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Re: french clay cures infections? staph aureus / MRSA

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I think there's merit to the clay treatment, as well as charcoal, the latter which is used in the hospital setting for drug overdoses and poisonings. I've used charcoal successfully for gastrointestinal problems, and tried liquid bentonite clay (doesn't taste bad at all) but ended up giving it to a friend who was having severe stomach problems. It helped him a lot. This reminds me that I should go back to it. The issue is timing the dosing correctly, as you can't take it anywhere near your other meds or it will counteract their effectiveness by absorbing them. If you take a lot of meds and/or supplements, you can find this very tricky to pull off. But IMO both clay and charcoal have great potential to treat bugs whereever the clay comes in contact with them, either in the intestines, or on your skin. penny amydent9 <amydent9@...> wrote: Minerals in French Clay Cure Deadly Drug-Resistant bacteriaBoulder, CO, USA - French clay that kills several kinds ofdisease-causing bacteria is at the forefront of new research intoage-old, nearly forgotten, but surprisingly potent cures. Among themalevolent bacteria that a French clay has been shown to fight is a"flesh-eating" bug (M. ulcerans) on the rise in Africa and the germcalled MRSA, which was blamed for the recent deaths of two children

inVirginia and Mississippi."There are very compelling reports of clay treating infections, butthat's anecdotal evidence, not science," said Lynda , anassociate research professor in the School of Earth and SpaceExploration at Arizona State University, Tempe. iscoordinating three teams of U.S. researchers (at ASU, USGS, andSUNY-Buffalo) studying healing clays under a two-year, $440,000 grantfrom the National Institutes of Health-National Center forComplementary and Alternative Medicine. Her ASU colleague Haydel is lending her expertise in clinical medicine to perform themicrobiological research.For thousands of years, people have used clay to heal wounds, sootheindigestion, and kill intestinal worms. Though the practice hasdeclined in modern times, the recent rise of drug-resistant germs hasscientists looking more closely at these ancient remedies to learnexactly what they can do

and how they do it."We're beginning to generate the first scientific evidence of why someminerals might kill bacterial organisms and others might not," said.In laboratory tests at ASU's Biodesign Institute, co-PI Haydel, anassistant professor in the School of Life Sciences, showed that oneclay killed bacteria responsible for many human illnesses, including:Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA),penicillin-resistant S. aureus (PRSA), and pathogenic Escherichia coli(E. coli).It also killed Mycobacterium ulcerans, a germ related to leprosy andtuberculosis that causes the flesh-eating disease Buruli ulcer. Thiseffect was first described in 2002, by Line Brunet de Courssou, aFrench humanitarian working in the Ivory Coast, Africa, who curedBuruli ulcers with daily applications of French clay she knew fromchildhood. Currently, advanced cases of Buruli ulcer can only be

curedby surgical excision or amputation.The new medicinal clay research will be presented on Monday, 29October 2007, at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting inDenver.In the same session there will be a related presentation describingthe work 100 years ago of Julius Stumpf, a German physician andscientist who used white clay from Germany to treat a deadly form ofAsian cholera; diphtheria; gangrene; ulcers of the tibia (a bonebetween the knee and foot); and the skin disease eczema.http://www.geosociety.org/news/pr/07-58.htm

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