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new lyme diagnosis / many infections, sinus, how many doctors?penny paula et al

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hi everyone

if you are trying to test for lyme I suggest igenex labs. I joined

the CA lyme group on and they referred me to a good doc who

tested me for lyme the first day and got a positive. western blot 1gg

and Igm /igenex lab both panels showed positive/ active infection

there are ticks in both CA and Conn where I ahve lived.

I also ahd a monolike thing in 1977, it was tested and diagnosed as

mono, although it only lasted a week, where mono lasts longer, so I

ahve alwasy wondered if thsi was correctly diagnosed.

I am actually happy to have a lyme diagnosis finally. now maybe we can

figure out how to treat it.

I am starting amoxocillan. they want vitamins, sam-e, and coQ10 also

acidopolus. when I asked about glutahione he says same-e and coq10 are

addressing similar thing, for my immune and glutathione can come later.

I am already on 5htp, tyrosine,b-12, b-6 and vit D. I think I might

have celiac, and this dr agreed to test but I am seeking a dr who does

a special celiac lab.

now, I recall back in then mycoplasma /fermentans trteatment days they

said penicillan type meds (like amox) would make the myco worse.

I do/did have myco and wonder about this .

I also tested pos in my blood for mercury. Alot of my problems a re

from a root canal/mold pocket, and there could be mold in ther or in a

crown? otherwise I ahve no mercury left in.

this dr is in thousand oaks, but there are Igneix kind of lyme docs

all through CA see the CA lyme group. Both the mercury blood and

western blot I ahd done by ohter drs wiht other labs and they came

back negative, but years ago.

I am impressed wiht this drs results.

however, I am so confused as to how to find out all the infections

molds viruses. MUST I KNOW THEM ALL before I start the lyme treatment?

I am quite sure I would have staph A from teh root canal situation, as

well as many others.

I have tested positive blood antigen for molds.

prior myco, epstein barr

I ahve cfids and fibro diagnosis. My fibro was also diagnosed? by a

SPECT scan/brain pattern

I ahve huge sinus infections to maxillary , behind eyes, etc, these

have never been diagnosed as to what infections or meds, never treated

the lyme dr thought that my toxic solvent interpretation of a SPECT

could be due to a lyme cause/same profile on SPECT.however I am pretty

ceratin the root canal issues caused the toxic solvent profile, but

this is an intriguing statement.

I asked the lyme dr to do the co-infections. test. He interepreteed

that as being babesio borellia etc, and thought I don't need them.

then after really forcing the issue he said maybe I would need them as

if certain things show then I might need IV abx.

but what I was talking about were other infections like cytomegavirus

myco Herpes and all the etc of cfids infections. he said go see a

cfids dr for those...????

and what about sinus??? he thought amox. would help the sinus, so

said just do that.. only after forcing the issue he says alright then

go see an ENT.

now to top this off, it is rumored that my mold dr has passed away. dr

M. HE IS THE ONE WHO SAID that I'd have to treat the mold first or

abx would NEVER WORK. now I ahve no one to ahve this lyme dr to talk

to re this idea...

note re lyme....I do not recall a tick bite and certainly not a rash.

apparently atiny tick the size of a poppyseed can also infect....I

also have a a theory that ticks are not the only way this is spread,

not based on any research though.

I also wonder if my mystery mono-like infection of 1977 could be

somehow related.

at the end of my doc visit I asked about treating the mercury first.

he thought that might make more sense, but we were out of time and

stuck to plan a.

6 capsules x 500 per day of amoxicillan.this from a knowledgable lyme

specialist. see dr again in 2 weeks.

the first day I could only sleep then that wore off.

I am very concerned that I do not detox right. concerned about

kidney, which is listed in warnings for amox.

when I took levaquin/a quinoline, a mold med OR EVEN ayurvedic

herbal treatment each of these caused ligament/arthritis issues.

when I tried to treat myco/fementans I was on doxy and zithro for 1

1/2 years.CSImmunology. however this was some kind of specail low

dose. the lyme dr says, welll then you've already had the lyme doxy

treatment, BUT I THINK the wrong dose was then useless...???

am happy to find a lyme doc, and he beliives in mercury and in root

canal, but does not really care about the sinus tests or the other

infections/cfids.....I am frustrated....

I am thinking just to try the amoxixillan and see what happens???

any ideas welcome

thanks, amy

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