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Re: I have found my infection, in my root-filled tooth

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Hi Pam, Boy, this infected tooth scenario is exactly what some of us have been trying to warn pwc about for years now, right down to the predictable thyroid issues. And while I agree that the mercury can do some serious harm, I hope you recognize how extremely harmful that infection is. Just because you pulled the tooth doesn't mean they stopped the infection. If that infection has worked its way into your jaw, which it almost certainly has by now, then you're still going to be fighting the fight. Did your dentist have anything to say about this? How are you being treated after the extraction? Are you on at least 2 abx? Next extraction I have, I'll be on blood thinners, and multi abx, possibly i.v. Extracting the tooth is just the tip of the iceberg. I pray your doc has got you on some serious follow-up antimicrobial therapy that can penetrate bone and reach the infected site. And if you can't get Rx blood

thinners, then explore the over-the-counter blood thinners, including aspirin related products, to get the drugs to the bugs. They are good at walling themselves off. While it's good in theory to break through that wall, many of us have found that extractions have made us sicker because it allows the infection to spread. I hope the doc can tell you that he got all the infected bone out, and that he cleaned it up really well with a topical antibiotic and now has you on some follow up abx to prevent the spread of the bug. penny p.s. Was the extracted tooth in your upper or lower jaw? doggy532001 <doggy532001@...> wrote: Just thought I would let everyone know that I have at last found the probable reason why I my immune system got completely overwhelmed and I developed ME. Two weeks ago I had my only root-filled tooth extracted. It had 2 stainless pins in it and a metal post but one of the pins was corroded into the jawbone below the level of one of the roots and it was full of infection.That tooth had been there for about 25 years so no wonder I didn't get better when I had my amalgams removed 5 years ago as I had expected to. Actually it is a double whammy for me because my immune system strongly reacts to mercury, and nickel and there would have been some nickel in the stainless steel pins and the metal post. It might also explain why my mercury

level on a lymphocyte sensitivity test only fell from 255 to 220 in 3 years and I had done 1 year of chelation with alpha lipoic acid which hadn't worked. I was being exposed to nickel on a daily basis and that is probably why the nickel number has risen to 355 on the most recent test.Some good news was the mercury has now fallen to 120 which is considered almost normal so its taken 5 years post removal to get where I am with mercury. The biochemist found I only possess a low number of mental binding enzymes which probably explains why I got poisoned in the first place.There is no question that for me I was poisoned first way back when I was 15 and had a TB jab which would have contained thimerosal (.mercury). It didn't clear up for a year I had to go to the doctors practically weekly to try and get it to clear up. I remember the following year getting nosebleeds that scared me so much, they would just

start flowing out of nowhere. Obviously things had changed for the worse by then and the mercury caused me to have a baby with a neural tube defect in 1973 when I was just 25 years old.Next year I will be 60 so I still stand a chance of being well but it will be limited because my endocrine system has been completely messed up by the mercury and nickel and my adrenals cannot function without 5mg Prednisolone and my thyroid without Armour and a bit of thyroxine.Don't let anybody tell you there are no problems with mercury and dental amalgams cos I know its a lie.Pam

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Your story just gives me chills.

I also got sick at 25 and will be 60 next year.. (but I've been OK for

about 3 years)

But I'm so glad you found the root of infection (pardon the pun) -

Now that it's outta there you may feel better than you expect to.

Let's hope so!.



> Just thought I would let everyone know that I have at last found the

> probable reason why I my immune system got completely overwhelmed and

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> Pam:


> Your story just gives me chills.

> I also got sick at 25 and will be 60 next year.. (but I've been OK


> about 3 years)


> But I'm so glad you found the root of infection (pardon the pun) -

> Now that it's outta there you may feel better than you expect to.


> Let's hope so!.



> Barb


Hi Barb and Penny

Thanks for your good wishes.

It is now nearly 3 weeks since the extraction and the dentist did

clean and scrap the bone after the extraction. I took one week of

500 mg amocillin x 3 and since then I have moved on to the high dose

Buhner herbs which suit me so well.

I am glad to say that the last 4 days I have started to do really

well again as I was prior to the extraction, having had the best 2

months I can remember. It took 2 weeks for my energy to return, I

felt dreadful during that time but thankfully I feel really well


Its the first time that I can remember pressing on my jawbone causes

no pain whatsoever whereas it always used to feel a bit bruised.

A very specialised blood test I had done in August showed that I have

a low number of metal binding enzymes which explains why I got so

poisoned by the mercury and 50% of the ones I do have are occupied by

nickel instead of the usual co-factor which is manganese. Therefore

nickel and maybe a bit of residual mercury are blocking my ATP which

completely fits with how I feel. My problems only arise when I try

to walk or stand for more than 30 minutes. Luckily if I rest I soon

recover so I am quite optomistic that things will get even better.

The big question for me is whether my adrenals will ever recover cos

I need 5mg Prednisolone every day along with the 2 grains Armour plus

25 thyroxine.



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I am also sick from my dental

my root canal did it to me. many/most? root canals cause infections

and health problems. however mine, they left a spcae, an air pocket

when it got sealed up so in addition to infetions I got molds and tons

of them.

I was told I would never get well unitl this was either fixed or removed.

I want to try a non toxic european style rc redo/encocal/biocalex,

although I know that is a crap shoot. I believe it is better than

pulling the tooth as I am so sick already I dont want to risk more

spread of infection and mold.

If I get a root canal redo, I then have the opportunity to get some

samples from in there, can anyone suggest what I could test for

that way? infections bacteria molds, etc lyme? and what kinds of

tests could use a culture in this way.

I am well versed in root canal problems so I dont want to open the can

of worms of arguing over it. My options all kinda suck and this is

the one I picked. everyone should know by now that root canals are a

danger to your health., as is pulling things when you already ahve



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A tooth that is diseased is more like a splinter than a part of your

anatomy, hence the ill health...Trying to clean a diseased tooth

isn't about removing the mechanisms of inflammation(root canaling),

it should be more about sterilisation and the inflammation mechanisms

left in place...I feel strongly by taking away the inflammation

triggers your pushing problems deeper in... The other scary part of

this whole dental ordeal is the move away from silver amalgams to

white fillings that house bacteria like 5 star accomodation..Such a

crap shoot this whole amalgam removal mercury story and a huge money

spinner..Silevr doesn't promote any bacterial attachment the other

composites are in my own tooth testing compounds of wall to wall



> -


> I am also sick from my dental


> my root canal did it to me. many/most? root canals cause infections

> and health problems. however mine, they left a spcae, an air pocket

> when it got sealed up so in addition to infetions I got molds and


> of them.


> I was told I would never get well unitl this was either fixed or


> I want to try a non toxic european style rc redo/encocal/biocalex,

> although I know that is a crap shoot. I believe it is better than

> pulling the tooth as I am so sick already I dont want to risk more

> spread of infection and mold.


> If I get a root canal redo, I then have the opportunity to get some

> samples from in there, can anyone suggest what I could test for

> that way? infections bacteria molds, etc lyme? and what kinds of

> tests could use a culture in this way.


> I am well versed in root canal problems so I dont want to open the


> of worms of arguing over it. My options all kinda suck and this is

> the one I picked. everyone should know by now that root canals are a

> danger to your health., as is pulling things when you already ahve

> infections.

> amy


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