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one of the best is the YBOCS which is the Yale Behavior Scale of Obsessive

Compulsive Disorder. It is probably the most widely used and considered

highly valid for children. Are you going to to qualified doctor who is

doing the evaluation?


>From: Gardendaisy@...



>Subject: Question

>Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 06:21:22 EST


>Is it safe to do the Florida Obessive Compulsive Inventory screening test


>a 10 year old?  This test is located on the OCfoundation website. Is there

>some other test that could help diagnosis a child with ocd?







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Hi , by safe do you mean valid? I'm not very familiar with the Florida

test specifically, my child was assessed using a pediatric version of YBOCS

during her evaluation prior to diagnosis. There are others too, they all

aim to evaluate the presence of obsessions, compulsions and anxiety to rule

in or out OCD.

If you meant something else by " safe " post again. I can't think of any

reason taking any evaluation test could be risky, it seems the worst outcome

would be an unclear or unreliable assessment result.

Take care,

Kathy R. in Indiana

----- Original Message -----

Is it safe to do the Florida Obessive Compulsive Inventory screening test on

a 10 year old? This test is located on the OCfoundation website. Is there

some other test that could help diagnosis a child with ocd?


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  • 1 year later...

I've heard of this happening as well, but I don't have a lot of experience in

constipation. It

is important that your child has bowel movements, expecially since some of the

viral kill

off will end up there.

My first question is usually " what diet are you on? " The answer could easily be


Maybe some other people in this group could offer suggestions, or you could do


research online, or call your doctor if you need to.

Keep us informed so we can learn.

- Stan


> Since starting valtrex my child is all of sudden constipated and has a

> really hard time going to the bathroom. He has NEVER had this problem, only

> the opposite. Is this normal with valtrex? From reading all of the

> posts(and I went back and read everyone since this group started) it seems

> like people are seeing diarrhea but not constipation.


> That which does not kill you will only make you stronger.


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  • 2 weeks later...

HI Vicki,

I hope you are familiar with the work of Dr Lawrence Leitchman for your daughter?


About 2 months ago we had to treat my daughter forringworm on her scalp. She was on an antifungal for 6weeks (Gris-peg). This week she has it again, and weare treating it again, with the same thing. She is on a maintenance dose of Nizoral, 1/2 tab twicea week, and I shampoo her hair with Nizoral shampoo.She has always had a very dry flaky scalp.I have to tell you, the more I read about all of thisstuff, I'm amazed, enlightenend and confused. Background info. is 15, has Downs and autism andis non-verbal. She was fully vaccinated and hadfrequent ear infections as a child. I had her on aGFCF diet a few years ago and noticed a big decreasein her aggressiveness. We have gradually let her havethose foods again and she seems to be ok with themnow. However, her recent testing did show some yeastin the gut. She also has a Gamma Strep of 1+. We started with a DAN! doc about 5 mos ago. We areusing CLO, Taurine, GABA, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, 2probiotics, Folapro, SNT and MB12. We just startedusing the nasal spray in the last 4 days. Also TD-DMPSand LDN.Because she has Downs, her progress has been slower. Ihaven't noticed any real difference with the MB12spray. We give it in each nostril, once a day.However, I do think it and the other things we aredoing ARE making a difference. She has much betterfocus and concentration. We have been teaching hersign language for years. We could get her to sign backto us, but only when prompted. Now she is signingspontaneously (for about 3 mos). When I go throughdrills with her, she is whipping out those signsalmost as fast as I can turn the cards. She also usedto have nystagmus, and that has gotten dramaticallybetter. When she was about 3, she did have about a 20 wordvocabulary. I haven't seen that return, but she ismaking more vocalizations. She frequently has a fine bumpy rash over her skin,which seems to get better when we use antibiotics. Gofigure. I don't know if she would be a candidate for Valtrexor not. Part of my problem is her father. We aredivorced and split visitation 50/50. He is notconsistent with her treatment. Last week I sent over 2syringes of MB12 and they both came back at the end ofthe week. It frustrates me immensely. I am afraid evenif we did try Valtrex, at the first sign ofregression, he would quit. She doesn't have diarhea, but he complains she hasfrequent constipation. If he would get the CLO downher daily, I'm sure that would go away. From this info, is there anything anyone would suggestthat I should be doing or considering? Besides a hitman? LOLVicki __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.yahoo.com

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  • 3 weeks later...


Your child's case is the most unique we have. I wish I had some past experience

to go by,

but we don't. I'm sorry. A good quality for a person to have is to let you

know when they

don't have the answers, and in this instance I really don't. I'm sorry.

Let us know what you decide and keep us informed.

- Stan


> Hi I have a question, my son (Kreed) has been on valtrex for about a month

> now, he currently has pneumonia. It has been treated by a Dr, and he is on

> albuterol. Can I continue the Valtrex? I really would hate to get this far

> and have to stop, but also want to do the right thing. It is just one thing

> after another with this child! When we started valtrex he got a croup type

> of stuff, then last week he has the flu and now this! Pretty stressful!


> That which does not kill you will only make you stronger.


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  • 2 years later...
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I have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell to get his shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and point them out to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still says he cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I tell him he needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them and he says he does not see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has happened several times now. Any ideas?

Stacie B

Aurora ILGet fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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I have read a ton on vision and how some autistic children have unusual vision problems

(sometimes) One article I read about a young autistic man who writes about

what autism is like for him. It was interesting that he said when he would walk into a room

he could not take the whole room in as a whole. He had to focus in on one thing at a time.

He said things would become fragmented when he tried to see a larger field of view.

Here is a great article/interview of a doctor who specializes in vision therapy/problems

in autistic children. It might or might not be helpful : )


38 and Mom to threeTasha 23..new Mommy ( means I am a Grammy )Casey-Mae 13..sweet as pieElijah 2.. ASD and beautiful


I have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell to get his shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and point them out to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still says he cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I tell him he needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them and he says he does not see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has happened several times now. Any ideas?

Stacie B

Aurora IL

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Thanks! I read most of it. It was long. I dont get it with . This might be it. I mean, if I say get his shoes and he says he cant, or says he cant find them in his room I will say they are right by your bed. He will go and still says he cant find them and I even went and pointed them out for him and still he said he could not find them. Then, there are other times I will tell them where they are and he will get them. I know that he really wanted to go outsuide and I thought he was misbehaving and being defiant so I told him if he did not get his shoes for me, we could not go out and he did not, even afte I went in there and pointed them out, so we did not go out. I am going to have to look more into this and hopefully some other people n this group can add to this.

Stacie B

Aurora IL


I have read a ton on vision and how some autistic children have unusual vision problems

(sometimes) One article I read about a young autistic man who writes about

what autism is like for him. It was interesting that he said when he would walk into a room

he could not take the whole room in as a whole. He had to focus in on one thing at a time.

He said things would become fragmented when he tried to see a larger field of view.

Here is a great article/interview of a doctor who specializes in vision therapy/problems

in autistic children. It might or might not be helpful : )


38 and Mom to threeTasha 23..new Mommy ( means I am a Grammy )Casey-Mae 13..sweet as pieElijah 2.. ASD and beautiful


I have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell to get his shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and point them out to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still says he cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I tell him he needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them and he says he does not see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has happened several times now. Any ideas?

Stacie B

Aurora IL

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My son goes through phases where he takes is shoes off ,or does not want to wear shoes ,its a sensory thing . Also could it be he is not understanding everything you are saying ? Sometimes I have to use a calender or pecs to help him know what is going to happen next . Just a thought? questionI have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell to get his shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and point them out to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still says he cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I tell him he needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them and he says he does not see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has happened several times now. Any ideas? Stacie BAurora IL

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live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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the boy i work with had the shoe issue too, i gave him a sensory diet during his school day, he needs serveral breaks and we do sensory things. we also used a "social story" to teach him in school shoes stay on and at home he could take them off. all of this was terribly hard for me as i am a total bear foot person year yr. i only wear shoes at work cause they make me.,. but it can be corrected, and that is an important thing if the child is going to school or looking to be mainstreamed. as even in a self contained class my student needed to keep his shoes on. i also used a reward system, if he wore them for a certain period of time he got a "treat" his was starburst. if he took off or i had to tell him to put back on i ate it. well after so many starburst i had him give it to a child each time, which can be disrubtive but helps. teachers in the school also made him bets and if he took them off i would make him travel to their class and give them his star burst.

no this wasn't torture as he was plenty of rewarded threw the day.

hope this is a lil helpful



I have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell to get his shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and point them out to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still says he cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I tell him he needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them and he says he does not see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has happened several times now. Any ideas?

Stacie B

Aurora IL

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sounds like my 11 yr old daughter.. and she is regular ed.. my daughter just like to be handed things.. lol..

maybe you could make it a special thing.. try the you can't do a if you can't get b on. but when you know he really can't find them, then try, lets look for them together.. maybe with a cold/hot warm thingy .. ya know your getting warmerrrrr.. and be sure the child is who removes and puts the b where it belongs. afterwhich you can reply i like the way you put b in place so tomorrow when you want to do a you will be able to find them right b..

make sense?

i hope it is helpful



I have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell to get his shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and point them out to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still says he cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I tell him he needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them and he says he does not see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has happened several times now. Any ideas?

Stacie B

Aurora IL

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Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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Debra! My other kids do this too out of laziness and do not look very hard lol! But with I will point right at it and he still does it! Now this morning we were getting him ready for camp and I said ok bud get your shoes! They are by your bed and he did no problem at all! But when I point right at it and tell him they are there and he says he can't find them and I tell him if he wnts to go outside he has to get them and he really wants to go and knows I mean business too that makes me wonder! I will try some of your suggestions! Thanks so much!Stacie BAurora ILSent via BlackBerry by AT&TDate: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 07:24:01 -0400To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: question sounds like my 11 yr old daughter.. and she is regular ed.. my daughter just like to be handed things.. lol.. maybe you could make it a special thing.. try the you can't do a if you can't get b on. but when you know he really can't find them, then try, lets look for them together.. maybe with a cold/hot warm thingy .. ya know your getting warmerrrrr.. and be sure the child is who removes and puts the b where it belongs. afterwhich you can reply i like the way you put b in place so tomorrow when you want to do a you will be able to find them right b.. make sense? i hope it is helpfuldebra question I have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell to get his shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and point them out to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still says he cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I tell him he needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them and he says he does not see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has happened several times now. Any ideas? Stacie B Aurora IL Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today. Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today. No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.5.7/1580 - Release Date: 7/29/2008 5:26 PM

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Ya it might be possible! But today I told him to get his shoes for me by his bed and he went right over and did it! What is pecs? Is that the board with velcro on it and pix of what the day is going to be and when they are done with it they take it off?Stacie BAurora ILSent via BlackBerry by AT&TDate: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 21:54:22 -0700 (PDT)To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: question My son goes through phases where he takes is shoes off ,or does not want to wear shoes ,its a sensory thing . Also could it be he is not understanding everything you are saying ? Sometimes I have to use a calender or pecs to help him know what is going to happen next . Just a thought? questionI have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell to get his shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and point them out to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still says he cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I tell him he needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them and he says he does not see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has happened several times now. Any ideas? Stacie BAurora IL Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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Yeah it's the Picture Exchange Communication System Sometimes it just helps him to have a visual , I guess to process the information . Have you had his hearing checked ? orMaybe he's being silly questionI have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell to get his shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and point them out to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still says he cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I tell him he needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them and he says he does not

see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has happened several times now. Any ideas? Stacie BAurora IL Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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keep me abreast, if those don't work, and according to a wrkshp i did, you have to do/say something 50 times before it sinks in.

i will research into it if this doesn't work for you

debra byrne


I have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell to get his shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and point them out to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still says he cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I tell him he needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them and he says he does not see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has happened several times now. Any ideas?

Stacie B

Aurora IL

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Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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Yep, had his hearing checked and they say they think it is fine, but he is still not very testable if that is the word for this.

Stacie B

Aurora IL

Yeah it's the Picture Exchange Communication System Sometimes it just helps him to have a visual , I guess to process the information . Have you had his hearing checked ? orMaybe he's being silly


I have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell to get his shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and point them out to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still says he cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I tell him he needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them and he says he does not see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has happened several times now. Any ideas?

Stacie B

Aurora IL

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Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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..0.0.010698.9554R:00512a51 E:3059.954462173 V:10ee. S:Nabsearch [mN]]mN]N]ji1 [m3]m3]] [m3]ends [m3]unkn

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yeah the hearing was hard for us also. The picture schedule helped us ,also ABA question

I have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I wanted to see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell to get his shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and point them out to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still says he cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I tell him he needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them and he says he does not see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has happened several times now. Any ideas?

Stacie B

Aurora IL

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Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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It sounds like a visual processing issue to me.

My son goes to Dr. Margolis in Arlington Hts.

Here is his website. He is very well known in the Chicago area.

It takes a few months to get in to see him but well worth the wait.





> I have been noticing something about my son who is 5 and I

wanted to

> see if anyone has experienced this problem. OK, so if I tell

to get his

> shoes, he will say he cant find them. I wil go in his room and

point them out

> to him and say they are right by your bed and point and he still

says he

> cant find them and then throws a fit and has a meltdown becaues I

tell him he

> needs to get them to go outside and I am pointing right at them

and he says he

> does not see them or cant find this. What could that be? It has


> several times now. Any ideas?


> Stacie B

> Aurora IL





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