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Aurum arsenicosum

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Has anyone used Aurum Arsenicosum for treatment of Lyme? I just

read " The Homeopathic Treatment of Lyme Disease " by (it was

originally printed in German, then translated to English), and this

was the main recommendation that came out of the book.

We have never dabbled in homeopathy, but I am trying to learn

everything I can about treatment options. My son is 3 and we recently

discovered he has Lyme (we're awaiting test results for co-

infections). For now, I took him to an LLMD and we started him on

Zithromycin. If any of you have had good/bad results with

antibiotics, I'd be interested to hear your stories. We have followed

the DAN! protocol with my son since he turned 2 and he has healed a

lot from the GFCF diet, supplements, MB12 shots, Glutathione,

Diflucan, DMSA, HBOT, etc. We think he will make a full recovery by

age 4, we are hoping treating the Lyme will be the final piece of the

puzzle (that would be a miracle!).

One interesting thing that came out of the book mentioned above is the

discussion of how the Tetanus shot (part of the DTaP) can trigger a

flare up of the Borrelia.

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Hi ,I read that book too.  Ultimately by the end of the book, what the author says is that the patient's constitutional remedy is what cures.   I've also experimented on myself (I have lyme as does my son) and tried  Aurum arsenicum, Borrelia Bergdorfi, Ledum and Rhododendrum homeopathics and I can tell you first hand that they didn't have an effect.   Homeopathy just doesn't work that way.    However,  a potential infection from a new tick bite can be effectively cured with Ledum immediately dosed a few times a day for a few days.Regards,LydiaHas anyone used Aurum Arsenicosum for treatment of Lyme? I just read "The Homeopathic Treatment of Lyme Disease" by (it was originally printed in German, then translated to English), and this was the main recommendation that came out of the book.We have never dabbled in homeopathy, but I am trying to learn everything I can about treatment options. My son is 3 and we recently discovered he has Lyme (we're awaiting test results for co-infections). For now, I took him to an LLMD and we started him on Zithromycin. If any of you have had good/bad results with antibiotics, I'd be interested to hear your stories. We have followed the DAN! protocol with my son since he turned 2 and he has healed a lot from the GFCF diet, supplements, MB12 shots, Glutathione, Diflucan, DMSA, HBOT, etc. We think he will make a full recovery by age 4, we are hoping treating the Lyme will be the final piece of the puzzle (that would be a miracle!).One interesting thing that came out of the book mentioned above is the discussion of how the Tetanus shot (part of the DTaP) can trigger a flare up of the Borrelia.

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I am intrigued by the tetanus connection to Bartonella. Perhaps they

follow the same pathways. I gave my son Ledum off and on last year

thinking I was dealing with an acute flare-up of his tetanus shot. He

was doing this head jerking thing that looked like a tic and Ledum

worked effectively each time.

Just recently I lasered my son with both the tetanus and the measles

vials as well as the vaccinosis one (vaccine vials from nna

Rainville's kit) and the remedy that he needed right after was Lac

Caninum. As per homeopath Cindee Gardner its among the remedies she

has used for lyme. There are several.


" Some of the Homeopathic Remedies that I have used successfully in my

practice are Sepia, Sulphur, Tellurium, Ledum, Syphilynum, Carcinocin,

Kalmia, Arnica, Rhod, Bryonia, Gelsemium, Rhus Tx., Arsenicum, Apis,

Hypericum, Ruta, Symphytum, Silica, Cimic, Arg. Nit., Mercury, Colch,

Pulsatilla, Lac Caninium, and Thuja. "

I find we need to resort to a lot of acute remedies as my son brings

up his infections. His immune system is not at a point where a

constitutional would take him through.

Thanks for sharing.



> > Has anyone used Aurum Arsenicosum for treatment of Lyme? I just

> > read " The Homeopathic Treatment of Lyme Disease " by (it was

> > originally printed in German, then translated to English), and this

> > was the main recommendation that came out of the book.

> >

> > We have never dabbled in homeopathy, but I am trying to learn

> > everything I can about treatment options. My son is 3 and we recently

> > discovered he has Lyme (we're awaiting test results for co-

> > infections). For now, I took him to an LLMD and we started him on

> > Zithromycin. If any of you have had good/bad results with

> > antibiotics, I'd be interested to hear your stories. We have followed

> > the DAN! protocol with my son since he turned 2 and he has healed a

> > lot from the GFCF diet, supplements, MB12 shots, Glutathione,

> > Diflucan, DMSA, HBOT, etc. We think he will make a full recovery by

> > age 4, we are hoping treating the Lyme will be the final piece of the

> > puzzle (that would be a miracle!).

> >

> > One interesting thing that came out of the book mentioned above is the

> > discussion of how the Tetanus shot (part of the DTaP) can trigger a

> > flare up of the Borrelia.

> >

> >

> >


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