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Ulcerative colitis personality

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When will medical orphans show some pride and get up off of their

knees? Who is more pathetic, the racist, or the minority who

accepts a second class status without resistance?

Even when the suffering becomes so profound and protracted that it

becomes irrational to go on living:




the suicide will end up being used as " evidence " of a psychiatric

problem. PWCs go on like sheep, hoping that if they are just nice

enough, submissive enough, then they will be thrown some crumbs.

It is the role of psychology to legitimize denigration; to turn

bigotry into a profession. There are many examples: Drapetomania,

the refrigerator mother, the employment of Munchausen by proxy as a

way to keep mothers in line, etc. I was minding my own business,

investigating ulcerative colitis, but you just can't escape their

bigoted pronouncements:

" In the majority of the patients studied psychological abnormalities

and disorders far beyond the range of individual differences in the

average population were found to antedate the initial onset of the

colitis. In relation to other investigations control groups of

patients have been examined by methods which are identical with

those used in the present research. In the ulcerative colitis

patients the degree of difference from average individuals was so

gross as to make a special control group unnecessary. A dated

clinical history and a dated life history, taken independently and

verified from relatives, showed that disturbing events in the

patient's life had preceded the onset, return, and increase of

symptoms more often than can be due to chance. "

quoted from a paper published in the 1938:


Ah, psychiatric anomalies supposedly predating disease onset. Sound



Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory condition, with recently, and

clearly demonstrated genetic risk factors. Only bigots could assert

a psychiatric cause for bleeding out your butt. However, " Ulcerative

colitis personality " seems, now, to have gone out of vogue. So it

is not that PWCs employ fashionable diagnoses….:


….but that the defamation of patients with medically unexplained

diseases by psychologists reflects the fad of the times.

Yet PWCs go on saying, " Thank you, sir, may I have another? " , whilst

tolerating the " Uncle Toms " among us who promote " stress " as causal,

and " brain work " as therapeutic.

Who is more pathetic?


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