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Re: Re: HCS Waitlist

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Thank you for sharing the link and information.

I love this group. What a wealth of advice.

Thanks again.


Subject: Re: HCS WaitlistTo: Texas-Autism-Advocacy Date: Friday, December 12, 2008, 9:09 AM

I just read the Legislative Budget Board Report the link is below:http://www.lbb. state.tx. us/Health_ Services/ State_Schools_ Report1108. pdfIt says "To be eligible for ICF/MR services or HCS, a person musthave a determination of mental retardation or documentationfrom a physician of a related condition. The term "relatedcondition" refers to a severe, chronic disability such ascerebral palsy, epilepsy or autism, that manifests before theperson reaches age 22, is expected to continue indefinitely,and results in substantial functional limitations. Clients mustmeet a certain level of care criteria. For ICF/MR services,individuals must be in need of and able to benefit from activetreatment provided in a 24-hour supervised setting. ICF/MRservices

include habilitation, medical services, skills training,as well as room and board."You might contact Jenine Pinner at Texas Parent to Parent, I beleive I heard her discuss this issue once before....she might have some answers.>> I have a 17 year old son diagnosed with Autism when he was 3 year > olds. It's been a long hard road but we are surviving. I have tried > to do all of the right things by staying on top of information and > putting my son on any waiting lists that can be of service as he > transitions into young adulthood. Like any parent I just want the > best for my child. After being on the HCS waiting list for almost 8 > years, I was estactic when I was offered a slot

in July. After months > of waiting, redtape, and the bureaucracy. I was told that services > would be denied services because of his IQ reassessment at 78%. The > requirement for Autism (related conditions) is 75% and below for the > HCS program. Now mind you my son is nonverbal, requires constant > personal care, and supervision. I am in the process of appealing. Can > anyone give me any help/advice on how to handle this process?>

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WOW! Thank you so much for this piece of information. You have really pointed me in the right direction.

This is great!


Subject: Re: HCS WaitlistTo: Texas-Autism-Advocacy Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008, 6:57 PM

Many could write to their House of Senate and Representatives here inTexas that this needs to change to make a difference with the MedicaidWaiver services/funds, that Waiver eligibility must be based onfunctional limits, not IQ.My son is severe, MR & AU and I have written and participated atStakeholder committee meetings when proposals of services are beingaddressed when it comes to specialized services and thensome as I amfocusing now on the alternative biomedical issues, it is a neverendingto make sure to get some of the issues addressed as it is not a onesize fits all for everyone.Have not really heard many share this when anyone attends thecommittee meetings that I have, in regards to the high IQ level. I understand it is impossible if parents or caregivers are not able toget away to attend as most of these meetings are set during morning orafternoon during the weekday.New

York has passed this law, Texas could learn from them. This is an example of an old petition from a parent who shared this inregards to the IQ level.Autism Spectrum Disorder Waiver Petition to the House Of Senate andRepresentatives in Iowa. Do not know the outcome but if there is aneed for when many individuals with their IQ level is high, stillrequire some type of coaching with specialized services.Mental Retardation Waiver (MR Waiver) is available to people with anIQ of ... Medicare and Medicaid do not currently cover them, leavingthe parents with ...http://www.petition online.com/ ASDW/petition. htmlIrma> > From:

kgreeceman@. .. <kgreeceman@ ...>> Subject: Re: [Texas-Autism- Advocacy] HCS Waitlist> To: Texas-Autism- Advocacy@ yahoogroups. com> Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008, 5:08 PM> > > > > > > > Is he on the CLASS waiting list too? Perhaps you can call the belownumber and tell them your son has been on the wrong waiting list allalong but nobody ever told you�back�when you first placed your son onthe HCS waiting list that he would not qualify for services based onhis IQ and not his level of need. Contact your local rep. and statesenator and describe what happened. If Senator Dan representsyou I bet he'd be interested in knowing that your son is getting theshaft because of misinformation by the MHMR agency you dealt with. > �>

�> Community Living Assistance & Support Services:� CLASS - > �> > Each one serves a different population: > > HCS, only serves those with IQ <70 or with autism IQ<75.> CLASS, serves those with developmental disabilities, no IQspecification. > MDCP, Medically Dependent Children Program; serves those withmedical needs (i.e. dependent on medical equipment or medication). > CBS, Community Based Alternatives & DADS Home & Family Support; is awavier for adults with developmental disabilities, 21 and older.> �> > CReece> > > > > > > > > > Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favoritesites in one place. Try it now.>

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