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Re: Dmso or MSM and regular warts

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If I am remembering correctly it says in the book "DMSO Nature's Healer" by Morton to not use DMSO on warts. I can't remember why and I am not currently living where my books are stored. If someone with access to the book could check and correct me if I'm wrong on this. If you check the archives I remember there was talk about successfully using DMSO with CS for skin tags and other skin growths. I had severe and very painful plantars warts. I tried many, many different remedies, including DMSO with CS, with no luck. I finally found relief with using a Beck Magnetic Pulser. Warts are cause by a virus in the lymph system. I used the pulser specifically targeting the lymph and got quick results. I think the warts were

totally gone within about a month. The pulse is strong enough to get into the lymph system and kill the virus. I held the pulser to my armpit for two hours everyday. Diane Dmso or MSM and regular warts

Has anyone any experience or success with using dmso for warts? My son

has a number of warts on his hand ( only one hand) and has been using

wart remover for some time to try to get rid of them with some success

( the size of the warts is much smaller than when he started) but they

are all still there.

Can anyone recommend anything or has anyone used DMSO to successfully

remove warts ?

Thanks for your time

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doctor us liquid nitrogen on warts (- 60 F) to freeze them and kill the virus that causes the wart.

It is a pain as many visit are usually required

I use components freezer from electronic store and a Qtips , does the same job .

Put some in a stryrofoam cup and dip your Qtips and freeeze the litttle basters to death.

You could probably use a air can from a computer store put some in a stryofoam cup ( to remove dust from keyboard or camera lenses)

this chemical is similar and also produce a low temperture cold enough to kill warts.

the chemicals are in the family of refrigerants

Dmso or MSM and regular warts

Has anyone any experience or success with using dmso for warts? My son has a number of warts on his hand ( only one hand) and has been using wart remover for some time to try to get rid of them with some success ( the size of the warts is much smaller than when he started) but they are all still there.Can anyone recommend anything or has anyone used DMSO to successfully remove warts ? Thanks for your time

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Many years ago I suffered with a plantar wart on the bottom of my foot. A friend of mine suggested I try applying a softened aspirin (ASA) tablet and tape it in place. I did this after my own doctor's meds failed. The ASA worked like a charm. I told my doctor about it and he was not in the least surprised. He acknowledged ASA is a highly effective therapy for plantar warts. Not sure though, if I'd use ASA today, knowing what I do about conventional meds. However, using conventional meds externally, certainly is not the same as internally. Barb

Dmso or MSM and regular warts

> Has anyone any experience or success with using dmso for warts? My son > has a number of warts on his hand ( only one hand) and has been using > wart remover for some time to try to get rid of them with some success > ( the size of the warts is much smaller than when he started) but they > are all still there.> > Can anyone recommend anything or has anyone used DMSO to successfully > remove warts ? > > Thanks for your time > > > > > >

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We've had great experiences with simple duct tape. Both of my children had plantar's warts on their feet and we tried all the conventional methods to no avail and then we tried duct tape and it worked brilliantly! They have never come back. I had one for over 20 years and tried everything as well and finally after the success with my kid's plantar's wart I tried it and mine was gone in a month never to return.AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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yes wart need air to live. duct tape is great for a foot but I would not use it in my face or hand beside one has to apply it for weeks to work

Re: Dmso or MSM and regular warts

We've had great experiences with simple duct tape. Both of my children had plantar's warts on their feet and we tried all the conventional methods to no avail and then we tried duct tape and it worked brilliantly! They have never come back. I had one for over 20 years and tried everything as well and finally after the success with my kid's plantar's wart I tried it and mine was gone in a month never to return.

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Would you be

willing to share exactly how you did it with the duct tape? Did you apply

it and leave it on for a month or so? How did you keep the duct tape in

place, if you did, through baths and showers? Did you change the duct


Years ago, we

put collodion on the wart and then taped it up well with waterproof tape for at

least three weeks. Then removed the tape and dug the wart out of the

foot. No return of the wart. Collodion available here: http://www.mehron.com/retail/moreinfo.cfm/148

Thanks for

your help.



DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO [mailto:DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO ]

On Behalf Of busisale@...

Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 12:28




Subject: Re: Dmso or MSM

and regular warts

We've had great experiences with simple

duct tape. Both of my children had plantar's warts on their feet and we

tried all the conventional methods to no avail and then we tried duct tape and

it worked brilliantly! They have never come back. I had one for

over 20 years and tried everything as well and finally after the success with

my kid's plantar's wart I tried it and mine was gone in a month never to


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I soaked my daughter's foot twice for 10 minutes each

in 10% dmso in silver and the warts dropped off after

2 weeks.



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  • 1 month later...
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I use DMSO and Colloidal Silver. Silver kills the Human Papilloma

Virus that causes warts, skin tags and many moles. I have removed a

number of these by compressing. Generally I use 30 -50% DMSO when

compressing since some areas of skin might be sensitive, I don't use

more than this unless it is a one time application and I know that

area of skin is not too sensitive. It can take weeks and look like it

is getting worse before it falls off because new skin is growing

underneath it and pushing it up and out.



> Has anyone any experience or success with using dmso for warts? My son

> has a number of warts on his hand ( only one hand) and has been using

> wart remover for some time to try to get rid of them with some success

> ( the size of the warts is much smaller than when he started) but they

> are all still there.


> Can anyone recommend anything or has anyone used DMSO to successfully

> remove warts ?


> Thanks for your time




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----- Forwarded message from mukta@... -----

Date: Sat, 05 May 2007 23:18:56 +0300

From: mukta@...

Reply-To: mukta@...

Subject: Re: Dmso or MSM and regular warts

To: notify-dg-DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

> > Has anyone any experience or success with using dmso

> for warts?

> >

> >


Whatever you do, do it to the wart that appeared first. I

was told that the others usually fall off by themselves.



SCENA - Åäèíñòâåíîòî ÁÅÇÏËÀÒÍÎ ñïèñàíèå çà ìîáèëíè

êîìóíèêàöèè è òåõíîëîãèè.


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SCENA - Åäèíñòâåíîòî ÁÅÇÏËÀÒÍÎ ñïèñàíèå çà ìîáèëíè êîìóíèêàöèè è òåõíîëîãèè.


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I have used DMSO 30-50% mixed with colloidal silver to remove warts,

moles, and other suspicious looking skin eruptions, kerotoses etc. I

compress the area 24/7. It will look worse before it gets better as the

body pushes it out and replaces it with new healthy skin.


mukta@... wrote:


> ----- Forwarded message from mukta@... -----

> Date: Sat, 05 May 2007 23:18:56 +0300

> From: mukta@...

> Reply-To: mukta@...

> Subject: Re: Dmso or MSM and regular warts

> To: notify-dg-DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO







>>>Has anyone any experience or success with using dmso


>>for warts?





> ,


> Whatever you do, do it to the wart that appeared first. I

> was told that the others usually fall off by themselves.


> Simeon




> -----------------------------


> SCENA - Åäèíñòâåíîòî ÁÅÇÏËÀÒÍÎ ñïèñàíèå çà ìîáèëíè

> êîìóíèêàöèè è òåõíîëîãèè.

> http://www.bgscena.com/



> ----- End forwarded message -----





> -----------------------------


> SCENA - Åäèíñòâåíîòî ÁÅÇÏËÀÒÍÎ ñïèñàíèå çà ìîáèëíè êîìóíèêàöèè è òåõíîëîãèè.

> http://www.bgscena.com/




> List Home Page:


> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO


> Books:

> DMSO Nature's Healer by Morton

> MSM The Definitive Guide by Stanely MD and Appleton, ND


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l know you have posted before how you make your compressess but can you

repost this information please :)


In a message dated 5/5/2007 8:12:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

garnetridge@... writes:

I have used DMSO 30-50% mixed with colloidal silver to remove warts,

moles, and other suspicious looking skin eruptions, kerotoses etc. I

compress the area 24/7. It will look worse before it gets better as the

body pushes it out and replaces it with new healthy skin.


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>Whatever you do, do it to the wart that appeared first. I

was told that the others usually fall off by themselves.<

This is exactly what I experienced in killing off two identical spots, one

on right arm, one on face, using DMSO, CS, & Oil of Oregano a couple of

years ago. It's all posted here in the archives. When I started treating the

one on my face, the one on my arm turned bright red. I have become convinced

that some diseases extend tendrils/roots/hyphae through our bodies.


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I use anything that is clean and absorbent such as sheet cotton, flannel

or even an old T shirt. But do rinse it well in case there is any soap

residue in it from the wash. Wet is well with the DMSO solution, apply

to the area and cover with plastic and tape in place. I have used small

bandaids to cover it but a plain medical tape made of cloth works for

larger compresses. If you are going to lay down while compressing and it

won't fall off you can just lay it on there. You can also keep it wet

with a small spray bottle (Container stores have inexpensive small spray



Filaluvr@... wrote:




> Garnet,

> l know you have posted before how you make your compressess but can you

> repost this information please :)


> Kathy


> In a message dated 5/5/2007 8:12:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> garnetridge@... <mailto:garnetridge%40granitepoint.net> writes:


> I have used DMSO 30-50% mixed with colloidal silver to remove warts,

> moles, and other suspicious looking skin eruptions, kerotoses etc. I

> compress the area 24/7. It will look worse before it gets better as the

> body pushes it out and replaces it with new healthy skin.


> Garnet


> ************************************** See what's free at

> http://www.aol.com. <http://www.aol.com.>



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  • 8 years later...

I had plantar warts on the bottom of one foot many years ago and the doctor gave me a shot of novacaine right into the warts.  They were all gone in about 3 weeks.

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  • 3 years later...

When I noticed a wart on my hairline several years ago, I applied either straight DMSO, or, maybe 80% DMSO + 20% water . . . just one drop, and just one time.  The following day when I thought about it, I touched the wart with a finger & tried to move it around, and it promptly fell off!

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