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Re: Pandas

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See the pasted info below that I received from Kathy on

this board...

She also told me that sometimes symptoms like fever and sore throat

do not have to be present for a child to have strep.

Hope this helps.

in Missouri

" Is D.J. by chance sick, or was he recently (within the past few

months)? There

is a type of OCD that is infection-caused (strep A bacteria). It is

characterized by an abrupt, near-overnight explosion of severe

symptoms that

then tail off slowly as the child's circulating antibodies to strep

A fall.

This is referred to as PANDAS which stands for Pediatric Autoimmune

Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcus. It may be

wise to

take him to his ped for a throat culture to rule in/out a strep

infection. A

blood test (may be difficult to get a sample given D.J.'s current


obsessions) will show if his strep titers are elevated. "

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, There are some PANDAS kids in this group. I think the subject

was recently brought up. You might want to search our " archives " for

PANDAS and see what turns up.

I had wondered at one time if my son had PANDAS OCD as his OCD seemed

to come on overnight, although he'd always had a few minor OCD

behaviors. His OCD also got really bad last spring during a bout of

strep. But I think with him it's just OCD and gets worse when he

runs fevers or is sick, etc.

Keep us updated on how your son is doing!

> Does anyone else have a child with PANDAS? My son was recently

> diagnosed with it. He recently went through an exacerbation of his

> OCD symptoms because he had strep throat without our knowledge.

> After about three months of intense OCD symptoms, he was doing

> considerably better. Then he had one day, last week, where he


> sluggish, but he didn't have a fever and he didn't complain of a


> throat. The very next day, he began asking for reassurance again.

> For the past week, his OCD symptoms are escalating again. I don't

> want to overact when he doesn't feel good, but I certainly want to

> get him antibiodics if he has strep to help prevent these

> exacerbations. How do I know? Has anyone else had this problem?

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Hi there, my child is a PANDAS child and when she has an abrupt

upswing of OCD symptoms I take her to her pediatrician for a throat

culture to determine if she has a strep infection, and antibiotics if

she does. Our ped was reluctant to do this sometimes since she often

didn't have any other signs of strep infection, only the suddenly

worse OCD symptoms. Her psychiatrist called her to explain PANDAS

and why it was important to go ahead and test in her case even if she

wasn't presenting the full clinical picture of a strep infection.

This was a few years ago, perhaps now pediatricians are more aware of

PANDAS and the reason to rule in/out strep when these kids have

abrupt worsenings.

Adding to the confusion is, since my child has gotten older, many of

her abrupt exacerbations have been caused by other germs or viruses,

not strep. This is consistent with what Dr. Swedo of the NIMH

has been reporting as true of some PANDAS kids.

When Kel's worsening is due to something other than strep, she

typically has abruptly worse OCD for 4 or so days, then she'll start

in with fever or congestion or some other physical symptom that shows

she is ill. Around that same time, the OCD symptoms will start to

slowly wane.


Kathy R. in Indiana

> Does anyone else have a child with PANDAS? My son was recently

> diagnosed with it. He recently went through an exacerbation of his

> OCD symptoms because he had strep throat without our knowledge.

> After about three months of intense OCD symptoms, he was doing

> considerably better. Then he had one day, last week, where he


> sluggish, but he didn't have a fever and he didn't complain of a


> throat. The very next day, he began asking for reassurance again.

> For the past week, his OCD symptoms are escalating again. I don't

> want to overact when he doesn't feel good, but I certainly want to

> get him antibiodics if he has strep to help prevent these

> exacerbations. How do I know? Has anyone else had this problem?

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  • 2 years later...

I don't have any experience with TF/Xymogen and this is the first I have heard

of this side

effect. I'm sorry.

- Stan

> > >

> > > We got results from Immunosciences for PANDAS

> > panel.

> > > There are three abnormalities with IgM. Does this

> > mean

> > > he has PANDAS?

> > >

> > > Meanwhile while on transfer factor and Oral

> > > Immunoglobulins(Xymogen) he kicked up croup-like

> > > cough/runny nose/fever/5-6 cold sores on face. He

> > is

> > > willing to sleep despite having slept only 5 hours

> > in

> > > the last 30 hours.

> > >

> > > We are a little worried today(approaching weekend

> > as

> > > well). Left a message for local DAN. Some words of

> > > wisdom would help.

> > >

> > > IgG Strep Enzymes 25 (0-100)

> > >

> > > IgM Strep Enzymes 56 (0-50)

> > >

> > > IgG Step Antigen 22 (0-100)

> > >

> > > IgM Strep Antigen 59 (0-50)

> > >

> > > IgG B-cell antigen 30 (0-100)

> > >

> > > IGM B-cell antigen 40 (0-50)

> > >

> > > Myelin Basic Proten IgG 22 (0-88)

> > >

> > > Myelin Basic Protein IgM 30 (0-54)

> > >

> > > Myelin Basic protein IgA 7 (0-21)

> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > __________________________________________________

> > >

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  • 2 years later...

try valtrex list, a few people there have lots of experience treating pandas (not sure if they are all still posting...). Also on NIDS list, think few have been treating on that protocol.

re cholesterol, look into SLO syndrome and their diet – these kids are deficient due to genetics, there is a diet high in egg yolks that they are finding very helpful... Think they are using powdered pasteurised/raw egg yolks... http://www.smithlemliopitz.org/slofaq.htm#Eggs

btw Swedo is the biggest authority on Pandas, she was behind the now-abandoned study on DMSA treatment for autism. She has been very approachable .... Will send you her email if you want to try


Tom is showing testing results likely for PANDAS or at least possible,

Incredibly high strep markers. Bugger!

Could someone point me in the right direction as we've never even

considered this, and his blood test (which also threw up fairly low

cholestoral damn) is Big Bad News to us


Steph xx

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My grandson has just been diagnosed with PANDAS. The winter before

last he had a bad ear infection - ears bleeding - and was given

antibiotics. But as usual never followed up by NHS doctor.

He has had quite a bad year - started OCD bedhaviours and quite

spacey. We put it down to his high Candida. When he had the

antistrep titers test it was very high and Dr. Monro (Breakspear)

wanted to see him immediately. We did not realise that he had a

temperature and very enlarged tonsils and glands.

She has put him on penicillin and nystatin. He is now on the second

course. We hope for better results next tests.



> >

> > try valtrex list, a few people there have lots of experience

treating pandas

> > (not sure if they are all still posting...). Also on NIDS list,

think few have

> > been treating on that protocol.

> >

> >

> >

> > re cholesterol, look into SLO syndrome and their diet ­ these kids


> > deficient due to genetics, there is a diet high in egg yolks that

they are

> > finding very helpful... Think they are using powdered

pasteurised/raw egg

> > yolks... http://www.smithlemliopitz.org/slofaq.htm#Eggs

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > btw Swedo is the biggest authority on Pandas, she was

behind the

> > now-abandoned study on DMSA treatment for autism. She has been


> > approachable .... Will send you her email if you want to try

> >

> >

> > nx

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Tom is showing testing results likely for PANDAS or at least


> > Incredibly high strep markers. Bugger!

> >

> > Could someone point me in the right direction as we've never even

> > considered this, and his blood test (which also threw up fairly


> > cholestoral damn) is Big Bad News to us

> >

> > thanks!!!

> >

> > Steph xx

> >

> >

> >


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thanks Natasa, by my reckoning you know enough to start practising

medicine! I don't know how you do it but I'm very grateful that you


We're about to start a synthetic cholestoral booster, I'll post the

name of it when I get it.

We're doing this antibiotic and nystatin. I'm sure Tom reads these

lists, he seems to pick things up as they become news. He's never

tested high for strep before!!

steph xx


> >

> > try valtrex list, a few people there have lots of experience

treating pandas

> > (not sure if they are all still posting...). Also on NIDS list,

think few have

> > been treating on that protocol.

> >

> >

> >

> > re cholesterol, look into SLO syndrome and their diet ­ these

kids are

> > deficient due to genetics, there is a diet high in egg yolks

that they are

> > finding very helpful... Think they are using powdered

pasteurised/raw egg

> > yolks... http://www.smithlemliopitz.org/slofaq.htm#Eggs

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > btw Swedo is the biggest authority on Pandas, she was

behind the

> > now-abandoned study on DMSA treatment for autism. She has been


> > approachable .... Will send you her email if you want to try

> >

> >

> > nx

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Tom is showing testing results likely for PANDAS or at least


> > Incredibly high strep markers. Bugger!

> >

> > Could someone point me in the right direction as we've never even

> > considered this, and his blood test (which also threw up fairly


> > cholestoral damn) is Big Bad News to us

> >

> > thanks!!!

> >

> > Steph xx

> >

> >

> >


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