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Info from Hyperacusis site

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Hi everyone. I still visit the Hyperacusis site routinely to find

those who seem to suffer from 4S to refer them to this site. A

person named Debbie there always posts very interesting information

and I asked her if I could post it here. She, like myself, think

this is somehow a type of OCD. She has always been fascinated by the

fact that EVERYONE who comes to the hyperacusis site complaining

about 4S symptoms all have the same symptoms and all think the same

thing... " I thought I was crazy " . This is her most recent post...

Posted by Debbie at http://www.websitetoolbox.com/tool/mb/danmalcore

" The symptoms are eerily similar, don't you all think?

This is why I propose that

there is a specific brain-processing area

for eating noises... & this syndrome causes heightened vigalence to

danger within the interpretive functions of this processing area.

We can see from 800+ sufferers stories

that simultaneously, the parts of the brain responsible for rational

thought and insight remain normal.

Thus there is the repeated lament, " these symptoms seem crazy. "

This is just as with OCD.

Whether the category of triggers for any one group

of OCD sufferers is narrowed to germs,

door locks, worries of having " bad thoughts, "

specific movements or other visual signals,

or a combination of various specific triggers,

OCD symptoms can be traced to a specific

stimulus processing region in the brain.

The symptom-specific processing region

falsely sends danger signals when the trigger

stimulus is present.

Both misophonia symptoms & OCD symptoms

also are facilitated by an apparent weakening

of the brain's attention-to-task role

in the presence of the trigger, as danger signals trump all other


And both syndromes share anger, disgust and rage

as typical feelings accompanying the repeatedly triggered

fight/flight response.

Who wouldn't take offense at someone or something

which seems to repeatedly threaten life & limb?

Other parallels w/OCD:

age/pattern of onset

family members with OCD, ADD or misophonia symptoms

" food " for thought?

If this makes sense to anyone,

such researchers as the ones I have mentioned

in other misophonia posts could be good ones

to confer with about it.

It seems likely to me that OCD-oriented treatments (CBT, specific

meds & or nutrients -

possibly even temporarily)

& the addition of a treatment tool

designed to adress sound-specific stimuli,

thus getting to the brain in the sound-processing region (AIT? TRT?

the therapy from Sound Therapy International?)

could provide a truly effective intervention

that neurochemically retrains

the affected brain processing region(s)

so that it no longer sends it's false or inflated

danger messages, takes undue mental attention

or causes emotional distress.

Is anyone interested in this line of questioning?

It is easily investigated further

(by conferring with top

OCD/ADD spectrum disorder researchers)

& possibly if additionally linked with

a sound-specific therapy,

might yield an effective treatment plan.

What if an effective and thorough treatment path

already exists? "

The other researchers she's speaking of are Dr. Amen who is author

of " Change your brain, change your life " and a psychiatrist

specializing in ADD, and Schwartz, also a psychiatrist and

author of " Brain Lock " . He specializes in OCD. Perhaps these are two

new people we could contact about a method to treat this????

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