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Re: chicken pox vaccination

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I am under the assumption that it is (chicken pox vaccine) recommended in

Colorado, but not a law yet. Yes, the illness is worse as an adult. I have a 2

year old son that we have chosen not to vaccinate, once he reaches school age we

can, in Colorado, claim a philosophical exemption to vaccinations and he cannot

be withheld from any school. Most states have medical and religious exemptions,

only a few have philosophical so you might want to check out if North Carolina

is one of those states.


Last night on the news they announced that it is now NC law to give

all 1-year olds the chicken pox vaccine! I guess a couple lost their

baby to chicken pox and has fought to make the vaccine a law. Has

anyone else in other states had this happen? From what I understand,

giving a baby this vaccination only increases their chances of

getting the chicken pox when they are older, when they will probably

end up in the hospital from it.

in NC

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--- klyoung2424 <klyoung2424@...> wrote:


> what I understand,

> giving a baby this vaccination only increases their

> chances of

> getting the chicken pox when they are older, when

> they will probably

> end up in the hospital from it.

Yes, it's shifting the disease into an older age

bracket, when it's much more serious. Only

naturally-acquired immunity is lifelong (i.e. the

immunity acquired from actually having the disease

once), the vaccine will wear off and we'll have adults

and especially the elderly, who were vaccinated as

children and whose immune systems were not allowd to

do their jobs, getting seriously ill or dying from a

disease that should be a routine rite of passage

during childhood. They don't talk now about needing

boosters in adulthood, but they wouldn't want to scare

people away from the shot, now would they? They used

to say the measles vax was lifelong, too, but now

recommend all adults get boosters (since the disease

has been appearing in more serious form in adult

populations who were vaccinated as children, just like

the chicken pox situation). They say vaccines provide

the same protection as natural immunity, but that's

obviously not true.

As for children dying from chicken pox, we cannot

guarantee that every human born will have a

disease-free life by shooting them up as babies (on

the contrary, I believe over-vaccination sets people

up for a lifetime of chronic dosease). And case

studies I've read of people who died of " chicken pox "

show they actually died because of medical

mis-management of their condition, especially with

frequent doses of tylenol or other drugs to reduce

fever putting great strain on the body to detox the

drugs, not leaving anything to fight the disease

(fever is a necessary function of healing, and should

not be suppressed unless it gets to a dangerous


I guess you pushed my button here.

All states have exemptions, they can't force you to

give this shot to your child.



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here is a link for state exemptions:


also, if anyone has a link to articles relating to the need for

re-vaccination or theories on the immune system, please post them. i would

like to read about this.

thank you,


----- Original Message -----

From: " klyoung2424 " <klyoung2424@...>

< >

Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 12:37 PM

Subject: chicken pox vaccination

Last night on the news they announced that it is now NC law to give

all 1-year olds the chicken pox vaccine! I guess a couple lost their

baby to chicken pox and has fought to make the vaccine a law. Has

anyone else in other states had this happen? From what I understand,

giving a baby this vaccination only increases their chances of

getting the chicken pox when they are older, when they will probably

end up in the hospital from it.

in NC

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Also--don't rely on the school for accurate information--

Our school has a poster listed the vaccinations that are " required by CA law

to enter school " but no where do they tell you about the philosophical

exemption. When the school was spot " inspected " regarding the children's

health records I received a notice that my child had to have the chicken pox

vaccine by a certain date (2 days after I got the notice) or she would not

be allowed to attend school. EVEN though I had signed the philosophical

exemption on the back of the form! I simply went to the Kindergarten

director and said " As you know, CA has a philosophical exemption. I've

already signed the form. won't be getting the vaccine. " End of

story. Sometimes you have to be pushy regarding these things.

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Thank you all for your responses on the chicken pox vaccination! Our

state (NC) has a religious exemption only. I wish we had the

philosophical exemption, but at least we have an exemption!

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I have had the same experience--the authorities actually lie about what the




> Also--don't rely on the school for accurate information--


> Our school has a poster listed the vaccinations that are " required by CA law

> to enter school " but no where do they tell you about the philosophical

> exemption. When the school was spot " inspected " regarding the children's

> health records I received a notice that my child had to have the chicken pox

> vaccine by a certain date (2 days after I got the notice) or she would not

> be allowed to attend school. EVEN though I had signed the philosophical

> exemption on the back of the form! I simply went to the Kindergarten

> director and said " As you know, CA has a philosophical exemption. I've

> already signed the form. won't be getting the vaccine. " End of

> story. Sometimes you have to be pushy regarding these things.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I know that this is a little late, but messed up some of my groups (no

surprise there :-/ ) in the move, and I wondered why this list was so quiet,

only to find that it hasn't been quiet at all! So anyway, I am just now catching


Anyway . . .

there are exemptions to all vaccines in every state. All states but West

Virginia and Mississippi have a religious exemption, and this is as easy as " I

believe my body is a temple and that it would be a sin to defile it by injecting

toxins into it " (and if you have ever seen a list of vaccine ingredients, they

are FULL of toxins " . Also, the chickenpox vaccine is made using a cell line from

an aborted baby, which will help with a lot of religious exemptions also.

Speaking from personal experience here (I have a child with vaccine induced




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" As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In

both instances there is a twilight when everything remains

seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be

most aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become

unwitting victims of the darkness. "

-- O. , Supreme Court Justice


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