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Re: Fw: Understand and Treat the Real Causes of Autism, Naturally

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I have not used the particular products listed at the second part of your

forwarded message, but recognize that some of these products are made by

Premier Research Labs. Dr. K uses some products from this brand. He

recommended Max-Stress B Nano-Plex for my son to replace several vitamin B

supplements we were using. The idea is not to supplement B vitamins to feed

gut bugs, but to supplement a synergetic blend of live beneficial flora that

will produce natural B vitamins easily recognized, utilized by the body. I

feel that the concept makes a good sense, and I do observe good stools and

good mood after adding Max-Stress B and removing several B vitamins.

Premier Research Labs calls their dietary supplement products " Quantum-State

Nutrients " - which is probably some marketing term that they come up with.

However, what they mean is that their products are not chemicalized,

synthesized in the labs. Their products are of raw food, living food that

once absorb light energies from the sun. I think that this is a very good

concept, as living food coupled with light bio-energy can be rapidly

absorbed and assimilated into the cells of our bodies. I am in the process

of reviewing the supplements I currently use and try to find supplements

made of living food, whole food as replacements.

A reputable company usually has a higher percentage of good products, but as

it usually turns out not all the products are well thought through. You are

right. We can not spare the hard work of being a smart, informed consumer.

We will still need to compare products across brands one by one. Look into

the design and concept of a particular product from a perspective of knowing

how the body works. Post to ask user experience and feedback before

investing money and time on it.



Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 17:54

To: <BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism >

Subject: Fw: Understand

and Treat the Real Causes of Autism, Naturally

> Hi everyone,

> I received this from another group. This group(Borrelia) seems to have

> the most new alternative

> treatments than any other group I am a member of. Have any of you,( Rita,

> Limin, Heidi, Tami)

> heard of these supplements at the end of this report? I have spent SO

> MUCH MONEY on products

> that have not helped my son at all, and am very leary of anything if I

> haven't heard any

> poitive feedback from other parents.



> -----Forwarded Message-----


>>Sent: Dec 10, 2008 1:19 PM

>>To: mb12 valtrex

>>Subject: Understand and Treat the Real Causes of Autism,





>>Help For Autism


>>If you've been told there's nothing you can do to heal an autistic child,

>>here's hope…


>>Understand and Treat the Real Causes of Autism, Naturally


>>If you or a loved one has an autistic child, you are likely very educated

>>on all sorts of theories about this terrible disease. You've been to

>>dozens of doctors, read endless reports and researched until your brain

>>hurts. So why should you read this one? Because…

>>Unlike doctors who tell you there's nothing you can do, this report

>>provides real hope and concrete steps you can take to reverse your child's


>>You will learn how to improve, and perhaps even reverse autism in your

>>child. I know it may seem hard to believe right now, after all, you've

>>probably tried so many things already. But if you stick with me, read the

>>whole report, and try the recommended treatments-you could be living with

>>a completely different child in just a matter of a few weeks.

>>In order to understand the science behind these treatments, you need to

>>know what's really going on in your child's body. This report will cover:

>>o what causes autism

>>o what is going on in the body of an autistic child

>>o how you can reverse autism and get your child back.

>>In some ways, it doesn't matter what caused the autism or whether there

>>were multiple causes. Many parents simply want to know the answer, the

>>quick cure. However, we cover the possible causes extensively for two


>>1) To help you understand that autism has a tangible cause, so you can do

>>something about it.

>>2) To help prevent other children from being exposed to those same causes

>>in the future.

>>The Real Causes of Autism

>>By and large, the medical community still promotes the belief that autism

>>is a genetic brain disorder, and as such, there is nothing you can do to

>>reverse it. Nothing is further from the truth. Intensive research

>>continues to prove it is caused by a combination of some pretty horrendous

>>things, and you can do something about it, even reverse it. But first you

>>need to understand what's going on inside your child's body.


>>1) Vaccinations May Cause 70% of Autism.

>>Vaccines contain a slew of toxins, including mercury in many cases, which

>>flood the body of an infant or child. These completely overwhelm the

>>child's ability to deal with those toxins. With undeveloped immune

>>systems, babies and young children simply cannot handle the toxins and

>>pathogens in the vaccines. (Even adults have problems. A consensus is

>>building that the Gulf War Syndrome was caused by the vaccinations given

>>to the troops.) Vaccines introduce many more toxins into a child than it

>>is able to get rid of. As a consequence, the toxins get stored in the

>>cells. This toxin buildup prevents the brain from functioning properly -

>>and may lead to autism.

>>According to the CDC's own website, common ingredients in vaccines


>>o antibiotics (which many children are allergic to)

>>o aluminum gels (which can, if there is a silicon deficiency, cause brain

>>conditions like those exhibited in Alzheimer's disease)

>>o formaldehyde (a highly toxic carcinogen)

>>o monosodium glutamate or MSG (a potent excito-toxin capable of causing

>>seizures, brain tumors and more)

>>o egg protein (which can cause a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction)

>>o sulfites (which can cause allergic reactions)

>>If you are not already aware of the vaccine/autism connection and its

>>cover-up by the government and the pharmaceutical industry, Click Here to

>>read an article written by Kennedy Jr. on this very subject.

>> Carley, MD reports, " What the CDC does not list is that 13

>>vaccines at present (and more are in the works) are actually cultured on

>>aborted human fetal tissues. … The CDC fails to mention that the

>>ethyl-mercury containing preservative thimerosal has been found in many

>>vaccines, and still is in some.†Dr. Carley points out that the " rate of

>>occurrence of autism in the last generation became self-evident proof that

>>vaccines are the causative factor. "

>>For more information on the use of aborted human fetal tissues for

>>culturing vaccines, go to www.cogforlife.org


>>Some researchers point the finger at the ill-conceived hepatitis B vaccine

>>as a major cause of autism. Others point to the MMR vaccine as a major

>>cause. Both are potential causes, for slightly different reasons

>>The hepatitis B vaccine is especially bad because the baby is so young

>>when exposed to it. As many vaccine experts point out, giving the

>>hepatitis B vaccination to newborns, as is done now, makes no sense at all

>>because a newborn's immune system is not developed. So it can't produce an

>>immune response to the vaccine. Vaccines are designed to stimulate the

>>immune system, but in newborns, there is nothing for the vaccine to

>>stimulate. So it does no good. All it is good for is making plenty of

>>money for the drug companies, the doctors who give the vaccines, and

>>unfortunately, it is also good for causing autism in many children.

>>Many older children develop autism after getting the measles, mumps and

>>rubella vaccination. The MMR vaccine contains three strains of viruses, so

>>it exposes a small child to more viruses than its underdeveloped immune

>>system can handle. The vaccine literally causes multiple viral infections

>>in the child that overwhelm the immune system, and leads to the

>>development of autism in some children.

>>Dr. Carley makes the point though, that there is a fatal flaw in vaccines

>>themselves that can lead to autism, autoimmune conditions and other

>>diseases. This is why the MMR vaccine leads to autism even though it has

>>no mercury in it. She writes:

>>What the promoters of vaccination failed to realize is that secretory IgA

>>(an antibody found predominately in saliva and secretions of the

>>gastrointestinal and respiratory tract mucosa) is the initial normal

>>antibody response to all airborne and ingested pathogens. IgA helps

>>protect against viral infection, agglutinate bacteria, neutralize

>>microbial toxins, and decrease attachment of pathogens to mucosal


>>Bypassing this mucosal aspect of the immune system by directly injecting

>>organisms into the body [via vaccines] leads to a corruption in the immune

>>system itself whereby IgA is transmuted into IgE, and/or the B cells are

>>hyper-activated to produce pathologic amounts of self-attacking

>>anti-bodies as well as suppression of cytotoxic T cells.

>>As a result, the pathogenic viruses or bacteria cannot be eliminated by

>>the immune system and remain in the body, where they cause chronic disease

>>and thus further grow and/or mutate as the individual is exposed to ever

>>more antigens and toxins in the environment....

>>The mechanism by which the immune system is corrupted can best be realized

>>when you understand that the two poles of the immune system (the cellular

>>and humoral mechanisms) have a reciprocal relationship in that when the

>>activity of one pole is increased, the other must decrease. Thus, when one

>>is stimulated, the other is inhibited. Since vaccines activate the B cells

>>to secrete antibody, the cytotoxic (killer) T cells are subsequently


>>This suppression of the cell mediated response is thus a key factor in the

>>development of cancer and life threatening infections. The organisms

>>continue circulating through the body, adapting to the hostile environment

>>by transforming into other organisms depending on acidity, toxicity and

>>other changes to the internal terrain of the body.

>>To recap what Dr. Carley says in more simple terms, the viruses or

>>antigens in vaccines bypass the critical first line of defense for the

>>immune system-the components in the linings of the intestines, lungs and

>>saliva. As a consequence, vaccines do not stimulate the immune system in a

>>healthy, effective manner. The side of the immune system that is supposed

>>to kill the viruses and other pathogens, the T cells, is actually

>>suppressed and becomes ineffective so it can't kill them. The B cell side

>>that causes allergic and autoimmune activity becomes over-active. So the

>>immune system becomes seriously compromised, and cannot work like it

>>should. Autoimmune conditions develop where the overactive inflammatory

>>side of the immune system starts attacking cells where pathogens or toxins

>>are hiding. Recent research shows that autism is indeed an autoimmune


>>There is another factor with vaccines that leads to the development of

>>autism. Dr. Carley explains, The antigens present in the culture media

>>itself [on which the viruses used to make the vaccine are grown] cannot be

>>completely filtered and separated from the organisms cultured thereon [the

>>vaccine's viruses]. Thus, any antibodies formed against antigens from the

>>culture cells themselves (for example myelin basic protein from chick

>>embryos or the 13 vaccines which now contain aborted human fetal cells)

>>can cross-react to form an autoimmune reaction against the myelin basic

>>protein in your myelin sheath, etc.

>>This autoimmune reaction is crucial in the development of autism. The

>>destruction of the myelin sheath protecting the nerves is one of the

>>primary causative factors for autism.

>>Molecular mimicry is due to similarity of proteins contained in organisms

>>and mammals. (For example, the measles virus is made up of proteins

>>similar to myelin basic protein; thus, antibodies formed against the

>>measles virus antigens subsequently also cause an auto-antibody attack

>>against myelin basic protein in the myelin sheath due to cross reactivity

>>of these antibodies.)

>>So not only do vaccines overload the child with toxins. They may start

>>autoimmune responses against the nerve fibers in the brain, exposing and

>>damaging them. This activity alone can cause autism. The myelin sheath

>>continues to grow until about age 10. It is important to stop the attack

>>on it as early as possible, to deal with autism at as young an age as

>>possible, so that the myelin sheath can grow normally and recover from the

>>damage to it.

>>Further proof against the idea that autism is a genetic disease

>>We occasionally get emails saying we are terrible for giving false hope to

>>parents, that vaccines are not the problem, that it just happens to some

>>children and there is nothing you can do about it. This response flies in

>>the face of parents who report excellent improvement in their children

>>using powerful cellular detoxification products like Glutathione

>>PleoLyposome and Humic Acid. Sometimes in less than a week. This argument

>>is bolstered by some research I heard about recently...

>>A researcher looked at children who had developed autism back in the

>>1930s. It turns out that every child with autism had a parent who was

>>working in an operation where they were in contact mercury, and lots of

>>it. Mercury was much more commonly used in industry and agriculture back

>>then. The fact that the only cases of autism back then were in children

>>exposed to mercury from their parents occupations is a clear sign that

>>mercury and perhaps other toxins are the fundamental problem in autism.

>>And clearly refutes the argument that autism is a genetic disease.

>>2) Lyme Disease May Cause 20% of the cases of Autism.

>>Researchers recently discovered the Lyme disease bacteria Borrelia can

>>cause autism in some children. Fetuses and babies that hadn't been exposed

>>to ticks were infected with Lyme disease. How could this be? They figured

>>out that this bacterium can be passed by human exposure, from mother to

>>child for example, not only by tick bites. It tends to run in families,

>>passing from parents to children. If left untreated, it causes brain

>>damage and many other hard to diagnose symptoms commonly found in autistic

>>children. This discovery led the researchers to find Borrelia in many

>>autistic children and their families.

>>The bacterium is able to get into the brain where it produces toxins,

>>especially when children are exposed to it at a very early age.

>>Unfortunately, Lyme disease isn't the only problem. About 40% of the time

>>these toxins get stuck in the brain because the glutathione needed to

>>remove the toxins gets used up, and cannot be replaced. The toxins disrupt

>>normal brain activity which leads to autism.

>>About 60% of the time the Lyme bacteria initiates an autoimmune response

>>against the brain. This autoimmune response is the primary cause of the

>>autism. Turning off the autoimmune response, strengthening the immune

>>system against the Borrelia bacteria, and getting the cells healthier so

>>they can resist it are all ways to help deal with this issue.

>>3) Environmental Toxins May Cause 10% of Autism.

>>Of course, vaccines are not the only source of toxins our children are

>>exposed to. We live in a highly toxic world that exposes a child to tens

>>of thousands of chemicals, including:

>>o Pesticide and herbicide residues on food

>>o Household cleaners and laundry detergent

>>o Carpets and construction materials

>>o Even breast milk, infant formula, and in the solid food you feed your


>>The list goes on and on…

>>On their own, these substances usually are not enough to cause autism or

>>its related syndromes. But when toxins, mercury and aluminum laden

>>vaccines add to the burden, the toxic overload may reach a breaking point

>>and lead to autism. However, if a child has inadvertently been exposed to

>>dangerous levels of environmental toxins, these toxins can cause autism on

>>their own.

>>So why can't the child's body gradually get rid of the toxins and recover?

>>Or to put the question another way...

>>Why do only some vaccinated children, or children with Lyme disease or

>>excess toxins, develop autism?

>>The lack of glutathione is the reason.

>>Glutathione's Connection to Autism

>>Glutathione is a protein found in every cell in your body-at least, it is

>>supposed to be. It is your body's main cellular detoxifier. The liver and

>>the lungs use a lot of it to cleanse the blood and the air we breathe. It

>>is also one of the two most important antioxidants in your body. In

>>addition, it acts as a viral killer in each and every cell in your body.

>>Research shows that glutathione is deficient in children with autism.

>>Their supply of glutathione has been used up detoxifying the overload of

>>toxins they were exposed to, whether from vaccines, or from cellular

>>pathogens and the toxins they create.

>>Glutathione is a substance produced by the body when proteins are broken

>>down into amino acids. If a child is unable to properly break down the

>>proteins into amino acids, then the body will not have enough amino acids

>>to make glutathione. It is quite likely that most children who develop

>>autism do so because they have some factors leading to poor protein


>>An autistic child is not able to replenish those levels of glutathione

>>because their digestion is impaired. The lack of glutathione means that

>>the brain can't detoxify the chemicals and heavy metals it has been

>>flooded with -- from vaccines, Lyme bacteria, foods and environmental

>>toxins. As a consequence, these heavy metals and toxins disrupt and

>>interfere with brain functioning and autism develops.

>>Healthy children with a similar toxic overload and vaccination regime who

>>have plenty of glutathione production to keep their brains detoxified may

>>not become autistic or suffer from autism related syndromes.

>>We have heard numerous reports from parents who describe how their child

>>started to improve within days of starting on the right type of

>>glutathione, which moves directly into the cells via a liposomal delivery


>>Type A blood could signal protein digestion issues.

>>About 20% of the time the lack of glutathione or the inability to produce

>>enough has something to do with having Type A blood. (There is a high rate

>>of Type A blood in autistic boys.) Children with type A blood usually have

>>a harder time digesting proteins. This poor digestion of protein leads to

>>a lack of amino acids, and thus a deficiency of glutathione.

>>o The problem proteins include poultry, meat, cow's milk, cheese and whole


>>o Easier to digest proteins include fish, egg whites, gluten, soy

>>products, nuts and seeds.

>>So it could be that a child's protein diet plays a role in whether they

>>develop autism or not.

>>Candida yeast infections inhibit glutathione production.

>>A much more important issue is Candida overgrowth. About 70% of the time

>>an autistic child can't produce glutathione is because the child has a

>>Candida yeast infection. Almost all children with autism have severe

>>Candida overgrowth.

>>Candida is yeast that is supposed to exist only in small amounts in the

>>intestinal flora. When a mother has an overgrowth that has spread

>>throughout her body, her baby is infected during birth. The baby's

>>undeveloped immune system cannot kill the Candida, and the friendly

>>bacteria the baby should have picked up from its mother are missing, so

>>Candida overgrowth develops in the baby. Toxins, vaccines, antibiotics and

>>chlorinated water also kill friendly bacteria, and allow Candida to


>>Overgrown Candida changes into a fungal form with legs that literally

>>drill holes in the intestinal wall. Partially digested protein slips into

>>the bloodstream through these holes before digestion is complete. The body

>>can't absorb any nutrition, and the immune system must try to get rid of

>>the undigested food as it does any toxin. This is a leading cause of the

>>gluten and other food allergies prevalent in autism. The foods are

>>entering the bloodstream before they are completely digested, so the

>>immune system becomes keyed to treating the foods as harmful, and

>>allergies develop.

>>A child with Candida overgrowth cannot properly digest protein. So they

>>can't produce enough glutathione to replace what gets used up in cleaning

>>environmental toxins and the heavy metals in the vaccines they have been

>>given. Consequently, a baby with Candida is more likely to be harmed by

>>vaccinations and develop autism, than is a baby who has no Candida


>>In addition, Candida yeast produce large amounts of toxins. They also

>>consume mercury in the body, and turn it into a form that is more likely

>>to disrupt the brain and nervous system.

>>Food allergies also contribute to glutathione deficiency.

>>The final 10% of the glutathione problem comes from poor digestion caused

>>by food allergies. Basically the combination of yeast infections from the

>>mother or other digestive issues reduces glutathione production. As you

>>now know, this causes some children to become autistic because they can't

>>adequately detoxify the chemicals and heavy metals they are exposed to,

>>whether environmental or from a vaccine.

>>Four Major Underlying Conditions Found in Every Autistic Child

>>1. Toxin Overload

>>An overload of toxins that the immune system is not able to get rid of

>>disrupts normal brain function. This eventually initiates an autoimmune

>>response where the immune system attacks the brain and nerve cells as it

>>tries the best it can to get rid of the toxins.

>>2. Damaged Mitochondria

>>The mitochondria are the energy producing section of your cells. When they

>>are damaged by the toxic overload in the brain cells and are not able to

>>produce energy to fuel the cell, the cell dies. An autistic child has many

>>dead or poorly functioning brain cells (where the toxic overload was not

>>quite so great and the mitochondria are producing energy at a minimal


>>Fortunately, these poorly functioning cells can be detoxified and their

>>mitochondria healed so they can produce more energy. And they have the

>>capacity to take over functions the dead cells were supposed to be doing.

>>3. Worn Out Immune System

>>Autistic children suffer from immune disregulation, which is the

>>autoimmune response mentioned previously. It means that their immune

>>systems do not respond normally. What happens is the overload of viruses

>>or bacteria wears out the side of the immune system that is supposed to

>>kill these pathogens. It becomes weak and worn out and can't get rid of

>>them. So the inflammatory side of the immune system tries to take over.

>>Unfortunately, this side is not supposed to kill pathogens, and does a

>>poor job of it. This causes chronic inflammation which destroys or injures

>>the infected myelin sheath.

>>Immune disregulation is also very apparent in the gastrointestinal health

>>of children with autism. Most suffer from symptoms ranging from diarrhea,

>>gas, and bloating to intestinal lesions and inflammation of their

>>gastrointestinal system. (This is also partly from the Candida yeast


>>4. Damaged Myelin Sheath and Exposed Nerves

>>The myelin sheath is an insulator which protects our nerves from

>>electrical impulses while simultaneously causing those impulses to travel

>>faster. When the myelin sheath surrounding and protecting the nerves

>>becomes damaged by the viruses introduced into the body by vaccinations,

>>or by the Lyme disease bacteria if a child has been exposed to that, two

>>things happen…

>>1) The nerves are damaged by the viruses and bacteria, and

>>2) further damage is inflicted on the myelin sheath by the autoimmune

>>response that develops as the immune system unsuccessfully tries to attack

>>the bacteria or viruses.

>>So what is the consequence of nerve damage and a damaged myelin sheath?


>>On a scale of 1 to 10, the pain level in a severely autistic child is a 9.

>>The spinning, the head beating, the repetitive motion, is all an

>>unconscious attempt by the child to overload their sensory system so much

>>that it shuts down and dulls the pain.

>>This is monstrous. And the fact that much of it is being inflicted on

>>children in the pursuit of profit by drug companies and doctors who don't

>>know any better will be looked at by future generations as a crime against

>>humanity. Doctors, autism workers, and parents who say there is nothing to

>>be done, that it is genetic or caused by God, or whatever people say to

>>cope with autism, are doing their child a grave disservice.

>>Something can-and must-be done to correct autism, to stop the pain, or at

>>least greatly improve it.





>>What To Give Your Child To Reverse His or Her Autistic Symptoms


>>Giving your child the best nutritional supplements that correct the

>>underlying issues causing autism is most important. If you correct these

>>issues, you will go a long way towards reversing autism. However one other

>>step is of primary importance for being able to quickly improve your

>>child. This is to give your child energetic messages that activate or turn

>>on the healing process in his or her body. Doing so greatly increases the

>>speed and depth of the response to reversing autism. Let’s start by

>>suggesting the best products for doing this.


>>Stimulate Cellular Healing in the Brain and Nerves


>>This Stimulating Cellular Health section may be a stretch for you as it is

>>completely different from the nutritional supplements and medication you

>>are used to using. Those supplements will be covered in just a minute. We

>>start with these frequency supplements because we have found them to be

>>very powerful. They make a significant improvement in the speed of

>>recovery from autism or autism related symptoms.


>>The first product we found that significantly stimulates the cells ability

>>to heal was Rejuvin. This is a frequency enhanced water which delivers a

>>message to cells when you drink it. The message the cells get appears to

>>be a command to regenerate. In other words, it turns on the healing

>>process in damaged cells so that they heal much faster then they would

>>without that stimulation. Rejuvin comes in a one liter bottle, which is a

>>month’s supply. It has worked well for autistic children. Older ones have

>>noted how it makes their brains feel good.


>>40% of Rejuvin’s benefit lies in its ability to promote the regeneration

>>of the myelin sheath, 40% because it helps regenerate brain cells, and 20%

>>because it reduces inflammation.


>>However, a number of months after Rejuvin’s development, a group of much

>>more powerful and effective Energized Elixirs were created. These two

>>ounce bottles of frequency enhanced waters deliver profoundly more

>>powerful healing messages to the body.


>>Four of the Energized Elixirs are especially valuable for reversing

>>autism - and helping to reverse it faster than normal. Following are brief

>>explanations of what each of these elixirs does. (As I mentioned, these

>>energetic elixirs are new, and may be far in front of other forms of

>>healing, as they are much more powerful in action. But they are much more

>>difficult to wrap your mind around and understand because they are so

>>new.) You can skip these and just take the nutritional supplements, but

>>your child will not respond as quickly or completely. We mention the

>>energetic value we get for these elixirs so that you have an idea of their

>>healing power.


>>Trinity Elixir is the most potent of the energy Elixirs. Energetically,

>>the standard range in the numbers we use to compare supplements or

>>medicines is from 0 to 100 with the very best supplements being at 100.

>>(Medicines are usually much lower.) This had consistently been the case

>>until these energy Elixirs were measured. (Actually, Rejuvin comes in at

>>around 500.) The elixirs are so far beyond the 0 to 100 scale as to form a

>>new healing paradigm. The Trinity Elixir is over 4,000,000 on this scale.

>>Over 40,000 times higher than the best normal non frequency enhanced



>>Trinity Elixir captures energies from very powerful healing stones from

>>India. The stones that provide the healing energies in Trinity Elixir are

>>focused on Absolute Purity, Tranquility and Infinity. Purity leads to

>>Tranquility by clearing the clutter, and Tranquility leads to Infinity.

>>The Trinity Elixir is so powerful because it comes from some of the most

>>powerful Salagrams in the world, as acknowledged by Vedic and Aurevedic

>>experts in India who have used these stones. This formula creates a

>>profound state of purification which may lead to more calmness. The

>>sequence of purification, calmness and infinity brings about dramatic

>>healing and change. The Trinity Elixir may literally eat up disease,

>>giving the individual using it great life force and healing power.


>>40% of its benefit lies in its ability to calm down a child and make him

>>or her happier. 60% of its benefit is to help regenerate the brain and

>>nerve cells.


>>Vortex Elixir is not as powerful. It measures 400,000 energetically, 4000

>>times more than the best normal supplements. It works on the vortexing

>>energies in your body. Made with a very rare type of geode found only in

>>Oregon, this Elixir amplifies energy flow in the body. The body itself is

>>surrounded by a vortex, each cell is surrounded by a vortex and energy

>>moves through channels and centers in the body based on the power of the

>>vortex. In Chinese Medicine each acupuncture point is regulated by a

>>vortex to allow life energy to reach the cells.

>>So the Vortex Elixir literally will support and improve all the vortexing

>>energy in the human body, including acupuncture points, the energy running

>>up the spine, and more. It increases the life force in the body and

>>facilitates the movement and flow of energy throughout the body.


>>40% of its benefit for autism is improving the flow of energy in the body.

>>60% of its benefit is increasing the life force in your child. As one of

>>the issues with autism is not enough cellular energy in brain cells, the

>>Vortex Elixir is quite useful.


>>Cosmic Elixir comes in, like the Trinity Elixir, at almost 4,000,000 on a

>>scale where the ordinary supplement will, if very good, measure 100. It is

>>energized with Tantric Shaligram Shilas and a Tantric Meteorite (all

>>coming from the Gandaki River). Tantric implies relationship, and thus the

>>Cosmic Elixir helps create a resonance between cells, and between a person

>>and the environment. This is necessary to bring about complete healing.

>>The meteorite and Salagrams have been used by Tantric practitioners for

>>eons. When you consume the Cosmic Elixir, its effects can be described as

>>attracting the forces of nature to bring about immediate and direct change

>>on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Of course, most

>>important is that it gives your body enormous healing power especially

>>when used with the other Elixirs that all work in slightly different ways.

>>As with all the Elixirs, it comes in a 2 ounce dropper bottle. 100% of its

>>benefit is

>> to enhance communication ability in your child.


>>InLightEner Elixir captures light energy frequencies and transfers them to

>>cells when consumed. This has important implications for improving immune

>>system response. The immune system can be perceived as a very complex and

>>vast communication system, and on the most fundamental level, the immune

>>system cells exchange information via light impulses. The light energy in

>>InLightEner enhances cellular communication. The vibrational information

>>in InLightEner allows light energy to create faster and more coherent cell

>>to cell communication to defeat disease, and to defend against disease

>>before it can get started. The US Navy did research on how the cells

>>communicate via light, and found that increasing the speed and efficiency

>>of cellular communication has a profound effect on reversing mutation

>>tendencies in DNA mechanisms. InLightEner also has a profound influence on

>>the speed and response of the nervous system.


>>40% of InLightEner’s benefit for autism lies in its ability to modulate

>>and improve immune system response. 40% lies in its ability to increase

>>energy in the cells. 20% of its benefit is psychological. It will calm a

>>child down and make them happier.


>>Take all of the Elixirs together in one glass (no water). Have the child

>>hold them in the mouth if they can for a short time before swallowing. If

>>they can’t be given this way, and must be put into other fluid, increase

>>the dosage. These elixirs are so powerful it is best to start with only a

>>drop or at most 2 drops a day. And gradually increase dosage till you get

>>up to one or two dropper squeezes a day, depending on the size of your

>>child. At two dropper squeezes a day, a bottle will last a month. So

>>initially, these elixirs will last quite a while.


>>As autism develops from an overload of toxins that your child was unable

>>to get rid of, some of the more important supplements are the unique

>>detoxification supplements covered below.


>>Detoxification Products


>>The most important detoxification product, one which we consistently hear

>>reports from parents of it causing quick and noticeable improvement in

>>their child’s autistic symptoms is...


>>Glutathione Pleolyposome. If you have been using supplements to help your

>>child deal with autism or symptoms in the autism spectrum, you likely will

>>have used glutathione or taken NAC as a precursor to making glutathione.

>>Glutathione is so important, doctors in the know always try to raise its

>>levels in autistic children. Unfortunately, glutathione is very poorly

>>absorbed, and straight glutathione supplements or even glutathione

>>administered through IVs, doesn’t get into the cells where you need to get

>>it. NAC does a poor job at stimulating production of glutathione, but it

>>does stimulate some production. Undenatured, low heat processed whey

>>protein, such as ReNewPro, does a better job. But for getting glutathione

>>into cells, nothing compares to hiding the glutathione inside

>>phospholipids - in a liposomal delivery system. Glutathione PleoLyposome

>>is the best of the liposomal delivery system glutathione products we have

>>found because the phospholipids

>> in it are processed at the high quality plants in Germany so it is much

>> more stable and works better.


>>It works because in this unique formulation, glutathione has been

>>encapsulated with essential omega 3 and omega 6 phospholipids that easily

>>enter cells. Making this the only form of glutathione that is able to

>>readily enter cells and perform the all important toxin neutralization.

>>Glutathione is the body's most important cellular detoxifier. The typical

>>glutathione supplementation or even injections have failed to increase

>>cellular glutathione levels because gets broken down in the body.

>>Glutathione PleoLyposome delivers glutathione into the cells. It is a

>>major breakthrough in glutathione supplementation. And one which products

>>quick results.


>>Start out using as little as an eighth to a quarter teaspoon for infants,

>>work up to half to one teaspoon or more for young children. There are 10

>>teaspoons in a bottle of Glutathione PleoLyposome. For therapeutic use for

>>an adult, use a bottle a week or more. More can be used in needed. One

>>mother gave her child 3 teaspoons daily at bedtime because it was the one

>>thing that helped him sleep. So a lot can be given. Start out at low doses

>>and gradually increase as it will cause a lot of change, and can stress

>>the child if you give too much too fast.


>>Ingredients: Essential Phospholipids, Reduced Glutathione, Vitamin B12,

>>Folinic Acid. Other ingredients: Water, Lecithin, Alcohol, Flax Oil,

>>Natural Flavor, Shugr, Stevia. Years ago we expected that some children

>>would be allergic to it because of the soy, and that others wouldn’t like

>>the taste, and that the alcohol in it, a preservative, could be a problem.

>>However to our amazement, our recommended supplier reports almost no

>>instances of these issues. It seems to be great for every child.


>>Glutathione PleoLyposome has had years of positive feedback from parents

>>of autistic children. It mixes easily in juice or water. Some children

>>actually prefer it straight - something that amazes me.


>>40% of its benefit is from detoxifying the brain cells. 30% comes from

>>helping to repair the myelin sheath (something we will discuss in the next

>>section), and 30% of the benefit is from glutathione’s ability to kill

>>viruses and other pathogens in cells.


>>Zeolite Enhanced - Now with DHQ is our next most important detoxifier.

>>While Glutathione PleoLyposome works inside cells, zeolite works outside

>>the cells to absorb mercury and other heavy metals. And other toxins too -

>>once it has got rid of most of the heavy metals. Zeolite has proven to be

>>such an excellent heavy metal detoxifier, we no longer suggest or

>>recommend a number of other heavy metal detoxifiers that are more commonly

>>suggested. They aren’t needed with zeolite as it is especially good with

>>mercury and lead.


>>Zeolite Enhanced - Now with DHQ is the very best liquid zeolite

>>supplement, and we have tried them all. This is because it is frequency

>>enhanced with energies that greatly increase its potency. The added DHQ

>>increases circulation and helps the zeolite get into many more parts of

>>the body. The frequencies alone make it, according to our energetic

>>measurements, 400% more potent than other liquid Zeolites. Adding the DHQ

>>to it literally increased its energetic level tenfold to 4000 in healing



>>DHQ is a powerful free radical scavenger which would help detoxify and

>>protect the brain cells and myelin sheath. Plus it enhances circulation

>>and thus is able to get more zeolite into the brain to help detoxify that

>>organ. It comes in a one ounce bottle supplying about 600 drops. Zeolite

>>is an excellent heavy metal detoxifier, especially for mercury. And pulls

>>out other toxins too. It does not upset the mineral balance in the body.

>>And zeolite is an excellent virus killer. It absorbs viral particles,

>>stopping viral replication.


>>30% of the benefits of Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ for autism is

>>detoxification. 30% is its ability to kill viruses. 40% is its free

>>radical scavenging ability which helps repair and protect brain cells and

>>the myelin sheath.


>>This product is quite potent. A young infant would start out using only 1

>>drop a day and work up to using 3 drops a day. A 20# infant would start at

>>2 drops a day and work up to 4 drops a day. For children 40#s or larger,

>>start at 3 drops a day. A 40 pound child would work up to 12 drops a day,

>>A 60# child would work up to 15 drops a day. A 100 pound person would work

>>up to 25 drops a day, and a 150 pound person would work up to 30 drops a

>>day. These would require about 1 and a half bottles per month.


>>Another excellent detoxifier that has been used successfully with autistic

>>children - producing noticeable improvement quickly, is the Humic Acid

>>Formula. Called a miracle mineral formulation. Humic acid acts as a

>>chelator of unwanted calcium deposits, and is a detoxifier of heavy

>>metals. It also improves brain function, and can balance and energize

>>cells. Acting as a free-radical scavenger, humic acid supplies vital

>>electrolytes, enhances and transports nutrients, catalyzes enzyme

>>reactions, increases assimilation, stimulates metabolism, chelates and

>>changes inorganic minerals into organically complex minerals. It modifies

>>the damage of toxic compounds such as heavy metals and free radicals. We

>>do not consider it as important as the other detoxifiers, but it is very

>>good. It also kills viruses. Children may use up to one ounce a day,

>>adults 2 ounces.


>>The next major area is to...


>>Repair Brain and Nerve Damage


>>Glutathione PleoLyposome plays an important role in this area. The

>>phospholypids that the glutathione is hidden inside provide the raw

>>materials that are needed to repair the myelin sheath that covers the

>>nerves. Using it will significantly increase the speed of repairing the

>>myelin sheath, and thus reducing nerve damage that causes pain.


>>And the Energetic Elixirs are also vital in speeding up and enhancing the

>>repair of the brain cells and nerves. There are several other products

>>that are most useful in repairing brain and nerve damage. In fact, the

>>most important supplement to give your child to help repair brain and

>>nerve damage is...


>>MindMatterRx. The developers of this product were commissioned to make the

>>best brain and nerve support and regeneration supplement possible. Looking

>>at all the research in this field, they took the best of a wide variety of

>>supplements for the brain. It works remarkably well. It contains 7 major


>>1. Acetyl-L-Carnitine – A molecule that your brain, liver and kidney

>>produce naturally, it feeds the mitochondria (the powerhouse) of your

>>cells and acts as an antioxidant. Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate in

>>combination with Acetyl-L-Carnitine has been proven to enhance cognition

>>and memory, improve mental energy, stabilize moods, and even delay the

>>progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

>>Acetyl-L-Carnitine is able to travel through the blood-brain barrier,

>>where it then helps form the brain chemical acetylcholine; it keeps

>>mitochondria (the powerhouse) working efficiently by clearing them of

>>toxic fatty-acid metabolites; and it helps regenerate neurons damaged by

>>free radicals.

>> 2. Uridine – A compound found in milk, primarily breast milk, stimulates

>> the re-growth of a brain cell’s neural connections. Something very

>> important for recovery from autism. Useful for both infants and adult

>> brain cell connections as well. Uridine promotes the healthy memory

>> storage and reinforces cell membranes. In 2000, it was discovered that

>> human brain cells had increased neurite growth in less than a week when

>> Uridine was added to brain cell cultures.

>>3. Gotu Kola – is a traditional East Indian Herb used for centuries to

>>combat the effects of memory loss and aging. When ingested it helps to

>>improve a variety of intelligence and cognitive functions. Gotu Kola

>>stimulates the outgrowth of both neurites and dendrites when added to

>>brain cell cultures.

>>4. Organically Grown Maitake – A species of medicinal mushroom found to

>>have potent immune system stimulating properties. In relation to the brain

>>cells, Maitake activates macrophages (the body’s natural defense system)

>>and increases their toxicity against foreign invaders and unhealthy cells.

>>5. Choline Bitartrate - A compound naturally found in milk and egg yolks,

>>is the precursor to Acetylcholine, which is a key brain neurotransmitter

>>(the chemical released at the connection point of axites to pass messages

>>from one cell to the other). Choline prevents memory loss by assisting

>>brain cells with the proper wiring of axites. Tests on students who were

>>“fast†and “slow†learners demonstrated that “slow†learners


>>significantly more than “fast†learners did.

>>6. Organically Grown Hericium aceus or The Lion’s Maine Mushroom –

>>Research shows that Hericium aceus contains compounds that stimulate

>>the regeneration of neurons. It helps to increase alertness, improve

>>memory, promote nervous system health and has been shown to slow the onset

>>of dementia. Very recent Japanese research indicates that an extract of

>>Hericium stimulates the synthesis of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and

>>promotes the process of myelination.

>>7. Astaxanthin – The most powerful antioxidant of all 600 recorded

>>varieties. It’s 40 times more powerful than beta-carotene and up to 150

>>times more powerful than Vitamin E. Astaxanthin can cross the blood-brain

>>barrier (the barrier that prevents harmful substances in the blood from

>>reaching the brain) and acts as a potent brain cell membrane protector.


>> MindMattersRx comes in a 90 capsule bottle. Depending on size, use from

>> one to three capsules daily. A large adult could use 3 capsules twice a

>> day. After the Elixirs, this is our most important supplement suggestions

>> as it does so much to stimulate brain and nerve cell regrowth. Followed

>> in importance by another product that stimulates brain regrowth.


>>It is not one you would think of as being useful for autism. However, when

>>one mother of an autistic child reported that her child, who had been

>>using some of these products with good benefit, started to babble almost

>>immediately after starting on this next supplement, I realized that it is

>>quite valuable for reversing autism. This unique and new supplement is



>>Pearl Powder Extract


>>Fresh water pearl powder contains highly absorbable calcium which has

>>benefit for bone growth and even some brain functioning. But far more

>>important, and the reason this extract works so well for autism, is that

>>it is the one pearl powder that contains a signal protein molecule that

>>comes from the pearl. This signal protein is very similar to a human DNA

>>signal protein and thus can play the same role in the human body.


>>Pearl Powder Extract helps reverse autism. And not because of the calcium.

>>Forty percent of its benefit for autism is that the signal protein

>>stimulates collagen production to help with the regeneration and repair of

>>the myelin sheath.


>>More importantly, this signal protein is able to stimulate the immune

>>system to detoxify brain cells. This counts for about 60% of its benefit

>>for autism. Depending on the size of the child, they may use from 1 to 8

>>capsules daily. There are 120 capsules in a bottle. We could go on talking

>>about how this Pearl Powder Extract helps increase bone density, improves

>>the skin, helps joins, is useful for any brain issue, but enough on this.


>>If you want to use another good supplement that works on repairing the

>>brain and nerve cells in another way get...


>>DHLA Nano Plex Enhanced


>>DHLA Nano PLex is a form of alpha lipoic acid that has been made nano

>>sized with probiotic fermentation. It gives significant help for

>>immune-related concerns, fatigue and brain function. Now that it is

>>frequency enhanced, literally three times as much DHLA gets into the brain

>>cells, making it an even more powerful product. DHLA has far superior free

>>radical quenching power than even R-lipoic acid. It is capable of

>>quenching every known free radical. About a quarter of its benefit is that

>>this free radical scavenging ability helps to calm overactive brain cell

>>activity. Another quarter of its benefit is that is will help to repair

>>nerve damage caused by vaccinations.


>>The remaining half of its usefulness for autism lies in DHLA’s ability to

>>increase energy production in the brain cells. This increased energy

>>production enables the cells to better repair themselves and also to

>>function at a higher level. DHLA Nano Plex Enhanced is a liquid 2 ounce

>>bottle containing 12 teaspoons of liquid. Use as little as 1/8 of a

>>teaspoon for a young infant to as much as 2 1/2 teaspoons a day for an



>>Other nutritional supplements are useful for improving brain and nerve

>>damage in autism. The Brain Complex provides a variety of herbs and

>>nutrients that supports brain and nerve development. Mycelial extracts of

>>medicinal mushrooms provide nerve tissue rejuvenation support. Four

>>phospholipids help to repair the myelin sheath. Ginko Biloba, Periwinkle,

>>and Chlorella support brain cells. The chemistry of the brain is designed

>>so that the brain cells seek small amounts of hundreds of different

>>phytonutrients in order to function ideally. That is why this product

>>includes a complex of nutrients directed to targeted cells along with

>>co-factors and transporters to insure maximum utilization for the most

>>rapid brain improvement. Use one to six capsules daily, depending on the

>>size of your child.


>>Carnosine is another nutrient that has benefit for autistic children. In

>>fact there have been some studies showing that it was quite useful in

>>helping autistic children improve. Carnosine has been shown in multiple

>>studies to inhibit lipid peroxidation which damages the myelin sheath and

>>causes cellular damage. Additional evidence suggests that carnosine may

>>help protect the brain against oxygen deprivation, can effectively protein

>>cross-linking. Carnosine is important nutrient support in the prevention

>>of or the management of numerous conditions, including autism. With this

>>vegetarian powder, use 1/8 teaspoon to 2 teaspoon daily, depending on the

>>size of your child.


>>DopaMax is a vitamin, herbal mineral formula that helps the body produce

>>dopamine and serotonin, both important brain nutrients. This helps to

>>reduce uncontrolled shaking and improve balance while increasing

>>concentration. It works effectively because ingredients in DopaMax

>>stimulate the product of nitric oxide which increases circulation and

>>helps to get the nutrients into the brain to enable it to produce more

>>dopamine and serotonin.


>>Nitric oxide enhancement of this product is rendered inactive by any form

>>of anti-inflammatory except Bayer brand aspirin. Therefore you should not

>>take anti-inflammatories while taking this product, including analgesics

>>like aspirin, Tylenol, Aleve, Motrin, Ibuprofin, etc. Increased nitric

>>oxide, which enhances the body’s natural balance, may help relieve

>>inflammation, swelling, and pain.


>>PRP Factor is a 5 ounce spray bottle of bovine colostrum immune factors

>>that does an excellent job at modulating the autoimmune response that

>>occurs in so many autistic children. By stopping this response, you stop

>>further damage to the myelin sheath and other cells in the brain. It also

>>gets the immune system working better to fight any viruses that may

>>affecting your child. Use one bottle a month of this excellent immune

>>system product. The InLightEner elixir also works to modulate immune

>>system response.


>>PRP Factor delivers thousands of bioactive nutritional compounds including

>>high therapeutic levels of PRP’s and Cytokines. As autism is an autoimmune

>>process, where the immune system is attacking the myelin sheath, this

>>product is very important to use as it is the best immune system modulator

>>we have found. PRP Factor can work within a very short time to modulate

>>the immune response. While its nutrients are known to nutritionally

>>support the immune, cytokine and endocrine systems, recent research

>>indicates that they also have powerful action against degenerative

>>conditions and infections of all types.


>> " PRP in bovine colostrum has the same ability to regulate activity of the

>>immune system as hormones of the Thymus gland. It activates an underactive

>>immune system, helping it move into action against disease-causing

>>organisms. PRP also suppresses an overactive immune system, such as is

>>often seen in the autoimmune diseases. PRP is highly anti-inflammatory and

>>also appears to act on T-cell precursors to produce helper T-cells and

>>suppresser T-cells " ...Drs. Staroscik, et. al., Molecular Immunology.

>>PRP factor is specially formulated to deliver therapeutic levels of:

>>Proline-Rich Polypeptides (PRP), Cytokines, Nine distinct growth factors,

>>Dozens of known Immune system regulators, and Lactoferrin and Transferrin.


>>Use 4 sprays twice a day in the mouth if possible. Start out for a day or

>>two at 2 sprays twice a day to work into taking this. This product has no

>>casein in it.


>>Fight Candida Overgrowth and Improve Digestive Function


>>Almost every autistic child must deal with this issue. Most likely it was

>>the underlying cause of their autism. The single best product to use for

>>this issue is a new probiotic formula that is a strong candida killer.


>>TotalFlora15. TotalFlora15 has an ability to kill Candida that may be as

>>much as 30% stronger than the very powerful ThreeLac. Plus it does an

>>excellent job of recolonizing the intestinal tract with its 30 billion

>>friendly bacteria. Even in the presence of candida. There are estimated to

>>be one hundred trillion bacteria living inside the human intestine

>>including 500 different species. This number amounts to more than TEN

>>TIMES the number of cells you have in your whole body. These bacteria

>>together weigh two to three pounds, and could be considered your first

>>organ of defense against disease, comprising as much as 80% of your body’s

>>immune system response.’


>>Most of these bacteria are referred to as " good " but others provide little

>>or no benefit. The ideal balance between them is 85% good and 15% " other " .

>>If the " others " numbers grow too large, you're not going to feel great and

>>candida yeast or other harmful bacteria will overgrow and cause all types

>>of health issues. This is why it is so important to help the good numbers

>>stay high.


>>TotalFlora15 brings together two of the most widely accepted groups of

>>probiotics - the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. They work

>>together to maintain a balance of " good " bacteria within your digestive



>>Also added to this combination is the Streptococcus Thermophilus a highly

>>versatile fast acting strain of friendly bacteria that also acts as a free

>>radical scavenger. This additional strain works hand in hand with the 10

>>strains of Lactobacillus and four from the Bifidobacterium family to kick

>>start a good bacteria bloom that promotes healthy intestinal function, and

>>works with your immune system to inhibit candida overgrowth.


>>Each and every capsule of TotalFlora15 probiotics brings you 15 individual

>>strains of specialized healthy bacteria. A private army of thirty billion

>>soldiers ready to go to work cleaning and balancing your digestive tract.

>>Each capsule also contains a small supply of Ascorbic Acid which assists

>>in several important ways. First it keeps the bacteria viable in the

>>bottle by maintaining the best pH. And once it is exposed in the

>>intestines, the Ascorbic Acid helps modify the growing environment making

>>it more suitable for the bloom of the good bacteria in TotalFlora15.

>>Depending on the size of the child, take 1 to 4 capsules daily half an

>>hour before meals.


>>CandiClear5. This pound and a half container of powder is actually a

>>slightly better candida killer. But it doesn’t replenish the intestinal

>>flora like TotalFlora15 does. And it is much harder to take. The main

>>ingredient in CandiClear5 is a freshwater diatomaceous earth that shreds

>>up any parasites and candida that come in contact with it. It does a

>>superb job of killing candida. Plus, its porous structure absorbs toxins

>>and waste debris to help reduce die-off symptoms from the candida

>>kill-off. You get a large amount, 10 grams, of diatomaceous earth per 20

>>gram serving. And 4.5 grams of zeolite powder which attracts and absorbs

>>mercury and other heavy metals, helps absorbs other toxins, and works to

>>adjust the bodies pH to a more alkaline state. All important for

>>eliminating candida. Plus it has a proprietary blend of 4600 mg of 12

>>other ingredients with immune boosting, candida killing and

>>anti-inflammatory properties: Xylitol, a sweetener that does

>> not feed candida, and actually helps to kill it.

>>A Yeast Extract that boosts immune system response against Candida and

>>cancer. (Don't worry, it doesn't feed candida or cause it to multiply.)

>>Vitamin C, Organic Burdock Root, Organic Cinnamon, Barley Grass

>>concentrate 10:1, Broccoli Sprout concentrate, Parsley Concentrate 4:1,

>>Astragalus 5:1, the very important Russian Alagan 10% DHQ that is great

>>for fighting cancer and killing candida, Polycil humic and fulvic acid

>>formula. All of these boost the immune system response against candida, or

>>directly kill candida.


>>CandiClear5 is a powder and your child may not like taking it. One

>>suggestion is to mix it into food such as oatmeal, or bake it in a muffin

>>or cookie or some such thing. It will kill the candida that come to eat

>>the carbs it is mixed or baked into.


>>Zeo3 is a 4 ounce spray bottle that delivers a specially processed water

>>that kills candida. Spray it into the mouth 4 times a day. Ideally it

>>should be held there for a minute before swallowing. Not quite as good as

>>CandiClear5, it works in a different way and can be used with it, or in

>>place of it if you can’t get your child to take CandiClear5.


>>Ultra Blend is another probiotic formula that kills candida and

>>recolonizes. Not quite as good as TotalFlora15, but provides a specific

>>bifidus bacterium that infants and children are supposed to have the most

>>of. One bottle will last a small child a couple of months, a larger child

>>a month. Biotic Bloom is a chicory root powder supplying FOS. It feeds the

>>friendly bacteria in your child’s intestinal tract, or yours, so that the

>>bacteria grow in number. It is one of the best ways to increased the

>>amount of friendly bacteria in the guts.


>>Digestion needs improvement when dealing with autism. One basic is to take

>>a good digestive enzyme with food. It can be taken as a capsule or opened

>>up and mixed in food. The enzymes in it work to break down the food so

>>that it is better assimilated. The PhytoBio Enzymes are the best enzyme

>>formula we know of. They have more enzymes for the money than other



>>Cleaning off the walls of the intestinal tract and helping the leaky gut

>>heal up will increase absorption of nutrients too. Indigest Free is an

>>herbal formula, tablets, that works to clean off the walls of the

>>intestinal tract and helps heal the leaky gut caused by candida

>>overgrowth. O3Right is a magnesium dioxide product that you take at

>>bedtime. Capsules. It primarily helps to clean out the colon and relieve

>>constipation. The oxygen it releases will also help to kill bad bacteria

>>and viruses in the intestinal tract. After you gradually work into the

>>full dosage, a bottle would last a month for an adult, several months or

>>longer for a small child.


>>Out of all these, what does my child need to take?


>>We have heard of so many positive benefits from taking even one or two of

>>the best supplements covered in this report, you may just want to start

>>with one or just a few of the best. You will see benefit. Your child will

>>improve more, and improve faster, if more products are taken. (As long as

>>you make sure you introduce them one at a time and in very small doses so

>>that you don’t overwhelm your child with too much change or



>>So below is a list the best products in order of importance. If you just

>>want to start with one or two, choose from this list. If you can afford to

>>be more aggressive in reversing autism or autistic symptoms, use all of

>>these and any of the other supplements you may like to try.


>>To make it easier to decide what to get, the best supplements are listed

>>in what we consider to be their order of importance - though that is just

>>our opinion.


>>A small child or infant would work up to the minimum amount per month, an

>>adult or a child the size of an adult would work up to the maximum

>>suggested dosage, and other sized children fall somewhere in-between. As

>>we were only able to find one source for a number of these unique

>>supplements, we will also give you that source’s pricing. Just so you may

>>have a quicker time deciding what you may or may not want to do.


>>Autism Protocol


>>Work up to 1 to 2 dropper squeezes daily - start with 1 to 2 drops daily

>>of: Trinity Elixir, Vortex Elixir, Cosmic Elixir, InLightEner. $99.95


>>1 bottle of MindMattersRx $69.95 1/2 to 3 capsules per day

>>1 container Pearl Powder Extract $69.95 Use 1 to 8 capsules a day.

>>1 to 4 bottles monthly of Glutathione PleoLyposome $43.95 or 3+ $39.95

>>1 bottle of Rejuvin $59.95 Take 2 tsp. 3 times a day, less for an infant.

>>1/10 bottle to 2 bottles monthly Zeolite Enhanced - Now with DHQ $49.95

>>each Start with a few drops per day and work up to as much as 40 drops a

>>day for an adult.

>>1 bottle TotalFlora15 $44.95 1 to 4 capsules per day


>>This entire protocol is in a combo if you want to order all of these

>>products at one time. It is called the Combo A-1 Revised.

>>Using all of these products should take about 4 to 7 months to see huge

>>improvement in, and hopefully a complete reversal of autism. This time may

>>vary naturally.


>>Even with the top four products only, you will most likely start noticing

>>improvement in your child within days. With the Glutathione PleoLyposome

>>and Zeolite Enhanced, you will need to start at smaller dosages and

>>gradually increase, they deal with toxins, and you don’t want to do too

>>much too fast. Also start with very small doses of the Elixirs as they are

>>extremely powerful healers and you must introduce them slowly to the body.

>>You will know if you are starting with a bit too much if your child starts

>>acting more stressed, has more behaviors, etc. It’s more than he or she

>>can easily handle so you reduce the amount and increase more slowly.


>>If these time estimates are not quite accurate for your child, use the

>>supplements until the autism is gone. At this point, continue to use the

>>Rainbow Elixir, the TotalFlora15 and the Pearl Powder Extract for one full

>>year. After that, TotalFlora15 can be continued as a maintenance product

>>for life to make sure your child continues to thrive.


>>Our recommended supplier will give a 30 day money back guarantee on these

>>products. Based on what we have seen, this is more than enough time for

>>you to see to your satisfaction that they are helping your child.


>>Good luck. By the way, these products do work as virtually 100% of the

>>parents we spoke with who have started on these have noticed improvement.

>>Some are so new, no one has used them long enough to see complete

>>reversals yet, but that possibility is most likely as we have heard of

>>complete reversals using some of our not quite as good products. Just

>>follow the instructions and start them in small amounts so that they don't

>>do too much too fast.



>>1. GetHealthyAgainStore.com is the online alternative health store we

>>recommend as they carry all these products and are quite knowledgeable.

>>They will have more information on all these supplements, and more. You

>>can place phone orders by calling them at or .

>>2. www.organicconsumers.org/ is a website that is leading the battle

>>against this watering down the organic standards.

>>3. www.seedsofdeception.com will give you many more details about the

>>dangers of and insanity of this push to genetically modify foods and foist

>>them on an unsuspecting public.


>>www.zacbrowser.com is a web browser designed for autistic children that is

>>well worth checking out.




>>Love, Gabby. :0)



>> " I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God

>>had some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry









> ------------------------------------



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