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RE: [SPAM]RE: [SPAM]Re: detox pathway and my own problems

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Yes I would have to say I have had lots of

both western and eastern and holistic type testing of my immune system. Most of

the tests are inexpensive, not covered by ins., and quickly disregarded.

From: infections [mailto:infections ] On Behalf Of Penny Houle

Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008

9:56 AM


Subject: [sPAM]RE: [sPAM]Re:

[infections] detox pathway and my own problems

I really don't know. I was just

wondering if you've had any testing to evaluate the status of your

immune system Wish I could help, but if I knew how to fix all these

things we pwc deal with, I'd be some kind of genius, not to mention rich

and famous. :-)


--- On Sat, 9/13/08, Levitt <knightshotter >


From: Levitt

<knightshotter >

Subject: RE: [sPAM]Re: [infections] detox pathway and my

own problems


Date: Saturday, September 13, 2008, 1:54 AM

We’ve done a lot of testing…What specific immunological testing

are you referring to? I’ve had tons of IGE testing and such but not sure what

immunological testing means…..I have not specifically had the P4560 pathway

test done by Smokies but others say it isn’t worth doing. Either way, I’ve

sort of exhausted the thousands and thousands of dollars on unreimbursed

alternative lab work that only one or two doctors would pay attention to….so

don’t plan to do anymore smokies tests for ex when no doc pays a thread of

interest in any of them…

From: InfectionAndInflamm

ation2@grou ps.com [mailto: InfectionAndInflamm ation2@grou ps.com

] On Behalf Of Penny Houle

Sent: Saturday, September 06,

2008 12:44 AM


ation2@grou ps.com

Subject: [sPAM]Re:

[infectionAndInflam mation2] detox pathway and my own problems




really don't know what to say specifically about dealing with all

these issues. It's definitely a shame that you've had to suffer so

much and aren't getting better care. Maybe someone else here will have

some ideas.


do know that mercury doesn't normally stay in your system more than several

years, although who knows in your case living right on top of it like that?

I used to play with mercury as a child (really dumb teacher allowed it, and

it WAS definitely fun) so I was really worried later

on about that and whether it was an issue in my own health troubles.

I was happy to learn that it should not be an issue so many years

later. Whether constant proximity like you experienced could load you

up more than normal and somehow get embedded in your tissues or actually

damage your ability to detox, is another story. Or is it

possible that all that mercury damaged your immune system? Have

any of your docs suggested immunological testing? Or has there been any

effort to ascertain if your P450 pathways (detox pathways) have

been damaged?


--- On Fri, 9/5/08, Levitt <knightshotter>



Levitt knightshotter@

Subject: [infectionAndInflam mation2] detox pathway and my own problems

InfectionAndInflamm ation2@grou ps.com

Date: Friday, September 5, 2008, 4:44 PM

I believe

strongly that I have a detox pathway problem leading to why I get so sick

when any chelation is done/ As a child, I grew up directly next door and down the river

about 200 feet from a mercury mine. You can google the Gambonini mine, Tomales for more

information. I had moved from that area 8 years before the Superfund came

in to do the cleanup.

I don’t know if that is

the reason I have very high mercury levels despite numerous attempts by

doctors, naturopaths and myself to go through comprehensive detox programs

or whether it is due to a fungal situation. As I became very ill, I also

became very chemically sensitive (MCS) to a wide variety of products in the

home and office and sensitive to many different types of foods. I am now

severely underweight (lost 160 lbs since 1994 and now at 101. A normal good

weight would be about 130 per my doc. I am looking for some help and what

my status might be because of these experiences. I am allergic to many

medications, primarily involving severe anaphylaxis to antibx including

pcn, sulfa, cipro, levaquin, tetracycline, erthyomycin, and other meds

including raglan, steroid induced psychosis,asprin, NSAIDs, etc. I am also

severely allergic or sensitive to a wide range of foods that result in

asthma, throat swelling, severe apthous ulcers and swelling in mouth,

throat, and stomach including foods like dairy (except goat), wheat; any

type of gluten, buckwheat, millet and a variety of cleaning products.

From a medical point of

view, in the past 5 years, my health has worsened substantially and I had

to end a lucrative career in marketing and business development for Cisco

at age 46 due to my illness. Diseases that I have been diagnosed by my

doctor include multiple sclerosis, lupus, inflammatory arthritis,

osteoarthritis, osteperosis, asthma, COPD etc. I have not responded to

traditional medical treatment for these named diseases and/or there are contraindications

in prescribing one med because I have already been diagnosed with another


The biggest issue that

is apparent is that my detox pathways are screwed up and do not work

properly. Even the most basic detox methods do not work for me and result

in hospital admissions often to ICU. Most doctors run when they see me or

just shake their head. Medicare is particularly good at this and hospitals

in the United States

do a poor job of managing the care of the chronically ill like me.

I look forward to your


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Yeah, well I'm pretty skeptical in general of tests by these so-called "specialty labs" like Great Smokies. I was thinking along the lines of seeing an immunologist. There's still no guarantee you'd get absolute answers, but at least the tests would be considered valid and could foster further investigation by docs. My extensive experience with the alternative type labs is mostly money down the drain and information that no one takes seriously, at least no one in the system who can potentially advocate for us when we need it. As hard as it is to swallow, we have to learn to use the existing system to our advantage if we want to have access to the most complete range of care. That means getting whatever testing is available to us that is considered valid by mainstream docs, etc.

I just saw an allergist/immunologist who said he felt pretty hopeless about my daily migraines and chronic sinus infection until I tested positve for mold allergy. Interestingly, that's the ONLY thing I'm allergic to. Now he thinks there's a chance for successful treatment. I have no grand illusions about him being right re: treatment I've already failed at in the past, but at least he's engaged and I now have another piece of solid information that I didn't have before. And I can share that info with other docs confidently because it's from a maintstream doc. In the meantime, I can also use that information to do my own research, like revisiting Dr. Shoemaker's theories on mold and chronic infection, which I haven't looked at for a while. See if he's made any progress on that front and whether any of it might apply to me personally. So while I know we mostly have to fight this battle alone and

take responsibility for our own health, since no one else will, we can do it in a way that gives us the most opportunity for mainstream help when the opportunity presents itself.


From: Levitt knightshotter

Subject: [infectionAndInflam mation2] detox pathway and my own problemsInfectionAndInflamm ation2@grou ps.comDate: Friday, September 5, 2008, 4:44 PM

I believe strongly that I have a detox pathway problem leading to why I get so sick when any chelation is done/ As a child, I grew up directly next door and down the river about 200 feet from a mercury mine. You can google the Gambonini mine, Tomales for more information. I had moved from that area 8 years before the Superfund came in to do the cleanup.

I don’t know if that is the reason I have very high mercury levels despite numerous attempts by doctors, naturopaths and myself to go through comprehensive detox programs or whether it is due to a fungal situation. As I became very ill, I also became very chemically sensitive (MCS) to a wide variety of products in the home and office and sensitive to many different types of foods. I am now severely underweight (lost 160 lbs since 1994 and now at 101. A normal good weight would be about 130 per my doc. I am looking for some help and what my status might be because of these experiences. I am allergic to many medications, primarily involving severe anaphylaxis to antibx including pcn, sulfa, cipro, levaquin, tetracycline, erthyomycin, and other meds including raglan, steroid induced psychosis,asprin, NSAIDs, etc. I am also severely allergic or sensitive to a wide range of

foods that result in asthma, throat swelling, severe apthous ulcers and swelling in mouth, throat, and stomach including foods like dairy (except goat), wheat; any type of gluten, buckwheat, millet and a variety of cleaning products. From a medical point of view, in the past 5 years, my health has worsened substantially and I had to end a lucrative career in marketing and business development for Cisco at age 46 due to my illness. Diseases that I have been diagnosed by my doctor include multiple sclerosis, lupus, inflammatory arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteperosis, asthma, COPD etc. I have not responded to traditional medical treatment for these named diseases and/or there are contraindications in prescribing one med because I have already been diagnosed with another disease. The biggest issue that is apparent is that my detox pathways are screwed up and do not work properly. Even the most basic detox methods do not work for me and result in hospital admissions often to ICU. Most doctors run when they see me or just shake their head. Medicare is particularly good at this and hospitals in the United States do a poor job of managing the care of the chronically ill like me.

I look forward to your response.

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