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I had a double-lumen (two pockets, one saline, one silicone) after a

unilateral mastectomy. Where are you and do you still have your

implants? Are you having symptoms?

You can find tons of info. on silicone implants on my website:

www.siliconesurvivors.net and there are links to many, many other

sites. Command Trust has lots of really good info on silicone implants

also. Many women on this site had silicone implants also, I am, by far,

not the only one. I am sure many of us can give you information.


At 01:54 PM 10/17/2005, you wrote:

>hi...i have silicon implants after a bilateral mastectomy....i was

>invited to join, and am glad to be here.....i hope to find some

>empathy, since the outside world doesn't understand, some suggestions

>on how to deal, and hope maybe i can be supportive to other's...i am a

>good listener!






>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by

>licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed

>health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

>Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live

>a happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,

>two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)



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i don't know how the threading in here works, if one is meant to see

all the messages back and forth....at any rate, i am in the phoenix

area, am having symtoms (according to me and the research, if not the

doctors!) am incredibly unhappy, and have been fighting this whole

situation for years, feeling very alone........thanks for the quick



> >hi...i have silicon implants after a bilateral mastectomy....i was

> >invited to join, and am glad to be here.....i hope to find some

> >empathy, since the outside world doesn't understand, some


> >on how to deal, and hope maybe i can be supportive to other's...i

am a

> >good listener!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given


> >licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or


> >health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.

> >

> > " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

mislead you.

> >Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how

to live

> >a happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,

> >two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

> >

> >

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I had double-lumen also, like Lynda. Mine were Surgitek, which I found out

after I had

them removed and identified. There are also a couple of other good forums -

Explantation.com and also http://www.geocities.com/implantinfonet/.

All of these are positive and informative. Each are slightly different focus,

but all offer

support and information.

There are more doctors now, I believe, who are seeing enough implant patients to


there is a problem with these implants - unfortunately, they are still not

nearly enough.

That's why I frantically googled and searched to find information and someone

who had

been where I had been. I had a lot of 'brain fog' then, but I did manage to

find women

who steered me toward surgeons who could perform a complete explant, along with

capsulectomy. OF course, I first had to learn what the heck that meant!

That's why these forums are so important.

> >hi...i have silicon implants after a bilateral mastectomy....i was

> >invited to join, and am glad to be here.....i hope to find some

> >empathy, since the outside world doesn't understand, some suggestions

> >on how to deal, and hope maybe i can be supportive to other's...i am a

> >good listener!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by

> >licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed

> >health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.

> >

> > " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

> >Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live

> >a happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,

> >two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

> >

> >

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Welcome to ! . . .

You are not alone . . . by no means. There are a lot

of women out there who are sick too who haven't made

the implant connection yet too! . . . Unfortunately

their doctors encourage that line of thinking.

If you can find a way to accept that feeling sick with

implants IS NORMAL, and that you will feel much better

after your have them removed, perhaps you can stop

stressing over whats going on with your body. That

alone can help considerably.

You will need to find a doctor who will remove your

implants properly. Preferably en bloc, or at least a

total capsulectomy. . . We can recommend some doctors.

While you are waiting, you can start improving your

health through your nutrition. No sugar, whole grains

only, no processed foods. Plenty of non-chlorinated

water. It can be assumed you have a systemic fungal

problem because that goes with the territory of almost

all implanted women. This will improve with a healthy

diet. However you can help it along by adding

probiotics to your diet. Probiotics contain healthy

organisms that get killed off when our immune systems

are suppressed or when we take certain drugs,

including antibiotics.

With a good surgeon, you will probably look as good,

if not better than your did before implants. You

should not be disfigured or deformed. If a plastic

surgeon tells you that, run!

All this takes determination, time and patience. You

may find your insurance will cover removal . . . if

not you'll find it's one of the best investments

you've ever made in yourself anyway!

Hugs and prayers,


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Hi. Welcome to our group. I think you will find alot of support and

information here! How long have you had your implants and are you

symptomatic? What are your symptoms? Are you thinking of getting

explanted? We would be glad to answer any questions you might

have. We will try to be supportive in any way we can.



> hi...i have silicon implants after a bilateral mastectomy....i was

> invited to join, and am glad to be here.....i hope to find some

> empathy, since the outside world doesn't understand, some


> on how to deal, and hope maybe i can be supportive to other's...i

am a

> good listener!


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  • 10 months later...

Hi, we have all heard of more severe kids who have improved, so please

do not feel discouraged by some idiot telling you there is nothing that

can be done!!!!!

btw no personal experience but have you heard/tried of Amy Yasko and her

protocol? She has a good reputation for helping older/tougher/non

responders, the stuff is quite complicated but there are many parents on

her site who know a lot and are willing and able to give advice.





> My son is 6 years old and we are getting ready to go to a DAN dr. for

> our 1st visit on 9/11. I've had him on a gluten and casien free diet

> for 3 years and I've had no Dr. support. We live in a large city in

> the midwest and we waited for almost 2 years on a list to see a dr.

> that told us basiclly there was not much that could be done for him.

> She suggested we start looking into group homes. How can she tell me

> that about a 6 year old boy with autism? She refuses to talk about the

> possibility that there is something wrong with him other than his

> brain. My son tested 45 on the childhood autism rating scale, and was

> diagnosed as severly autistic. He is non-verbal and has many sensory

> problems. My question is, is there anything specific I shoul be aware

> of before we go to the DAN doc, and has anyone had a child this

> severly autistic and has improved dramaticly and how long does it

> usually take to see results?


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Welcome to the list. Have you done a DDI hair elements test and applied

counting rules, you might ask the doctor's office to go ahead and order it or

send the test kit to you now, so you can go ahead and get that done. There are

families on this list who are seeing improvements with teens and

twenty-somethings, so 6 is not too old. Please read the FAQs of this list and

educate yourself about Andy's protocol as many DAN! docs suggest dangerously

high and infrequent doses of chelators. Please also educate yourself about why

" challenges " are such a bad idea. Lots of DAN! docs also try to get people to

do these and again they're dangerous.

Is your son taking any supplements? Have you tried enzymes, probiotics? I

presume your son has NO mercury amalgam dental fillings? When were his most

recent vaccines?


" chrzeerose " <chrzeerose@<wbr>...><br>



> My son is 6 years old and we are getting ready to go to a DAN dr. for<br>

> our 1st visit on 9/11. I've had him on a gluten and casien free diet<br>

> for 3 years and I've had no Dr. support. We live in a large city in<br>

> the midwest and we waited for almost 2 years on a list to see a dr.<br>

> that told us basiclly there was not much that could be done for him.<br>

> She suggested we start looking into group homes. How can she tell me<br>

> that about a 6 year old boy with autism? She refuses to talk about the<br>

> possibility that there is something wrong with him other than his<br>

> brain. My son tested 45 on the childhood autism rating scale, and was<br>

> diagnosed as severly autistic. He is non-verbal and has many sensory<br>

> problems. My question is, is there anything specific I shoul be aware<br>

> of before we go to the DAN doc, and has anyone had a child this<br>

> severly autistic and has improved dramaticly and how long does it<br>

> usually take to see results?<br>


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The most personalized portal on the Web!

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I joined a biomed group in Australia of families who support their

kids through DAN/pfeiffer doctors (or sometimes good naturopaths

with the right knowledge and sometimes just doing it on their own).

The parents on the group all speak of the improvements they are

seeing in their children, plus the issues on their journey.

I am aware of quite a few parents who claim their children are what

they term " recovering ASD " , and a few that have cured their

children but continue with stringent diets to protect them (these

kids will still react to toxins in their diets and environments

moreso than other kids.

The children who start earlier appear to respond at a quicker rate,

but that said, even adult ASD's respond to a sound diet and some

supplementation to some degree -- only a parent can rate this !!!.

My Angelman Syndrome child also has autism, and I have applied

diet, some supplementation (that I can afford) and I now have

consistent eye contact from him -- for the first time in 11 years.

I do not see a DAN doctor due to financial limitations, so don't

have their specific products, nor have I done any of the tests

yet. There is so much information out there that is free. The

benefits of DAN testing is to " refine " the types and amounts of

supps that the child will receive.

What I have learnt is that these kids ALL need lots of Omega 3's

and Omega 6's from the right types of foods and supps, are

critically low in zinc and need support here, and all need huge

support in healing the gut. Using a good cod liver oil is also

paramount - Nordic Naturals is highly touted on the website:


My son has been dismissed for 11 years when I questioned his chronic

illhealth. The medical system always said it was due to his

syndrome. I now know he has significant digestive and toxicity

issues that need to dealt with.

I sent another post with a great link to Natasha McBride

and Donna Gates. Natasha is a neurologist in Great Britain who

cured her OWN severely autistic son, so has a great deal of

credibility in her approach to healing. I am an advocate of her

approach to regaining health for my family.

Best wishes




> My son is 6 years old and we are getting ready to go to a DAN dr.


> our 1st visit on 9/11. I've had him on a gluten and casien free


> for 3 years and I've had no Dr. support. We live in a large city


> the midwest and we waited for almost 2 years on a list to see a


> that told us basiclly there was not much that could be done for


> She suggested we start looking into group homes. How can she tell


> that about a 6 year old boy with autism? She refuses to talk about


> possibility that there is something wrong with him other than his

> brain. My son tested 45 on the childhood autism rating scale, and


> diagnosed as severly autistic. He is non-verbal and has many


> problems. My question is, is there anything specific I shoul be


> of before we go to the DAN doc, and has anyone had a child this

> severly autistic and has improved dramaticly and how long does it

> usually take to see results?


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>>We live in a large city in

> the midwest and we waited for almost 2 years on a list to see a dr.

> that told us basiclly there was not much that could be done for him.

> She suggested we start looking into group homes. How can she tell me

> that about a 6 year old boy with autism?

My son was dx by a very prominent pediatric neurologist. His dx is

" classic Kanner's autism " , severe, low functioning. She told me I

should just put him in an institution, enjoy my other kids, and move

on with my life. My son was 3-1/2 at the time.

Now he is no longer autistic =)

>>He is non-verbal and has many sensory

> problems.

What helped my son with language is written here


>> My question is, is there anything specific I shoul be aware

> of before we go to the DAN doc, and has anyone had a child this

> severly autistic and has improved dramaticly and how long does it

> usually take to see results?

My son is 10-1/2 now. It took a looooooooong time, 7 years. At the

time I was starting out, calling DANs, none of them would accept him,

because of his dx. They all agreed that he was genetic. So I proved

them ALL wrong and I recovered him myself, with lots of help from

other parents on the internet. Hopefully, you won't have the same

experience when you see your DAN.

My son's story is the first link on this page, if you are interested



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  • 3 weeks later...

I never had mono symptoms but was told that my bloodwork came back positive for it. I was also told my blood work came back positive for Legionella. My husband never got sick with it as far as I know either. Not sure what that means though. <lindabirse@...> wrote: I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono shortly after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there was mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti depressent to increase

my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar circumstances?

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Hi ,

Welcome to the group. Many of us here have received invaluable support from this group for the problems we have associated with having implants.

Did you get a blood test for mono, or was that your doctor's diagnosis based on your symptoms? I am asking because the symptoms of mono can be the very mush the same as the symptoms some women get from implants. I don't know if you can get mono from getting implants, but you certainly can get very sick from them.


new to group....

I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono shortly after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there was mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar circumstances?

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Implants can cause your immune system to be

suppressed, so any virus or bacterial infection can take hold.

I would say your implants have caused some immune

system problems, and that is why you have had

illnesses. Many women have reported this.


At 01:29 PM 9/11/2006, you wrote:

>I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono shortly

>after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there was

>mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti

>depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar




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" My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there was mold or fungus

they would

be hard. "

That simply is not true.

" He mentioned taking a anti->depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody


similiar circumstances? "

I became depressed from being chronically illness. Anti-depressants helped me

tremendously, but of course, so did having my implants removed!

It concerns me that doctors prescribe antidepressants so freely. I do believe

they can be

very helpful in some circumstances. I also think they are presribed like candy

- especially

with women. That is disturbing.


> >I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono shortly

> >after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there was

> >mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti

> >depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar

> >circumstances?

> >

> >


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or compromised - some of us have autoimmune problems (overactive immune


I am not quite sure of the relationship between the two - other than one is too

low and the

other is too active. Why the body reacts one way v. another?


> >I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono shortly

> >after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there was

> >mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti

> >depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar

> >circumstances?

> >

> >


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Sorry, but I think he is wrong! If you have mold or fungus, your implants won't be hard. I wonder what in the world make him think that? What makes them hard is the scar tissue contracting around the implant, and that can happen to anyone whether they have fungus, mold or not. Mono is a good sign that your implants had an effect on your immune system, in my opinion. You may want to consider other options than drugs to find the answers to any symptoms you are having. Spend some time reviewing the files on our site and you will see a pattern of illness here that is pretty astounding. We wonder how the doctors can continue to say that implants don't cause disease....we know better because of the women that have gotten explanted and healed of all or most symptoms. Are you having any other issues besides the mono? Welcome.....we hope we can help you find the answers you need. Patty <lindabirse@...> wrote: I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono shortly after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there was mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar circumstances?

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I am not sure that it is one way vs another....looking at it in the right light you can see that they both create a situation of immune system fatigue. In an overactive immune system, the warriors are attacking your own body in addition to the invaders and toxins. You may not have any more warriors, you have the same warriors taking on more enemy, mistakenly. In an underactive immune system, there aren't enough warriors to fight off the invaders to begin with. So, either way, you get a worn out immune system. That's why we stress the importance of immune system support and detoxification. If you can kill off the viral, fungal and bacterial load and eliminate as many toxins as possible, perhaps you can help the immune system to calm down. The drug prednisone just knocks the warriors down to help calm down the immune system..... which helps you feel better,

but you still have a toxic load to deal with, and in fact have more toxins due to the drug itself. It really only prolongs the situation in the long run, doing long term damage (in my opinion). But I know some people are desperate for relief, and in life threatening conditions, it may be necessary. PattyMolly Bloom <mollyb54@...> wrote: or compromised - some of us have autoimmune problems (overactive immune system)...I am not quite sure of the relationship

between the two - other than one is too low and the other is too active. Why the body reacts one way v. another?> > >I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono shortly> >after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there was> >mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti> >depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar>

>circumstances?> >> >>

All-new - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

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, welcome to Saline Support! You definitely have found a very

loving and supportive site here. I joined several months ago when I

still had my 20 yr. old implants in my body. I was sicker than a

dying dog and these ladies brought me back to life. The information

I learned here led me to researching implants, and WOW! Was I ever

shocked at all the symptoms I had of silicone toxicity. Saline

implants also have silicone in the outer shell, by the way. This is

something I did not know.

I am explanted -6 weeks ago - and feeling so much better already.

Especially psychologically. It'll take awhile to detox and grieve

the loss of my good health for the last 10 years especially, but I'm

doing great!

Welcome, again, and if there's anything you need let me know.

Love & Healing Prayers,

Sunny :)


> I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono shortly

> after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there


> mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti

> depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar

> circumstances?


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Thank you Sunny for your loving message...are most going through silicone implants?

Best to you,

Re: new to group....

, welcome to Saline Support! You definitely have found a very

loving and supportive site here. I joined several months ago when I

still had my 20 yr. old implants in my body. I was sicker than a

dying dog and these ladies brought me back to life. The information

I learned here led me to researching implants, and WOW! Was I ever

shocked at all the symptoms I had of silicone toxicity. Saline

implants also have silicone in the outer shell, by the way. This is

something I did not know.

I am explanted -6 weeks ago - and feeling so much better already.

Especially psychologically. It'll take awhile to detox and grieve

the loss of my good health for the last 10 years especially, but I'm

doing great!

Welcome, again, and if there's anything you need let me know.

Love & Healing Prayers,

Sunny :)


> I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono shortly

> after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there


> mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti

> depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar

> circumstances?


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I used to NEVER get viruses or the flu. Never. But now I catch every one that is going around! Especially the last couple of years.Lynda <coss@...> wrote: Implants can cause your immune system to be suppressed, so any virus or bacterial infection can take hold.I would say your implants have caused some immune system problems, and that is why you have had illnesses. Many women have reported this.LyndaAt 01:29 PM 9/11/2006, you wrote:>I have had my saline

implants for 5 years and have had mono shortly>after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there was>mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti>depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar>circumstances?>>

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Dear Patty,

Thanks for your insight. I have had a lot of fatigue for the last 5 years and was diagnosed with cronic fatigue syndrome at on time. I can't drink even a little alcohol or I feel really bad. I know I have something going on with my liver. I can't digest fats...I am really tired of being tired....I used to be a runner and not able to do much but walking now.

Thanks for your help!

Re: new to group....

Sorry, but I think he is wrong!

If you have mold or fungus, your implants won't be hard. I wonder what in the world make him think that? What makes them hard is the scar tissue contracting around the implant, and that can happen to anyone whether they have fungus, mold or not.

Mono is a good sign that your implants had an effect on your immune system, in my opinion.

You may want to consider other options than drugs to find the answers to any symptoms you are having. Spend some time reviewing the files on our site and you will see a pattern of illness here that is pretty astounding. We wonder how the doctors can continue to say that implants don't cause disease....we know better because of the women that have gotten explanted and healed of all or most symptoms.

Are you having any other issues besides the mono?

Welcome.....we hope we can help you find the answers you need.


<lindabirseaol> wrote:

I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono shortly

after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there was

mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti

depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar


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Me, too, but for the first 6-7 years after

explant, parts of my immune system were so

elevated that I never got anything but

pneumonia. Now I get everything. But no part of

my immune system is elevated now, a few parts are still suppressed.


At 11:16 PM 9/11/2006, you wrote:

>I used to NEVER get viruses or the

>flu. Never. But now I catch every one that is

>going around! Especially the last couple of years.


>Lynda <coss@...> wrote:

>Implants can cause your immune system to be

>suppressed, so any virus or bacterial infection can take hold.


>I would say your implants have caused some immune

>system problems, and that is why you have had

>illnesses. Many women have reported this.




>At 01:29 PM 9/11/2006, you wrote:


> >I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono shortly

> >after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there was

> >mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti

> >depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar

> >circumstances?

> >

> >




>Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr.

>We'll help.


>Small Business.


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Hi ,

I had Saline for 20 years, I have many problems, I am much better

after explant but only one capsule was removed and until that partial

capsule is out I won't get better, I still have staph bacteria, alot

of inflammation, fibro, although my fibro is much better, I don't

have any memory issues or that brain fog anymore. I still have

fatigue but it could be from infection,Stay strong we will overcome


Terri P


> >

> > I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono


> > after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if there

> was

> > mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti

> > depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have similiar

> > circumstances?

> >







> Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and

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Funny, I was just telling my husband that I'm actually encouraged

because I'm catching a cold. My immune system has been so

overactive since I got implants, and even though I know catching a

cold means it's suppressed, I'm hoping that's a sign that it's

coming down from high gear.


> >

> > >I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono


> > >after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if

there was

> > >mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti

> > >depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have


> > >circumstances?

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr.

> >We'll help.




> >Small Business.

> >


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I felt that way also. When I actually began catching colds, I knew

something in my immune system had switched, and tests showed no more



At 07:54 PM 9/12/2006, you wrote:

>Funny, I was just telling my husband that I'm actually encouraged

>because I'm catching a cold. My immune system has been so

>overactive since I got implants, and even though I know catching a

>cold means it's suppressed, I'm hoping that's a sign that it's

>coming down from high gear.





> > >

> > > >I have had my saline implants for 5 years and have had mono


> > > >after. My doctor says it can't be the implants, because if

>there was

> > > >mold or fungus they would be hard. He mentioned taking a anti

> > > >depressent to increase my seritonin levels. Anybody have


> > > >circumstances?

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr.

> > >We'll help.

> >

> ><<http://us.rd./evt=41244/*http://smallbusiness./

> >http://us.rd./evt=41244/*http://smallbusiness./>Y


> > >Small Business.

> > >

> >



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I'm new to group today. I was surprised and happy to find this list.

I've felt so alone with no contact with other breast implant affected

women. I have a good Autoimmune, Connective Tissue Disease list that I

feel comfortable with, but I've been longing to hear what is happening

to women with these disorders who had implants.

I had gel implants; I don't think that will cause me to be unwelcome

here...I hope not! :-)

Quiet is how I am, and that is how I will probably be for awhile, 'til I

feel as if I know some of you. But I won't just lurk forever!

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