



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  • 2 months later...

My 10 y.o. had one bout of loose stools, but no other

side effects. I have not seen any changes in him as

of yet. Barb

--- Shona Jordan <chaia98@...> wrote:

> Hi all! Got a question for those of you who have

> used diflucan with

> your kids. Did they go through the same type of die

> off as with the

> antiviral or with the previous antifungal? We've

> been on Valtrex,

> Famvir, and Nizoral and are now changing to

> diflucan. We're just

> getting over a sinus infection. Dr. G wants us to

> be completely well

> before we make the change. What do I look for here?

> Can I hope for

> increased communication skills and interaction with

> others? Thanks

> for your input. Shona



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Hey Shona -

You can hope for that - Diflucan made huge changes in

communication and interaction for us, but then it was

the first intervention (after diet of course) that was

available to us. Since your child has been on the

others already, I would not go into it with hope for

dramatic changes like what we had, but still, if it is

one of the right drugs, you should see improvement in

those areas, as well as in sensory issues.

We never experienced die-off with Diflucan for either

chidl - just immediate positive responses. Others do

get die-off though - varies so much per child.

Diflucan was huge for us - 3 days into it for the

first time (and we only had 10 days worth) he stopped

all echolalia and began spontaneous speech. His eye

contact improved so much I couldn't believe the

difference. He rode on ride-on toys willingly and

even initiated it for the first time ever. He started

loving music and was no longer so sensitive to noise.

His anxiety level decreased significantly. His eczema

vanished for the first time in a year and a half (it

had improved so much on diet but never went completely

away before). He started giving hugs - hadn't had one

of those (on purpose) for a year. He still stimmed on

the same toys for hours, but he still expanded a

little to other toys that he had never even had an

interest in before. Just tons and tons of changes in

a very short time - enough to make skeptical observers

in my family re-evaluate their doubts for a while (of

course they got used to it and forgot and had to be

continuously reminded, but hey that's not important to

this topic, is it? :))

Yeah - Diflucan is some good stuff! (for some, at

least.) Hope it helps you too.

--- Shona Jordan <chaia98@...> wrote:

> Hi all! Got a question for those of you who have

> used diflucan with

> your kids. Did they go through the same type of die

> off as with the

> antiviral or with the previous antifungal? We've

> been on Valtrex,

> Famvir, and Nizoral and are now changing to

> diflucan. We're just

> getting over a sinus infection. Dr. G wants us to

> be completely well

> before we make the change. What do I look for here?

> Can I hope for

> increased communication skills and interaction with

> others? Thanks

> for your input. Shona



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  • 2 weeks later...


I can relay some recent experience with this drug. My son (4 1/2

years old, PDD-NOS, gfcf, yeast free soy free corn free 1.5 yrs)

started Diflucan in late June at a very low dose-25 mg per day for 30

days. He has only been on antibiotics once in his life (in Feb of

this year) and has had normal stools since we started the gfcf diet

at age 3. His OAT tests are basically normal-only slightly elevated

arabinose (54 with around 50 being normal). The signs of yeast are

on his face (pittoraisis alba-white spots that worsen with sun

exposure and a bad rash on his bottom.) His nutritionist strongly

recommended we try Diflucan. We saw immediate positive results and

he became much more social and was speaking better. We stopped after

the 30 day period and he went back about a year in time to a stimmy,

out of control child. We restarted the Diflucan at the same dose and

he improved within a few days . I took him to a DAN! Dr. for the

first time, who said that if we saw a benefit with a low dose, then

he ought to be on the proper dose for his weight which is 55 mg/

day. My son has not been the same since (Aug 8). I called the dr.

back and he said I am observing a die-off reaction which could last

up to 3 wks. My son's liver function tests were normal (Aug 11). I

even reduced the dose back to 25 mg. He is still stimming, in a fog,

not listening, loose stools, etc. I wish I'd stuck it out with the

low dose for a longer period of time. Does anyone else have a

similar story or can offer a ray of hope here? I want my boy back!



> Hi all! Got a question for those of you who have used diflucan


> your kids. Did they go through the same type of die off as with


> antiviral or with the previous antifungal? We've been on Valtrex,

> Famvir, and Nizoral and are now changing to diflucan. We're just

> getting over a sinus infection. Dr. G wants us to be completely


> before we make the change. What do I look for here? Can I hope


> increased communication skills and interaction with others? Thanks

> for your input. Shona


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the original author, and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

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  • 4 months later...

I use nystatin liquid for my son and it helps, my doctor gives me the script all

the time. Bonnie,Lukes mom

mbrookh <mbrookh@...> wrote:

Does anyone know where this might be available non-prescription in

powdered form? Thanks,


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

We did diflucan when both kids were babies. I took it for 6 weeks

while nursing. It did not stop the yeast for us. We ended up doing

gentian violet which worked great for both kids. I know now gentian

violet has mercury in it so that's not good!

The diflucan caused serious stomach distress for my son (at that

point 4 - 10 weeks old or so...) and he did have elevated liver

numbers (can't recall what they were). The doctor called us in a

panic on a Saturday to tell us to stop giving it to him. He said his

wife (a new pediatrician)told him they no longer used diflucan for

babies because of the severe stomach distress it caused.

Obviously your son is older but just wanted to give you our

experience. I know some people have reported good luck with it.

We've had outstanding results with Culturelle and GSE

(grapefruitseed extract).



Has anyone had any experience with this medication? how long have

you tried it, and is it really effective.

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My son also is 8. Last Nov (while 7yo), he did one round of Diflucan

which was supposed to be (unbeknownst to me) one capsule per day for

three weeks. However, the label on the Rx vial said " three times per

day for one week. " The day my son finished his last pill, I just

happened to be going over the copy of the MDs chart note that I had

requested and saw at the bottom: Diflucan x 21d. I freaked out,

called the practice, read the vial label to them. They tested his

blood the next day...His liver was fine! What a relief.

It, along with a very low sugar diet, helped bring his yeast way

down. But be very careful if you do it -- make sure the MD tells you

what the dose and frequency will be and then verify the Rx label!


> Hello to all,

> My 8 yr old has been diagnosed with PDD. He has been seeing a DAN

doc in Dc

> area for 6 months now. Jake's lab work indicated very high amount


> aribinose (bad yeast overgrowth). He has been on nystatin for 2

months, we

> did another urine sample, and the aribinose has decreased, but is


> twice the normal limits. DAN Doc says to put him on diflucan. Well,

I read

> that this stuff can cause liver damage . Has anyone had any

experience with

> this medication? how long have you tried it, and is it really


> thanks for your help.

> Sam


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I took diflucon as an adult, with a massive amount of mercury fillings.

I couldn't walk into a building with fluorescent lighting, all mine was hal=


I quit after a day or 2, it was awful, I had suddenly become halogen seniti=

zed, everything

was weird, I felt like there was no oxygen in the air, I wouldn't give it t=

o my child.




> > Hello to all,

> > My 8 yr old has been diagnosed with PDD. He has been seeing a DAN

> doc in Dc

> > area for 6 months now. Jake's lab work indicated very high amount

> of

> > aribinose (bad yeast overgrowth). He has been on nystatin for 2

> months, we

> > did another urine sample, and the aribinose has decreased, but is

> still

> > twice the normal limits. DAN Doc says to put him on diflucan. Well,

> I read

> > that this stuff can cause liver damage . Has anyone had any

> experience with

> > this medication? how long have you tried it, and is it really

> effective.

> > thanks for your help.

> > Sam

> >

> > _________________________________________________________________

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We just finished a 10 day dose of Diflucan and on the next to last day our son

developed zits popping out under his arm pits, on his sides, on his thigh,calf

,etc....we were thinking that this might be his body getting rid of toxins, but

not sure?!?! We had just come off of a round of Genamicin((sp). We do a test to

see how we are on yeast post treatment- next week. Our doctor has our son's

liver enzymes checked @8-12wks when we are chelating....maybe it'd be good to

check after a long battle with yeast?!? Good luck!

maz_mercuryexposure <mercuryexposure@...> wrote: I took diflucon as an

adult, with a massive amount of mercury fillings.

I couldn't walk into a building with fluorescent lighting, all mine was hal=


I quit after a day or 2, it was awful, I had suddenly become halogen seniti=

zed, everything

was weird, I felt like there was no oxygen in the air, I wouldn't give it t=

o my child.




> > Hello to all,

> > My 8 yr old has been diagnosed with PDD. He has been seeing a DAN

> doc in Dc

> > area for 6 months now. Jake's lab work indicated very high amount

> of

> > aribinose (bad yeast overgrowth). He has been on nystatin for 2

> months, we

> > did another urine sample, and the aribinose has decreased, but is

> still

> > twice the normal limits. DAN Doc says to put him on diflucan. Well,

> I read

> > that this stuff can cause liver damage . Has anyone had any

> experience with

> > this medication? how long have you tried it, and is it really

> effective.

> > thanks for your help.

> > Sam

> >

> > _________________________________________________________________

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I took two rounds of Diflucan many years ago when my yeast was high and I

know several children who have benefitted from taking it. However, my son


tolerate it -- not sure why. Some kids cannot handle the dye in the pills

but if you have it compounded, it can easily be made without significantly

cheaper than buying the brand name Diflucan.

It can stress the liver but usually not on short-term dosing. Liver

difficulties can be ruled out with a CBC.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


Is there a test that shows that yeast is systemic and in the brain or

did you conclude this based on her reaction to yeast and how hard it

has been to get rid of it?

What does Dr. Cathcart suggest you do next? We are using OoO and

Enzymes right now and I don't if yeast is getting killed or not.

Probably not because he is doing so badly. Have you considered Toueff

by Chisolm? Some have told me that it is powerful like Diflucan.


> I've seen mostly negative results with people using diflucan, but was

> wondering if there are any positive ones out there? My NT

daughter's yeast

> is systemic and in her brain and frankly I am just not successful at


> keeping all sugar from her. We are technically really good, but the

> smallest piece of a fruit roll up or 1/16th of an apple is enough to


> her out. When it does, she gets so emotionally drained I'm

surprised she

> functions as well mentally as she does. I read that the yeast robs

her body

> of nutrients and energy so she seems like she is always running on

empty. I

> have a full supplementation plan, but am not convinced much or any

of it is

> getting properly processed. Dr. Cathcart who we are seeing has treated

> many with candida said years ago diflucan would wipe it out but

these days

> it's really hit and miss, plus hard on the system.

> Also for any horror diflucan stories, let me know if there were

early signs

> that something wasn't right. I know at least to make sure she has no

> sugar-think I'll lock her in her room during that time! (Just

kidding :)

> Kari

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My son is on his second round of Diflucan right now. He is 4 1/2

years old. He took a two week break in between and we used

Kirkman's Yeast Aid for those two weeks. Anyway, we are seeing only

positive results. Of course, he is also taking enzymes, Zyme Prime

and AFP Peptizyde with all meals including snacks. My son did not

have major die-off but this is probably because we had already

started him on the enzymes, a restricted diet and doubled up on his

probiotics about 3 weeks before starting the Diflucan. He is

definitely more " with it " . Again, I'm not 100% sure if it's the

Diflucan but I think it is because during the 3 weeks when he was

taking the enzymes we didn't see any major improvements. It was

about 4 or 5 days after starting Diflucan that we saw some real

changes. We saw even more improvements on the Yeast Aid (that

addresses bacteria and yeast; my son has bacteria in addition to

yeast). We continue to see improvement although now I think it is

due to the enzymes and finally being able to see the effects of the

enzymes since we are getting rid of the yeast and it's not covering

up any enzyme benefits. Whew! Sorry that was so long but just

wanted to let you know that so far it seems to be working.

Best of luck.


> I've seen mostly negative results with people using diflucan, but


> wondering if there are any positive ones out there? My NT

daughter's yeast

> is systemic and in her brain and frankly I am just not successful

at totally

> keeping all sugar from her. We are technically really good, but


> smallest piece of a fruit roll up or 1/16th of an apple is enough

to whack

> her out. When it does, she gets so emotionally drained I'm

surprised she

> functions as well mentally as she does. I read that the yeast

robs her body

> of nutrients and energy so she seems like she is always running on

empty. I

> have a full supplementation plan, but am not convinced much or any

of it is

> getting properly processed. Dr. Cathcart who we are seeing has


> many with candida said years ago diflucan would wipe it out but

these days

> it's really hit and miss, plus hard on the system.

> Also for any horror diflucan stories, let me know if there were

early signs

> that something wasn't right. I know at least to make sure she has


> sugar-think I'll lock her in her room during that time! (Just

kidding :)

> Kari

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  • 3 months later...


glad you can make those savings - the difference pays for almost 2 Dr G


It is to do with patents. When the patents are in force, the Drug Co's will

charge and make as much as possible - once they expire then free competition

comes in to play.

Drug Co's maintain that the high price is payback for the huge research and

development costs that go into getting the drug to market - through the FDA

etc. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye though. It's a wonder that

the branded Diflucan price isn't starting to come down yet.

Valtrex and FamVir are also still under patent and a lot of the SSRI's

because they are so new.

I agree, it is absurd to have such a difference.


Had to share this info with you. I am very thankful

with the person who shared the good prices on diflucan

thru Friendly Hill's compounding. As a result, I

found a pharmacy close by that will compound without

the dye, the generic form. For 150 and 200 mg. per

day supply for 30 days, I will pay 65 and 75 dollars.

I just paid for the generic form in the same doseages,

350 and 375, in the non compounded form with dye.

What is the story here? It is actually cheaper, even

with the labor. Something is very wrong here. Barb


Barb Katsaros


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the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

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I really think these pharmacy's just are gouging for extra money. I went to

a local pharmacy to get the non-dye diflucan and they wanted over $300.00.

When I told them I could get the same medicine from Friendly Hills for $120.00,

suddenly the price went down.



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The compounding pharmacy in Texas that we used only charged $50 for a 30-day

supply of 200mg caps. They can compound it with any filler you want. They do

mail order with credit card payment. Custom Pharmacy Innovations - fax #



In a message dated 9/14/2004 12:17:08 PM Central Standard Time,

Aut2BMiracles@... writes:

I really think these pharmacy's just are gouging for extra money. I went to

a local pharmacy to get the non-dye diflucan and they wanted over $300.00.

When I told them I could get the same medicine from Friendly Hills for


suddenly the price went down.

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How many mg. was 120 for? This place I went to will

mail meds. if you are interested. They are in Ill.


--- Aut2BMiracles@... wrote:

> I really think these pharmacy's just are gouging for

> extra money. I went to

> a local pharmacy to get the non-dye diflucan and

> they wanted over $300.00.

> When I told them I could get the same medicine from

> Friendly Hills for $120.00,

> suddenly the price went down.


> Hmmmm....


> Sharon



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





Barb Katsaros


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For people outside the US,

branded Diflucan that is made in Australia by Pfizer (and distributed at

least in Asia-Pacific areas) is white and in capsule form, not pink. However

is equally if not more expensive than in the US! - its still substantially

cheaper to have compounded if you can get fluconazole and have access to a

compounding pharmacy, or have a US pharmacy do it and then ship.

Also, Valtrex from the UK is white - not blue, so nothing to wash off except

a bit of blue dye with the valtrex name, and also 50mg Zoloft from Australia

is white, not blue as the US version is.


Had to share this info with you. I am very thankful

with the person who shared the good prices on diflucan

thru Friendly Hill's compounding. As a result, I

found a pharmacy close by that will compound without

the dye, the generic form. For 150 and 200 mg. per

day supply for 30 days, I will pay 65 and 75 dollars.

I just paid for the generic form in the same doseages,

350 and 375, in the non compounded form with dye.

What is the story here? It is actually cheaper, even

with the labor. Something is very wrong here. Barb


Barb Katsaros


Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

opinion of the Research Institute.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Sue,

My son is now 6 yrs. old and has been on Diflcuan , ff and on, for at

least two years. He always makes developmental leaps while on this

medication. We did see die off and treated him with either Advil or

Benadryl. I also give him epsom salt baths and use activated charcoal to

help him get rid of the toxins. This is what worked for us. Every child is

different but you'll never know until you try it. He takes 50mg. a day and

weighs 43lbs. now.

Hope this helps,

>From: " swriter20022002 " <swriter20022002@...>



>Subject: Diflucan

>Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2005 04:28:39 -0000






> My son was at the NNY clinic and they want to put him on Diflucan

>as an anti-fungal. My son is 4 1/2 and weights about 40 lbs. Has

>anyone's child been on Diflucan and if so was it effective and what

>were the side effects if any?


> We had a very positive experience at the clinic and are anxious

>to try the protocol. I am nervous though because the last 2 wks my

>son has really improved on his all natural anti-fungal, and I'm almost

>afraid to try something different for fear he will regress and we

>won't get him back. Has anyone ever felt like that?










>Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

>the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

>opinion of the Research Institute.



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Hi Sue,

We also go to the NNY clinic. Both of my boys have been on

Diflucan. The youngest was 4 when we started. The first couple of

weeks are pretty rough, so be prepared. We saw lots of aggitation,

irritablity and more autistic like behaviours. However, once we got

past that stage, we saw major improvements.

I can understand your concern. I don't want to do anything that's

going to set my boys back. However, I do feel this treatment has

been really effective for my boys and hopefully it will be for your

son also.

--- In , " swriter20022002 " <swriter20022002@y...>



> Hi,


> My son was at the NNY clinic and they want to put him on


> as an anti-fungal. My son is 4 1/2 and weights about 40 lbs. Has

> anyone's child been on Diflucan and if so was it effective and what

> were the side effects if any?


> We had a very positive experience at the clinic and are


> to try the protocol. I am nervous though because the last 2 wks my

> son has really improved on his all natural anti-fungal, and I'm


> afraid to try something different for fear he will regress and we

> won't get him back. Has anyone ever felt like that?


> Thanks,

> Sue

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Beware not every react same way to same med. Diflucan give us no

positive, and a lot of negatives. We were on it more than half year.


> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > My son was at the NNY clinic and they want to put him on

> Diflucan

> > as an anti-fungal. My son is 4 1/2 and weights about 40 lbs.


> > anyone's child been on Diflucan and if so was it effective and


> > were the side effects if any?

> >

> > We had a very positive experience at the clinic and are

> anxious

> > to try the protocol. I am nervous though because the last 2 wks


> > son has really improved on his all natural anti-fungal, and I'm

> almost

> > afraid to try something different for fear he will regress and we

> > won't get him back. Has anyone ever felt like that?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Sue

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