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Larry King to interview family of vaccine-injured child

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Fascinating... I link my onset of ME/CFIDS to an " experimental vaccine " I

received when 12. which was a 5-in-1 vaccine given to children free. We were

working class, of course, so how could my mom turn it down? I went to high

school a year early, and had to get a round of more vaccines, though I had

gotten that just a few months before. There were no vaccine records given to

us, just a number, and they used a vaccination gun. I have talked to the

state, county, and city where the vaccine was given to me, and they all deny it

ever happened. Within months, I was getting all kinds of immune system issues.

I had such high white blood cells I was being monitored for leukemia. I

would get very, very sick with odd viruses and then it took me a long time to

recover. Then when I was 17, I got mono, and that was it. I never recovered.

I'm 40 now. I have long thought the delay perhaps unusual, except that I

just wasn't the same physically from that earlier time. However, I do think

of the ME/CFIDS as being abrupt, though these other issues were present.

While I had physical stuff going on, it was after mono that my vision and

hearing changed, MCS started, etc.

I read a book about the vaccines given to GWI victims. Here is a link to

the website of the author:

_http://www.vaccine-a.com/_ (http://www.vaccine-a.com/)

I have emailed with the author, and he does say that there were some off the

record admissions that these vaccines were tested on poorer kids during the

late '70's and early '80's. Again, he couldn't relate names or details, but

he didn't think my hypothesis at all off the wall.

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Hi, all.

The article below was forwarded to me earlier this evening. Note

that the events described are to take place later today.


" 03/05/2008


The Eve of Battle

By Kent Heckenlively

The war has begun.

On Thursday March 6, 2008 at 11:30 a.m. at the U. S. Federal

Courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Jon Poling, M.D., Ph. D. and his

wife Terry, an attorney and nurse, will hold a press conference about

the government's recent concession that " vaccines " (not just

thimerosal or the MMR shot), " significantly aggravated " their

daughter's underlying mitochondrial disorder and led to her diagnosis

of autism and seizures. (The seizure part of the equation was

conceded on February 22, 2008.)

Later on March 6, Dr. Poling and his wife will be on the Larry King


Let me say that again. The war has begun.

Hannah Poling was normally developing up until her 18 month

vaccination and her " mitochondrial disorder " did not appear until

after her vaccination. It is well-known that approximately 75% of

mitochondrial disorders are caused by medications such as the drug

AZT (for AIDS) or toxins. It will be the contention of Dr. Poling

and his wife that the vaccines also caused her mitochondrial


The national media is expected to be out in force for the Poling >

press conference. I spoke with a source close to the Polings who

told me they were also being interviewed for an article in the

Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The source told me he expects this

story to quickly go national.

From what I've been told, the government could not have picked a more

> credible couple to whom to make their first concession. Dr. Poling

> graduated from Boston University with a masters and undergraduate >

degree in biology and a GPA of 3.90. He received his M.D. and Ph.D >

from town University and did his neurology internship at s

Hopkins University, Department of Neurology. Have I already

mentioned that the mother, Terry, is an attorney and a nurse?

My source recommended parents stay away from the press conference

tomorrow, but that our community should stay tuned for something big

in Washington, D.C. at which we might be able to show our support.

My friends, I believe we are on the eve of battle. I encourage you

to use your voices now to call the Larry King show to tell your own

stories, send letters of thanks to those news outlets which cover

this event, and anything which in your own estimation will help

advance our cause.

I don't know how long the fight will be, but I'm guessing it will be

short and bloody. When the dust clears, I hope we will have not just

an admission of this terrible tragedy, but the best minds of medicine

working on how to help our children.

That would be the greatest victory. "

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