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Fw: taking that gingko and the first changes

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Poor little Ian has been taking this concotion of awful tasting stuff since he was 11 weeks old.

Most of the time it doesn't phase him, as long as he gets his yogurt. I see that most of you are

givint the ginko in pill form. Is there anything wrong with the liquid? I get it from the same

place as i get the Nutriviene. It looks truly dreadful. We use juice for most of the liquid stuff,

except CLO. Grape Juice hides a mulititude of sins. Ian doesn't eat sweets, flat refuses. But

yogurt is a life saver. He'd eat his weight in it. I may be crazy (and it's probably true), but Ian

has only been taking ginko for a little over a week, and I'd swear he's verbalizing more. I seem

to have noticed more complex arrangements of words, too. He seems to be a little more

cooperative or better with following through with requests (like asking him to go get something or

do something). I'm trying not to see something where there isn't, but how long was it before

you all noticed anything?

Donna K.

Have you tried a teaspoonful of cinnamon flavored applebutter? That covered the taste of the nutrivene powder for Danny when he had to take the powdered form of it.


From: DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@yahoogroup s.com [mailto:DownSyndrom eInfoExchange@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Kathi EichmanSent: Monday, December 29, 2008 8:11 PMTo: DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@yahoogroup s.comSubject: RE: [DownSyndromeInfoEx change] taking that gingko lol

Hi Angie,

I remeber you said that Sydnie doesn't eat oatmeal, so that won't work. But maybe something like oatmeal. I think it works so well with Tess because it already is pretty lumpy. But she won't take the whole pill in it. I cut the pill into quarters with a pill cutter, and she takes them that way. Good luck with your experimenting. It's so frustrating trying to get something that's so good for them into kids!


From: DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@yahoogroup s.com [mailto:DownSyndrom eInfoExchange@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of angieSent: Monday, December 29, 2008 9:55 AMTo: DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@yahoogroup s.comSubject: RE: [DownSyndromeInfoEx change] taking that gingko lol

I actually usually always taste what she has to take but good grief Im scared of it because Ive heard how awful it is….There is alottttttt of powder in that capsule!


http://www.iGive. com/sydnies1sold iers


An extra little chromosome,that's all it is, you see.Where all of you were born with two,She was blessed with three.

From: DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@yahoogroup s.com [mailto:DownSyndrom eInfoExchange@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Carol in ILSent: Monday, December 29, 2008 9:53 AMTo: DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@yahoogroup s.comSubject: Re: [DownSyndromeInfoEx change] taking that gingko lol

have you tasted the stuff Angie? It's vile and the bitterness lingers long after you swallow. :-(I honestly don't think there is any way to hide the stuff. I mix it in the smallest amount of honey I can, and just make her take it with a chaser of juice.It's right up there in taste with liquid zantac, which she had to take since birth, so she is used to it. Doesn't like it, but will do it at least.

Carol in ILMom to , 8 DS My problem is not how I look. It's how you see me.

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From: angie <atate526charter (DOT) net>To: DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@yahoogroup s.comSent: Monday, December 29, 2008 8:47:28 AMSubject: [DownSyndromeInfoEx change] taking that gingko lol

Ive tried several times to get Syd to take her Gingko….first time was ketchup and she stopped eating it half way down the container we were at Zaxby’s….and she said yuck and stopped eating it….SHE DOESN’T STOP EATING KETCHUP lol Then I tried putting the capsule in pudding and encouraging her to just swallow swallow swallow with MY mt dew to chase….she spit it out everytime…so then I put it in the pudding and she took two bites and wouldn’t eat it….ughhh


http://www.iGive. com/sydnies1sold iers


An extra little chromosome,that's all it is, you see.Where all of you were born with two,She was blessed with three.

From: DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@yahoogroup s.com [mailto: DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@yahoogroup s.com ] On Behalf Of CarlsonSent: Monday, December 29, 2008 9:37 AMTo: DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@yahoogroup s.comSubject: Re: [DownSyndromeInfoEx change] Epicatechins, neurogenesis, dark chocolate

What??? Wait here.. Dark choc does what? Gotta read that link.

I thought it was good for you? Personally I hate the taste.

Sam sleeps like a rock, and has a strict schedule..( her body's schedule) This kid literally fell asleep on Santa's lap last year ROFLOL.. cause it was " that time of the day" . YEs.. we got pics.. LOL She is not on any meds for sleep.

She is on the Ginkgo though. I ahve been happy with it.


[DownSyndromeInfoEx change] Epicatechins, neurogenesis, dark chocolate

http://www.google. com/search? hl=en & client=firefox- a & rls=org.mozilla% 3Aen-US%3Aoffici al & hs=KV6 & q=neurogenesis+ and+dark+ chocolate & btnG=SearchIt's not rocket science, I googled over 2300 citations on neurogenesis and dark chocolate. I already KNOW about epicatechins, http://www.scienced aily.com/ releases/ 2007/03/07031120 2024.htm. And silly me, I was just giving it to Maia, DS 9mos, because I wanted her to sleep better. Now, she's sleeping through the night and so am I. She's alert, active and doing great.I have questions... lots of them. Do DS kids sleep well on average? WHY ARE WE DRUGGING THEM WITH PROZAC TO SLEEP???? I don't GET THIS.Long term Prozac use is HARMFUL, and where oh where is Breggin's site on Prozac?? HELP, let's not kill our kids with Prozac.

http://www.breggin. com/I know that I'm not the only parent who's sitting up nights, researching and reading and LIVING with a baby with DS, and we don't need to be rocket scientists to figure this out. I don't think that the opponents of the Changing Minds protocol are wrong because they're trying to keep a DS cure from parents. They are opponents because there are REAL DANGERS to that protocol. Please, please.... the first rule of HEALING is DO NO HARM.Warmest regards, Moe Webster http://www.jujuyouz .mobi "Comprehensive energetic coaching solutions utilizing the power within YOU!" "What we nurture in ourselves will grow; that is nature's eternal law." ~Goethe

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