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Epicatechins, neurogenesis, dark chocolate

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http://www.google.com/search?hl=en & client=firefox-a & rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial & hs=KV6 & q=neurogenesis+and+dark+chocolate & btnG=SearchIt's not rocket science, I googled over 2300 citations on neurogenesis and dark chocolate. I already KNOW about epicatechins, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/03/070311202024.htm. And silly me, I was just giving it to Maia, DS 9mos, because I wanted her to sleep better. Now, she's sleeping through the night and so am I. She's alert, active and doing great.I have questions... lots of them. Do DS kids sleep well on average? WHY ARE WE DRUGGING THEM WITH PROZAC TO SLEEP???? I don't GET THIS.Long term Prozac use is HARMFUL, and where oh where is Breggin's site on Prozac?? HELP, let's not kill our kids with Prozac.

http://www.breggin.com/I know that I'm not the only parent who's sitting up nights, researching and reading and LIVING with a baby with DS, and we don't need to be rocket scientists to figure this out. I don't think that the opponents of the Changing Minds protocol are wrong because they're trying to keep a DS cure from parents. They are opponents because there are REAL DANGERS to that protocol. Please, please.... the first rule of HEALING is DO NO HARM.Warmest regards, Moe Webster http://www.jujuyouz.mobi "Comprehensive energetic coaching solutions utilizing the

power within YOU!" "What we nurture in ourselves will grow; that is nature's eternal law." ~Goethe

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