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Re: chinese hospitalTCM think rhematoid arthtisis is from strep and more info here

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Interesting. The Chinese seem to be pretty far ahead of the west in many ways when it comes to identifying and treating the causes of illness. Their means of identifying things may seem a bit alien to us, but the end results often make sense. i.e. The description of the organism they identified as causative makes a lot of sense as it is described below.

thanks, Amy,


Streptococcus /Strep·to·coc·cus/ (-kok´us) a genus of gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic cocci occurring in pairs or chains; it is separable into the pyogenic group, the viridans group, the enterococcus group, and the lactic group. The first group includes the β-hemolytic human and animal pathogens, the second and third include α-hemolytic parasitic forms that are normal flora in the upper respiratory tract and the intestinal tract, respectively, and the fourth is made up of saprophytic forms associated with the souring of milk. Species include S. mu´tans, which may cause dental caries; S. pneumo´niae, an α-hemolytic species that is the most common cause of lobar pneumonia and also causes other serious, acute pyogenic disorders; S. pyo´genes, a β-hemolytic species

that causes septic sore throat, scarlet fever, and rheumatic fever; and S. san´guinis, found in dental plaque, blood, and subacute bacterial endocarditis.

streptococcus /strep·to·coc·cus/ (strep″to-kok´us) pl. streptococ´ci an organism of the genus Streptococcus. streptococ´calstreptococ´cic

hemolytic streptococcus any streptococcus capable of hemolyzing erythrocytes, classified as α-hemolytic type, producing a zone of greenish discoloration much smaller than the clear zone produced by the β-hemolytic type about the colony on blood agar; and the β-hemolytic type, producing a clear zone of hemolysis immediately around the colony on blood agar. The most virulent streptococci belong to the latter group. On immunological grounds, the β-hemolytic streptococci may be divided into groups A through T; most human pathogens belong to groups A through G.

nonhemolytic streptococcus any streptococcus that does not cause a change in the medium when cultured on blood agar.

viridans streptococcus any of a group of streptococci with no defined Lancefield group antigens but not Streptococcus pneumoniae, usually α-hemolytic; part of the normal flora of the respiratory tract but also causing dental caries, bacterial endocarditis, and other disorders in immunocompromised hosts.

source: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/hemolytic+streptococcus

From: amydent9 <amydent9@...>Subject: [infections] chinese hospitalTCM think rhematoid arthtisis is from strep and more info hereinfections Date: Sunday, February 15, 2009, 1:55 PM

http://www.tcmtreat ment.com/ images/diseases/ rheumatic- arthritis. htma hostital in china seeking foreign chronic and difficult patientsthey say rhematoid arthritis is a general allergic disease is due tohemolytic stereptococcus.see also page on Hepatitis A, B and non a and non b

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