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Re: titers test

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But beware, apparently they can't do a titers test for everything. I

asked our pediatrician about it today at my DD's four-year checkup. He

said they can test for MMR with titers, but not for diptheria, tetanus

or pertussis, or for polio. (Which I promptly told him we'd delay

while I think about it--these are boosters, she's had one or two

rounds of each already.)

He also looked at her MMR history (if I'm remembering correctly, MMR

has never contained mercury) and remarked, " Why did she have her

second MMR so early? Looks like someone made a mistake! " Oh, lovely.

I'm pretty sure the MMR vaccine doesn't have mercury, but I know MMR

is one that is associated with autism -- they have found live measles

virus in the GI tracts of autistic kids. (My DD isn't autistic; I just

think the autism research is relevant--see past posts.)

He did find out for me that they can repeat the mercury urine test in

their lab, which we're going to do--they gave us a 24-hour- urine

collection kit for that purpose. That will accomplish a) verifying for

us whether our at-home test was accurate (though it's always possible

her urine could vary on different days, I guess), B) convincing my

husband that mercury is really an issue and not utterly a figment of

my imagination (though he's more convinced than he admits since when I

came home and said the doctor wanted more vacs, he looked horrified

and said " You refused, right? " ), and c) giving the doctor evidence HE

will trust.

I also asked for a bacterial analysis of her stool (asked specifically

about yeast, even though I have no special reason to suspect yeast in

her case--she's never had antibiotics), but they couldn't do that and

he said that there isn't any way to know what the appropriate amount

of yeast in a child's digestive tract would be (since we all have

some). Any comments on this?

I think I convinced the pediatrician that I'm a total lunatic...but at

least he was nice about it and graciously ordered every test/referral

they have that I requested.


> just so everyone knows................when they say your child needs 3 or 4

> rounds of a vaccine, you'd be suprised to find out your child has immunity

> after 1 or 2 , in my opinion, they are overdosing our children with these

> diseases. Just have a titers test and you will see..........

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Hey Bonnie -- I had an HMO pediatrician for 2007. Of course during

that year I received my PhD in Biomedical Approach via google ;) I

am not kidding, by the end of the year -- after 3 sets of blood tests

where my suspicions were confirmed, he was eager to order whatever I

wanted. He even asked me if I had read about this study or that! So

they can be taught ;)

> > just so everyone knows................when they say your child

needs 3 or 4

> > rounds of a vaccine, you'd be suprised to find out your child has


> > after 1 or 2 , in my opinion, they are overdosing our children

with these

> > diseases. Just have a titers test and you will see..........


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LeeAnn - more evidence of mom-instinct being spot on!

Bonnie - Our regular pediatrician said nearly exactly the same thing

about gut yeast as well (they must have attended the same gut flora

CME course...??).... ;) That said, she also was the one who referred

us to the more holistic MD we're seeing who is doing all the testing,

so I guess she doesn't believe it all to be entirely whacky.

Someone said it recently (maybe Jeanie?) - they treat yeast overgrowth

in other places in the body - mouth, vagina, skin, breast, yet they

can't grasp the idea that there can be yeast infection in the GI tract

that needs treatment??

I understand the point of not knowing 'how much' yeast is o.k. in the

gut or not, but there must be enough data out there from the families

using biomed to treat autism for someone to start putting that

together, shouldn't there? Does anyone know if there's a study on

this out there? If I had more time..... the list of things to look

into is never-ending!

Hang in there Bonnie! Hopefully you'll get him trained up like LeeAnn

had! Maybe, just maybe, we'll be making a difference one doctor at a


> > > just so everyone knows................when they say your child

> needs 3 or 4

> > > rounds of a vaccine, you'd be suprised to find out your child has

> immunity

> > > after 1 or 2 , in my opinion, they are overdosing our children

> with these

> > > diseases. Just have a titers test and you will see..........

> >


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