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virus like particles cause ideopathic scoliosis/inflammation&massage oil therapy

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lanaedahl@... on to find out what raindrop therapy is, and

to read Lanae's bio.Raindrop TherapyFor scoliosis, Back and Neck pain,

injuries, boosts immune function.Massage Therapist Dream Come True.A

growing amount of scientific research shows that certainmicroorganisms

may lodge near the spinal cord and contribute todeformities. Studies

done at Western General Hospital in Scotland,linked virus-like

particles to idiopathic scoliosis. New research in2001 has found that

the existence of

microorganisms near the spinecould cause spinal pain and inflammation.

The oils that are used inthe Raindrop Technique are anti microbial,

antiviral, antibacterial,so the benefits are immense and effect many

conditions. A number ofmedical professionals throughout the United

States have adopted RT intheir clinical practice and have found it to

be an outstandingresource for aiding sciatica; scoliosis, kyphosis,

and can benefit theimmune system (i.e.-cold\flu, immune disorders) and

much more.Raindrop Therapy is a treatment that can be added to what a

massagetherapist is currently doing, or can be a " stand alone "

treatment. Ifsomeone is working within a Chiropractic office this is a

greatenhancement to a practice. For the therapist practicing

RaindropTherapy, they get wonderful results with far less physical

strengthand less effort. Raindrop Therapy is a wonderful therapy

forChiropractors and Physical Therapists. It can also be taught to

laypeople and is a great thing to share

with friends and family. 1) The Raindrop Therapy incorporates twelve

different essential oilsand two different massage oils. These oils are

applied in a specificway and specific order. There is a hydrotherapy

application thatassists in the delivery of the oils to deep tissues.

There is aMassage process to go along with the oils to promote

relaxation andlengthens the tissues in the back and neck. Though this

treatment ismostly thought of in regards to the back and neck you can

receivebenefits to other areas of the body such as, elbow pain,

shoulderpain, knee pain, etc…

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